1873 questions

new windows download

How can I use my Auslogics subscription with my new windows download. The hard drive had to be wiped and I lost the Auslogics program.
16 hours ago

Auslogics BoostSpeed pop up window

I use my PC for public presentions and so the pop up window encouraging me to upgrade to Pro version is not acceptable. Is there a way I can prevent that pop up short of uninstalling BoostSpeed ?

BY the way, the Subcategory of Tips, or anything else has no relevance to the question, but had to select somwthing to submit the question.

thank you
Oct 08, 2024 at 01:42 PM

Windows Update

Content hidden to protect privacy

ASUS N73SV init W7 updated W10 NoVirus NoBug Regularly optimized

Depuis plusieurs mois, toutes les mises à jour du type "Mise à jour de fonctionnalitré vers Windows 10 - 22H2" se terminent avec un code erreur 0x8007001f. Cela se reproduit tous les jours maintenant.
Mes tentatives de correction du problème n'ont pas abouti. Merci de m'aider.
Je ne suis pas un expert Microsoft.
You are my only first hand help
Friendly yours
Jean Farny

Oct 05, 2024 at 06:54 AM

Available product

Is DiskDoctor available as stand alone application?
Oct 02, 2024 at 02:58 PM


Buon pomeriggio
Premesso che il software AUSLOGICS è straordinario e da solo è sufficiente per la gestione di un normale PCDESK (nel mio caso un ottimo ASUS + WINDOWS 10 PRO 64 BIT + GOOGLE CHROME), incontro un problema quando intendo eliminare on line decine e decine di file audio che corrispondono ad altrettanti file di brani musicali (circa 10.000!!!) scaricati e archiviati sul portale on line MEDIA CENTER del software multimediale JRIVER (USA).
Questo maledetto software, in abbonamento annuale, con gli anni è diventato sempre più cervellotico e difficile da utilizzare, avendo un sacco di funzioni e di opzioni.
L'unico aspetto che non è stato curato dai programmatori è appunto la cancellazione dei file duplicati 1 volta o +volte. Per assurdo JRiver permette questa eleminazione SOLO PROCEDENDO CON UN BRANO MUSICALE PER VOLTA!!!!
Purtroppo, anche il programma di ricerca dei file audio duplicati del Vostro software AUSLOGICS, fornisce il risultato di pochi file individuati, mentre io sono sicuro che ne esistono centinaia da eliminare.
Il sito web in oggetto è il seguente: https://jriver.com/download.html e l'ultima versione è la 33.
Ringrazio in anticipo per l'attenzione e mi auguro che possiate aiutarmi con la procedura corretta.
Giancarlo Perani - Bergamo - Italia
Oct 02, 2024 at 12:49 PM

Mapa de desfragmentação

Bom dia. Como posso configurar para que o Auslogics Disk Defrag 11, mova os "quadradinhos" que são moviveis para espaços vagos no inicio do disco? Em versões anteriores do Disk Defrag, ele movia os arquivos "verdes" para espaços vahos no inico do disco. Obviamente não estou me referindo aos arquivos de sistema que não podem ser movidos. Obrigado.
Oct 02, 2024 at 03:01 AM

Windows 10 CD Drive not working but showing as "working properly"

My CD drive has stopped working. It has power, opens and starts spinning but then nothing. When I click on CD drive in system information I get Can`t Collect Information cannot access the Windows management instrumentation software. Windows management files may be moved or missing. I am working through all resolutions on youtube but getting nowhere. You can see from the attached screen shot their are no IDE/ATA ATAPI files listed. Help
Sep 29, 2024 at 04:00 PM

Windows Update

Windows update is not working properly
Sep 28, 2024 at 06:47 PM

No activation key

I paid for AuslogicsBoostSpeed 13 subscribtion. However, I never got the activation key.
Sep 27, 2024 at 10:01 AM


افزایش سرعت اینترنت
Sep 26, 2024 at 11:22 AM

Хочу вручную найти файлы этого приложения

Дорбый день БустСпид!Хотел вручную найти файлы по названию которые хочу удалить и не могу найти в вашей программе как это сделать!Или я не вижу или у вас нет такой возможности!?
К примеру - хочу удалить полностью из системы Windows10 программу skype или cortana и как мне это сделать?Даже если я удалю стандартными методами системы все равно останутся следы,я бы хотел вручную найти все файлы относящиеся к этим программам удалить их,а потом еще и в реестре почистить записи,так чтобы уже с концами наверняка,чтобы они не висели в системе и не жрали ресурсы и не замедляли систему!
Sep 26, 2024 at 08:59 AM

Updater 2 saved PST files to my documents folder

I recently lost an email account in Outlook and all the folders and subfolders files with it after a Windows 10 reset. I noticed that my Updater 2 saved some PST email files to my download folders in Explorer, but I need to see if these are the files I'm missing and how do I restore them to Outlook if they are the ones I'm looking for? Thanks.
Sep 24, 2024 at 08:15 PM

download problems

Hello, I have a curious problem on my Windows 11 PC.

I am connected directly to the LAN via ethernet to a 900Mbps fiber connection.

However, when I try to download largish files (several hundred MB or several GB) from sites like zoom, wetransfer, facebook, I often get a generic "download error" message.

I've tried download the same files on Edge and Chrome, logging out and in, opening a private/incognito window, resetting the internet settings and running diagnostics. I've also checked the internet speed and latency.

The downloads often start okay, but stop after sometimes 30-40MB or maybe even getting to 60%. Sometimes I can click on resume, but the download begins from scratch. Sometimes, I will try again a few hours or a day later, and the file(s) *might* download to completion.

Other downloads (of small image files, say) or streaming of YouTube, Netflix, etc. never seems to have a problem.

I know for sure that it's a PC configuration problem because I tried the same downloads on a Windows 10 laptop, connected to the same router via WiFi, and all the files downloaded (albeit slightly more slowly) without a hitch.

Any ideas or suggestions on what I can do next?


PS *I* am the IT person at our group. I have admin access to the router and the PC, of course.
Sep 24, 2024 at 08:09 AM

System interupts

My pc freezes and task manager shows up to 100% CPU usage with system interupts
Any suggestions?
Sep 24, 2024 at 07:58 AM

Intel (R) management

Avast pro detecte que Intel (R) management n'est pas a jour nouvelle version 2428.6.2.0 du 10 juillet disponible. Auslogics ne voit pas cette mise a jour. pourquoi ?
Sep 19, 2024 at 05:22 AM

Bluetooth option gone after Win10Pro install

I updtaed from Win8.1 to Win10 now I have noe bluetooth option. Help
Sep 17, 2024 at 07:04 PM

Low FPS in large group settings.

I have a pretty decent computer that I had built 5 years ago for online gaming. Whenever I am in a large group setting with 15+ people I get significant FPS loss down to 10-15 FPS. It makes it impossible to play competently and affects my performance drastically in such settings so much so to the point that groups don't want me joining them because it is such a hindrance. My gaming laptop that was significantly cheaper by about $4,000 runs the same game more smoothly in these settings with 15+ people. I would really like to get to the bottom of what is causing this to happen so I can play competently and progress with my team.
Sep 15, 2024 at 06:35 PM

Auslogics BoostSpeed extrem langsam

Nach dem scan mit BoostSpeed 13 starte ich die Auflösung.
Das läuft anfangs noch ganz gut bis es zu den Browserspuren kommt.
Dann werden die etwa 300000 gefundenen Spuren im Sekundentakt heruntergezählt. Nach mehreren Stunden Laufzeit wird das zunehmend langsamer.
Ich muss dann abbrechen sonst wird das nie fertig.

Mache ich da etwas falsch oder ist das ein Software Problem?

Dieter Krause
Sep 14, 2024 at 11:39 AM

Eliminate Popups

What software is recommended to eliminate popups on my PC. The popups are not from programs on my PC.
Sep 14, 2024 at 01:25 AM

Wi-Fi Connection Issue with 802.11N Adapter

Dear Auslogics Support,

I am facing a significant problem with my computer's Wi-Fi connection, and I would appreciate your assistance.

Problem Details:

My computer's Wi-Fi adapter is 802.11N.
My computer connects to my phone's Wi-Fi hotspot without any issues, but it cannot connect to my home Wi-Fi network (Airtel broadband).

The error message I receive is "Can’t connect to this network" when attempting to connect to my home Wi-Fi.

Three days ago, it connected to the home Wi-Fi for a short time, but I received a warning stating that my Wi-Fi network uses an older security standard that’s being phased out. After following some troubleshooting steps from YouTube, I am no longer able to connect at all to my home Wi-Fi.

My other devices (phones, etc.) connect to the home Wi-Fi without any issues, and my Wi-Fi dongle works fine when connecting to my phone’s hotspot.

Steps I’ve Already Taken:

Resetting my network settings.
Flushing the DNS and resetting Winsock.
Attempted various fixes from online tutorials but none have worked so far.
Could you please help me diagnose and resolve this issue so I can connect to my home Wi-Fi?

Thank you for your support.

Sep 13, 2024 at 04:23 AM

Auslogic BoostSpeed 11

Buongiorno, recentemente nonostante l'aggiornamento, quando effettuo la scansione sulla modalità Protezione la ricerca si blocca.
Per la precisione, il programma riesce ad analizzare le trcce sul browser e nei file di sistema, ma non nelle applicazioni bloccandosi dopo avere analizzato il 32%. Ho provato a disinstallare il programma e reinstallarlo con la versione aggiornata senza risultato.
Grazie per l'eventuale aiuto.
Buona giornata
Stefano Carovani

Mar 14, 2020 at 02:54 PM



Feb 18, 2020 at 07:19 PM

Problema con servidor de internet y administrador de dispositivos

Whenever I restart my pc, it does not want to connect to the internet, it appears connected but does not open internet pages, and the error solver says, it fails in the router dns, but it is not that, because in other devices it works fine, I must restart the internet modem or take out the ethernet cable until the line comes back, my service provider came and checked with his laptop, it works fine, they told me there is a problem on my pc. To connect the ethernet cable I use a HUB (photos) because my laptop does not have a direct connection to ethernet, and for some time, when I installed AUSLOGICS BOOTSPEED, I did some programming and it gave me an error in the device driver desktop, I don't know if that is doing something on my pc, I don't like to be connecting and disconnecting the ethernet cable, because it is supposed to work, no need to reboot or remove the cable. Since I installed AUSLOGICS BOOTSPEED, I HAVE GOT SEVERAL BUGS IN MY PC, I DON'T KNOW IF THEY CAN HELP ME TO SOLVE IT. I already tried everything.
Nov 13, 2020 at 07:22 PM

suddenly the cpu usage comes to 100%

Sometimes the cpu usage comes to 100%

Mar 26, 2020 at 04:12 PM

Языковая панель

Пропала языковая панель

Feb 26, 2020 at 11:42 AM

Windows 10 logon password via Auslogics

I am not new to Aulogics - great product! However, I am a new Aulogics 11 user. In Aulogics, in trying to bypass Windows 10 Logon on my Lenovo, I believe the password that was pre-autofilled may have been incorrect? I chose by-pass Windows logon, however when my laptop restarts the first User screen tells me my Password is incorrect. How do I fix this in Aulogics? Any help would be appreciated! ~Catherine Trager

Content hidden to protect privacy

Apr 18, 2020 at 05:41 PM

Error code 0x80071a91

I have tried to update Windows 10 many times already, have performed clean boots, ran the troubleshooter and so on, but I keep getting this error (0x80071a91). What should I do?
Nov 26, 2020 at 08:00 AM

Samsung Kies Software side by side configuration

Hi guys. I am running a brand new installation of Windows 10, and i am attempting to install Samsung Kies to sync with my Samsung Galaxy S10+ smartphone, and it says that there is a side by side configuration error.

Nov 26, 2019 at 07:25 PM


I'm using your standard Auslogics Disk Defran 10, and can never get the level of defrag to less that 13% on my Win 7 disk. No other defrag programs have been able to do any better, the inherent Win defrag running for hours with no improvement.
Any idea how I can resolve this?

Aug 29, 2021 at 12:31 AM

transferring windows

Hello and thank you for your time,
I am having trouble with finding info relative to my specific situation. I own an Asus ROG Strix GL553VD with 16 GB ram and it came with the 1 TB HDD. Ive since upgraded it to a 500 GB SSD by WD Blue as of recetly Ive also added a 120 GB NVMe m.2 SSD and Id really like to be ablr to add my whole windows OS and boot from it to achieve faster results plus Ive heard its less stress on your main drive. I recently tried copying the windows folder to it (and all 26 or so GB that it held) onto the new SSD and that obv didnt work. I have AOMEI partition pro and back upper but my Windows OS isnt on its own partition on C drive and Im finding nothing about migrating just those files or how to create a partition of just those files and I see nothing about migrating from SSD to a different SSD. Thank you for your time and potential help!

Jan 01, 2020 at 08:17 AM

used auslogics freeupdater tool after that was given message please wait while updating.

I have premium I used the auslogics free updater to download updates and dnow my computer is bootlooping it dosent even get to the windows screen what can I do I have all sorts of problems with your software please adise what I can do pc boots then turns off boots then turns of or tries to boot,this was fater I updated a driver that I was told was out of date by your system.

Jan 31, 2020 at 02:27 AM

Duplicated Folder


My name is Eric Borges and I am having an issue that when I update my windows 10 it's duplicating the windows folder in my C:, (follow attached). I've try to delete in many ways and even tho with the Auslogics app is not working, it's saying that the folder is deleted, but it's not. Is there any way to remove it permanently?

Oct 27, 2020 at 07:40 PM

Add on Hardware recommendation

I'm thinking about installing "xtra PC" to rev up my Desktop. Does it really work?
If not, does boostspeed have a way of identifying bloatware?
Thank you!

Jan 05, 2020 at 08:39 PM

BootSpeed 12

How can I move "BootSpeed 12" to clean up my wifes computer?

Feb 25, 2021 at 08:15 PM


Hi Folks;
What can you tell me about I2C This device cannot start. (Code 10).

I have tried many fixes with no success.

This is the Touch Screen driver in an HP Envy 360.


George Jamison
Jul 25, 2020 at 04:12 PM

Japanese IME Not Working After Using Auslogics Boost Speed

As it says on the title - after using Auslogics Boost Speed to clean up my computer, my Japanese IME stopped working. The options to input using the various keyboards disappeared and reinstalling the language did nothing. Restarted my computer, tried fiddling around and it won't come back. I've attached a picture of how it should look normally and how it looks now. Any help with getting it back would be appreciated.

Nov 22, 2019 at 09:20 PM

Arrêt du système


Actuellement, mon système d'exploitation Edge 64b, mon système coupe après un temps de 40 secondes environs.
Comment résoudre ce problème?

Denis Schmitt

Mar 08, 2020 at 08:57 AM


I have problems with software deleting the cookies of the bank and credit cards I have been using. Everytime I do the sacan I had a hard time getting to my bank and credit cards that I have been using. I have to go thru a security questions all over again. What to do to avoid this repeated problems. For having thiese problems, I am afraid to do the scan. Please help me solving these problems. Thank you,

Jan 14, 2020 at 04:09 AM

Microsoft services malfunctioning

The Microsoft services are not working properly and some of it's features like EPIC GAMES and MICROSOFT STORE are not working. Can you help me solve that issue on my computer?

May 16, 2020 at 02:21 AM

Windows 10 Disc Optimizer

I have a Samsung Portable SSD T5 (1Terabyte) connected to my Lenovo Ideapad PC Laptop (running Windows 10 64bit) via the USB 3 port.
Windows and Samsung SSD software are both up-to-date. When I run the Windows 10 Disc Optimiser it does not detect the Samsung SSD and only shows my harddrive SSD therefore I cannot optimise it using Windows 10. I have tried connecting it to the other USB ports on my PC (these are both USB 2) but the result is the same.
Do you have any idea what can be causing this and is there a solution ?
(My Samsung SSD is detected by BoostSpeed 11 in the "Optimize" section)
I have included a screenshot of the Windows 10 "Optimise Drives" window on my PC if that helps.
Many thanks for your kind attention.

May 20, 2020 at 02:09 PM