1859 questions

Removal of leftover files and registry entries after uninstall. (crashplan)

I need to remove leftover files and settings of uninstalled software, in particular I need to remove crashplan pro in order to have a clean setup and do a new installation without any registry entries or old files.

Apr 18, 2022 at 06:26 PM

letters are very thin -hard to read

Dear Sir/Madam
After optimization the letters on facebook or on internet websites are vey thin and hard to read. How do i return back to previous settings? Its very difficult to read text/comments on web

How do i revert back changes
I have attach a typical page with current letter style. Can it be made more visible ? not bigger just more clear

Thank you
Andreas Y
Apr 17, 2022 at 09:46 AM

Windows 10 Pro Licencia Retail - No actualiza versión 21H2 - Error 0x800f0922

Recientemente adquirí Licencia Windows 10 Pro.
Introduje el nuevo código de la Licencia en Actualización y Seguridad/Activación/Cambio de licencia.

Regularmente la Actualización solicita Reinicio.
Cuando se lleva a cabo sigue los pasos de Descarga, Instalación, luego Reinicio.
Durante el Reinicio la pantalla deja ver:
"Buscando actualizaciones", "Instalando" (se ve la evolución porcentual) y cuando casi llega a 100%; "No pudimos instalar actualizaciones", "No apague el equipo"
Luego Reinicia nuevamente y se repite lo mencionado.
Y finalmente abre la pantalla de presentación Windows.

Al revisar de nuevo el menú de Actualizaciones, aparece error 0x800f90922.

Aunque ejecuté diversas operaciones (vistas en Youtube), ninguna me dio resultado.

Es posible su ayuda para solucionar éste problema?, por favor.
Gracias! - Saludos
Apr 16, 2022 at 06:54 PM


ファイル C:\Users\BAMOTO\Desktop\●●画像●●\新しいフォルダー (6) のバックアップ中に問題が発生しました。
エラー:(STATUS_WAIT_2 (0x80070002))


Apr 16, 2022 at 01:54 AM

Defrag Ultimate

I have Boostspeed 12.

Is there any benefit in having Defrag Ultimate? Boostspeed 12 includes defrag. Can Defrag Ultimate do anything the defrag in Boostspeed can't do?

Is Defrag Ultimate only intended to be used with Boostspeed 11, and earlier versions of Boostspeed?

Thank you.
Apr 14, 2022 at 01:46 AM

transferring data and Auslogics

Hi. This may be out of your field, but...

I am relaunching a small nonprofit. Part of the process is transferring files from a worn out laptop (using now) to a newer refurbished one. I'm using the free version of Auslogics Speed to clean up the old laptop before transferring data to new. We will be subscribing to the paid version for the newer laptop after I get the transfer done.

In the past, I've had to have someone transfer data using specific cables. Is there an Auslogics or other software that can be used to do the transfer without hardwiring? Novice here techwise. And, it's always been my experience that no matter how successful the data transfer, the folder and files have to be manually reconstructed. A work-around would be great.

I need t leave home now but will return about 4:30 Pacific. Yes, I know that's asking a lot, so I appreciate whatever you can share about the challenges I'm facing.

Will Anderson

Apr 12, 2022 at 08:41 PM

BoostSpeed wipes out VS2022 install data

Whenever I run the Boostspeed scan it wipes out all indication of my VS2022 installation. After the Boostspped run Visual Stuio VS2022 installer states there is nothing installed. Must restore with backups.

Please advise.

Apr 12, 2022 at 12:02 AM


Bonjour , existe-t-il un logiciel (facile) , pour éliminer tous les doublons automatiquement ( sans cocher toutes les cases de tous les doublons ) . Merci , cordialement

Apr 11, 2022 at 08:14 AM

High System Usage

I keep getting a High System Usage mesage from Auslogics, although run windows pro 10 with 8gig of memory on this old desktop but I never get it on my laptop with much the same programs.
Apr 10, 2022 at 12:39 PM

Desframentação de SSD

Fazer a desfragmentação em dispositivo SSD pode danificá-lo?

What emptied by downloads folder

I recently did a scan and later a deep clean, I now find my dowloads folder is empty
Apr 08, 2022 at 04:46 PM

Windows 10 not shutting down, keeps restarting

When I shut down (even Shift + shutdown or hibernate) the computer (i5-4460 with 16 GB Ram, ASUS H97m PLUS) the PC instantly reboots. Have to do hard shutdown with power button.
I have tried a few "fixes", e.g.
In Startup and recovery, used "Restart" for clean start,
Start in "Safe Mode",
Untick "Automatic restart",
Removed or substituted all devices, hard drives plus mouse and keyboard, even monitor and RAM, except Graphics card - no fix. Defragged and scanned hard drives for errors.
Pressed power button with power disconnected.
Re-installed Windows and updated.
All fans and heatsinks not clogged with dust.
Edited Registry = "No Auto Reboot With Logged On User"!

I have recent system images saved but none before the problem started!

Any suggestions? Thank you, David
Apr 07, 2022 at 07:31 AM

Problems with Windows Update-Valentin Batalak

I had some problems installing Win 10 updates. The problem keeps recurring and I would like information from your support.
You may find this error code helpful: (0x80080005), which is the message that keeps popping up:
The device is missing important security and quality patches!
Valentin Batalak
Apr 07, 2022 at 07:15 AM

slow response time on windows right-click

read your article on slow right-click functionality and evaluating your product; where do i find the option to troubleshoot this issue
Apr 04, 2022 at 09:16 PM

Why does boostspeed try to defragment SSDs?

Why at all? Especially when Diskeeper 18 from Condusiv is running? How can I disable just that portion of Boostspeed so it never interferes and puts unnecessary load on the SSD?
Apr 04, 2022 at 08:42 PM

Windows Security Center

Hello, Every since I installed Auslogics boostspeed today, my Windows Security Center will not turn on. In fact, it is greyed out and won't let me turn it on. I would like to get this fixed ASAP
Apr 04, 2022 at 04:12 PM

suppression des fichiers en double (copies)

Bonjour, je souhaite supprimer avec votre logiciel les fichiers en double
Quelle est la marche à suivre ?
merci de votre aide
Apr 02, 2022 at 12:16 PM

Taille des lettres

Comment augmenter la tailles des caractères, pour rendre les textes plus facilement lisibie.
Apr 01, 2022 at 01:13 AM

rendre les textes plus lisibles

Comment augmenter la grosseur des caractères, pour les rendre plus lisibles.
Apr 01, 2022 at 01:10 AM

new laptop

can i delete boostspeed off my computer and install on a new one?
Mar 31, 2022 at 05:35 PM

sobre boost speed 13

Descargué la versión gratuita de boost speed 13, el problema es que cuando hize que analizará mi pc había una parte que ponía "desfragmentación de disco" lo cual es malo porque mi pc lleva ssd y desfragmentar es malo para los ssd, desinstalé el programa porque después que analizará mi pc y solucionará los problemas encontrados no vi diferencia de rendimiento.
Feb 11, 2024 at 08:23 PM


Ich komme nicht mehr auf mein altes E-Mail Konto, keine verbindung mit dem Server.
May 09, 2024 at 09:26 AM

Auslogics BoostSpeed13

Why can I not remove any brower add-ons (FF, Chrome) through the internet Optimizer? It shows the add-ons but says a setting or synchronization is preventing the process?

Thanks in advance - Scott
Feb 08, 2024 at 04:42 AM


Eu gostaria de saber se esse software tem atualizações positivas para kit x99
May 10, 2024 at 03:04 PM

исчез диск

при помощи вашей программы я запустил сканирование компьютера. После окончания сканирования ваша программа предложила исправить "недостатки" системы. После этого у меня исчез внутренний диск D со всей инфомацией. Как такое может быть? И что мне сделать чтобы всё восстановить обратно. Спасибо.
Feb 11, 2024 at 06:28 PM


es que mi pc se rentalizo extrema y va muy lenta que hago
Dec 13, 2023 at 01:18 PM

Problem mit dem Optimieren in Disk Defrag 11

Ich habe eine Festplattenpartition, in der die Files über den gesamten Bereich verstreut sind, mit großen Lücken dazwischen. Bei Benutzung der Option "Defragmentieren und Optimieren" in der bei Auslogics gekauften Version Disk Defrag 11 steht der Rechner praktisch. Die Optimierung eines einzelnen kleinen Files dauert Minuten. Die Defragmentierung dagegen läuft normal. Da ich die Kaufversion wegen der Optimierungsoption erworben habe, bitte ich um eine Antwort, wie dieser Fehler beseitigt werden kann.
Ich benutze Windows 10, 64 bit.
Apr 30, 2024 at 01:35 PM


c:\users\ольга\appdata\local\microsoft\windowc\setingback up\20240120.215638\lo MidHost.exe постоянно выскакивает, как от этой программы избавиться
Jan 21, 2024 at 11:58 AM

Pc Speed is slow compared to other devices


Recently I have noticed that my PC internet speed has drastically gone down. Every other device in the house has speeds of around 65mb upload speed. Yet my PC is around 6mb

I have tried disconecting ethernet cable and just connecting to the wifi but thats just as slow. I have also tried doing a network reset and that did not work. Every interent page used to be instant and now it really lags. I cannot do any online work until this is fixed.
Can you give me a list of things to try I am using windows 10
Feb 02, 2024 at 09:33 PM

Cubase and low DSP, ISR latency

I would like to choose best performance and kick off unnecessary apps and perform tweaks
to have best available DPC latency on my computer in order to make music production.
I have applied BootSpeed tweaks, also affinity for my NVidia GPU, uninstall unneeded apps, disable my intel speedstep, choose power plan to make high performance (disable sleeping for devices), I have updated win11, I disabled unused features such as bluetooth, fax and unneeded devices, disabled HPET etc., hw connected as possible - ports verified, more in detail, sfc and dism- processed, ok results, I provide also those steps and my configuration for your opinion on this in order to recommend me additional steps, or what to do more for best possible result in my configuration
I understand, that its a lot of information at once, I just spent time to get this information and collect and I can send my current configuration in order too.

In general, I have question related to DPC latency once I am able to go around 100 microsecs., but not less - the way is, that I have 20-50 microsecs and after some time I go to around 100 (highest dpc exec.time)
I also monitored performance and got ntoskrnl and dxgkrnl/nvlddmkm and ndis with a bit higher numbers caused this.
Focused on drivers, updated and measured, not sure, how to process with better configuration still - I have disabled sleep modes and disable ipv6 etc.
I use 128/256 samples with 24bit/48000Hz for my audio configuration, the same in audio card, same in my Cubase projects and I disabled internal audio card onboarded.

Any your suggestions, where to focus, those are very appreciated to get best performance possibilities for my music production mode.

Thank you in advance
Kind Regards,
Feb 04, 2024 at 04:54 PM

taskbar\system errors\explorer.exe\overrun in slack based buffer

Since my first question my problem is getting worse. Now I'm unable to open the control panel the shortcut on my desktop disappeared as I tried to open it. Troubleshooter samething. I cant get a lot of things to open anymore. Cant contact Dell, Microsoft, boost speed 13 still works, but for how long? Please help me before I chuck this thing in the garbage
Feb 12, 2024 at 08:11 AM

Sprache deutsch

Gibt es das Handbuch auch in Deutsch?
Wie kann ich die bezahlte version von Auslogics BoostSpeed 13 auf meinen Computer downloaden?
Feb 14, 2024 at 05:16 PM

indicacion del tiempo de inicio de windows

Estimado Señor:
Me dirijo a usted para preguntarle cómo logro que aparezca la notificacion en pantalla, del tiempo que ha tardado windows 11 en iniciarse.
Gracias, Atentamente:
Francisco José Díaz Álamo
May 16, 2024 at 12:25 PM

WindowsUpdate Not working due to corrupted files & MSOffice 10 Prof does not install

WindowsUpdate Not working due to corrupted files & MSOffice 10 Prof does not install
Jan 12, 2024 at 04:17 AM

Windows Performance

Is there a program or anything that will scan my laptop and honestly improve the speed and performance?
May 03, 2024 at 02:37 AM


je ne sais pas si la question est déjà posée ou non, mais voilà ma question.

Je crois que ce sera plus rapide pour l'utilisateur si vous ajoutez un champ de recherche sur le tableau de bord (dashboard) pour acceder plus rapidement à un sous menu du logiciel.
Merci d'avance pour votre réponse.
Mes salutations.
Apr 27, 2024 at 10:55 AM

Task Manager & Auslogics Registry Cleaner

Task Manager on my Win 11 PC is showing CPU 29% busy (idling) whilst Auslogics view is showing 17%. Can you explain the difference?
Apr 30, 2024 at 04:07 PM

Gostaria de ter

Bom dia!

É possível que a AUSLOGICS adicione ao BoostSpeed algo como o Partition Master, algo que ajude a solucionar problemas mais profundos nos HDDs?
Jan 17, 2024 at 02:57 PM

user-defined mode

I apologize if my translation program, even if it is one of the best, makes mistakes.
I would like to speed up my PC. There is no real profile in Auslogistics BoostSpeed 13. I have to exclude the use for games from the outset. None are installed. At least not consciously. In addition to normal office programs from Office 365, I often use the Internet for research purposes and have the complete Adobe package from CreativeCloud. I have now noticed very often that my PC freezes or that memory capacities are probably fully utilized. But I can't see any evidence or the cause anywhere. I copy the PC data here at the end. I would very much like to be able to work according to my configuration again. The Windows energy-saving mode is set to off.

Gerätename DidisTurbo
Prozessor 12th Gen Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-12700KF 3.60 GHz
Installierter RAM 32,0 GB (31,8 GB verwendbar)
Geräte-ID C2B4ADDA-869D-40DF-B2CE-40F87E67FB5E
Produkt-ID 00330-80000-00000-AA179
Systemtyp 64-Bit-Betriebssystem, x64-basierter Prozessor
Stift- und Toucheingabe Unterstützung für Stifteingabe

Edition Windows 11 Pro
Version 23H2
Installiert am ‎02.‎01.‎2024
Betriebssystembuild 22635.3140
Leistung Windows Feature Experience Pack 1000.22686.1000.0
Feb 10, 2024 at 03:00 PM

Самопроизвольное отключение

Почему мой ноутбук в последнее время часто отключается?
May 08, 2024 at 09:17 AM