1859 questions

ATOK ジャストシステム契約管理エージェント「管理のサービス」が停止になってしまう

Jul 20, 2020 at 03:51 AM

Unused Applications - Application Logs

When doing an All Areas Scan the Disk Space never is 'Nothing Found' the result because the following files are always there:
C:\Windows\System32\SleepStudy\ScreenOn\ScreenOnPowerStudyTraceSession-2020 How can I delete, disable the folders of these files. I have gone in to the final files and deleted them, at least I think I have, but the early folders are still there and the Application Logs appear again. How do I get rid of or disable these folders? Thanks!
Jul 20, 2020 at 01:40 AM

Переключение предложение

Добрый день, пользуюсь программой раз в месяц уже в течение года. Но при крайней "чистке" комьютера решил воспользоваться утилитой "удаление пустых папок" в первый раз. Процесс занял много времени, после чего перезагружал компьютер и все работало стабильно как и всегда. Но на следующий день при использовании ПК началась проблема с автоматическим переключением программ. Постараюсь объяснить. То есть при использовании например хрома, пишешь сообщение и винда сама "AltTab'ается", только не на сторонее приложение, а куда-то в пустоту на 1-2 сек и обратно переключается на используемое приложение. Даже сейчас, я пишу это, и раз в 10 сек программа выключается на пару секунд. Думал что проблема в клавиатуре или еще чём, но так ничего и не нашел.
Jul 19, 2020 at 01:03 PM

Swipe Left, esp from rt edge, activates Cortana?

Please tell me how to disable this highly distracting action?
Jul 19, 2020 at 12:12 AM

Demande Information


Comment faire pour Rechercher des fichiers doublons sur un Réseau NAS

Avec mes remerciements


Jacques LOGEAY

Jul 18, 2020 at 06:14 PM

I would like to have some feedbag and your thoughts about(( Aspire V3-771-32328G75Makk))

hey There,

Well this 8 years old laptop runs really smooth especially after i cleaned the fan. have learned alot about the hardware.
But.. i would like to play some games on it but there seems a problem with my videocard because intel dont support it anymore since windows 10. the questions are:
Can i upgrade this videocard?
Should i replace the Intel core i3-2328m cpu @ 2.20ghz to the I7 ?
And ifso yes is it worth it since the cost of hardware i need to buy then..

Sorry for the bad english.. (From Holland)
Kind regards!


Jul 17, 2020 at 06:22 PM

Зависание прогаммы

Почему Auslogics BoostSpeed 11- 32 бита, когда будет для 64 битных windows 10?
Постоянно при запуске зависает намертво.

Jul 17, 2020 at 05:56 PM

Internet explorer

I don't use IE can I uninstall it as there are many items that will attach to it example is Roboform (password manager) and I wonder if IE contributes to ecess bagage.

Jul 15, 2020 at 07:27 PM

отключение не нужного

как в этой программе можно ли отключить все не нужно и что бы пк летатал пк нужен исключительно для игр и хотелось бы отключить все не нужное ну я не знаю половины тут не чего если можно подскажите что делать

Jul 14, 2020 at 03:44 PM

Paired but won't connect

I've tried everything to get my Sony bluetooth headphones to connect automatically, it is paired in "Devices" but when I switch the headphones on they wont connect, I have to go into Settings - Devices and physically connect by pressing the connect tab, I've tried going into "Services" then scrolling down to "Bluetooth Support Service", stopping it then restarting it, it just won't restart properly, the green "curtain" only goes about 15% accross before stopping i.e it has'nt restarted properely, any ideas!!!!
Jul 14, 2020 at 11:04 AM

Загрузка с SSD

Добрый день!
Кое как удалось установить windows 10 на SSD. но при первой же перезагрузке с него не загрузиться никак.
В меню загрузок F9 есть выбор ситем вин 8,1 том1, вин 8,1 том 6 и вин 10, но при выборе вин10 произходит перезагрузка и все заново. В биосе P8Z77-V LX2 (ver. 2501) этот SSD(GPT,NTFS) не виден.
Прошу о помощи!
Jul 13, 2020 at 12:15 PM


Why do I have to go to the Microsoft Store for Updating to the new version..and have to buy the app before updating to work? I do not use Edge for anything and have Firefox and Chrome as my Browsers. Thank you
Jul 12, 2020 at 10:47 AM

can't get wifi networks working

wifi wont display networks and wifi wonbt even turn on
Jul 08, 2020 at 05:29 PM


If I have to restart, it takes 20 minutes or more to load completely. I have basically nothing in startup and can't figure out what is making this take so long. It's the same whether a restart or new start. The hard drive is only a little over half full with lots of pictures. Logically it has to be in either ASUS or windows (10). It's very frustrating and because it takes so long to load, I leave it running. For quite a few years I paid for a service that cleaned the system once a month and helped with any problem. I am no longer using it as it was expensive and even though I stressed the startup time issue, they never improved it.

You can see a lot about the machine, but it doesn't say it's an ASUS 15" laptop, purchased in September of 2014, model R510LAVS51 with core i5
I didn't know if you needed this, but I'd rather give you unnecessary information than have you come back to me.

thanks so much
debbie engleson

Jul 08, 2020 at 12:42 AM

unexpected configuration

how to reselove unexpected configuration 0x80004005 when I try to pring
Jul 07, 2020 at 01:26 PM

Shut and Restart

Can you try and establish just why I cannot shutdown or restart my desktop Windows 10 2004 64-Bit? I get a BSOD with error message of driver power state failure
Jul 07, 2020 at 11:52 AM

Installation error message

Now and then when I try to install something I get the error message in the sample pop up. I need this sorting out as I have tried many things to get rid of it to no avail. I do not even know what it is asking for. It claims is on another disk does it mean disk or harddrive? I am installing things on an extension drive as my C: is full. are there files on C: that it needs to install and maybe that is why it is asking me. Can I duplicate those files so that it can use the extension drive?
This message prevents me from installing certain programs that I need so like I said I need the relevant files that it is asking me for.
Jul 07, 2020 at 04:16 AM

I just upgraded from 10 home to 10 pro

I recently upgraded my ASUS ROG G551JW from Windows 10 Home to Windows 10 Professional. After upgrading and re installing my apps, running some Auslogics tools, and updating my drivers. I seem to have like every Add On installed and a bunch of virtual this or virtual that, Vwifi and Vethernet. My External SSD (disk letter G) is gone, Ive always had the external SSD running Read and Write to basically have it help the computers performance. I cant Install some apps or change some setting because i will either get some kind of error or it saying that it cant be done on sysWOW32 or 64 im not sure, but something like that... I would greatly GREATLY APPRECIATE if a Tech at Auslogics can remote connect to my pc and take a look at what ever problems he may notice. I received 3 questions when I joined pro and this is my last available question and would really love to have someone who knows about computers, to take a look at it. THANK YOU. Stay safe everyone...

p.s I added one screenshot i had of one of the many problems im encountering.
Jul 06, 2020 at 06:56 PM

bost speed

ярлык на раб столе стал белый иеще проблема вы видите

Jul 05, 2020 at 06:11 PM

WordPad problem

Have tried (for years) to learn WORDPAD to start-up in landscape and not portrait. That goes for saving 'in Landscape' and seeing it change to Portrait when opening the member. (HRMPF)

Think, it's the only problem I have with my PC and now ALL problems in the future are taken good care of with your comprehensive
system, thank you.

Henning Reckey
Jul 02, 2020 at 03:06 PM

Обновление драйверов

Добрый день! Насколько безопасно обновление драйверов не с официального сайта корпорации Dell? Не будет ли нанесен какой-либо ущерб в связи с обновлением ПО и дрйверами?
May 30, 2022 at 07:07 AM

Boost Speed 12

Hi Guys

Ive entered my Lisence code but my BoostSpeed 12 is still asking me to Activate Pro Version. i.e the green button "Activate Pro Version" is still there at the bottom right of the window..

Jan 22, 2022 at 04:52 PM

num lock

my num lock keys does not wotk after first scan. Windows tell that I switch between num lock activate and deactivate but the number keys stays inactive. my keyboard is a logitech CRAFT and it works on a different pc.
May 29, 2022 at 09:59 AM


Bonjour , existe-t-il un logiciel (facile) , pour éliminer tous les doublons automatiquement ( sans cocher toutes les cases de tous les doublons ) . Merci , cordialement

Apr 11, 2022 at 08:14 AM


I have Windows 10 64 bit. I have 1.69 TB free space of 1.81 TB. Do you think I should wipe the free space or would it just be a waste of time?

Aug 19, 2022 at 06:51 PM

Computer Fan

Why is my fan constantly running? Is there a way w/ your tool to know if it is due to a bugged process? The vents appear clean.
Jan 28, 2022 at 06:25 PM

Pro Version aktivieren.

Your Auslogics license information, order #

Content hidden to protect privacy

Ich nutze AusLogics Boost Speed schon sehr lange - mit obigem licence key lässt sie sich nicht aktivieren.

Was ist das los - auch löschen und Neuinstallation hat nichts gebracht.


Decker Gustav

Jan 22, 2022 at 07:55 PM

No photo thumbnails

All my picture files used to disply thumbnails, now just icons.
How do I restore?
Nov 22, 2021 at 08:40 PM

To TRIM or to Defrag? Or Both!!??

I have two WD 3.6Tb external USB3 drives for backups and storage. These are both deffo HDD! I have discovered that they are TRIM enabled ... BUT, you don't trim HD's, do you??? I have had had trouble with them in the past due to increasing slowness and defragmentation. Sometimes Defrag Ultimate just couldn't finish a HDD defrag or gave up and stood still, but didn't crash either! Defrag Ultimate treats them as HDD's, but I am wondering if actually SSD Trimming them and then HDD Defragging them might solve or reduce my problems. But, I don't want to try this if I am going to damage them. So how should I treat them generally and within Defrag Ultimate


Simon F
Nov 10, 2021 at 02:26 PM

Windows refusing access as administrator

Why has Windows started to refuse access to my newer version of Defrag? I have had to take it off my laptop and reinstall an older version to attain use of my perfectly safe and legitimate copy
Jan 26, 2022 at 09:34 AM

Вопрос об ошибке при внезапном отключении

Доброго времени суток, уважаемые специалисты!

Спасибо за возможность задать Вам вопрос.

В моём ноутбуке - операционнная система WINDOWS 7; она была переустанавлена специалистом в январе этого года после профессиональной чистки системы.
Есть вопрос об ошибке, номер которой есть на скриншоте вложения, сделанном при внезапном отключении ноутбука во время обычной его работы. Такое внезапное отключение моего ноутбука случается неожиданно, всегда без всяких предварительных каких-либо признаков; при этом на экране висит текст с номером ошибки, который видно на скриншоте.

Что значат такие внезапные отключения? Как предотвратить такие отключения, что исправить в системе?

С уважением, Ана
Oct 20, 2021 at 08:44 PM


Ou puis je trouver mon compte
Merci d'avance
Hendrik Zutterman
Jan 13, 2023 at 10:31 AM

Очистка диска

Как и что лучше всего почистить системный диск. Уже занято более 100ГБ. Все документы/временные файлы/загрузки уже перенесены с диска.
Nov 20, 2021 at 02:05 PM

disk has errors message

after using auslogics it says disk has errors . CAN THIS BE FIXED WITH AUSLOGICS
Mar 22, 2022 at 01:21 AM

rendre les textes plus lisibles

Comment augmenter la grosseur des caractères, pour les rendre plus lisibles.
Apr 01, 2022 at 01:10 AM

Defrag or No?


Cool software and company. Thanks for your time.

Someone mentioned I should use this, but also said, in accordance with info online, that "defragging" an onboard SSD will cause issues. I'm directly confused by this and would appreciate some guidance on what is correct here.

Thanks again.
Oct 10, 2021 at 11:19 PM

Problems with Windows Update-Valentin Batalak

I had some problems installing Win 10 updates. The problem keeps recurring and I would like information from your support.
You may find this error code helpful: (0x80080005), which is the message that keeps popping up:
The device is missing important security and quality patches!
Valentin Batalak
Apr 07, 2022 at 07:15 AM



Mar 26, 2022 at 09:57 AM


How do I avoid the manual suspension of Malwarebytes that does not allow Auslogics software to install due to identfying it as a PUP?
Jul 10, 2022 at 12:01 AM

Clearing Privacy History issues

Every day, I start the day, running Advanced System Care, then Glary Utilities, then WiseCare 365, then Auslogics Bootspeed 13, the I reboot and then run ASC again. I have been doing this now, daily, for over 3 years (updating as they are made public). 1st run of ASC... I find privacy issues and then delete them. With Glary's... I run (in Advanced) their "Erase history" under "Privacy" multiple times until I get "Zero" issues found (sometimes up to 15 times to get a zero response). Then I run WiseCare, multipl times (usually around 6 times (main page) and then Under "System Cleaner" I usually only run each section once... sometimes though I run the "Advanced Cleaner" a few times, each time returning a different number of files found and cleaned... but never getting a "zero" found result. NEXT is Auslogics Bootspeed 13 (AB13) I run the main screen, cure the findings... and then I run the "privacy" scan again... and I have done this up to 30 times in a row. The important thing hereis... each time returns a number of files found that is different than the previous time AND there is no pattern to the numbers returned either!

Looking at the past, the Neuroquila virus (circa around 1995) was the first (as far as I know) "polymorphing" virus. It created a "sacrificial virus" to "feed" any existing antivirus program on a machine so that while the antivirus was repairing the created virus the real virus could then attack the antivirus, making it, in the future, always retrun a "no virus found" message to the user. Next, as I recall... comes the concept of "nesting" where when you remove one thing another is created as that one is eliminated.

the above are just 2 examples of why I could be getting the results, daily, that I get BUT... I have stopped these programs after just doing an initial run of each and I have, many, many times stopped them short of doing an all out cleaning and I have done many "all out cleanings" (where I run each program multiple times) and there is a large difference in my end performance of the machine. PS... I do this on all 3 of the machines I have running and NO... I am not making money with my computers... I am a 71 year old man who's retired and od this for cheap thrills and to prove I haven't yet lost my sanity... thank you very much.

Sooooo.... I'd like to buy your program... but only if there's a component in it that let's me state how many times each component within it will run before it stops running.... cause sitting here and re-running these programs for over an hour everyday... just to keep my computer operating at a decent speed (2-I.7... 16 GB Mem, 500 GB SSD, 1- I.5 ... 16GB Mem, 500 GB SSD).

What I want is something I can configure to run multiple passes of the different compnents within your software so I can set it and then go do something else while it scours, re-scourts and rescours again as many times as I want it to.

Apr 24, 2023 at 01:11 PM