1826 questions


Screen flickering occurs while downloading ".acsm" files.
May 04, 2024 at 02:34 AM

требуется помощь

Добрый час. При запуске Windows запускается обработчик команд, и число всё увеличивается. Что следует с этим делать?
Помогите разобраться .
May 03, 2024 at 09:41 AM

Windows Performance

Is there a program or anything that will scan my laptop and honestly improve the speed and performance?
May 03, 2024 at 02:37 AM


Windows does not see this file since I had BoostSpeed clean my coimputer.

What should be done?
Apr 30, 2024 at 05:43 PM

Task Manager & Auslogics Registry Cleaner

Task Manager on my Win 11 PC is showing CPU 29% busy (idling) whilst Auslogics view is showing 17%. Can you explain the difference?
Apr 30, 2024 at 04:07 PM

Problem mit dem Optimieren in Disk Defrag 11

Ich habe eine Festplattenpartition, in der die Files über den gesamten Bereich verstreut sind, mit großen Lücken dazwischen. Bei Benutzung der Option "Defragmentieren und Optimieren" in der bei Auslogics gekauften Version Disk Defrag 11 steht der Rechner praktisch. Die Optimierung eines einzelnen kleinen Files dauert Minuten. Die Defragmentierung dagegen läuft normal. Da ich die Kaufversion wegen der Optimierungsoption erworben habe, bitte ich um eine Antwort, wie dieser Fehler beseitigt werden kann.
Ich benutze Windows 10, 64 bit.
Apr 30, 2024 at 01:35 PM

file recovery

I`ve recently done a deep scan with boost speed 13 which resulted in me losing all my download files from the users file. I`ve tried recovery several times using different restore points without any success. I ran advanced recovery software which tells me they have to be saved to another location. Selected drive D but still don`t see them. Is there any way i can recover my downloads with boost speed 13. ?
Apr 30, 2024 at 03:47 AM


je ne sais pas si la question est déjà posée ou non, mais voilà ma question.

Je crois que ce sera plus rapide pour l'utilisateur si vous ajoutez un champ de recherche sur le tableau de bord (dashboard) pour acceder plus rapidement à un sous menu du logiciel.
Merci d'avance pour votre réponse.
Mes salutations.
Apr 27, 2024 at 10:55 AM

HASP Question...

When windows released their XP version on windows there were a lot of Software Companies selling expensive softwares for Engineering tasks... To secure these advance softwares from thievies,,, they use USB HASP keys,,, that kept operational startups to a specific PC that had a USB ports to allow placement of one of these keys plug in dongles... Then Windows 7 came along and it was the start of half of my HASP starting to fail to work, while some donglescontinue to work... I believe it was the Pro version on Win 7 that had a Xp version attached to it that did help bridge my work a little... Then windows 8 was total failure... Windows 9 never say the day of light... Windows 10 showed up and was so buggy at first, mostly in their third party drivers areas, it was not worth the bother for years... Then Window 11 appeared and once again a solid Windows plateform became realized... But Win 11 has its limits! Now... All versions after Windows 7 failed to support totally all my expensive security keys on all these later versions... I also fully really this long ago and prepare what I would do, and this also included window 7 too... Because of this trouble, I maintain my primary computer running Windows 7 Pro and I also maintain a FAST Dual Xeon Xp computer too... Doing this all my expensive engineering software are still operational, even today... I also know the Hp also does this little trick too... I also complained long ago to Micrsoft many times on this subject, but they ignored me... And,,, I know a insider at Hp who confirmed this for me what I said Hp was doing secretly is true...

Q!uestion: Is there any Third Party solution softwares that can allow Xp era USB Dongle security keys to work on Window 11?

Opinion: I think the answer is NO... I look every once in a while to see on the Internet... But since you said I had a question open, I elected to ask you folks...

Comment: If I were to upgrade some of my Dongle licenses, (And,,, keep in mind that some companies went out of business long ago...) the cost would approach over a Half Million Dollars... They want me to purchase their newer version while my older versions work just fine on my Xp computer,,, when I need to run one of those programs... This is what I plan to do going forward, but if there was a way to run on Windows 11, I like to know how and where...

Comment: It is also been a good thing that many current computer software companies that maintain older versions of window fully understand why this is a good idea to contineue to do... I hope Auslogics does this too... I also put in a comment about your latest Driver software that when I tried it last fail to run on Windows 7 Pro... Not good! I am just pointing this out, because it needs to be pointed out...

Apr 26, 2024 at 07:17 PM


warum fällt die tastatur bei einem notebook von captiva gekauft 01.01..2021 komplett aus diesess schreibe ich mit der bildschirmtastatur. neupreis: 1.459,- €

CAPTIVA 43,9 cm (17.3") GB7 726IG 20V1
(PB71DDS-G) RTX 2060 6GB/FHD 144 Hz NB
WVA/i7-10750H/MC/SSD 500GB/HDD
1TB/32768/WLAN/BT/w/o OS
1 1459,00 1459,00St
201,24Umsatzsteuer 16 %
1.459,00Summe Brutto
1.257,76Gesamt Netto 16 % EUR
Zahlbar per Paypal
DHL National Standard

inbetriebnahme im januar 2021, ausfall tastatur anfang april 2024
Apr 23, 2024 at 02:09 PM

Sound interface stopped working on Windows 11

My good old Line 6 Toneport KB37, midi controller, and external soundcard combo stopped working on my new PC.

When running on an Asus TUF H310M with a Core i5 9400F and 16GB of RAM, it was working just fine.

Now, on the new setup, a Gigabyte Aorus Elite B760M with a Core i5 13th gen and 32GB of DDR5 RAM, the installation and driver setup ran okay. However, when playing any kind of music or sound file in any player, including YouTube, streaming services, you name it, it doesn't work. The sound feels 'cropped'; it plays extremely slow and low pitched, clearly malfunctioning.

Cubase 12 doesn't even recognize the device or the ASIO drivers for configuration.

I've been using the Toneport KB37 for music production and as a general soundcard for years, and on the old PC, it still works perfectly.

The same USB cable is being used on both PCs.

Am I missing any kind of configuration, new driver, or something that could make it work with Windows 11?

Thanks in advance for your time and help. Any kind of tip or suggestion will be extremely appreciated.
Apr 19, 2024 at 04:17 AM

Can I download any of your software on trial basis?

Presently I am on trial bases using Auslogics Registry Cleaner 10.
My question is simple. Can I download and install any of the software you offer on a trial basis and if yes please tell me how.
I am mostly curious about the computer speed up app version #13...
Thank you kindly-
Apr 12, 2024 at 04:16 PM

HDD 100%

Is there an easy fix to get rid of an HDD 100% issue. Tried resetting RAM limits.
Apr 10, 2024 at 07:41 PM

Free disk space issue

I have two external HD of exactly the same size, 3.63 TB, they both hace exactly the same amount of data stored on them both, 1.84 TB, 2240 files, 61 folders. My issue is that the "free space" shows a difference amount, 1.50 TB verse 1.55 TB. I have ensured that recycle bin on them both are empty and ran every program that would make sense with the confines of BoostSpeed 13 and nothing seems to make any difference. This isn't the only example of this sort of thing happening. I'm bewildered. Please advise.

By the way, I wasn't sure what to pick above for "Device" so I randomly picked something.
Apr 03, 2024 at 05:30 PM

deleted files

If I use duplicate file finder and click delete is the original also deleted?
Apr 03, 2024 at 02:34 PM

PC not powering up


after replacing processor 1600 x to 5600 x and motherboard MSI B350m to ASUS B550m-a, PC won't power up when it was shut down for a few hours.. It will only start after multiple tries and cables disconnection.. etc after about 20 to 30 minutes.. Once it is up and running no issues whatsoever.. Now i leave it on sleep mode..

The new peocessor and motherboard are second hand ones..

We replaced CMOS battery but it did not solve the problem..

Any tips please?

Thank you

Apr 02, 2024 at 12:40 PM

Drive is 81% fragmented and disk defragmenter does not defrag, just states completed.

Drive is 81% fragmented and disk defragmenter does not defrag, just states completed. How to get the drive to defrag/optimize?
Apr 02, 2024 at 12:33 PM

RunDLL Error Messge keeps popping up

I get this message everytime Boostspeed runs:

There was a problem starting TaskSchedulerHelper.dll The specified module could not be found.
Mar 31, 2024 at 06:20 PM

Enable TPM 2.0

Enabling TPM 2.0 on HP All In-One Model: 22-b020na
Mar 31, 2024 at 03:33 PM

Cannot access tools

I tried to access tools on Boostspeed 13 but got notice "LIbrary not registered" How do I fix this?
Mar 31, 2024 at 03:21 AM

100% disk usage

hi there, i am having a issue with my disk usage, my disk usage is at 100% a lot of the time when nothing is showing up in task manager as far as usage, any help on this issue would be greatly appreciated,
kind regards

Apr 01, 2020 at 09:37 AM

Переключение предложение

Добрый день, пользуюсь программой раз в месяц уже в течение года. Но при крайней "чистке" комьютера решил воспользоваться утилитой "удаление пустых папок" в первый раз. Процесс занял много времени, после чего перезагружал компьютер и все работало стабильно как и всегда. Но на следующий день при использовании ПК началась проблема с автоматическим переключением программ. Постараюсь объяснить. То есть при использовании например хрома, пишешь сообщение и винда сама "AltTab'ается", только не на сторонее приложение, а куда-то в пустоту на 1-2 сек и обратно переключается на используемое приложение. Даже сейчас, я пишу это, и раз в 10 сек программа выключается на пару секунд. Думал что проблема в клавиатуре или еще чём, но так ничего и не нашел.
Jul 19, 2020 at 01:03 PM

Auslogics Notice: High System Resource Usage Detected"

I continue get an Auslogics Notice when signing on to my computer which reads: "High System Resource Usage Detaected... you may experience extreme PC slowdown". Is there anything I can do to alleviate this warning? If so, what can I do and how do I do it. Thank you for responding.

Jan 14, 2021 at 07:02 PM


AusulogicsBootspeed pro11を利用して色々スキャンを行っていたところ、表題のウイルスバスタークラウドのアプリが開かなくなりプロパーティを見たところ「同期保留」となっていました。結局本Bootspeedの適用個所をいろいろ外してみてやっとウイルスソフトは復帰した次第です。

Nov 24, 2020 at 02:38 AM


Con el App de AUSLOGICS BOOSTSPEED 11, hice una optimización, sobre la bateria para que cargue unicamente hasta el 90% quisiera poder modificar esto pero no se en que parte lo puedo hacer, gracias
Sep 11, 2020 at 04:06 PM


не могу активировать виндовс

Jan 09, 2020 at 12:45 PM


New for this past week: upon boot up, before opening, screen gives me option of "checking disk" before start up. If I choose not to, I'm to press any keyboard letter within 8 seconds. When I reject option by pressing letter, message disappears and computer opens normally. I've done all the disk checks and cleaning multiple times.
What's this all about?
Thanks, Mark

Apr 08, 2020 at 04:14 PM


Can I ask you a question of restoring an image?

Jul 29, 2020 at 04:16 PM

Avira keeps deleting Boost Speed and all Auslogic *.exe files as a PUA.

Hi there,

I have been on mail with Mr. Alex Bratton of your Support Team. I am a registered purchaser of the Auslogics Boost Speed software, and I have had immense trouble with installing and running it as my Avira antivirus software keeps deleting all Auslogics *.exe files as PUAs having the virus "Auslogics.o" as reported in the Avira quarantine log.

Alex had suggested that I put Auslogics on the Avira scanner EXCEPTIONS list - which I did, but to no avail. Do they have an axe to grind with your software ? I have even sent an e-mail to Avira support telling them hat Auslogics software originates from a Company having its website www.auslogics.com, and to definately check both the antecedents of the Auslogics Company and their software as genuine and not PUA - and thus I requested them to reconsider the action against yyour software exe files. Theu have not yet got back to me regarding this.

I have so far installed and re-installed your Boost Speed software over 5 times since its purchase on 28.08.2019, and each time Avira deletes the *.exe files as well as the entire Auslogics folder in the C:\Program Files (x86) path, every time I shut-down and boot-up my laptop. And all this after making Auslogics an "exception" in the antivirus and real-time protection scanner settings of the Avira software .

Could your team please have a word with the Avira development team to resolve the vixing issue, as I am most certain there will be many othercustomers worldwide using both the Avira and the Aulogics softwares and facing these issues ?

I have actually reached a point of near frustration, as both the Avira and Auslogics softwares do a great job individually, but DO NOT LIKE EACH OTHER (cannot function together) as seen on my laptop !!

Kindly update me on a solution to this problem.

Many thanks,

Savio da Rocha Lobo,

Content hidden to protect privacy

Sep 01, 2019 at 05:05 PM

Sound just stopped again

I have had this problem multiple times.
Usually I just delete all sound drivers using Device Mgr.. then restart..
Why does sound fail?
Is there a way to fix through AusLogics?

Feb 01, 2020 at 11:26 PM

error message

2020-02 Cumulative Update for .NET Framework 3.5 and 4.8 for Windows 10 Version 1909 for x64 (KB4534132) - Error 0x80073712

I keep getting this error it wont down load
Feb 13, 2020 at 02:16 PM

Luminosity disappeared

Hello, i have problem, after install bootsped 11, i can't control luminosity because disappeared in central windows 10.
Best regards

Sep 14, 2019 at 01:16 PM

Кэш второго уровня

Здравствуйте, в прошлых версиях была возможность через Tweak Manager включить исплользование кэша втрого уровня. В 11 версии неполучается найти данную функцию. Подскажите как это сделать.

Apr 18, 2020 at 10:31 AM

Does not open on click, File Open required.

MS Excel does not open on click, need to go to File Open. When received as an email attachment, MS Excel only opens a blank grey screen. Can only open after saving attachment then doing a File Open.
Tried the DDE thinh and your software said it had made the necessary changes to allow MSExcel files to be opened by clicking on them rather than using File Open

Apr 07, 2020 at 04:37 PM

Auslogics Anti-Malware!

bonjour je voudrais savoir si je peut installez Auslogics Anti-Malware alors que j'ai deja installez Kaspersky Security cloud est qu'il y a des risque de conflit avec les deux logiciel!

Mar 10, 2020 at 11:42 PM

Im having troubles with DPC watchdog violation

Hello, its been like a month now since i started getting this BSOD and i cant find a solution how to fix it, it happens sometimes when my games crashes and sometimes happens even when im just scrolling through google.
Apr 02, 2020 at 12:57 PM

ONEdrive freezing PC

How to improve onedrive velocity?
Nov 15, 2020 at 04:59 PM

Intel bluetooth drivers

Hi there, im having issues with my bluetooth headset. Sounds choppy. Tried unintalling my bluetooth drivers but they cant be found?

Aug 06, 2020 at 11:12 PM

Virus ID'd as trojan in the deepscan exec

It is ruining my use of Auslogic to keep my computer clean and optimized. This 'trojan' apparently slows all the performance and my web browsers! Do you all have a fix. I had reinstalled once and still had the problem. Now, my auslogic is not doing its job in cleaning 'junk' from my drive! Got any solution?! The file was deleted by Kaspersky!

Mar 12, 2020 at 06:03 PM

Система пишет , что принтер не подключен

Доброго времение суток! После сканирования компьютера Boos и обновления драйверов с помощью Вашей программы, система стала выдаать ошибку 45 при раюоте принтера HP 1020. Как это исправить?
May 18, 2020 at 02:51 PM