Tab Crashes when go to Look at Report from Deep Disk Cleaner
Startup issues
Thanks, Michael.
Suggestion / Idea
This is not a question for you, merely an idea for additional software functionality. I think it could be a great feature.
I sometimes look at Event Logs for my Windows 10 PC, usually filtering out 'Information' type logs.
There are often events there that are errors. Sometimes these errors are happening thousands of times a day, but they happen silently and do not appear to impact my day to day work. But they must be hurting performance.
But if there was an 'Analyse Event Log Results' feature in BoostSpeed, which provided helpful feedback to users about those errors and suggested ways of resolving them, I would definitely use it.
I bet it would not be easy though!
Best regards
Мой Сканер
Вопрос не о Spotify а AutoLogics BoostSpeed 12 Можно ли исправить определенные ошибки а не нажмиать Исправить Все?
Whatsaap bussines desktop solamente en esta pc.
Buenas Noches.
Si es posible solicito consejo para saber porque whatsaap bussines desktop se cierra al llamar desde esta pc.
En otras pc no ocurre lo mismo.
Tods mis programas son legales.
Saluda atentamente.
Orlando Barrionuevo
No Disk DeFrag menu option in Auslogics 10
I installed this today, paid $30.00 dollars for it (after using a free verison for years), and after one attemot at optimizing my SSD on my Acer Laptop, the prgram restarted after completion and when it did it no longer has the menu option to actually defrag anything. the only menus i have are "reports" "Portable version" "ask a question" and "auslogics store".
what's going on?
Recuperación de la RAM
Tengo Un HP Elitedesk con 16 GB RAM, disco NVMe de 512 GB, Procesador I7 Octava Gen (Modelo Elitedesk 800 G4), con Windows 10 Pro actualizado todo a la ultima version. Este equipo trabaja muy bien y rapido...pero al utilizarlo con varias aplicaciones que tengo que abrir simultaneamente (TradingView Desktop, Binance Desktop, Metatrader 5 y Brave Browser), el equipo trabaja perfectamente, pero al pasar unas horas y yo cerrar algunas pestañas en las apps, y abrir otras, e incluso reduciendo su numero, la RAM no es recuperada y me quedo sin memoria. Hay alguna manera de automatizar la recuperacion de la RAM asi esto no me suceda mas? Tengo la Virtual Memory de Windows en cero, ya que tengo un disco duro de estado solido y no quiero que sea usado para swap para prologar su vida util.
Committ Page Memory Use
Transferring Speed Boost, Defrag and Registry Cleaner to new computer
Need to do a clean reinstall of the operating system. Do I need to uninstall products before doing this.
Have been using a free version of your BoostSpeed program and liked it a lot. Thank you for such excellent software. I was wondering if it's possible to get a discount on the pro version as I would really like to use it fully.
Second PC Monitor Not Recognized and Screen Resolution Fuzzy on Both
Работа ключа ЭЦП (Электронная цифровая подпись)
Один и тот же ключ ЭЦП (Электронная цифровая подпись) на флеш-памяти с одного компьютера считывается и подписывает документы без ошибок, а со второго - нет, Выдает ошибку о невозможности использования или сертификат поврежден. Главное - до чистки компьютера программой Auslogics BoostSpeed 12 ключ без ошибок подписывал документы и со второго компьютера. Вопрос, что мог изменить или удалить Auslogics BoostSpeed 12 в компьютера, то перестал корректно работать ЭЦП (Электронная цифровая подпись).
Какую службу или какие настройки в Windows 10 надо изменить, чтобы Электронная цифровая подпись работала со второго компьютера и подписывала документы? Спасибо!!!
error code 46362C1-0B211304-00000A09
It has been driving me crazy for months now.
ripristino funzionamento IRDA
per un breve periodo con windows 10 ha funzionato l'IRDA (infrarosso) che uso per scaricare i dati di un vecchio cardiofrequenzimetro dopo un aggiornamento l'IRDA non ha più funzionato e nonostante le ricerche su internet per la risoluzione del problema e l'applicazione dei parametri consigliati sempre su internet la mia pennetta IRDA non funziona. Sapete, per cortesia, indicarmi un modo per ripristinare il funzionamento dell'IRDA?.
Ringrazio per la gentile attenzione bisegna tonino
window defender
Using the registry
SSD optimization for a whole day
I am using SSD optimization with Auslogic Bootspeed 12 to optimize my C drive (114 GB free 54 gb) it took a whole day to finish. Is it normal for a ssd optimization running? (while it only took 5 mins to optimize my D drive 98GB free 54GB). How frequently should I run SSD optimization
The BSOD error has appeared and my Operating system now does not function.
I had my previous OS on a SSD and now have access to my PC and using an External Disk Hub, I can access the files on my Local Disc (ex) which no longer works which is now indexed as I:
How can I set the Driver Updater to test Drive I: to see if the problem can be rectified and I have access to my specialized programs again?
And can you reference me too the steps to be able to recover my PC please
Velocizzare apertura file cartelle e foto
le cartelle, i file ed in particolare le foto si aprono molto lentamente. come posso velocizzarle ?
Se requiere ver en el administrador de dispositivos de windows 10 el icono de bluetooth
My computer does not see any phones connected via USB
Edge permissions
Given that Microsoft has created both the software that runs my computer and also Microsoft Edge, I speculate it should be possible to avoid such an unecessary procedure. Will you please tell me how to do this? Thanks.
WinSXS via Auslogics Windows Slimmer
I wanted to know why, when I clean the WinSXS folder via Auslogics Windows Slimmer, I always have "1 ignored item" at the end, for a size exceeding 1.3 GB. In addition, I cannot see the item concerned. This problem occurs both with the PRO version of Windows Slimmer and with the free version.
I also wanted to know how to delete it. I have already tried via CMD DISM, and DISM++, but CMD remains stuck at 70%, and DISM++ only deletes 200 MB.
Thanks in advance for your answer.
Зависает программа
32-bit and 64-bit versions
I believe if these were the 64-bit version they will run better and faster.
Is there anything I can do to convert them from 32-bit to 64-bit?
Please advise.
Delete all script typed into google search.
i cannot play sound in my headphone conected via bluetooth
A cominciare dagli aggiornamenti. Quando è disponibile una nuova versione (attualmente JRIVER33) ricevo un messaggio via e-mail con allegato dal titolo Media Center33 Master-605914.mjr
Ora questo maledetto file mjr non lo conosce e non lo riconosce nessun sito di aiuto all'utente.
Ho scritto vari messaggi al SERVIZIO DI ASSISTENZA di Media Center, negli USA, ma purtroppo la risposta è sempre la stessa: Il nostro sistema utilizza per maggiore protezione solo questo tipo di file mjr."
Ho visitato decine di siti nel web per trovarne almeno uno, in lingua italiana, che documentasse le procedure di installazione e aggiornamento del programma JRIVER. Nessun risultato.
Per questi motivi ho deciso di utilizzare la Vostra potente risorsa. Per risolvere questo piccolo-grande problema.
Ringrazio per l'attenzione e resto in attesa di decisivo riscontro.
Giancarlo Perani
Нерабочие функции "Увеличить яркость", "Уменьшить яркость" и "Ночной свет",
У меня ноутбук ASUS TUF Gaming F17
После установки Windows 11 были рабочие функции "Увеличить яркость", "Уменьшить яркость" и "Ночной свет", который автоматически уменьшал яркость экрана для комфорта глаз.
1) Через некоторое время функция "Увеличить яркость" и "Уменьшить яркость" просто пропала и её нет в настройках как показано на скриншоте. Она была над функцией "Ночной свет".
2) Функция "Ночной свет" просто не работает, видно на скриншоте, что ползунок в режиме ON, а яркость экрана не меняется
В чём проблема и как вернуть эти функции в рабочее состояние?
Восстановление системы на момент установки Windows невозможно, т.к. нет точки восстановления на тот период.