1897 questions
when i boot up it takes about 7 minutes---it has never been this slow and i dis-abled alot of progams..will your program help with this?
BoostSpeed13 更新インストール
現在 BoostSpeed_12 使用中です。 _13 アップデートの購入続きを完了しました。 手順書に従う中で "ヘルプ" のプルダウン内に "レジスト"記述が無く、バージョンアップできない。正確な手順書をお送りください。
現在 BoostSpeed_12 使用中です。 _13 アップデートの購入続きを完了しました。 手順書に従う中で "ヘルプ" のプルダウン内に "レジスト"記述が無く、バージョンアップできない。正確な手順書をお送りください。
Screen Size
Hi just wanted to ask when are you going to give us TV users a 300% option cos its hard to read at 4K
System Tray Icon Never Loads
I recently purchased Auslogics BoostSpeed 12 and I’m running it on Windows 10 VM, the user is a Standard user without any Administrative Privileges. This brings me to the question! Can this Standard user turn on the computer and BoostSpeed 12 loads and runs automatically including scheduled maintenance?
It looks as though all is fine until I restart the computer however, it’s not, the system tray icon never loads until I start the application manually, and before it loads an administrative Password is required. Is this normal and If so is there a workaround?
It looks as though all is fine until I restart the computer however, it’s not, the system tray icon never loads until I start the application manually, and before it loads an administrative Password is required. Is this normal and If so is there a workaround?
Unable to open any image file via photos
I am getting an error when i am double clicking an image file, which normally used to open with "photos" app.
The error is "No such interface supported"
The error is "No such interface supported"
J'ai un problème de connexion tant sur ma messagerie mails (Orange) que sur certains sites qui nécessitent notamment une connexion via FRANCE CONNECT ou les banques
Je pense avoir fait un bon nettoyage par votre biais mais en même temps je ne sais pas exactement ce qu'il faudrait supprimer...
Est-ce que le fait d,avoir Google Chrome est mieux ?
Est-ce que j'ai Kaspersky et CCleaner et maintenant Auslogics, ça ne fait pas interférance
car c'est vraiment des interférances : pas toujours les mêmes blocages mais toujours en début de connexion (par ex, quand je veux changer de comptes de messagerie alors que les 3 sont sur Orange...)
merci et à bientôt !
J'ai un problème de connexion tant sur ma messagerie mails (Orange) que sur certains sites qui nécessitent notamment une connexion via FRANCE CONNECT ou les banques
Je pense avoir fait un bon nettoyage par votre biais mais en même temps je ne sais pas exactement ce qu'il faudrait supprimer...
Est-ce que le fait d,avoir Google Chrome est mieux ?
Est-ce que j'ai Kaspersky et CCleaner et maintenant Auslogics, ça ne fait pas interférance
car c'est vraiment des interférances : pas toujours les mêmes blocages mais toujours en début de connexion (par ex, quand je veux changer de comptes de messagerie alors que les 3 sont sur Orange...)
merci et à bientôt !
Bootspeed 13 Pro | x64 version
This is not a issue, it is a technical question about Bootspeed version availability.
I have recently installed a free version of Bootspeed 12 in my home computer. It is a nice-to-have product but noticed that it is a 32-bit version. Is a x64 PRO version also available?
Even if this is not the case, will the upcoming product version (Bootspeed 13 PRO) have a 64-bit version?
Thank you.
Best regards
Jorge Ambrosio
PS: My installation OS is MS Windows 10 Home, x64 version, with Intel i7 CPU, and 32GB of RAM.
This is not a issue, it is a technical question about Bootspeed version availability.
I have recently installed a free version of Bootspeed 12 in my home computer. It is a nice-to-have product but noticed that it is a 32-bit version. Is a x64 PRO version also available?
Even if this is not the case, will the upcoming product version (Bootspeed 13 PRO) have a 64-bit version?
Thank you.
Best regards
Jorge Ambrosio
PS: My installation OS is MS Windows 10 Home, x64 version, with Intel i7 CPU, and 32GB of RAM.
Desaparecen los textos
Buenas tardes,
¿como puedo resolver el problema de qué en ocasiones desaparecen los textos en algunos programas, emails, cuadros de diálogo, menús de ventanas y nombres en los íconos de archivos? y no reaparecen hasta que reinicio sesión en windows.
¿como puedo resolver el problema de qué en ocasiones desaparecen los textos en algunos programas, emails, cuadros de diálogo, menús de ventanas y nombres en los íconos de archivos? y no reaparecen hasta que reinicio sesión en windows.
of course windows 10 update assistant won't work for anybody with windows 10 version 10240
not kissing auslogics ass but your products work for me - i've purchased quite a few licenses from you in past 6 months
WHEN is auslogics going to create a new product designed specifically to -- F I X -- windows updates ?
Windows 10 update assistant desn't work, you can have a brand new laptop with windows 10 version 10240 and
you will NEVER be able to update to version 20H2
go online and google this famous problem yourself: '..... https://www.google.com/search?q=windows+won%27t+update+to+20H2&source=hp&ei=StRUY7SEMqaq5NoP3eG48AE&iflsig=AJiK0e8AAAAAY1TiWtOlcytSaQ4bxpid44eCLbIptM0H&ved=0ahUKEwi00cqi0vX6AhUmFVkFHd0wDh4Q4dUDCAk&uact=5&oq=windows+won%27t+update+to+20H2&gs_lcp=Cgdnd3Mtd2l6EAMyBQgAEIAEMgYIABAWEB4yBggAEBYQHjIGCAAQFhAeMgYIABAWEB4yBggAEBYQHjIFCAAQhgMyBQgAEIYDOhEILhCPARCPARDqAhCMAxDlAjoRCAAQjwEQjwEQ6gIQjAMQ5QI6CwgAEIAEELEDEIMBOgsILhCABBCxAxCDAToRCC4QgAQQsQMQgwEQxwEQ0QM6DgguEIAEELEDEMcBENEDOggILhCxAxCDAToICAAQsQMQgwE6CAgAEIAEELEDOgUILhCABDoICC4QgAQQsQM6CwguELEDEMcBENEDOg4IABCABBCxAxCDARDJAzoLCC4QgAQQxwEQrwE6DgguELEDEIMBEMcBENEDOg4ILhCABBCxAxDHARCvAToLCC4QgAQQxwEQ0QM6CAgAEBYQHhAKUKbjAViXtwJgyIEDaAJwAHgAgAGBA4gBuxuSAQkxMC4xNi4xLjGYAQCgAQGwAQo&sclient=gws-wiz ......'
Anyways, i'm sure if you auslogics geniuses could create a product that would diagnose te installed Windows 10 -- even
a FRESHLY INSTALLED COPY - and then figure out how to FIX WINDOWS 10 UPDATE it would be great
everytime, i've used windows assistant or used their diseased updare system, my brand new lapop automatically
UN-INSTALLSthe 'update' upon reboot.
good luck, you have a winner on your hands should you FIX the hateful microsoft update problem
really, windows and microsoft SUCK as bad as mscintosh/apple and Their endless built-in-obsolete operating systems
for now ? i've DISABLED all windows updates except for DEFENDER updates every 48 hours
lynnpokemonojeff (i will NEVER AGAIN attemptto 'update' my windows 10 version 10240
WHEN is auslogics going to create a new product designed specifically to -- F I X -- windows updates ?
Windows 10 update assistant desn't work, you can have a brand new laptop with windows 10 version 10240 and
you will NEVER be able to update to version 20H2
go online and google this famous problem yourself: '..... https://www.google.com/search?q=windows+won%27t+update+to+20H2&source=hp&ei=StRUY7SEMqaq5NoP3eG48AE&iflsig=AJiK0e8AAAAAY1TiWtOlcytSaQ4bxpid44eCLbIptM0H&ved=0ahUKEwi00cqi0vX6AhUmFVkFHd0wDh4Q4dUDCAk&uact=5&oq=windows+won%27t+update+to+20H2&gs_lcp=Cgdnd3Mtd2l6EAMyBQgAEIAEMgYIABAWEB4yBggAEBYQHjIGCAAQFhAeMgYIABAWEB4yBggAEBYQHjIFCAAQhgMyBQgAEIYDOhEILhCPARCPARDqAhCMAxDlAjoRCAAQjwEQjwEQ6gIQjAMQ5QI6CwgAEIAEELEDEIMBOgsILhCABBCxAxCDAToRCC4QgAQQsQMQgwEQxwEQ0QM6DgguEIAEELEDEMcBENEDOggILhCxAxCDAToICAAQsQMQgwE6CAgAEIAEELEDOgUILhCABDoICC4QgAQQsQM6CwguELEDEMcBENEDOg4IABCABBCxAxCDARDJAzoLCC4QgAQQxwEQrwE6DgguELEDEIMBEMcBENEDOg4ILhCABBCxAxDHARCvAToLCC4QgAQQxwEQ0QM6CAgAEBYQHhAKUKbjAViXtwJgyIEDaAJwAHgAgAGBA4gBuxuSAQkxMC4xNi4xLjGYAQCgAQGwAQo&sclient=gws-wiz ......'
Anyways, i'm sure if you auslogics geniuses could create a product that would diagnose te installed Windows 10 -- even
a FRESHLY INSTALLED COPY - and then figure out how to FIX WINDOWS 10 UPDATE it would be great
everytime, i've used windows assistant or used their diseased updare system, my brand new lapop automatically
UN-INSTALLSthe 'update' upon reboot.
good luck, you have a winner on your hands should you FIX the hateful microsoft update problem
really, windows and microsoft SUCK as bad as mscintosh/apple and Their endless built-in-obsolete operating systems
for now ? i've DISABLED all windows updates except for DEFENDER updates every 48 hours
lynnpokemonojeff (i will NEVER AGAIN attemptto 'update' my windows 10 version 10240
Errors 0x80070091 and 0x8007016a
Can the pro version of Auslagics find and repair the cause of errors 0x80070091 and 0x8007016a?
tray icon
when you see the red x in the tray icon, how are you suppose to know what is it that needs to be fixed by boostspeed?
DirectPlay issue
Every since I installed Auslogics driver updater I keep getting a message that I need to install directplay. Directplay won't install on my computer and if I choose to skip the installation the attached notification constantly comes up. Is Auslogics driver updater or Bootspeed calling for this outdated windows feature. If I uninstall driver updater I don't get that notification.
printer does not print after running Auslogic
can you help to sort out problem with printing after "optimisation" of notebook by running Auslogic. Aslo smart car readerstopped working. Card reader was not recognised, one of the services was disabled by the Booster. Smart card reader problem was solved by enabling the service, but the printer does not work still.
nettoyage Registre + defragmentation
J'ai lu qu'il ne fallait pas trop nettoyer le registre, on risque de perdre des données essentielles. J'ai lu également qu'il ne fallait pas dégragmenter le disque trop souvent, est-ce vrai ?
J'ai lu qu'il ne fallait pas trop nettoyer le registre, on risque de perdre des données essentielles. J'ai lu également qu'il ne fallait pas dégragmenter le disque trop souvent, est-ce vrai ?
Addressing a specific drive
Firstly, what a wonderful piece of software. Always very cautious about programmes which can permanently delete items and never apologise when deleting an incorrect one. So far this is behaving perfectly.
My question is, is it possible to adress just a specific disk, for instance, can I ask the software to only process a requirement on my I drive or any other drive.
By chance is this an Australian designed programme?
John Terry
My question is, is it possible to adress just a specific disk, for instance, can I ask the software to only process a requirement on my I drive or any other drive.
By chance is this an Australian designed programme?
John Terry
BoostSpeed always errors off
I installed 3 times and did 3 scans but each time it said:
Error EDrive not found Exception. Drive could not be found.
What can I do?
Error EDrive not found Exception. Drive could not be found.
What can I do?
Windows crashes... I don't see any particular connection between the crashes except that I get this message...
windows.com/stopcode MEMORY_MANAGEMENT
any ideas? Thanks David
Windows crashes... I don't see any particular connection between the crashes except that I get this message...
windows.com/stopcode MEMORY_MANAGEMENT
any ideas? Thanks David
проблема с компом
здраствуйте,помогите с проблемой. Компьютер очень сильно глючит ,возможно это связано с устнавления какого то вируса? что можно сделать в ситуации?
Latest update
Latest update for boostspeed will not install. I have will not install.
Löschen von Dateien
bei mir ist eine " .pfx" Datei verschwunden. Unter Schnellzugriff wird sie noch aufgeführt. Im angegebenen Pfad steht sie nicht mehr. Was kann der Grund sein?
Herzliche Grüsse
Norbert Anderss
Antwort bitte in deutsch.
bei mir ist eine " .pfx" Datei verschwunden. Unter Schnellzugriff wird sie noch aufgeführt. Im angegebenen Pfad steht sie nicht mehr. Was kann der Grund sein?
Herzliche Grüsse
Norbert Anderss
Antwort bitte in deutsch.
Auslogics Boost speed
I subscribed to Boost spoeed 9 a while ago and it worked as expected.. It had a function of Scan Repair and sleep.. good for the end of the day.
However as the program is up dated it no longert has that function and I find I have to buy a new licence for each up date. . With out the scan repair and sleep ,it seems not now wortyh paying for more up dates.
What can i do and shall i lookj for another program that will do that for me
Thank you
Bob Parr
However as the program is up dated it no longert has that function and I find I have to buy a new licence for each up date. . With out the scan repair and sleep ,it seems not now wortyh paying for more up dates.
What can i do and shall i lookj for another program that will do that for me
Thank you
Bob Parr
printer does not print after running Auslogic
can you help to sort out problem with printing after "optimisation" of notebook by running Auslogic. Aslo smart car readerstopped working. Card reader was not recognised, one of the services was disabled by the Booster. Smart card reader problem was solved by enabling the service, but the printer does not work still.
external hard drive recovery
so i have ran check disk a few times on a external hard drive to see if i can possibly repair the thing and if not recover some things that are still on it. windows does not recognize the drive but 3rd party software does, so as i'm running check disk it sees one bad sector like at somewhat of the begging of the scan then it continues and runs almost to the end of the scan but does'nt qiute finish the scan, instead it suddenly stops, the screen goes black for a second and then it reboots windows and thats it. no log of what happened at the time of crash or the condition of the drive or the end result...nothing. so i'm wondering if you can shed some light on the situation and maybe some remedies if any? thanks, cweklund
P.S. under device at the top of this inquery what I choose does'nt apply to my question i just had to put something there so it would send. this is in regards to an external drive i have.
P.S. under device at the top of this inquery what I choose does'nt apply to my question i just had to put something there so it would send. this is in regards to an external drive i have.
Spinner GIF Keeps Spinning on Some Websites
Whenever I go to a site that requires some time to load, e.g., http://www.fpcanada.ca/findaplanner
I keep seeing the spinnning GIF wheel as I wait for the web page to load, which it does not and then times out..
So far, it happens with Edge, Google, and Firefox. I have restarted several times and have cleared the cache, flushed DNS, reset the browsers, completed a deep clean, registry clean, and optimized internet settings with SpeedBoost, run two anti-virus malware programs (Windows Secuity and Malware Bytes), and have run memory diagnostics. All with the same result - no change.
Windows and the browsers are all up-to-date.
When I inspect the Javascript (>by right-clicking on the Spinner), I see that the Spinner is there and seems to be waiting.
Any suggestions?
I keep seeing the spinnning GIF wheel as I wait for the web page to load, which it does not and then times out..
So far, it happens with Edge, Google, and Firefox. I have restarted several times and have cleared the cache, flushed DNS, reset the browsers, completed a deep clean, registry clean, and optimized internet settings with SpeedBoost, run two anti-virus malware programs (Windows Secuity and Malware Bytes), and have run memory diagnostics. All with the same result - no change.
Windows and the browsers are all up-to-date.
When I inspect the Javascript (>by right-clicking on the Spinner), I see that the Spinner is there and seems to be waiting.
Any suggestions?
Auslogics BoostSpeed12で、メモリー管理の設定がありますか。
Auslogics BoostSpeed12で、メモリー管理の設定がありますか。
Driver Issues
Hello Dear Sir, Madam,
We have a AMD Radeon HD 6950 Graphics Card,
I looked all over the Internet for the right driver.. But I cannot find the one that works on our pc..
We use Windows 11 Pro X64
I have tried the most of drivers I could find, but none of them work as they should...
We have a HDR Display now, And with some drivers it is disabled.. Others it works with no problem.
As soon as we want to start a game for example Hitman 3..
It Does not start.. And with other games it prompts me to look for the new drivers for our graphics card...
That it is outdated... So please please help us fix this problem?
It would mean the world to us!!
I have added a pic, of the properties of the card with it, using the program speccy
Thanks for the help!
Best Regards!
We have a AMD Radeon HD 6950 Graphics Card,
I looked all over the Internet for the right driver.. But I cannot find the one that works on our pc..
We use Windows 11 Pro X64
I have tried the most of drivers I could find, but none of them work as they should...
We have a HDR Display now, And with some drivers it is disabled.. Others it works with no problem.
As soon as we want to start a game for example Hitman 3..
It Does not start.. And with other games it prompts me to look for the new drivers for our graphics card...
That it is outdated... So please please help us fix this problem?
It would mean the world to us!!
I have added a pic, of the properties of the card with it, using the program speccy
Thanks for the help!
Best Regards!
Auligistics Boost Seem to Be Deleting Windows Files
Auligistics Boost Seem to Be Deleting Windows Files, For Example my Searchhost DLL got deleted, stopping aall my searches
Smart Card Service
I have encountered the problem with Smart Card Service turning off. And I am actually using a smart card. I keep opening Services menu in windows and turning it on again. (Auto/manual no matter) It works then, but the next day it will be the same issue over and over again.
I suspect that BoostSpeed is turning it off as a matter of "optimisation". Who can I check and make it stop? I need this service running.
Best Regards, Dmitry
I have encountered the problem with Smart Card Service turning off. And I am actually using a smart card. I keep opening Services menu in windows and turning it on again. (Auto/manual no matter) It works then, but the next day it will be the same issue over and over again.
I suspect that BoostSpeed is turning it off as a matter of "optimisation". Who can I check and make it stop? I need this service running.
Best Regards, Dmitry
boost speed 13
When I do a scan, it comes back and tells me xxxx amount of junk to be cleaned and fragmented. When I click recolvder all, 90% of the junk is removed. I cleaned junk files and it said xxxx amount of files and it cleaned all but 91 mg. I therefore have to clean 2 or 3 times to remove all. WHY? I have paid for this version and it is not updated. Please advise.