Remote Desktop Service
Where can I disable inside BoostSpeed 12 to not disable the Remote Desktop Service? Each time I reboot my PC I loose the ability to remote to my PC at the office because the service is disabled.
BootSpeed 12 installation software
I just bought an additional laptop can I use my paid subscription and install it in my computer
Where is my software
I have used your software for years now.
I purchased new copies of Boostpeed and DriverUpdater
I don't have driverupdater on my computer just the web version
The webversion caused my windows not to reboot
I've had to re install everything
I would like to run driver updater but do not trust it without some sort of supervision
Can't go through this again
Registering all my purchases over again
Some still aren't working
Thank you
Thomas Horricks
Malware install failure error
see attached. This happens every time. Chrome, Brave will not allow. Edge gives error.
Problema con Auslogics Driver Updater
Buenos dias, tengo un problema con la aplicacion Auslogics Driver Update, ya solicite anteriormente me solucionen este problema, inclusive me solicitaron que reinstale el aplicativo, pero no se soluiciona este proble, por favor tengo que actualizar algunos drivers, pero se queda la PC congelada cuando va hacr la actualizacion de dichos driver, para constancia les envio fotos del problema.
Disk Defrag pro not showing new drive
I have just installed a new external hard drive (G) and the drive is not displayed in the list of disks in Auslogics Disk defrag 10. Could you please advise me how to correct the issue.
Sorry but I did not know which sub category was appropriate
AusLogic # BoostSpeed users
Where does display state the maximum number of user available with the product key assigned; and where does it show how many have been assigned; and where do they give the user name of the assigned
Start up file deleted
How can I restore my file after auslogic Boostspeed deleted the program file? Meantime, i cant open a program.
CPU Usage
I'm new to the softward. Running v12.
Auslogic is running in the background, I guess. (I didn't start any actions since my recent reboot.)
It's using between 25 and 40% of my CPU capacity. I DO NOT want that to happen. If something's running on its own, how do i schedule it to run during the night.
Why is it doing that? What's running? How can I keep it from starting a process on it's own.
(I know i can hit "End task" in Task Mgr, but I wanted to know how to prevent this in the future.)
Thank you,
The Select full screen/ minimise button is no longer showing at the top right of the screen.
When I first in stalled boost speed 12 it worked fine but now the minimise button is no longer showing. I did implement some of your window 10 tweaks, so could any of these be the reason.
Also I have tried the reinstall the version version 12.0.02 and installed version 12.0.0 but although the button is there at the start, it soon disappears and I can not get it back.
Your driver updater for Wifi 6 AX200 from the driver updater program, cause HUGE throughput issues....
Tests went from 40mbit to 900+mbit (maxing out my connection) when connected to wifi AX.
Program opening
My subcategory would have been the Boostspeed program but wasn't listed so I chose any in order to get the question submitted.
I am using Version 12 of Boostspeed on a Windows 7 platform. My question is: Why does it take so lone for the program to open when double clicking the icon from the Desktop?
Internet Optimization
Hello. i get free version of boostspeed and i see there is internet optimization that needs pro version and before i try to upgrade i want to ask what it is about, how dose this optimazies my internet? i have problems playing online games and i hear that windows 10 needs optimization for better gaming experience, dose this will help?
Boost Speed 12 running very hot
Not really settings. See below!
When running, Boost Speed 12 R and Bit Replicator run very hot with littlel or no explanation! I realize that at start up they will kick in. Later it should not be active.
After a scan, the system is showing 51% on BoostSpeed?????
What is going on?
Buddy Seigel
Does Auslogics Boostspeed 12 detect and remove Malware? Or do I need to purchase Auslogics Malware software?
Auslogics Notice: High System Resource Usage Detected"
I continue get an Auslogics Notice when signing on to my computer which reads: "High System Resource Usage Detaected... you may experience extreme PC slowdown". Is there anything I can do to alleviate this warning? If so, what can I do and how do I do it. Thank you for responding.