1814 questions

windows run slow

hi , my windows be slowly than when i buy it and i don t know what should i do for it , i think its for that my computer ruuning some applications atumotacely and i should close them in the task bar , what shoud i do?
Sep 12, 2019 at 01:23 PM

Time Lag with using both mouse and keyboard; Slow Computer

Can you tell me how to fix wireless mouse and keyboard lag? My computer is running slow and ran One Click Scanner, Updated all BIOS firmware, Windows 10 and Device Drivers, ran virus and malware applications, did a clean install of Windows 10, eliminated and reinstalled mouse and keyboard drivers, replaced monitor, graphics card and its driver, defragged drives, removed cloud-based backup storage, and removed non-essential processes and software.

At this point, I'm about ready to pull all my hair out. I can't seem to find the cause. The only finding has been:

BIOS and chipset behavior
The highest measured SM BIOS interrupt or other stall was 127 microseconds. This is considered poor behavior. Your system may have difficulty handling multimedia in real-time and may be subject to unexpected stutters and unresponsive behavior.

Sep 11, 2019 at 08:40 PM

Taboptimizer is causing a 32 bit program to crash

How do I disable Taboptimizer in BoostSpeed 11. I have verified that is is a program in the BoostSpeed directory on the Windows 10 computer. If I do not run BoostSpeed, then I do not have the problem. I can send crash logs if that helps. I would rather just disable Taboptimizer or not use it.

Sep 10, 2019 at 08:56 PM

Upgrade to BoostSpeed 11

I paid for this software before it went to version 11. Now that it updated to 11 I have to purchase it again?

Sep 09, 2019 at 06:44 PM

Unable to to Receive Emails on Laptop and Desktop, etc

Since changing my password wuth my ISP and on Thunderbird, I am unable to receive emails on my Desktop, and now for some reason, I can n longer send them either. I also have problems with laptop, I can send but not receive emails.

Error message on Desktop: "An error occurred while sending mail, the mail server responded: SMTP.auth. Not alowed on Port 25"

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Roger Hilton

Sep 06, 2019 at 12:23 AM

Not Receiving Emails

I am no longer able to receive emails but can send them, I have heard that there could be corruption in the system, can you help with this issue?
I have tried by re-installig the software,but I find all the settings arestill there, whereas I used to have ti restore backups.

Roger Hilton
Sep 03, 2019 at 11:18 PM

Avira keeps deleting Boost Speed and all Auslogic *.exe files as a PUA.

Hi there,

I have been on mail with Mr. Alex Bratton of your Support Team. I am a registered purchaser of the Auslogics Boost Speed software, and I have had immense trouble with installing and running it as my Avira antivirus software keeps deleting all Auslogics *.exe files as PUAs having the virus "Auslogics.o" as reported in the Avira quarantine log.

Alex had suggested that I put Auslogics on the Avira scanner EXCEPTIONS list - which I did, but to no avail. Do they have an axe to grind with your software ? I have even sent an e-mail to Avira support telling them hat Auslogics software originates from a Company having its website www.auslogics.com, and to definately check both the antecedents of the Auslogics Company and their software as genuine and not PUA - and thus I requested them to reconsider the action against yyour software exe files. Theu have not yet got back to me regarding this.

I have so far installed and re-installed your Boost Speed software over 5 times since its purchase on 28.08.2019, and each time Avira deletes the *.exe files as well as the entire Auslogics folder in the C:\Program Files (x86) path, every time I shut-down and boot-up my laptop. And all this after making Auslogics an "exception" in the antivirus and real-time protection scanner settings of the Avira software .

Could your team please have a word with the Avira development team to resolve the vixing issue, as I am most certain there will be many othercustomers worldwide using both the Avira and the Aulogics softwares and facing these issues ?

I have actually reached a point of near frustration, as both the Avira and Auslogics softwares do a great job individually, but DO NOT LIKE EACH OTHER (cannot function together) as seen on my laptop !!

Kindly update me on a solution to this problem.

Many thanks,

Savio da Rocha Lobo,

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Sep 01, 2019 at 05:05 PM


Please edit a BAT file to clean up the C disk for me.
My Email"

Content hidden to protect privacy
"Thank You Very Much.
I wanna delete"pagefile.sys"

Aug 30, 2019 at 01:57 PM

Having to re-enter my Microsoft account info many times.....

Like your program. However it knocks off all Microsoft "connections" making me have to re-enter my PW frequently to stay signed in to my account. Getting annoying.
Aug 29, 2019 at 02:39 PM

Blue Screen Stop Code

I get : Kernel Mode Heap Corruption

Aug 24, 2019 at 12:26 PM


I cannot retreive my code for boostspeed 10 I got early this year, can you send it to me so I can sign up for bootspeed 11 PRO

Thanks a lot

Aug 21, 2019 at 01:03 PM

windows search do not work

after using your softver , I lost windows search ;( . On my PC , on windows search table , word are not displayed . I try everithing from the google and you tube , but stil not work . Please help me to resolve this problem , I use this functiont every day
Aug 15, 2019 at 06:46 PM

Kaspersky will not run

Following the registration of Boostspeed 11, when I try to run my Kaspersky Total Security scan it stops at 1% and will not scan any further. Is there a setting in the Boostspeed 11 that is causing this and what do I need to do to rectify this

Aug 14, 2019 at 09:45 PM


Hi, how to navigate to the scheduler in the new BoostSpeed 11?

Aug 11, 2019 at 01:34 AM

Restricted volume on a new hard drive

I installed a 3 TB hard dive on my desktop. I can only use 2TB with Wndows 10. How can use all of the new hard drive?
Aug 10, 2019 at 02:02 PM



Want to know how to put Bootspeed 10 in french. Thank you

Aug 08, 2019 at 06:59 PM


I can't receive or send Skype calls on my computer. It's probably my settings. Advice, please!

Aug 06, 2019 at 05:29 PM

Skype cannot sign in for several time


It's pretty offen when my Skype cannot login or I'm unable to make any calls or send messages. My connection is fine, Windows works pretty good. Is ther any way to understand wha't going on?
Jul 30, 2019 at 02:23 PM

I want boost speed to startup when win 10 starts

I cannot get this boost speed 11 version to create a staru up buttom to check or uncheck. So, currently I must start my pc. Then start boost spped 11 and diminish to the lower tray daily. I would like to set it to Start each time my pc is turned on automatically.

I do get a failur when I try to set this auto run featur from the settings within boost speed 11. I seaprch online and cannot find an answer.

Jul 27, 2019 at 06:25 PM

Installation of Logitech Options hang indefinitely

I just bought MX ANYWHERE 2S mouse. Logitech web page insists I must have the LOGITECH OPTIONS executable to parameter the mouse. So I tried to install, but the installation does not complete.

That's it for now.

Jul 26, 2019 at 07:34 AM

System Tray Icon Never Loads

I recently purchased Auslogics BoostSpeed 12 and I’m running it on Windows 10 VM, the user is a Standard user without any Administrative Privileges. This brings me to the question! Can this Standard user turn on the computer and BoostSpeed 12 loads and runs automatically including scheduled maintenance?
It looks as though all is fine until I restart the computer however, it’s not, the system tray icon never loads until I start the application manually, and before it loads an administrative Password is required. Is this normal and If so is there a workaround?
Oct 28, 2022 at 09:51 PM

come fare puòizia nella sezione servizi

Come abolire o disabilitare i servizi poco utili? C'è un sistema in automatico? Grazie.
Oct 11, 2022 at 04:54 PM

Bluetooth driver

When I bought this I ran a scan and was using my wireless mouse after the scan I was unable to use my mouse. Would this software delete my driver if so how would I get it back?
Sep 26, 2022 at 03:40 AM

How to stop Opera assistant

How do I turn off Opera assistant?
Nov 04, 2022 at 03:00 PM


здравствуйте что означает система прирываний
Dec 18, 2022 at 05:34 PM

icon in system tray

auslogics tray icon has an x through it. why?
Oct 17, 2022 at 05:02 AM

software Auslogics

On the 24 th of november I purchased Auslogics essential tools. I had a pop up that i could receive Auslogics Bitreplica for free. I would get a code in my mail so i can register. never had the code. Can you send the code so that I can use the program?
Nov 29, 2022 at 12:50 PM

how to fix stop code kernel data inpage error

My computer have this problem very often can you help me, please. Thank you so much
Mar 02, 2023 at 03:38 AM

gpu stop desponding

Error Message: Display Driver Stopped Responding and Has Recovered for my intel hd 2500 in league of legends it freeze
Jan 11, 2023 at 10:21 AM

Windows 11 update not recommended for my configuration

Hello! My question is this - Why my configuration is not good enough for Windows 11? Relating to the windows update message.
The hardware is not good enough maybe?
Apr 21, 2023 at 12:22 PM

registrat i

my computer is registered with Microsoft in my late wife's name and i dont know her password. how can i overcome this problem witout lpsing every thing?
Jan 14, 2023 at 12:08 AM

Uninstall Issues, Disk Explorer


I need assistance deleting Microsoft. SeaofThieves_2.118.3572.2_x64 from the main drive. I've tried different uninstallers and forced uninstalls, but it does not want to uninstall. I need access to related folders/Windowsapps. Disk Explorer is guiding me to the contents folder from Sea of Thieves, but I still can't delete any files.




May 04, 2023 at 04:17 PM

Löschen von Dateien

bei mir ist eine " .pfx" Datei verschwunden. Unter Schnellzugriff wird sie noch aufgeführt. Im angegebenen Pfad steht sie nicht mehr. Was kann der Grund sein?
Herzliche Grüsse
Norbert Anderss

Antwort bitte in deutsch.
Dec 23, 2022 at 10:14 AM

Taille des lettres

Comment augmenter la tailles des caractères, pour rendre les textes plus facilement lisibie.
Apr 01, 2022 at 01:13 AM

Auslogics scans

I have been using Auslogics for seceral years now. My question is how long do the results of a scan last. I have noticed for instance that the internet settings hold goo,. the scan in clean-up are good and then the next day they must be deleted again. Does a reboot erase some of youy clean-up for tha same day? Just curious. Any info would be helpfil. Thanks.
Mar 14, 2023 at 08:36 PM


I have tried all the solutions I have gotten from the net, all the videos from youtube and still cannot crete new folders on my desk. The new folder icon is not responding

Thank you for any help
Feb 07, 2022 at 02:16 AM

Driver is Unavailable

My Win 10 (64bit) PC can find my Epson printer on my local network, connected by ethernet cable to my router, and installs the "necessary files". However, afterward in my settings it shows the printer with "Driver is Unavailable" and nothing will print. Both my wife's PC and all of our iPhones/iPads have no issues printing so I know it is connected properly and functional. The only device having an issue is my PC. I have removed the printer and reinstalled it multiple times with the same result. I have also downloaded and installed the newest drivers available from Epson for this printer but somehow my computer does not seem to be able to find or recognize them. A support request has been sent to Epson but so far any suggestions from their automated response system have not be successful.
Sep 16, 2023 at 12:58 PM


I am 76 and live in a nursing home in NY. I have a Dell Inspiron 5570. I have my own room and use Windows 10. A predatory fire wall was installed by someone not me a few months ago. I hate it and want it unistalled. It question links I try to open in my email.
I use wi fi provided by the nursing home. I have Searched the internet and it say to uninstall it thru the programs file. It's not there.
There is a more omplicated way but I am not that literate to use it. It was likely installed by the nursing home to prevent employees from watching porn on company equiptment. But residents have their own line and work is seperate.
Oct 01, 2022 at 06:44 PM

Speakers pair but are then 'not discoverable'

Hi folks

Had been hoping your driver updater would resolve this problem - multiple bluetooth speakers/headphones (and possibly other devices) that had prevoiusly been used with this PC, and that can still be paired and unpaired to this PC, are now 'not discoverable' and thus cannot be used to play/record sound.

I've seen this mentioned in a couple of forums but for different devices. Mine include logitech x50 and jbl450bt

Thanks for any help
May 24, 2022 at 12:24 AM

Screen Size

Hi just wanted to ask when are you going to give us TV users a 300% option cos its hard to read at 4K
Nov 03, 2022 at 08:19 PM