1850 questions


I use microsoft Edge or Crome can I delete Internet Explorer ?
Jan 02, 2023 at 02:29 PM

удаление пустых папок Lenovo

Как удалить пустые папки Lenovo.
Jan 01, 2023 at 10:42 AM

le van hoa

sao khong kich hoat kye duoc
Dec 31, 2022 at 09:21 PM

USB Dongle USE over XP to Win 7 and beyond...

Over the years many companies that produce amazing Engilneering Softwares that used USB or even parallel port security keys was done to provide security for the writer of this software agains those who would might pirate their software... I bought into this activity with many USB Dongles... Then several of these companies went out of business or where sold to larger companies... This caused a serious isues (Expensives) to the end customers like myself... To upgrade a few of them can cost several Hundred of Thousand of Dollars if these company maintained some form of these softwares... So I elected to maintained a special computer running XP (A Xeon Machine to gain higher speeds...) so I would not loose use of many of these wonderful softwares like SystemView just to name one... Or Eagleware and Spice softwares... I still have access to my OLD XP Machine...

Question: Use of older security keys on later operating systems like Window's 7 (Better because of Xp can run as a simution embedded) or Window's 10 can basically not be done because Microsoft chose to ignore these users of these security keys... So,,, is there any way to used older softwares such as the types I have suggested in such a way, that the locking security keys could still be used on later versions of Microsoft platforms using older software that used Software Keys... I use mostly USB types and jump out of the Parallel types do to that change...

Years ago I wrote to Microsoft about this action they did... But they ignore me....

Today I thought I might just ask to see if what I think is truc may have a solution I was not made aware of...


PS I like your software Auslogic BootSpeed 13... Plus a few of the others too... Great efforts in your software programming is appreciated...
Dec 31, 2022 at 12:14 AM

register drag ssd use

i have ssd, if i do registery defrag, will it slow down?
Dec 30, 2022 at 06:56 PM

cell phone

can i put bootspeed on my cell phone
Dec 29, 2022 at 09:30 PM

Senpre cheio

Olá, gostaria de saber, o por que do meu SSD sempre está com 20Gb ocupando espaç ociosoo, sendo que não instalei nenhum programa e para desocupar esse espaço tenho que rodar o programa Boostspeed, portanto gostaria de saber o que afço para que esse espaço não continuasse sendo ocupado?

Dec 29, 2022 at 06:09 PM


I am the target of a very vicious hacker. A short time ago I receieved a notice from Auslogics of a new file that had recently been added into my system. I checked to understand more, then deleted it. However, I was lucky to see this notice. If I am away from my desk and a notice pops up I may miss it. How can I keep track of notices you send so I can circumvent any threats?
Dec 29, 2022 at 12:17 AM

Random ping spikes

Recently, while I play games my computer has random lag spikes for a few seconds. My computer isnt even a year old yet and just started doing it, how do i fix it?
Dec 28, 2022 at 11:54 PM

The Wireless Network Adapter cuts out

I keep losing the wifi connection while I am online. The Windows troubleshooter states the wireless network adapter has to be reset--which is does and the wifi works again...temporarily. Then it cuts out again and I go through the same drill, over and over.

What is messing with the WNA? No other device in my house using the wifi has this problem. Only my laptop I am using now.

Thanks...Shane Ostrom

Dec 28, 2022 at 08:20 PM

Boost Speed

The registry cleaner tells me it has cleaned 14000 or so items from Installed Programs. When I reboot and restart the process, i t still finds the same number of items.

Please advise.
Dec 27, 2022 at 08:17 PM

Slow startup

Good day, old person here.....

I am using Windows 10, do I need both Google Chrome AND Microsoft Edge? I sometimes receive a message from Auslogics saying I may have a privacy issue and that I should look at my privacy settings... but as there is no indication of what the privacy setting should be or what has changed, I don't know what I am supposed to be checking.

Patience and any help offered would be much appreciated!

Thanks & regards
Jacqueline Collier
Dec 27, 2022 at 09:45 AM

Empty Folder Cleaner and Windows

Does the Empty Folders Cleaner differentiate which folders should and should not be deleted in the Windows OC? The tool identifies hundreds in my C drive, and I assume those in the Windows' System, Program Files, Windows32, etc. should NOT be deleted, but I can't tell.
Dec 26, 2022 at 05:01 PM

duplicate files

Which duplicate files are safe to remove?
Dec 26, 2022 at 01:39 PM

Unable to update Windows 11 to 22H2....

My computer has stopped being able to use Windows Update to install normal updates, including Windows 11 22H2. All software and drivers are up to date. I have late generation motherboard (Asus Rampage VI Extreme), intel CPU 10980XE, and nVidia 3090. I have followed multiple scripts from the internet to clean out the software update folder. Any ideas?
Dec 25, 2022 at 08:29 PM

Löschen von Dateien

bei mir ist eine " .pfx" Datei verschwunden. Unter Schnellzugriff wird sie noch aufgeführt. Im angegebenen Pfad steht sie nicht mehr. Was kann der Grund sein?
Herzliche Grüsse
Norbert Anderss

Antwort bitte in deutsch.
Dec 23, 2022 at 10:14 AM

Пропал сигнал микрофона

ПОсле установки программы и первоначального сканирования программа запроила перезагрузку. ПОсле перезагрузки сигнал от микрофона пропал. Ни приложения, ни само ОС не может получить от него сигнал. Хотя при поиске проблем через настройки ничего не обнаруживается.
Dec 22, 2022 at 08:47 PM

fragmented files

How do i get rid of the files that stay fragmented after defreagging ... i want to see all green or blue not red and yellow files after defrag .. are those files slowing my macjhine down and possible trojans in my system ?
Dec 22, 2022 at 07:07 PM

logiciels parasites

le lancement du courriel gmail et de google est vraiment très long.
d'autre part j'ai un une fenêtre d'information qui s'affiche de manière intempestive lorsque je suis connecté. Le logiciel qui a l'air de venir de windows, n'est pas supprimable
Dec 21, 2022 at 06:51 PM

How to allow advertisement come through Dailymotion application and website, whilest blocking advertisement traffic on every other website and application?

Dailymotion website, and Dailymotion.com website are conditioned to provide their services, under the condition the advertisement traffic is alloewd whilst providing their service.

If the advertisement is blocked, the service from dailymotion application and dailymotion.com website are not provided, due to their provisional condition of their service.

In short, how to undo the add block [advertisemnt bloc] feature from the Auslogic BoostSpeed 13?
Dec 21, 2022 at 11:21 AM

Computer randomly shuts off / freezes

My computer does this thing where it either randomly turns off completely or my entire computer screen freezes, requiring a full restart. Not really to sure what to do in this situation, and it has gotten to the point where it happens almost every 3 minutes.

Jun 06, 2020 at 01:26 AM

Screen Size

Dear Sirs: Your screen is slightly too big for my 19' monitor, so i cannot read to bottom 2 cenbtimeters of the application. Hence thus not being able to resolve the problems in question. Hlow to reduce your sceen size so i can see all of it???.

Chales Waltz

Content hidden to protect privacy

Apr 11, 2021 at 03:29 AM

Several Error Messages - Consant Failures to Reset/Recover

Error message received - Troubleshooting wizard 0x80070002 (attachment 1)

SFC /scanow: (attachment 2) error results

DISM /Online /Cleanup-Image /ScanHealth (attachment 3)

Source error messages
Oct 07, 2021 at 01:27 PM

не могу открыть диск

На разных дисках установлена Windows 8.1 и Windows 10. Один раз я искал нужный файл, который был Windows 8.1. Для этого изменил занрузку в BIOS и запустил Windows 8.1. Искал файл. Вернулся на Windows10 у меня начались проблемы Windows 10. Потом много чистил и обновлял Windows 10 с помощью Auslogics. Удалось исправить, но вот с диском никак. Да и времени просто не хватает. Помогите с чего начать чтобы работать с диском
Jun 13, 2021 at 01:31 AM

ошибки в дисках C, D

Здравствуйте! Почему программа находит ошибки в дисках, но не указывает и не исправляет? Спасибо
Nov 27, 2021 at 09:34 AM

Display problem with Outlook and Excel

Any suggestions on how to resolve this display problem?

Outlook & Excel screen displays are half missing. Happened about a week ago after installing Auslogics programs. ( could just be a coincidence ) .
Other Microsoft 365 programs and everything else displays correctly .
WINDOWS 10 & 365 have been reinstalled a few times but the problem persists.
WINDOWS repair facilities have been tried without success.
Microsoft Support unable to resolve it.

Oct 06, 2021 at 08:43 AM


Posso deframmentare un dvd?

Jun 06, 2021 at 10:45 AM



Apr 15, 2020 at 10:44 AM

Auslogics not recognising my ssd

I recently upgraded my hd to a ssd..
On some pages of Auslogics it shows new ssd and capacity but on others it still shows old removed hd.
Can you advise please

Sep 25, 2019 at 03:31 PM

Windows 10 does not allow more than ~ 20 applications to run. Windows 10 не разрешает запуск больше чем ~20 приложений.

Windows 10 allows the simultaneous operation of about 20 applications. After that, the new application is allowed to start only after one of the open ones is buried.

How to remove the limit on the number of simultaneously running Windows 10 applications?

Windows 10 разрешает одновременную работу порядка 20ти приложений. После этого новое приложение разрешает запустить только после зарытия одного из открытых.

Как снять ограничение на колличество одновременно запущенных приложений Windows 10?
Jun 13, 2021 at 02:50 PM

Not loading

Dashboard, one click scanner, clean up, etc.etc.etc not loading.
What needs to be done to do so?

Jul 20, 2019 at 07:58 PM

Windows 7 64 Максимальная

Как полностью обезопасить свой пк и сделать его чище на программном уровне?

Nov 24, 2019 at 02:44 PM

сообщение от Auslogics

Появляется табличка "Обнаружено высокое потребление ресурсов". Что делать?
Nov 07, 2021 at 11:34 AM


Здравствуйте Очень часто всплывает уведомление Обноружено высокое потребление ресурсов ЧТО это икак исправить? Зарание спасибо!

Aug 05, 2021 at 01:02 PM

My mouse freezes, lags which was not doing in the past

I am a long time professional and I am actually quite tech savvy. I use the computer very very clean (obsessive level) But my mouse started to lag recently. I have downloaded Auslogics Pro (thats how we met) Even though I liked the software, it didnt solve the problem.

My laptop is Dell Vostro with i7 and 8GB Ram. Fairly new one (less than 1 year) But even with a simple operation (like opening Skype) it starts to level up fan noise and mouse starts to flicker, lag from time to time.

I formated everything on my computer (because this was not the case until very recently) but even that didnt help.

What can be the reason?
Dec 09, 2020 at 07:46 PM

problem with auslogics

It wont let me create a restore point, and the restore points I had created it has deleted.
Oct 21, 2021 at 04:46 PM

Empty Folders Function

Can I safely run an Empty Folder SCAN without deleteing important files like the Document File????????

May 08, 2021 at 10:53 PM


Perchè quandop accendo il pc l audio non funziona?Devo sempre disabilitare i suoni?grazie

Oct 12, 2020 at 01:42 PM

ярлык гугл профиля

Здравствуйте. Я не знаю как это получилось, но создавая новый профиль в гугл хром программа как я понимаю закрепила в этом профиле свою систему анонимности и безопасности, тк ярлык гугл профиля на панели задач был таким же как и ярлык самой программы.
Как можно этим управлять? Сколько можно создать таких профилей и как можно создать такой профиль осознано если мне это нужно?
С уважением к Вам,
Алексей Соломкин.
Hello. I don't know how it happened, but when creating a new profile in Google Chrome, the program, as I understand it, fixed its anonymity and security system in this profile, because the shortcut of the Google profile on the taskbar was the same as the shortcut of the program itself.
How can this be managed? How many such profiles can be created and how can I create such a profile consciously if I need it?
Best regards to you,
Alexey Solomkin.
Aug 10, 2021 at 01:43 PM

Browser Protection

In Advanced Mode.... under Browser Protection.... why does the scan/repair "skip" and not delete some items?

Dec 06, 2020 at 01:21 PM