1859 questions

Use of BoostSpeed Pro 11 on my wife's computer

8 November 2020

Dear Sir or Madam:

Good morning.

Could you please tell me if I can use my BoostSpeed Pro 11 on m wife's computer, and if so, how do I do it?

I look forward to hearing from you.

Yours sincerely,
Murray Christianson

Nov 08, 2020 at 02:47 PM

Проблемы со звуком

Звук в Windows 10 хрипит и заикается как исправить все стандартные средства не помогают

Nov 08, 2020 at 08:18 AM

блютуз гарнитура

не могу подключить блютуз гарнитуру, система ее видит но не подключает

Nov 08, 2020 at 03:29 AM

computer shutsoff randomly

Nov 07, 2020 at 01:06 AM

WIFI droping

Network WiFI keeps disconnecting after system hinernates. Does not recognize router or ISP
Nov 06, 2020 at 03:53 AM

display scaling

there is no nvidia in the settings display scaling, there is only gpu
I play cs go, and I would like to know how to optimize the pc for this game, + I want to minimize impuct lag
the mouse often floats and the screen is blurry
Nov 05, 2020 at 09:49 AM


Trying to fix 'Enter your user name and password for th efollowing server' message - when I go into mail accounts and re-enter the password a rundll32 problem comes up. Should I run your software Auslogics Trouble shooter?

Thank you,
Nov 04, 2020 at 10:48 PM

PC Crashing/Freezing

To Whom It May Concern,

In recent weeks, I have been experiencing intermittent crashing/freezing of my PC. This sometimes happens 1/3 times a day or I can go a few days without it occurring at all. It is not, actually, a BSOD - just a "straightforward' freeze or crash.

When accessing the Windows Event Log, the common denominator would appear to be identifed as follows:

Unable to open the Server service performance object. The first four bytes (DWORD) of the Data section contains the status code.

I would consider myself reasonably computer savvy, describing myself as a software 'Geek', in addition to having set-up remote computing facilities. However, this is difficult to readily identify and despite, browsing the Internet extensively, I find I cannot resolve or prevent this from crash from occurring.

The only 'fix' I have reviewed is accessing 'Windows Services' that requires the 'Server to be restarted' but as this is already running (having reset itself?) I cannot, actually, do anything:


Any advice, recommendations or support you an afford me would be very much appreciated.

I am grateful for your attention, time, effort and anticipated co-operation in assisting me to resolve this perplexing and frustrating issue.

Kind regards to you and your colleagues at Auslogics


Ian Willsher
Nov 03, 2020 at 11:11 PM

Video issues

Hi There,
I can be happily working along, and if I need to see a video file, I can... but then, sometimes it stops, and I cannot make the video work again.
I have Driver Updater, but if I reboot the computer, the video function will work again.
Sometimes, if I run a BoostSpeed scan, the video might work again. It can still stop again, but if I Boost Speed again, it may not make the video run again.
So I have to reboot again instead, which is pretty time consuming.
My initial thought is I'm missing video drivers, but i have Driver Updater.
Can you advise and help me?
Nov 03, 2020 at 06:14 AM

Outlook 2013

I cannot no longer open a browser in Outlook 2013 after using your registry cleaner. Let's not play games like we have been doing since July 2020. Support is a JOKE!!!

Nov 02, 2020 at 11:28 PM

Wana know how to change additional calendar

hello there , how to change additional calendar for windows 10 ? i need to change this chinese additional to persian (iran) ,, thxxxx

Oct 30, 2020 at 11:55 AM

Windows Blue Screens

Im getting a lot of windows blue screens, Kernel issues and Server exceptions and memory as well, i did a lot of testings like memory testings, when i do windows file check, when i run CHKDSK check in cmd i get files are NTFS error, Any help?

Oct 29, 2020 at 01:37 PM

Duplicated Folder


My name is Eric Borges and I am having an issue that when I update my windows 10 it's duplicating the windows folder in my C:, (follow attached). I've try to delete in many ways and even tho with the Auslogics app is not working, it's saying that the folder is deleted, but it's not. Is there any way to remove it permanently?

Oct 27, 2020 at 07:40 PM

exploler.exe ошибка приложения сервиса

ПОДСКАЖИТЕ ЧТО ДЕЛАТЬ я очистил ненужные папки в как вдео иображения музыка перезагрузил ноутбук октрываю проводник жду секунд 10 пишет exploler.exe ошибка сервиса преложения и так каждый файл по типу панели инструментов скажите что делать пожалуйста а то меня мама убьет елси узнает она просто инода заходит в мой ноут и бдет спрашиват что уже бл такое и все пипец мене скажите прошу вас переустановка я оюсь делать это или мне надо вызывать мастера , еще я смотрле в инете что там водишь команду srw /scannow пошло до 84 процента сморю пишут показало есть неисправеные файлы исправил некоторые неисправились перезгрузили комп или ноутбук и появился синий экран оно дошло у меня до 84% и я остановил и я сейчас НЕЗНАЮ ЧТО ДЕЛАТЬ СКАЖТЕ ПОЖАЛУЙСТА ЧТО ДЕЛАТЬ ПРОШУУУ ВАС ОТ ВСЕГО СЕРДЦА

Oct 27, 2020 at 11:59 AM


Hi when ever I check my computer with malwarebyte it detects my bootspeed as a problem. it deletes bootspeed. Have you come across this problem? How do I fix it?
Thank you

Oct 27, 2020 at 11:06 AM

Компьютер тормозит и зависает

В некоторые моменты зависает компьютер, иногда зависает отдельные поля(рабочий стол, панель задач, меню Пуск).
Курсором мыши возможно передвигать, но с различными программами невозможно взаимодействовать, а некоторые попросту не отвечают. Открытие вкладок и поисковые запросы в браузере выполняются очень медленно, а при просмотре видео(на том же Youtube) долго загружается.
Сначало подумал на выход из строя процессора, т.к он не слишком уж новый, да и проблема мне показалась такого рода. Почистил и заменил термопасту процессор, на вид он в хорошем состоянии(без сколов и царапин). После этого пол дня все было нормально но потом все продолжилось.
Дальше я начал искать решение проблемы в интернете, чего я только не перепробывал, и выключение службы Центра обновления Windows, проверки на вирусы и мусорные файлы, чистил реестр, дефрагментировал диски( для этого скачал данную программу). Только после дефрагментации дисков компьютер работал без перебоев и зависаний день, но на следующий все по новой.
Уже незнаю в чем может быть проблема, единственное на что подаю подозрения так это жетский диск, но и то не факт что это верно

Oct 27, 2020 at 09:03 AM

A little advice before running this feature

I am not having any windows 10 problems but am a little concerned about your optimization feature to remove outdated windows files. In my case there are 43.16 GB or 28,000 items indicated that could be cleared. The warning is that after this some files may have to be downloaded from Microsoft. Is this amount of files typical. My system has had Windows 7 on up so maybe this would help but there are so many of these files I dont want to crash my system. Any tips or advice on this would be appreciated

Oct 27, 2020 at 03:49 AM

Turn indexing back on

Hello! Bootspeed disabled indexing. How do I enable it back?
Oct 26, 2020 at 03:26 PM

RDP keeps disabling on every machine that has boostspeed installed

I have my own domain with a virtual environment as well as several physical endpoints (mostly laptops). None of the virtual machines have boostpseed installed, only the majority of the physical machines. I have RDP enabled by group policy.

I notice that intermittently (seems to do it when it wants to), if I reboot a laptop or other physical endpoint, the machine will boot up with the "termservice" disabled, even though groupm policy enforces this to be on.

After troubleshooting group policy, uninstalling all other security software, and weeks of various other troubleshooting methods, the only commonality I can find is that all the machines that do this have boostspeed installed.

I found this post

And followed the instructions there. I also turned off the performance monitor in boostspeed via the settings, but the issue is still persisting. My next step I guess is to uninstall boostspeed from all of my machines but I figured I would reach out before I give up on the product.
Oct 26, 2020 at 01:20 PM

key product W10PRO missed

Hi, I have AuslogicsBoostSpeed ​​11 licensed on 3 computers. 2 computers, the oldest, have windows 8.1 PRO. Newer computers have Windows 10 PRO. In the SOFTWARE-SYSTEM INFORMATION-OPERATING SYSTEM section the product key normally appears while on the PC with W10PRO the alphanumeric character string of the product key is covered with the capital B letters. I wanted to know why the code is hidden before it appeared. Thanks for the reply. Alex

Oct 25, 2020 at 05:01 PM

Sudden switch to No Error Mode

I am using a ASUS N73S system with W10-64, Windows standard firewall and Kaspersky antivirus. All softwares are update and everything runs fine.
Working with IExplorer and Edge in parallel, suddenly the screen turns black and the system is blocked during 3 or 4 seconds, then the screen pops up again and the system reactivates in Without Error Mode. I have to reboot and the system reactivate in Normal Mode. This looks like a stability problem, but maybe a compatibility case between edge and ie.
Thank you to help me

Nov 08, 2019 at 09:15 AM

Пропали значки из трея

Использовал вашу программу после чего пропали значки из трея, после сделанного я решил удалить программу но значки не вернулись, а с переустановкой пропали откаты в программе, пожалуйста помогите мне с этой проблемой
Aug 23, 2020 at 02:48 PM

Cannot use keyboard Up and Down arrows in Windows Clipboard History since today.

I have been using windows clipboard daily as a part of my routine, always used to copy my contents using that. But now when i use Windows+V the Clipboard manager pops up left or right of the screen and when i use arrow keys chrome is scrolling(Copying contents to chrome).
Earlier i selected the copied contents using arrow keys and used Enter key to enter the data, Now its not working, i need to use mouse every single time.
Sep 27, 2020 at 12:25 PM


How can i speed up windows startup
Aug 08, 2020 at 01:49 AM

wont install new drivers

cant install nvidia gforce and driver booster wont update my drivers ie: game drivers for windows

Jun 14, 2020 at 05:08 PM

game crash

Hello. When you start any game while the program is running in the background, it crashes to the desktop. When you exit the program, there is no departure. Is this what you should do when starting games? Game optimization has been activated.
Sep 02, 2020 at 06:27 PM

cleaning done or not done?

Each time when I do a manual clean of: one click scanner, reg cleaner, duplicate file finder, deep disk cleaner, the page displays the following message.
This has not been cleaned since (date), Also, immediately after the internet optimiser has been run and optimised and rebooted it requires another scan to optimise straight after the reboot.
I looks as if the program does all the tasks required but does not record it as being done.
Your comments appreciated

Sep 06, 2020 at 05:37 AM

Problem with VPN

I ran a scan using the new version of the software and now I can't get any VPN to run. I uninstalled the Mozzila one and attempt to reinstall it simply hangs. I also couldn't get back into Windows without having to change my Microsoft password - the pin wasn't rconginized. At this point I'm not sure where to go.
Dec 15, 2020 at 06:08 AM

Blank Windows Security Window

Recently had a SSD disk fail and had to have my new one imaged with Windows 11. Since then, Windows Defender shows only a blank window, as does the new MS Defender preview. I've tried everything posted online short of doing a reset and having to reload all of my software (painful because in some cases that means persuading a company to let me reuse a license key and because it tkes forever, even just for Office 365 and Adobe CC. Is there anything worth trying before I give up and do that? I'm new to BoostSpeed and might have missed something there, but I did clean out garbage from the registry, among other things.

Suggestions wecome. My understanding is that Defender is operating but not lettting me see that it is operating. I wish I could be sure of that.
Mar 02, 2022 at 03:27 PM

Suggestion / Idea

Hello Auslogics

This is not a question for you, merely an idea for additional software functionality. I think it could be a great feature.

I sometimes look at Event Logs for my Windows 10 PC, usually filtering out 'Information' type logs.

There are often events there that are errors. Sometimes these errors are happening thousands of times a day, but they happen silently and do not appear to impact my day to day work. But they must be hurting performance.

But if there was an 'Analyse Event Log Results' feature in BoostSpeed, which provided helpful feedback to users about those errors and suggested ways of resolving them, I would definitely use it.

I bet it would not be easy though!

Best regards
Nov 04, 2021 at 08:38 AM

defrag ssd

you product wants to defrag and tweak my ssd is this safe?

May 06, 2020 at 09:29 AM

I am not getting full gigabit speed on only my computer.

Hello all, happy holidays!

Unfortunately things aren't so smooth for me right now, I have just installed gigabit internet in my home, but I'm having the problem that my computer is not getting the full speed. I know the modem is putting out 940 average, because I have an eero Pro connected to it and that reads 940, and my dad's laptop on wired connection also reads 900 average, it is only my computer that is not getting the full speed on the same wired connection. It gets on average 250 Mbps, sometimes stooping lower and upload is always the same speed at 40 Mbps up.

I am using a Cat6 cable not 5 ft from the standard xfinity modem, I have reset my network settings and flushed my DNS. I have used DNS Benchmark to make a custom list of the fastest DNS Servers for me. I have downloaded and check my ethernet adapter with Intel PROSET and everything checks out. My adapter has a max speed of 1 Gbps (Intel(R) Ethernet Connection (2) I218-V). I have run virus and malware scans and came out clean. I have tried disabling windows firewall and running only ipv4 or 6. Among other things I have tried A LOT of troubleshooting and my knowledge has limited me at this point

Dec 27, 2019 at 02:53 AM


Как сделать так, чтобы сохранялись последние книги в Файл/Последние? Происходит автоматическая очитска и ничего не остаётся.
Каждый день всё пусто.

Jan 15, 2021 at 07:18 AM

Super slow opening of files and folders

Hi hope all is well with you!!
For the last week I am having issues opening any file or folder. It seems like it takes a minute or 2 for them to open. It is driving me nuts.
I have tried most of the items in https://windowsreport.com/file-explorer-slow-windows-10/ with no effect.
Anything you may provide would be appreciated!
Thank you
Apr 21, 2021 at 08:33 PM

Failed Windows Updates

Why can't I update to the latest Windows 10 Pro update? I have Windows 10 Pro with 16 G Ram and 2 1/2 TB of hard drive.

(2019-10 Cumulative Update for Windows 10 Version 1903 for x64-based Systems (KB4517389) - Error 0x80070002)

My system is a Lenovo Think Centre w/I5 Processor.(M91)
Oct 30, 2019 at 05:57 PM

Windows Settings

I can't access my Windows Settings. When I try to access it the page shows and then goes away. Can your software fix this issue?

Jun 10, 2020 at 05:18 AM

Brightness not working proper0lly

its been a while my brightness doesnt work at the 2 and 3 level i will experience this issue every time when i sign in with a microsoft account doesnt matter what windows laptop it is in every laptop when i sign in with microsoft the brightness doesnt works on 2 and 3 level
plz help
Nov 29, 2020 at 06:46 AM

No reconoce Disco duro Externo

cuando conecto mi Disco Duro Externo, la pc no la reconoce.

Oct 07, 2020 at 08:05 PM

speaker icon

after todays update the sound icon when clicked upon appears ok but as soon as the mouse is moved to adjust the sound the icon disappears
What can I do to bring it back to normal?
By the way: the subcategory is too limited to direct the problem to the right technician in the correct dept.

Jun 16, 2020 at 06:42 AM

Microsoft Store no longer works or appears under apps!

Dear team,

Recently I was having problems with Microsoft Store that it kept giving an error message when updating apps (can't remember which one eaxctly). So I reset it as per advice on various forums but since then Microsoft Store has disappeared from Apps and no longer works at all!

Please help / advise.

Jan 19, 2021 at 03:28 PM