Windows Search getting turned off
Buster turns it off constantly, so I need to reset the setting again and again and again.
How do I stop Buster from turning off my Windows search setting?
Please advise.
Thank you.
Development of tools to repair this common issue
Any thoughts would be appreciated.
PS love the product.
No se oye el sonido
Hola. Llevo un par de meses en los que de golpe se corta la audicion de sonidos en mi ordenador (el testigo luminoso de mis altavoces desaparece como si éstos no tuviesen corriente eléctrica). También en la reproduccion musical. Normalmente el sonido desaparece (aunque visualmente - las lineas de volumen suben y bajan - y según información de configuración todo funciona correctamente) y vuelve a aparecer transcurridas unas horas. Estouy harto de desinstalar y volver a re-instalar el controlador. Hoy he ido un paso más allà reinstaurando sistema a un punto anterior en el tiempo. No se arregla. Aparentemente no es culpa del controlador. Todo apunta a que hay alguna aplicacion en mi ordenador que produce este efecto. O quizás esté demasiado saturado. En más de una ocasión se pierde el sonido justo después de un análisis efectuado por Auslogics BoostSpeed aunque este caso tampoco ocurre en el 100% de las veces que me quedo sin sonido. Cuando se va el sonido dura horas y cuando vuelve el sonido por sí mismo también recupera el sonido durante horas. ¿Pueden ayudarme a solucionar este molesto problema de una vez por todas?
No se oye ningun sonido
when i watch a clip on youtube or facebok often restarts the clip and in most cases it starts from the beginning ...,help pls
wakeup problems
I used to just move the mouse in the morning to wake it up, but not now.
I now have to open lid to wake it up and monitor shows large icons, clicking on Firefox gives a screen too big to use.
I then close lid to get the smaller icons that are usable.
Hitting the WIN key + P and choosing second screen only also fixes the icon size problem.
I went through all the 'wakeup' fixes I could find but to no avail.
There is a small chance this is a cat problem, I have several.
Any suggestions?
subcategory choices makes me think "windows" was wrong category to choose.
Server use
It seems to run perfectly according our testings on our spare server, but can it be considered as a suitable program?
We have searched internet and we did not find any registry cleaner, especially designed for servers.
Best Regards
Angelos Diakoumakos
hard drive chattering all the time win 10 pro ?????
Power options gone
I entered a code to CMD and all my power plans resetted.The ones which auslogics set also gone the preset power plans.And when I set balanced again I have also have no slider on the battery icon to change it to left to battery save or right to better performance.
Now I have left with no power plans of auslogics and ultimate is gone too.Can I get them back or how ?
Can I get back my old battery icon slider when in balanced mode ?
Can I fix the closing the lid action and make laptop sleep when i close it ?
HDD 100% in Task Manager
У меня проблема с работоспособностью компьютера.
Загруженность диска 100% в диспетчере задач.
Обновлял драйвера черед Ваш Driver Updater, после чего компьютер стал дольше выполнять задачи.
Выполнил восстановление.
Запустил BoostSpeed13.
Вроде бы получилось настроить, и когда компьютер простаивает, то значения не поднимаются до 100%.
Но тем не менее, значения принимают, при выполнении задач.
Ищу решение по этому вопросу.
С уважением,
frequent log offs
transfert photos depuis icloud
depuis ce matin quand je telecharge mes photos depuis icloud elles sont dans un format different
extension heic
et je n'arrive plus a les lire
please i want to have a french answer ty
Fonction "rechercher dans" en haut à droite des fenêtres windows 10
Boostspeed Benachrichtigungsanzeigen
ich möchte gerne nach jedem Starten oder Neustarten meines PCs (Win10 Enterprise LTSC) angezeigt bekommen, wie lange das Starten dauerte. Diese Benachrichtigung wird mir bisher nur manchmal angezeigt oder wenn ich Boostspeed nach dem Hochfahren selbst starte; aber auch dann dauert es eine Weile, bis die Benachrifhtigung erscheint und auch hier erscheint sie nur manchmal.
Zudem möchte ich bitte gerne wissen, welche Taskscheduler und Hintergrundaufgaben von Microsoft Corporation ich im Auslogics Boostspeed Startup Manager deaktivieren kann, sodass das Windows dennoch fehlerfrei läuft; habt ihr hierfür eine "Pauschale"?
Vielen Dank vorab für eure Mithilfe.
Freundlichst, Wayseer
Driver Updater
mcafee popouts stupid
Ma webcam ne fonctionne plus
Suite à des modifications de BootSpeed, la webcam de mon ASUS VivoBook Pro 17 N705FD ne fonctionne plus.
Elle a commencé à se mettre en 4/6, puis elle est maintenant déconnectée !
J'ai désinstallé le programme et coché l'option "restaurer les changements éffectués", mais cela n'a pas résolu le problème.
Best regards,
Error 15
The date and time information for this PC is correct.
I am not using any Proxy or VPN for my internet connections.
I am NOT able to access this website with Windows 10 Pro PC using the Google Chrome browser
I am able to access this website with another Windows 10 Pro PC using the Google Chrome or the Edge browser
Eliminar una partición creada por Windows
Cuando adquirí la laptop traía el Windows 7, ahora tiene el Windows 10.
Todo el disco duro lo uso para instalar software, no hay archivos de ningún tipo almacenados excepto los del sistema y de las aplicaciones que tengo instaladas.
Todos los datos de otro tipo (básicamente imagenes),los manejo a través de discos duros externos.
Deseo eliminar la partición (G) con el fin de abrir más espacio en el disco duro de la laptop, ¿Es posible?
Intermittent PC Crashes/Freezes
I intiated my original correspondence on the 5th November as indicated below:
I, now, upload the Event View Log, in the hope this will assist you in resolving this issue. Many thanks. As an aside, I think there should, also, be an option to 'Add File' from my account page. Instead, I am obligated to intiate another question to include this file and this should not be the case, when it is part of the same, initial, question.
This is a bit ridiculous. I am asked to create a log from the Event Viewer which is 'saved as' a .evtx file and now I cannot add it! Neither can I add it in a format that is recognised by Auslogics! Wow! Really, really helpful - Not!
I await an update at your earliest available opportunity.
Kind regards,
Ian R. W
Dear Ian,
Thank you for posting your question on our forum.
The easiest way to solve the issue is to uninstall the program that creates this error or contact their support.
Often, such errors are created by hacked software or bugs in software that can only be solved by their developers.
Running the command "sfc / scannow" in CMD under the admin might help with the issue.
You can also send to our support logs with system information and event viewer so that we can better understand the issue.
To get the system information report press Start -> Run, type in MSINFO32 and press the Enter button. Save the report using the File -> Save menu option.
To get logs from event viewer, please do the following:
1. Press the key combination "Windows" + "X"
2. Select "Event Viewer"
3. Expand the "Custom Viewer" subsection
4. Select "Administrative Events"
5. Expand the "Action" menu
6. Click on "Save all events in custom view as ..."
7. Save log to PC
If you need any further assistance or have any other questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Upvote (0)
Ian W
Edited 7 days ago
Waiting for moderation
Dear Suzanna,
Your prompt response to my request for technical support is very much appreciated.
Further to your recommendations I have now run the commend "sfc /SCANNOW in CMD under the Administrator privileges.In the event, corrupted files were found and successfully repaired.
At this stage, I think I will see if this provides system stability, before sending the associated report with the Windows Event Viewer.
I remain grateful for your attention, time, effort and co-operation in this assisting me to resolve this issue.
Kind regards
Ian R. W
Dear Suzanna,
Further to my correspondence sent to you on the 5th November, I have continued to receive intermittent crashes/freezing on my PC, so as recommended, I attach the associated Event View Log, in the hope this data will be able to assist you in resolving my issue.
Kind regards,
Ian R. W
Indexing keep turning off
I noticed that my Auslogics BoostSpeed 11 keeps turning of my windows search indexing. How can i prevent that from happening.
Very long time to load the computer! HElp!
can you help me please, I have a laptop that takes a long time to load please help me
so my windows 7 ultimate needs upadate to windows 10 so tryed to update it but it randomly shut off. i tryed again but it huppened again. so i though it was the update thats not working. i was playing a game but it huppend again. it made a lot of noise and shuts off without warning so i did i everthing i cold to fix bt cant seem to fix it at all. what should i do. i need to update it but to update it i need it to stop randomly shuting off
Problem Solution
ive tried all your fixes pertaining to my issues but it doesnt seem to have helped all that much
please help
sleep mode
whats the problem ?
Thank You
Добрый вечер, подскажите пожалуйста как оптимизировать и повысить скорость интернет-соединения через Wi-Fi?
How can i change DNS?
When i changed, this program will turn it back.
And i cant play some game because my network, how can i fix it?
printer problem
Can't scan disk space
Contex menu delay on desktop shortcuts and explorer folders
I have uninstalled cortana, disabled all contex menu options with this program, and checked and repaired all regestery items. I don't have any idea what else to do. I use the right mouse click a lot and when the delay happens it is very disruptive to workflow.