ATOK ジャストシステム契約管理エージェント「管理のサービス」が停止になってしまう
Unused Applications - Application Logs
C:\Windows\System32\SleepStudy\ScreenOn\ScreenOnPowerStudyTraceSession-2020 How can I delete, disable the folders of these files. I have gone in to the final files and deleted them, at least I think I have, but the early folders are still there and the Application Logs appear again. How do I get rid of or disable these folders? Thanks!
Переключение предложение
Swipe Left, esp from rt edge, activates Cortana?
Demande Information
Comment faire pour Rechercher des fichiers doublons sur un Réseau NAS
Avec mes remerciements
Jacques LOGEAY
I would like to have some feedbag and your thoughts about(( Aspire V3-771-32328G75Makk))
Well this 8 years old laptop runs really smooth especially after i cleaned the fan. have learned alot about the hardware.
But.. i would like to play some games on it but there seems a problem with my videocard because intel dont support it anymore since windows 10. the questions are:
Can i upgrade this videocard?
Should i replace the Intel core i3-2328m cpu @ 2.20ghz to the I7 ?
And ifso yes is it worth it since the cost of hardware i need to buy then..
Sorry for the bad english.. (From Holland)
Kind regards!
Зависание прогаммы
Почему Auslogics BoostSpeed 11- 32 бита, когда будет для 64 битных windows 10?
Постоянно при запуске зависает намертво.
Internet explorer
I don't use IE can I uninstall it as there are many items that will attach to it example is Roboform (password manager) and I wonder if IE contributes to ecess bagage.
отключение не нужного
как в этой программе можно ли отключить все не нужно и что бы пк летатал пк нужен исключительно для игр и хотелось бы отключить все не нужное ну я не знаю половины тут не чего если можно подскажите что делать
Paired but won't connect
Загрузка с SSD
Кое как удалось установить windows 10 на SSD. но при первой же перезагрузке с него не загрузиться никак.
В меню загрузок F9 есть выбор ситем вин 8,1 том1, вин 8,1 том 6 и вин 10, но при выборе вин10 произходит перезагрузка и все заново. В биосе P8Z77-V LX2 (ver. 2501) этот SSD(GPT,NTFS) не виден.
Прошу о помощи!
If I have to restart, it takes 20 minutes or more to load completely. I have basically nothing in startup and can't figure out what is making this take so long. It's the same whether a restart or new start. The hard drive is only a little over half full with lots of pictures. Logically it has to be in either ASUS or windows (10). It's very frustrating and because it takes so long to load, I leave it running. For quite a few years I paid for a service that cleaned the system once a month and helped with any problem. I am no longer using it as it was expensive and even though I stressed the startup time issue, they never improved it.
You can see a lot about the machine, but it doesn't say it's an ASUS 15" laptop, purchased in September of 2014, model R510LAVS51 with core i5
I didn't know if you needed this, but I'd rather give you unnecessary information than have you come back to me.
thanks so much
debbie engleson
Shut and Restart
Installation error message
This message prevents me from installing certain programs that I need so like I said I need the relevant files that it is asking me for.
I just upgraded from 10 home to 10 pro
p.s I added one screenshot i had of one of the many problems im encountering.
WordPad problem
Think, it's the only problem I have with my PC and now ALL problems in the future are taken good care of with your comprehensive
system, thank you.
Henning Reckey
The BSOD error has appeared and my Operating system now does not function.
I had my previous OS on a SSD and now have access to my PC and using an External Disk Hub, I can access the files on my Local Disc (ex) which no longer works which is now indexed as I:
How can I set the Driver Updater to test Drive I: to see if the problem can be rectified and I have access to my specialized programs again?
And can you reference me too the steps to be able to recover my PC please
Velocizzare apertura file cartelle e foto
le cartelle, i file ed in particolare le foto si aprono molto lentamente. come posso velocizzarle ?
Se requiere ver en el administrador de dispositivos de windows 10 el icono de bluetooth
My computer does not see any phones connected via USB
Edge permissions
Given that Microsoft has created both the software that runs my computer and also Microsoft Edge, I speculate it should be possible to avoid such an unecessary procedure. Will you please tell me how to do this? Thanks.
WinSXS via Auslogics Windows Slimmer
I wanted to know why, when I clean the WinSXS folder via Auslogics Windows Slimmer, I always have "1 ignored item" at the end, for a size exceeding 1.3 GB. In addition, I cannot see the item concerned. This problem occurs both with the PRO version of Windows Slimmer and with the free version.
I also wanted to know how to delete it. I have already tried via CMD DISM, and DISM++, but CMD remains stuck at 70%, and DISM++ only deletes 200 MB.
Thanks in advance for your answer.
Зависает программа
32-bit and 64-bit versions
I believe if these were the 64-bit version they will run better and faster.
Is there anything I can do to convert them from 32-bit to 64-bit?
Please advise.
i cannot play sound in my headphone conected via bluetooth
Delete all script typed into google search.
A cominciare dagli aggiornamenti. Quando è disponibile una nuova versione (attualmente JRIVER33) ricevo un messaggio via e-mail con allegato dal titolo Media Center33 Master-605914.mjr
Ora questo maledetto file mjr non lo conosce e non lo riconosce nessun sito di aiuto all'utente.
Ho scritto vari messaggi al SERVIZIO DI ASSISTENZA di Media Center, negli USA, ma purtroppo la risposta è sempre la stessa: Il nostro sistema utilizza per maggiore protezione solo questo tipo di file mjr."
Ho visitato decine di siti nel web per trovarne almeno uno, in lingua italiana, che documentasse le procedure di installazione e aggiornamento del programma JRIVER. Nessun risultato.
Per questi motivi ho deciso di utilizzare la Vostra potente risorsa. Per risolvere questo piccolo-grande problema.
Ringrazio per l'attenzione e resto in attesa di decisivo riscontro.
Giancarlo Perani
Нерабочие функции "Увеличить яркость", "Уменьшить яркость" и "Ночной свет",
У меня ноутбук ASUS TUF Gaming F17
После установки Windows 11 были рабочие функции "Увеличить яркость", "Уменьшить яркость" и "Ночной свет", который автоматически уменьшал яркость экрана для комфорта глаз.
1) Через некоторое время функция "Увеличить яркость" и "Уменьшить яркость" просто пропала и её нет в настройках как показано на скриншоте. Она была над функцией "Ночной свет".
2) Функция "Ночной свет" просто не работает, видно на скриншоте, что ползунок в режиме ON, а яркость экрана не меняется
В чём проблема и как вернуть эти функции в рабочее состояние?
Восстановление системы на момент установки Windows невозможно, т.к. нет точки восстановления на тот период.