1812 questions

Storage issues

I recently sync my iphone to my laptop and i do like certain features but the problem i have is i get get a grasp on how to manage what goes where and the biggest issue is my onedrive and icloud storage is full and my google storage is getting there. i cant figure out how to stop the duplicate copies and 24 hour constant downloading.......
Oct 16, 2019 at 03:00 AM


When i wanted to pay for Auslogic Boostspeed 11 i couldn't complete the payment. That was because i use paypal and dont use a card for paypal.
The fact is that i dont use any type of creadit card or such, i only have a bankcard that i dont leave out for web buys. That is why i have used Paypal for such transactions.
Auslogic is so far the only company that tells me i need to have a card connected to my Paypal account.

The thing is as you demand that customers must use a card you are actually promoting some people to find a cracked version for Boostspeed 11 and use that. you are loosing out on sells by refusing to let people use paypal straight as it is.

Anyway, i hope you all have a nice day and take vare of yourselfe.

Oct 14, 2019 at 04:00 PM

changing language


I updatet to boost speed 11 a couple of days bevor .
Is it possible to change the language into german ?
I cannot read englisch as a river is floating, i only use schoolenglish.
In boostspeed 11 there's a many stuff included, that is new for me.
I understand the window of the older version better .

greetings bottlecup

Oct 14, 2019 at 10:47 AM

Пропажа значков

Сделал оптимизацию и пропали значки с панели интсрументов, не могу найти как вернуть. Отметил на скриншоте

Oct 09, 2019 at 12:18 PM

Auto Restore to earlier date

Is there a way AL BS can be used to create a system restore point (like in windows) to an earllier date?

Oct 03, 2019 at 08:17 PM

i can not activate windows

how to activate windows 1o?

Oct 03, 2019 at 03:20 PM

Chrome isn't in Volume Mixer, Windows 10

Just starting today, YouTube, while in Google Chrome with Windows 10, won't play audio. It says the site isn't muted, as well as the browser saying that it allows audio to be played from YouTube. I checked the Volume Mixer, and Chrome won't show up at all.

Any tips/suggestions to get the browser back to Volume mixer?
Oct 01, 2019 at 03:05 AM



1 . There was NO Sucategory that matched my Question so I picked 3D Builder <-- ignore please.

This morning was the second time that my laptop was taken over by a “disk repair” function that I think is linked with BoostSpeed. I start up my laptop and something begins churning away telling me that it will take 8 hours to complete. Actually it could not tell time correctly because it took 3 ½ hours before I could use the laptop.
Q: How to prevent this happening again? At least giving me the option to say OK do it now or wait?



Sep 29, 2019 at 08:30 PM

One Click Scanner

The former version of BootSpeed -one click Scanner was running much faster that the new one (version 11).
Is that logical ?
(forget the hereabove Subcategory)

Sep 27, 2019 at 05:06 PM

Select language

Hello, i cant find a "Language" button to change it. Help me pls

Sep 27, 2019 at 12:17 AM

Auslogics not recognising my ssd

I recently upgraded my hd to a ssd..
On some pages of Auslogics it shows new ssd and capacity but on others it still shows old removed hd.
Can you advise please

Sep 25, 2019 at 03:31 PM

High Resource Usage Detection

I keep getting a High Resource Usage Detection message even when I haven't got a lot of programmes open, and my laptop gets very hot. I have looked through Auslogics Boost Speed 11 Menu but can't seem to find a tool that may help with this.
Could you please advise which tool I should be looking to use in order to put this problem right.

Sep 21, 2019 at 04:17 PM


Dear All,

in 2015 I've purchased the Auslogics BoostSpeed 7 Premium and shortly was released a update and the software after update asked to be paid again which I've consider to be a unfair practice.

I am asking to provide me the posibility to install the software that I've purchased since at this moment in not possible to download the software from internet.

Kind regards,

Sep 18, 2019 at 06:48 AM

Drive error alert but the scan shows nothing


In the menu that pops up when I hover the BoostSpeed icon in the system tray there is information that I have a drive error. I have run the standard disk scan but it doesn't show any errors on any of my drives.
Should I run a deep scan?
I have decided to bother you with this and not simply run the deep scan because I have had a number of situations with various computer equipment that could be descrived as "unlucky" and I am reluctant to do anything that isn't necesarry to my system.

Kind regards,

Konrad Wozniak
Sep 17, 2019 at 03:09 PM

Displaying wrong color/crap in photos

After using boost speed I discover that my paintshop pro and canon software dont display photos properly.
As you can see in attached file it is totaly wrong and also on canon.
I have done a complete reinstallation af paintshop pro according to advice from corel and it didn help.
So boostspeed has done something, but I dont know where to restore from.
Please help.


Sep 16, 2019 at 05:49 PM

Sound not working

Sound is not playing from built in speakers. It only plays through 3.5mm jack.
Sep 16, 2019 at 03:22 PM

Luminosity disappeared

Hello, i have problem, after install bootsped 11, i can't control luminosity because disappeared in central windows 10.
Best regards

Sep 14, 2019 at 01:16 PM

Wireless not working

I ran a cleanup of the system yesterday and it siad it would enter a new driver for me. I said OK and now the wireless is not working. I have reinstalled all files that I thought may contain the information to no avail. What can I do to rsolve this?

Sep 12, 2019 at 10:56 PM

windows run slow

hi , my windows be slowly than when i buy it and i don t know what should i do for it , i think its for that my computer ruuning some applications atumotacely and i should close them in the task bar , what shoud i do?
Sep 12, 2019 at 01:23 PM

Time Lag with using both mouse and keyboard; Slow Computer

Can you tell me how to fix wireless mouse and keyboard lag? My computer is running slow and ran One Click Scanner, Updated all BIOS firmware, Windows 10 and Device Drivers, ran virus and malware applications, did a clean install of Windows 10, eliminated and reinstalled mouse and keyboard drivers, replaced monitor, graphics card and its driver, defragged drives, removed cloud-based backup storage, and removed non-essential processes and software.

At this point, I'm about ready to pull all my hair out. I can't seem to find the cause. The only finding has been:

BIOS and chipset behavior
The highest measured SM BIOS interrupt or other stall was 127 microseconds. This is considered poor behavior. Your system may have difficulty handling multimedia in real-time and may be subject to unexpected stutters and unresponsive behavior.

Sep 11, 2019 at 08:40 PM

Windows 11

I have just purchased a new Windows 11 laptop. Can I run Boost Speed etc on this and how can I transfer the licences?
Thank You
Nov 11, 2021 at 11:39 AM

The Wireless Network Adapter cuts out

I keep losing the wifi connection while I am online. The Windows troubleshooter states the wireless network adapter has to be reset--which is does and the wifi works again...temporarily. Then it cuts out again and I go through the same drill, over and over.

What is messing with the WNA? No other device in my house using the wifi has this problem. Only my laptop I am using now.

Thanks...Shane Ostrom

Dec 28, 2022 at 08:20 PM

no sound/no f6 light for no sound

hard disk crash...reloaded win10 not from backup
reload drivers multiple time
computer works
no sound
hp pavillion/i7gen10/b&o sound/nvidia
Oct 12, 2022 at 03:37 PM


какую сборку виндовс лучше поставить для частного лица?
Mar 09, 2022 at 05:58 PM

sound in windows 11 alway from small to big when i play video

The sound in windows 11 alway from small to big when i play video, mp3, and on youtube also, evanthough when i pause for awhile and then I play it also happen the same problem. It disturb me a lot
Could you please help me. Thank you so much
May 15, 2023 at 01:13 PM

Дефрагментация SSD

Добрый день, подскажите пожалуйста можно ли делать дефрагментацию через вкладку дефрагментация. Я подключила оптимизацю SSD, но не совсем поняла можно ли, и стоить дефрагментировать SSD. И если можно, то как часто стоит это делать.
May 10, 2022 at 09:31 PM


When searching for files and folders, two panels are convenient, but there is no such mode in Explorer. Why?
Jun 05, 2022 at 08:59 PM

CPU 100%

Bom, dia!
Windows informa CPU 100%;
Aplicativo informa BootSpeed informa de 4 a 6%.
SSD scandisk de 240GB. Já executei diversar ações que localizei no Youtube, porém sem sucesso.
Jan 03, 2022 at 12:57 PM

Memory problems & Upgrade question

I want to upgrade to 13, but the only offer I have is for 3 PC's. I don't have 3; only 1 Is there a discounted rate now and in the future for one app?

I also have a problem with the fact that I have to use 2 memory hog apps. Do you have an app (similar to Iobit's) that will allow me o release unnessecary memory?
Jan 31, 2023 at 01:50 AM

Browser cleanup

How do I get Cyber Protect Home Office to remove privacy issues in my browsers? I have thousands (yes, thousands) of pointers or cookies identified in the scan that never get removed. None of the previous versions of BoostSpeed would remove the offending files either. Thank you.
Sep 07, 2022 at 09:22 PM

Cartel que aparece cada vez que enciendo la CPU.

Hola. No lo manejo al programa como corresponde, pero tengo un problema que no me lo resuelve. Cada vez que prendo la CPU, aparece un cartel del antivirus de windows 11, que no lo puedo sacar. Me pueden orientar?
May 04, 2022 at 04:50 PM

of course windows 10 update assistant won't work for anybody with windows 10 version 10240

not kissing auslogics ass but your products work for me - i've purchased quite a few licenses from you in past 6 months

WHEN is auslogics going to create a new product designed specifically to -- F I X -- windows updates ?

Windows 10 update assistant desn't work, you can have a brand new laptop with windows 10 version 10240 and

you will NEVER be able to update to version 20H2

go online and google this famous problem yourself: '..... https://www.google.com/search?q=windows+won%27t+update+to+20H2&source=hp&ei=StRUY7SEMqaq5NoP3eG48AE&iflsig=AJiK0e8AAAAAY1TiWtOlcytSaQ4bxpid44eCLbIptM0H&ved=0ahUKEwi00cqi0vX6AhUmFVkFHd0wDh4Q4dUDCAk&uact=5&oq=windows+won%27t+update+to+20H2&gs_lcp=Cgdnd3Mtd2l6EAMyBQgAEIAEMgYIABAWEB4yBggAEBYQHjIGCAAQFhAeMgYIABAWEB4yBggAEBYQHjIFCAAQhgMyBQgAEIYDOhEILhCPARCPARDqAhCMAxDlAjoRCAAQjwEQjwEQ6gIQjAMQ5QI6CwgAEIAEELEDEIMBOgsILhCABBCxAxCDAToRCC4QgAQQsQMQgwEQxwEQ0QM6DgguEIAEELEDEMcBENEDOggILhCxAxCDAToICAAQsQMQgwE6CAgAEIAEELEDOgUILhCABDoICC4QgAQQsQM6CwguELEDEMcBENEDOg4IABCABBCxAxCDARDJAzoLCC4QgAQQxwEQrwE6DgguELEDEIMBEMcBENEDOg4ILhCABBCxAxDHARCvAToLCC4QgAQQxwEQ0QM6CAgAEBYQHhAKUKbjAViXtwJgyIEDaAJwAHgAgAGBA4gBuxuSAQkxMC4xNi4xLjGYAQCgAQGwAQo&sclient=gws-wiz ......'

Anyways, i'm sure if you auslogics geniuses could create a product that would diagnose te installed Windows 10 -- even

a FRESHLY INSTALLED COPY - and then figure out how to FIX WINDOWS 10 UPDATE it would be great

everytime, i've used windows assistant or used their diseased updare system, my brand new lapop automatically

UN-INSTALLSthe 'update' upon reboot.

good luck, you have a winner on your hands should you FIX the hateful microsoft update problem

really, windows and microsoft SUCK as bad as mscintosh/apple and Their endless built-in-obsolete operating systems

for now ? i've DISABLED all windows updates except for DEFENDER updates every 48 hours


lynnpokemonojeff (i will NEVER AGAIN attemptto 'update' my windows 10 version 10240

Oct 23, 2022 at 05:51 AM

suppression des fichiers en double (copies)

Bonjour, je souhaite supprimer avec votre logiciel les fichiers en double
Quelle est la marche à suivre ?
merci de votre aide
Apr 02, 2022 at 12:16 PM

Boost Speed

The registry cleaner tells me it has cleaned 14000 or so items from Installed Programs. When I reboot and restart the process, i t still finds the same number of items.

Please advise.
Dec 27, 2022 at 08:17 PM

Clearing Privacy History issues

Every day, I start the day, running Advanced System Care, then Glary Utilities, then WiseCare 365, then Auslogics Bootspeed 13, the I reboot and then run ASC again. I have been doing this now, daily, for over 3 years (updating as they are made public). 1st run of ASC... I find privacy issues and then delete them. With Glary's... I run (in Advanced) their "Erase history" under "Privacy" multiple times until I get "Zero" issues found (sometimes up to 15 times to get a zero response). Then I run WiseCare, multipl times (usually around 6 times (main page) and then Under "System Cleaner" I usually only run each section once... sometimes though I run the "Advanced Cleaner" a few times, each time returning a different number of files found and cleaned... but never getting a "zero" found result. NEXT is Auslogics Bootspeed 13 (AB13) I run the main screen, cure the findings... and then I run the "privacy" scan again... and I have done this up to 30 times in a row. The important thing hereis... each time returns a number of files found that is different than the previous time AND there is no pattern to the numbers returned either!

Looking at the past, the Neuroquila virus (circa around 1995) was the first (as far as I know) "polymorphing" virus. It created a "sacrificial virus" to "feed" any existing antivirus program on a machine so that while the antivirus was repairing the created virus the real virus could then attack the antivirus, making it, in the future, always retrun a "no virus found" message to the user. Next, as I recall... comes the concept of "nesting" where when you remove one thing another is created as that one is eliminated.

the above are just 2 examples of why I could be getting the results, daily, that I get BUT... I have stopped these programs after just doing an initial run of each and I have, many, many times stopped them short of doing an all out cleaning and I have done many "all out cleanings" (where I run each program multiple times) and there is a large difference in my end performance of the machine. PS... I do this on all 3 of the machines I have running and NO... I am not making money with my computers... I am a 71 year old man who's retired and od this for cheap thrills and to prove I haven't yet lost my sanity... thank you very much.

Sooooo.... I'd like to buy your program... but only if there's a component in it that let's me state how many times each component within it will run before it stops running.... cause sitting here and re-running these programs for over an hour everyday... just to keep my computer operating at a decent speed (2-I.7... 16 GB Mem, 500 GB SSD, 1- I.5 ... 16GB Mem, 500 GB SSD).

What I want is something I can configure to run multiple passes of the different compnents within your software so I can set it and then go do something else while it scours, re-scourts and rescours again as many times as I want it to.

Apr 24, 2023 at 01:11 PM

Computer won't charge?

Hello! so, i have had this computer for awhile. i got it a couple of years ago, but i stopped using it for 3 years because i thought i had completely broke it. well, i am just now starting to fix my computer and getting it back to a stable state. one of the main issues i noticed with the computer is that it will not charge. i have to keep it on the charger, or it will die instantly. it is always on 0% :(. i wasn't sure if my battery was broken, a sensory was off, something was wrong with my motherboard or my charger. can you help me identify the issue? if you need information about my computer, it is a windows 10 ASUS computer and i have had it for 4 years. thank you for your time!!
Oct 21, 2021 at 01:54 AM


Why does ABBYY FineReader 14 make mistakes in characters when scanning large and clear printed text without interference?
Jun 05, 2022 at 09:06 PM


Дисковод не хоче бачити диски,хоча ссистема дисковод бачть ы визначаэ що працюэ нормально
May 16, 2023 at 03:57 AM

PC slows down after a period of being on, following re-boot.

This has happened a while (over a year): I leave my PC on 24/7 to get updates, etc.

After I re-boot it works fine but several hours or perhaps a day later, the PC slows down and re-quires another re-boot.

I just noticed today, after upgrading to V that, although it still slows down, I selected the Disable BoostSpeed instead of leaving BoostSpeed running in the background, and the PC immediately sped up to normal! This is the first time I have tried that.

Have you run into this anomoly before and/or do you have a fix for this?

Many thanks!
Jun 30, 2022 at 06:08 PM

Пропал сигнал микрофона

ПОсле установки программы и первоначального сканирования программа запроила перезагрузку. ПОсле перезагрузки сигнал от микрофона пропал. Ни приложения, ни само ОС не может получить от него сигнал. Хотя при поиске проблем через настройки ничего не обнаруживается.
Dec 22, 2022 at 08:47 PM