1810 questions

Remote Desktop Service is disable by some process

My IT department believes some way the Auslogics BoostSpeed 11 software is disableing the Remote Desktop Service. I work from home offten and I need to connect to this PC to develop and technical support of our users. How can I find if your application is changing the service to disabled?

Nov 01, 2019 at 05:02 PM

Failed Windows Updates

Why can't I update to the latest Windows 10 Pro update? I have Windows 10 Pro with 16 G Ram and 2 1/2 TB of hard drive.

(2019-10 Cumulative Update for Windows 10 Version 1903 for x64-based Systems (KB4517389) - Error 0x80070002)

My system is a Lenovo Think Centre w/I5 Processor.(M91)
Oct 30, 2019 at 05:57 PM

Can't install update

On two occasions, I attempted to install the updated version of Boost Speed 11. Each time I got the Blue Screen of Death. That's unacceptable for the $50 I paid for the full registered version. Please advise a fix.

Oct 28, 2019 at 01:45 PM

Error Message


Please open "Screen Shot" of error.

Thank you for your help in this matter.

Long Time Auslogice Customer


J. Aguero

Oct 27, 2019 at 02:31 AM

Unknown Software Running

Hi - I see this widget on my desktop all the time and I am not sure what it is. Trying to Google it said it was part of Chrome but I uninstalled Chrome and its still there - I'd really like to remove it, it's annoying and seems to provide no useful function. Picture attached.

Oct 26, 2019 at 05:36 PM

BoostSpeed ​​11

Приветствую уважаемые! Во-первых:после оптимизации жёсткого диска"С" SSD c ОС , диск перестал открываться в предварительной программе запуска(BIOC) Windows 10 pro версии 1903, прекидывал диски местами результатов нет " Мёртвый" подскажите как его реанимироваь??? Пришлось записывать ОС на обычный жесткий диск. В цело мне ваша программа нонравилась - поддержка обяного жесткого диска значительно лучше чем другие...

Oct 26, 2019 at 04:09 PM


What is normal DPI

Oct 25, 2019 at 04:25 PM

windows random shutdown

event viewer shows kernel power error after I restart the laptop.
kindly help thank you.
Oct 24, 2019 at 04:24 PM

Microsoft Storeが 無くなってしまいました。

BoostSpeed11を インストール後 設定 操作してみた所 Storが グレー表示になり アクセス出来なくなりました。
レスキュ-から 回復を試みましたが 復旧出来ない状態です。

Oct 23, 2019 at 11:57 PM

Search Enging


since I installed this program, I have lost my google default search engine and cannot reactivate it with chrome's settings. My searches are defaulting to Yahoo.

Mr. Mario
Oct 23, 2019 at 09:32 PM

Keyboard issues.

I've just updated to windows 10 May update, have now completely lost functionality of shift keys.

Oct 23, 2019 at 01:22 PM

Keyboard shift keys non-functioning, also upper case symbols (ie "@")

After receiving the most recent Win 10 update and installing it, both shift keys have stopped working and I can't get upper case symbols.
I'm writing this on my old desktop, winxp. the Laptop in question is running Win10 having originally run on

Win7, then Win8 and now Win 10.
iVe tried rollback, updating drivers and restarting, deleting and reinstalling, checking Sticky Keys etc, also checking language layout.
I'm at my wit's end, can you help me please?
Sue Youell

Oct 22, 2019 at 02:31 PM

востоновление системы

добрый день, как ваша система моет навредить компьютеру или системе, она внесла изменения на пк отключила достуа к микрофону и камере, но я включил, я попытался сделать востоновления виндоус но очень долго востонавливаетет реестьр, я так и не дождался и перегрузил пк и теперю боюсь что ваша программа внесла изменения и придется переустоновливать виндоус, что делать, так вроде вск работает, как проверть, правильно ли работает щас система? спасибо

Oct 21, 2019 at 04:38 PM

удалённый рабочий стол

работает локальная сеть ,но невозможно подклключить удалённый рабочий стол.
Oct 20, 2019 at 11:06 AM


in which languages ​​is auslogics available?

Oct 17, 2019 at 05:21 PM

Want the operating system files checked and to be fully operational.

Check to see that all critical and necessary files are completely intact and functional like SFC /Scannow, and any other method you know of, so that when I go to re-install Windows 10 it will go smoothly and without a hitch! An example is that I can no longer use the pin I assigned to windows it just stopped working one day. And I've always had problems with the startup files from all versions of windows. Like my 1st install of windows 10 went bad because of the User.dat files getting corrupted, I couldn't repair windows, and I doubt that I could run restore and it would work. And I don't want to install windows 10 until I know it's going to run correctly.
I do nothing to corrupt files but they always seem to get screwed up by the operating system.

Thanks, L8R

Content hidden to protect privacy

Oct 17, 2019 at 08:07 AM

VPN FortiClient

I must use FortiClient VPN to work and communicate with one of my jobs, at Southern Cross University, (SCU). Until yesterday it worked fine.
I have just installed the lastest version in an attempt to resolve the non-connection issue.

Is there a setting in Auslogics BoostSpeed that might affect that VPN?
Any suggestions.

I run BoostSpeed and just accept whatever 'fixes' it suggests, the default or automatic, as I am not wise enough to adjust anything myself.

Could doing that have broken something or blocked the VPN?
I am nervous that Auslogics-Boostspeed is being over active in cleansing my system, of things that I actually need to maintain, like the Forticleint VPN. Firewall settings area mystery to me. I dont change them because I do not know what I am doing.

Oct 16, 2019 at 11:25 PM

Office 2016

Whenever I use the tools (scanner, cleanup), afterwards I always have to do a repair (reinstall) of my Office 2016 products. How to clean my computer without messing up Office 2016?

Oct 16, 2019 at 05:07 AM

Storage issues

I recently sync my iphone to my laptop and i do like certain features but the problem i have is i get get a grasp on how to manage what goes where and the biggest issue is my onedrive and icloud storage is full and my google storage is getting there. i cant figure out how to stop the duplicate copies and 24 hour constant downloading.......
Oct 16, 2019 at 03:00 AM


When i wanted to pay for Auslogic Boostspeed 11 i couldn't complete the payment. That was because i use paypal and dont use a card for paypal.
The fact is that i dont use any type of creadit card or such, i only have a bankcard that i dont leave out for web buys. That is why i have used Paypal for such transactions.
Auslogic is so far the only company that tells me i need to have a card connected to my Paypal account.

The thing is as you demand that customers must use a card you are actually promoting some people to find a cracked version for Boostspeed 11 and use that. you are loosing out on sells by refusing to let people use paypal straight as it is.

Anyway, i hope you all have a nice day and take vare of yourselfe.

Oct 14, 2019 at 04:00 PM


System Informationツールで、問題のあるデバイスとして表示される問題の解決方法は、
System BootDpeed 12の機能にありますか?

Register errors

I just purchased BoostSpeed 12 and installed, but errords pop when I try to enter my license key. I'm going to attempt to uninstall and reinstall in the meantime.
Jan 01, 2022 at 12:38 AM

My Scanner

I ran My Scanner 5 times and there still something to fix. It is like this all the time, is there something I should do before I scan?
I am including a screen catched.

Jul 04, 2021 at 03:42 PM

Startup Applications Automatically Getting Disabled

Startup Applications Automatically Getting Disabled. They are enabled in the startup in Task Manager and then disabled when I restart the computer. How can I fix this?
Aug 25, 2022 at 10:14 PM

Computer freezes for 5 - 6 seconds every 2 - 3 minutes, maybe less.

Hi there,

In a nutshell - my desktop freezes for about 5 - 8 seconds and it seems to occur every 2 - 3 minutes. ....It just locked as I'm writting this.

I run your Auslogics BoostSpeed, am computer literate for the most part and just not sure what to do. My specs are:

Device name DESKTOP-D49TFE8
Processor Intel(R) Core(TM) i3-8100 CPU @ 3.60GHz 3.60 GHz
Installed RAM 8.00 GB (7.88 GB usable)
Device ID 6A682698-5FFB-4679-9302-CD1FB7F46F2A
Product ID 00325-81079-36435-AAOEM
System type 64-bit operating system, x64-based processor
Pen and touch No pen or touch input is available for this display

Edition Windows 10 Home
Version 21H1
Installed on ‎11/‎27/‎2020
OS build 19043.1348
Experience Windows Feature Experience Pack 120.2212.3920.0

Thank you very much,

Lance Losey
Nov 20, 2021 at 07:31 PM


Oct 06, 2021 at 11:33 PM


почему, после того, как ваша программа предлагает мне отчистить корзину, после сканирования и предложения исправить ошибки, корзина остается не очищенной? у меня возникает подозрение, что фактически ваша программа только создает видимость работы, а на самом деле ничего не делает!
Oct 31, 2021 at 04:03 PM

Intrigrator problem

How to I correct the Intigrator.exe login problem?
Feb 18, 2022 at 07:50 AM


I use Bitdefender VPN for anonomous web usage on my Windows 10 desktop computer. I connect to the internet using a USB wifi adapter. Last week the program updated. Now everytime I connect I get a message from BoostSpeed 12 about an attempt to change DNS detected. The next line states- Adapter:TAP Windows Adapter v9. The next line states-Value:
How do I stop getting this particular notification without stopping all notifications?

T. Kinstler
Jun 15, 2022 at 08:48 PM

Defrag or No?


Cool software and company. Thanks for your time.

Someone mentioned I should use this, but also said, in accordance with info online, that "defragging" an onboard SSD will cause issues. I'm directly confused by this and would appreciate some guidance on what is correct here.

Thanks again.
Oct 10, 2021 at 11:19 PM

Активация PRO

почему при вводе ключа регистрации программа не активируется до версии PRO, хотя на сайте пишет, что ключ верный и программа зарегестрирована и так на всех устройствах
Jan 23, 2022 at 04:38 AM


any idea were can I find them
Local disk (c)>users>cocon>Pictures (folders are empty)
Feb 09, 2022 at 01:44 PM

Boostspeed lost Pro licence

I have a Pro licence for Boostspeed and for Malware but both appear to be disabled. If I try to activate the program and enter the activation key I initially get a message saying that the program is registered. However it isn't and the the status is still to upgarde or acivate Pro.

If I close the program completely and try to re-run I get a message saying that the administrator is blocking me via integrator.exe,
however I am the administrator.

Hope you can help.
Jan 24, 2022 at 12:27 PM

Start Up

From time to time I get a notification that "Windows Start up took 1m 40sec" or similar with the suggestion that I look at the start up programmes with, I presume, the idea of reducing that time.
I am all for doing just that, however, when I open the Start Up I am confonted with a list of apps which for the most part mean very little to me. I have no idea what disabling any particular app will do; whether it would have a detrimental or beneficial effect on my system.
I would be grateful for any advice or suggestions you may be able to give to help me.
I had thought to supply you with a list of the apps but can find no way to even copy a list into a word document, so maybe you could help me to accomplish that so that you will be better able to help me!
Alternatively, I am happy for you to use remote access.
Donald Stewart
Aug 04, 2022 at 10:35 PM


常に” PROバージョンを有効にする ”が表示され、 PROバージョンでは無いようです、入るにはどうしますか? 
ライセンスコードは購入しています、コードを入力すると、畝に " GING ”のHPに入ります、なにかインプットが入りますか?

 Auslogics BootSpeed 12 でアイコンからソフトに入ろうとすれうと、” このアプリは保護のためブロックされました ”と表示され入れません。

To TRIM or to Defrag? Or Both!!??

I have two WD 3.6Tb external USB3 drives for backups and storage. These are both deffo HDD! I have discovered that they are TRIM enabled ... BUT, you don't trim HD's, do you??? I have had had trouble with them in the past due to increasing slowness and defragmentation. Sometimes Defrag Ultimate just couldn't finish a HDD defrag or gave up and stood still, but didn't crash either! Defrag Ultimate treats them as HDD's, but I am wondering if actually SSD Trimming them and then HDD Defragging them might solve or reduce my problems. But, I don't want to try this if I am going to damage them. So how should I treat them generally and within Defrag Ultimate


Simon F
Nov 10, 2021 at 02:26 PM

Ошибка при обновлении "Google Chrome"

Здравствуйте, подскажите, пожалуйста, как устранить ошибку при обновлении браузера "Google Chrome" без его переустановки?
Jun 26, 2022 at 01:26 PM

key not working.

The following two keys of my Dell Inspiron laptop is not workin ;
1) 'Delete' key
2) 'Down arrow' key.

My laptop's system drive is 'C', one of the system folder in drive 'C' is occupying too much of space. I am pretty sure that there are plenty of unnecessary data and file. How can I find which one to keep and which one to delete, pls advice.
Jan 30, 2022 at 03:14 PM

Очистка диска

Как и что лучше всего почистить системный диск. Уже занято более 100ГБ. Все документы/временные файлы/загрузки уже перенесены с диска.
Nov 20, 2021 at 02:05 PM


I have ads turned OFF in General settings, however an ad pops up everytime after a defrag is completed wanting me to purchase Boostspeed 12. An ad also pops up when I open the program. How do I get rid of these ads since I have purchased this pro version?
They are very annoying and they cover up my scan results after defrag is completed.

Note: I have also turned off all tray notifications in General Settings and I am still getting these pop ups. Please fix.

Thank you

Feb 12, 2022 at 06:07 PM