1859 questions

Tab Crashes when go to Look at Report from Deep Disk Cleaner

After I run my Auslogics Boostspeed (makes a backup). I go to look at report and get error "Gah. your tab failed" What/Why does this happen? I don't know how to attach the report. Sorry (Old Lady)
Nov 06, 2021 at 04:44 PM

Activate My Windows for Free

How do I activate my Windows for free or update it?
Nov 06, 2021 at 01:17 PM

Startup issues

Sometimes I need to restart my pc several times to cause Windows to fully load. Sometimes it accepts me as the user but then shortly the screen goes blan. The hard drive indicates actions are happening but after 15 minutes screen is still blank. Then the next restart it may fully load Windows. Is there a way for me to find the cause of the issue?
Thanks, Michael.
Nov 04, 2021 at 02:38 PM

Suggestion / Idea

Hello Auslogics

This is not a question for you, merely an idea for additional software functionality. I think it could be a great feature.

I sometimes look at Event Logs for my Windows 10 PC, usually filtering out 'Information' type logs.

There are often events there that are errors. Sometimes these errors are happening thousands of times a day, but they happen silently and do not appear to impact my day to day work. But they must be hurting performance.

But if there was an 'Analyse Event Log Results' feature in BoostSpeed, which provided helpful feedback to users about those errors and suggested ways of resolving them, I would definitely use it.

I bet it would not be easy though!

Best regards
Nov 04, 2021 at 08:38 AM

Мой Сканер

Вопрос не о Spotify а AutoLogics BoostSpeed 12 Можно ли исправить определенные ошибки а не нажмиать Исправить Все?

Nov 02, 2021 at 04:05 PM

Whatsaap bussines desktop solamente en esta pc.

Buenas Noches.
Si es posible solicito consejo para saber porque whatsaap bussines desktop se cierra al llamar desde esta pc.
En otras pc no ocurre lo mismo.
Tods mis programas son legales.
Saluda atentamente.
Orlando Barrionuevo

Oct 31, 2021 at 11:26 PM


почему, после того, как ваша программа предлагает мне отчистить корзину, после сканирования и предложения исправить ошибки, корзина остается не очищенной? у меня возникает подозрение, что фактически ваша программа только создает видимость работы, а на самом деле ничего не делает!
Oct 31, 2021 at 04:03 PM

No Disk DeFrag menu option in Auslogics 10

I installed this today, paid $30.00 dollars for it (after using a free verison for years), and after one attemot at optimizing my SSD on my Acer Laptop, the prgram restarted after completion and when it did it no longer has the menu option to actually defrag anything. the only menus i have are "reports" "Portable version" "ask a question" and "auslogics store".

what's going on?



Oct 31, 2021 at 03:18 PM

cooler temperature

were I can manage coolers in my comp? and were I can see the collers speed
Oct 30, 2021 at 08:25 PM

Recuperación de la RAM

Tengo Un HP Elitedesk con 16 GB RAM, disco NVMe de 512 GB, Procesador I7 Octava Gen (Modelo Elitedesk 800 G4), con Windows 10 Pro actualizado todo a la ultima version. Este equipo trabaja muy bien y rapido...pero al utilizarlo con varias aplicaciones que tengo que abrir simultaneamente (TradingView Desktop, Binance Desktop, Metatrader 5 y Brave Browser), el equipo trabaja perfectamente, pero al pasar unas horas y yo cerrar algunas pestañas en las apps, y abrir otras, e incluso reduciendo su numero, la RAM no es recuperada y me quedo sin memoria. Hay alguna manera de automatizar la recuperacion de la RAM asi esto no me suceda mas? Tengo la Virtual Memory de Windows en cero, ya que tengo un disco duro de estado solido y no quiero que sea usado para swap para prologar su vida util.
Oct 29, 2021 at 09:21 PM

Committ Page Memory Use

After about 4 hours of just Windows running with no other programs, the Commit Charge memory fills to 100% and I have to restart the computer. I have the settings set to automatic that control teh Commit Charge memory and it doesn't seem to prevent the problem from occurring. Any other suggestions to correct this?
Oct 29, 2021 at 07:22 PM

Transferring Speed Boost, Defrag and Registry Cleaner to new computer

Need to do a clean reinstall of the operating system. Do I need to uninstall products before doing this.

Oct 29, 2021 at 06:26 PM


Hello Team!

Have been using a free version of your BoostSpeed program and liked it a lot. Thank you for such excellent software. I was wondering if it's possible to get a discount on the pro version as I would really like to use it fully.

Oct 29, 2021 at 04:51 PM

Second PC Monitor Not Recognized and Screen Resolution Fuzzy on Both

I have an 11 year old PC running on Windows 10 and recently the PC stopped recognizing the existance of my second monitor, but the first and second monitors are working and showing identical screens/information. The identical screens are out-of-focus/fuzzy as well. I have attempted to find a solution on my own without success. I'm sending this message from a different device, so there is no other info about the PC, other than it continues to work OK. I hope you can help me with this issue. Thanks.
Oct 28, 2021 at 06:11 PM

Работа ключа ЭЦП (Электронная цифровая подпись)

Один и тот же ключ ЭЦП (Электронная цифровая подпись) на флеш-памяти с одного компьютера считывается и подписывает документы без ошибок, а со второго - нет, Выдает ошибку о невозможности использования или сертификат поврежден. Главное - до чистки компьютера программой Auslogics BoostSpeed 12 ключ без ошибок подписывал документы и со второго компьютера. Вопрос, что мог изменить или удалить Auslogics BoostSpeed 12 в компьютера, то перестал корректно работать ЭЦП (Электронная цифровая подпись).

Какую службу или какие настройки в Windows 10 надо изменить, чтобы Электронная цифровая подпись работала со второго компьютера и подписывала документы? Спасибо!!!

Oct 28, 2021 at 08:59 AM

error code 46362C1-0B211304-00000A09

This error code has been stopping me from opening numerous files. I cannot find any solution to it on MS error code site.
It has been driving me crazy for months now.
Oct 27, 2021 at 07:38 PM

ripristino funzionamento IRDA

per un breve periodo con windows 10 ha funzionato l'IRDA (infrarosso) che uso per scaricare i dati di un vecchio cardiofrequenzimetro dopo un aggiornamento l'IRDA non ha più funzionato e nonostante le ricerche su internet per la risoluzione del problema e l'applicazione dei parametri consigliati sempre su internet la mia pennetta IRDA non funziona. Sapete, per cortesia, indicarmi un modo per ripristinare il funzionamento dell'IRDA?.
Ringrazio per la gentile attenzione bisegna tonino

Oct 27, 2021 at 04:01 PM

window defender

my window defender Virus & threat protection is taken over by kypersky internet security. Can you get back my window defender if i buy pro.
Oct 25, 2021 at 03:41 AM

Using the registry

Can I use the registry to change a single program not to show the "DO YOU WANT THIS PROGRAM TO CHANGE YOUR" ETC.
Oct 23, 2021 at 03:06 PM

SSD optimization for a whole day

I am using SSD optimization with Auslogic Bootspeed 12 to optimize my C drive (114 GB free 54 gb) it took a whole day to finish. Is it normal for a ssd optimization running? (while it only took 5 mins to optimize my D drive 98GB free 54GB). How frequently should I run SSD optimization
Oct 22, 2021 at 03:46 PM

Host Services for Windows Processes

Does Boost speed address excessive memory use by Host Services f or Windows Processes? This app is continually hogging 1/3 of my PC memory.
Feb 22, 2021 at 03:11 PM

Protect Doesn't Recognise MS Edge

It was working for a while on Bostspeed 10, but then it stopped working. I upgraded to Boostspeed 11 because there was no support for BS10 after BS11 came out.

BoostSpeed 11 still doesn't appear to recognise Microsoft Edge

Nov 12, 2020 at 08:55 PM

Error Message

After running Bootspeed for the first time in a long time, I get the error message, "The operating system is not presently configured to run this application." It affects my Bluetooth, plus it is annoying to have the error message popup on my screen every five minutes. Do you recommend that I go to "Restore Points"? I have an early February date available.
Mar 04, 2021 at 04:35 PM

Как устранить неисправность

Операционная система не загружается. После включения компьютера загрузка операционной системы прекращается, колёсико всё время крутится и крутится. Такое положение может продолжаться и 1 час, и 2 часа и 4 часа. Больше не пробовал. Иногра, но очень редко, после неоднократного включения-выключения компьютера он вдруг после включения через 11-13 секунд, загружает операционную сисчтему, как это происходило после его покупки в магазине,
Вопрос:. В чём заключается неисправность и как эту неисправность устранить?

Aug 31, 2020 at 02:39 PM

Error system

При работе с Windows 10 постоянно висит система и в диспетчере задач отображено что загрузка диска 100%
Dec 14, 2020 at 06:18 PM

Windows Blue Screens

Im getting a lot of windows blue screens, Kernel issues and Server exceptions and memory as well, i did a lot of testings like memory testings, when i do windows file check, when i run CHKDSK check in cmd i get files are NTFS error, Any help?

Oct 29, 2020 at 01:37 PM

Bootspeed 12 hung at 13% complete

Started a scan and it is in Stability with a message that says 12047, scanning please wait. Detail screen says 13% complete. Its been like this for 24 hours. What do I do now?

Nov 15, 2021 at 10:43 PM

New update fails to open

I am running Windows 10 Pro 19043.1052
I have auslogics BoostSpeed 12 Version I get a message that their is a new version available to download and install.
I download the install program auslogics-boost-speed-setup.exe
When I click on the install program I get the error message that the filename, directory name or volume label syntax is incorrect and then the program dissappears. I have enclosed two screen shots. I am unable to install the upgrades. Please help.
Jun 18, 2021 at 02:18 AM

about mouse

my pc keyboard and mouse is not working properly
Oct 24, 2020 at 06:27 AM

No me deja instalar programas pues este me devuelve una referencia

Lo que sucede es que anterior mente mi computador no le servia el programa Word y pues yo lo desintale y al intentar eliminar mis archivos para volver lo a instalar eliminar, quizas algunos archivos necesarios para Windows, pero el probrema llego en realidad, cuan al intentar instalar de nuevo el office,este se daño, y me dice que Windows ha devuelto una referencia, y asi con todos lo programas, e incluso me desactivo varia aplicaciones, es decir, este no deja instalar programas
Jul 22, 2020 at 11:17 PM


Проблеми с пуском из за того что ставлю найвисший приоритет в елекропитание видеокарти.Незнаю как решить ету проблему,также после обновления видеокарты .HD5000 виндовс делает перезагрузку системи и появляеца синий екран смерти.До обновлений драйверов видеокарти и обновлений виндовс таких проблем ненаблудалось.

Nov 14, 2020 at 04:29 PM

BoostSpeed Pro Version

Hello Sir,

My question is whether the software Auslogics Registry Cleaner 9 is not already included in the software BoostSpeed in its Pro Version. I will have to purchase and register both softwares? The BoostSpeed Pro Version will not be enough to bring my PC the best performance?

May 21, 2021 at 09:59 AM

Windows game bar does not work

Windows game bar does not work when i try press the key combination
Mar 20, 2021 at 05:36 PM


Is it possible to reboot the HP Elite 8300 computer withot shutting down first?
Jan 01, 2021 at 01:43 PM

Necesito una solucion

Quisiera que me ayuden con un problema,
puede que halla activado algo por accidente de este programa y ahora ya no puedo cambiar el brillo de la pantalla no encuentro ninguna configuracion, tampoco es un problema de controlador grafico ya lo actualize.
Ayudenme a solucionarlo
Aug 10, 2020 at 06:18 PM

defrag 10 running sooo slow

Used to run fast, I have changed the advanced settings, now running slow,
I guess you cannot know which advanced settings I have enabled, (most of them)
what do you think? and what is your best guess as to my problem?

Aug 09, 2021 at 08:23 AM

Перестали работать порты

После исправления ошибок перестали работать порты на ноутбуке.... написало типа много используется устроств
Jul 05, 2021 at 10:02 PM

Can't open my Chinese typing software

Dear Sir / Madam,

I am a new user of your company's product - Auslogics BoostSpeed. After I use the boostSpeed, I can't open and use my Chinese typing software (倉頡 and 速成) in window 10.

I went to the Setup > Time and language > language, and still can't find a way to open it.
In BoostSpeed, I don't know how to undo it, so I can use my Chinese typing again.

Please help me solve this problem. Thanks.

Best regards.

Jul 17, 2021 at 11:39 AM

Temperature raises very high when using Boostspeed 12

I used Boostspeed 11 for some time and never had temperature issues, after de Boostpeed 12 upgrade I noticed that the fan started to make annoying noises and checked the temperature of my Laptop with the Core Temp 1.16 program which says the temp goes above 90 degrees Celsius.

Tried to install 12 again with no result.

Now back to 11 again and the temperature is normal again.

My question is this a normal behaviour of the 12 version of boostspeed?

Jan 13, 2021 at 04:57 PM

Windows search indexer

Hi there,
Windows search indexer seems to be taking forever to finish.
I have restarted the process, limited the number of files to index and even disable the AV to allow indexer to index faster.
But after a while it comes back and keeps eating away between 60% to 24% of CPU

Any fix for that? runing on (win11 64 bits.
Dec 22, 2021 at 08:44 PM