Cortana Issues
10 questions
windows search do not work
after using your softver , I lost windows search ;( . On my PC , on windows search table , word are not displayed . I try everithing from the google and you tube , but stil not work . Please help me to resolve this problem , I use this functiont every day
Disable Edge Swipe in Win10 B2004 update
Hi Folks,
Thx much for your help on prior question!
Please tell me how to permanently, (as in no 'edge swipe restart' on system restart), disable Edge Swipe.
F&*!#ing MSFT does it again; Win10 uppdate 2004 kills cortana local/system search ability, which disappears even finding any settings re Edge Swipe.
Please tell me how to kill kill kill kill forever Win10 Edge Swipe.
Thx very much, Folks!
Scotty :-)
Thx much for your help on prior question!
Please tell me how to permanently, (as in no 'edge swipe restart' on system restart), disable Edge Swipe.
F&*!#ing MSFT does it again; Win10 uppdate 2004 kills cortana local/system search ability, which disappears even finding any settings re Edge Swipe.
Please tell me how to kill kill kill kill forever Win10 Edge Swipe.
Thx very much, Folks!
Scotty :-)
I have removed Microsoft edge and Cortana from my computer but on start up it shows in the Event Viewer that there is always 2 errors relating to searching for the Cortana package (Appx PackageSync). Just wondering if you know how I can stop my computer from looking for Cortana at all.
how do I get it back on again?
after running Boostpeed the first time I realized it turned off cortana perminently. when I went to turnit back on. it won't let me. is there a way to reverse Boostspeed Windows tweaks?
w 10 e molto lento come avviamento. .devo lasciarlo in modalita provvisoria per avviarlo piu veloce.12 giga ram
intel inside core i7.thoshiba satellite.scheda video amd radeon graphics
intel inside core i7.thoshiba satellite.scheda video amd radeon graphics
Escaneo selectivo de carpetas
No deseo escanear todo el disco sino solamente seleccionar algunas carpetas.
¿Permite Auslog escanear carpetas selectivas, por ejemplo, de Mis Documentos?
Favor indicar los pasos detalladamente ya que no soy tecnológico.
Neilton FD
No deseo escanear todo el disco sino solamente seleccionar algunas carpetas.
¿Permite Auslog escanear carpetas selectivas, por ejemplo, de Mis Documentos?
Favor indicar los pasos detalladamente ya que no soy tecnológico.
Neilton FD
fonctionnement quotidien
Le temps de demarrage et le temps d'arret sont devenus très longs. Que dois-je faire ?
Merci de votre aide.
Le temps de demarrage et le temps d'arret sont devenus très longs. Que dois-je faire ?
Merci de votre aide.