can't activate the virtualisation
thank you
slow ram
Windows 11
Thank You
task manager
To TRIM or to Defrag? Or Both!!??
Simon F
Won't allow install
I hated too waste a question, I'm running version
When i try to update to newer version the screen blinks off and then back on.
I have tried the two arrows lower rignt corner only blinks and returns to same window i'm on.
When i go too tools and use the update button i geet the same result, flash on screen and back to same screen.
отказ работы мыши и клавиатуры при установке системы
Malgré après avoir réaliser une optimisation de mon disque dur l'icone dans la barre de tâches reste en rouge. Que cela veux dire et comment résoudre pour le mettre en vert
Denis Schmitt
Roaming Folder
Any tools in Auslogic that would address cleaning up my /appdata/Roaming data?
Thanks for your help.
DNS server
Tab Crashes when go to Look at Report from Deep Disk Cleaner
Startup issues
Thanks, Michael.
Suggestion / Idea
This is not a question for you, merely an idea for additional software functionality. I think it could be a great feature.
I sometimes look at Event Logs for my Windows 10 PC, usually filtering out 'Information' type logs.
There are often events there that are errors. Sometimes these errors are happening thousands of times a day, but they happen silently and do not appear to impact my day to day work. But they must be hurting performance.
But if there was an 'Analyse Event Log Results' feature in BoostSpeed, which provided helpful feedback to users about those errors and suggested ways of resolving them, I would definitely use it.
I bet it would not be easy though!
Best regards
Мой Сканер
Вопрос не о Spotify а AutoLogics BoostSpeed 12 Можно ли исправить определенные ошибки а не нажмиать Исправить Все?
Whatsaap bussines desktop solamente en esta pc.
Buenas Noches.
Si es posible solicito consejo para saber porque whatsaap bussines desktop se cierra al llamar desde esta pc.
En otras pc no ocurre lo mismo.
Tods mis programas son legales.
Saluda atentamente.
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