1826 questions


after installing Auslogic BoostSpeed, Anti-Malware, Driver Ipdater, and Defrag Ultimate, and running and updating per program informaion, i have 2 issues.
1. The Window keyboard key does not work when pressed or clicke on.
2. Entering the command setting on the window search bar gets me to window settings, but clicking on System will notopen it and hangs the whole Setting menu.
3. The usb microphone is recognized when plugged in the usb but it's not working.
Nov 15, 2023 at 03:58 PM

Scanners ignore folders configured to skip in Preferences

Please check attachements. I added folders to be ignored y scanner, but even in Default Scan (in Daschboard) seems that all folders are scanned.
Nov 15, 2023 at 09:45 AM

bluetooth dissapeared from device manager after cleanup

I did a rigorous cleanup and driver update on a old(er) laptop, after years of limited maintenance. Using Auslogic software (driver update,bootspeed,duplicate finder) and some manual cleaning/updating, Something went wrong, not sure exactly where. Now I can not use/connect bluetooth devices anymore. I tried to solve it by doing some reasearch on the internet but can not find the solution. Otherwise the Laptop is working fine and is a lot faster.
Enclosed you will find some information of the laptop and screenshots of what I think is relevant information.
I also noticed that Bluetooth is not longer available at the 'action center' and 'device manager'. The latter one still shows some bluetooth devices but is hidden and do not seem to be the relevant items.
In 'Settings> bluetooth and other devices', the previously connected bluetooth devices are still there but it clearly states that bluetooth is turned off.
Could you please advise me on how to solve this.

Enclosed a couple of prinscreens of the systems and the above mentioned screens.
FYI I am an experienced user, however certanly not a Windows specialist.

Kind regards.

Perry Parengkuan
Nov 14, 2023 at 08:58 AM

error en el dispositivo usb

es posible con los programas que he adquirido xcon ustedes, poder recuperar mi dispositivo USB (memorias USB) que al colocarla en mi computador, me aparece que no la reconoce, dice que en mi dispositivo hay un error de comunicacion ( error 43) al parecer y no he podido usar mi memoria USB y alli tengo todos mis archivos.

si no es posible, me recomiendan alguna aplicacion para poder recuperar mi memoria USB?
Nov 13, 2023 at 02:14 AM

update driver

my bluethooth doent work on this laptop so i dont know wht to do or where to go to instaill or update any programs so this laptop would pair with my bluethooth dievices
Nov 11, 2023 at 05:06 AM

Special Algorythym for SSD

Does this type of defrag keep the SSD from degrading over time? Can you explain this process in more detail? Thank You, Craig Stone in California
Nov 11, 2023 at 04:35 AM

c:\windows\servicing\LCU\* - no cleanup


I would like to ask why BootSpeed not have option to perform cleanup of the c:\windows\servicing\LCU\* files?
Nov 10, 2023 at 08:14 AM

стабильная и быстрая работа ПК

Здравствуйте! Мой ноутбук для домашнего использования, сложность с тем что он очень долго загрудается и все остальные процессы идут с зависанием и долгой загрузкой, скачала вашу программу, как могла сама что то удаляла с компьютера, но знаний у меня в этой области нет, как мне оптимизировать его содержимое для стабильной работы и чтобы сканирование на мусор проходило автоматически.
Nov 09, 2023 at 06:24 PM


Как удалить элементы реестра ,если они не удаляются ,а очень надо,мммможет есть спец.программы?
Nov 09, 2023 at 05:50 PM

Windows Update

This error code might help: (0x80004002).
Can you guys help? Tried everything. I can't seem to fix this.
Nov 09, 2023 at 01:23 PM

My 'Subscriptions...?

Hi There...!Again I have a question regarding with my 'Subscriptions and my 2nd Question is:- How Can I ''Manage'' my subscriptions with 'Auslogics ?, and for Example:-How to do this... if in the future I'd preffer or change my mind to 'Cancel one of my subscription with 'Auslogics...how could I 'Cancel a subscription with 'Auslogics? Let me know Please...? Thanks!
Nov 09, 2023 at 12:10 PM

Question about All my 'Subscriptions?

I have an important Question regarding with my 'Subscriptions: 1 Question: After an Year time are All my 'Subscriptions with Auslogics will Renew Automatically?...or After an Year time when my subscriptions will gonna expire should I buy New Licenses for all my Subcriptions again, I mean do i need to do it manually?again? Please Let me know? thanks!
Nov 08, 2023 at 03:41 PM

Vos logiciels

Quel utilité et quelle différence (avant de passer ma commande) entre Auslogics BoostSpeed13 et Discdefrag?
Je ne sais que choisir vraiment..
Nov 07, 2023 at 03:54 PM


Nov 07, 2023 at 10:25 AM

Privacy Leaks

Boost Speed 13* has been sending me the message that I have "Potential privacy leaks detected - . . . . some Windows settings are enabled to share your private information"
How do I find the Windows settings and disable them?????
Nov 07, 2023 at 12:24 AM


BoostSpeed 13 バージョンから13.0.0.6への案内は来るので
Nov 05, 2023 at 01:03 PM

Getting different kinds of BSOD's

Hello and good morning, I'm not very good at softwares and know-how's on PC but I've tried using this program to probably fix the cause of what could be causing the BSOD's on my PC. After I tried to use the Auslogics Driver Updater, I updated some of the drivers and it asked me to restart so I did. After I restarted, the pc kept giving me a BSOD where it was written something like: Boot device inaccessible. So I couldn't even put the password and login properly. I had to restore the data to a certain point so I could get my pc back. I'm not sure what the problem is yet so I decided to write this message to you and ask for a helping hand.

Thank you in advance for your time,

Nov 05, 2023 at 11:32 AM

email tutorial

When I first used BoostSpeed there was an emailed tutorial/teaching program that was very informaive. Is there still such a thing and how do I access it?
Nov 03, 2023 at 01:02 PM

Diagnostic Policy Service Cannot Start.

Diagnostic Policy Service Cannot Start. Access is Denied – Error 5 Fix

Nov 02, 2023 at 09:42 PM

What does this DOS/DSS commandline Window temporarily at bootup mean?

SInce installing Auslogics BoostSpeed, it hasn't been happening, but what does this mean?
Nov 01, 2023 at 07:52 PM

BoostSpeed 12 clobbers Voice Recognition.

I am running Windows 10 Build 19042-2009 BoostSpeed 12 Pro. I use Microsofts Voice Recognition with Language Microsoft Speech Recognizer 8.0 for Windows (English - US). When I installed BoostSpeed and run the scan and resolve. It clobbers Voice Recognition. I get this error message after. "Speech recognition could not start because the language configuration is not supported.The recognizer language must match the language of the user interface." Checking the configuration shows that the language configuration is still what it was before it stopped working.

I run the rescue undo, and it still does not allow voice recgnition to run. I have to reinstall windows to get it to work. I have excluded Microsofts Speech folder from appdata and protected several keys in the registry to try to prevent this. Nothing I do seems to resolve the situation.
Please help.

Thank you
Dec 26, 2020 at 01:58 AM

Система пишет , что принтер не подключен

Доброго времение суток! После сканирования компьютера Boos и обновления драйверов с помощью Вашей программы, система стала выдаать ошибку 45 при раюоте принтера HP 1020. Как это исправить?
May 18, 2020 at 02:51 PM

selezione cartelle

Salve, vorrei sapere se nella versione registrata si ha la possibilità di selezionare le cartelle riguardo alla ricerca di duplicati o altro ?
cosa che invece non mi è stata possibile nella versione di prova del vostro "AUSLOGIC BOOTSSOEEDE11-
UTILIZZO windows 7
Grazie Massimo

May 11, 2020 at 10:14 AM

windows 7

I can't install windows 7 SP1

Jun 06, 2020 at 08:38 AM

disk defrag integrated into boostspeed 11.5

I have both the boostspeed 11.5 and the defrag ultimate
It seems like the integrated defrag in boostspeed 11.5 is the old version not the new ultimate

What would be the advantage of getting the ultimate version if it is not integrated - what does the integrated version NOT do that the ultimate version does?

Jun 17, 2020 at 06:05 PM

How to fix (delete) dead shortcuts?

After fixing of whole system {using default settings) I still see dead links to apps or files which have been moved or deleted while ago.

Ho to fix/delete dead shortcuts/links?


Mar 22, 2021 at 03:45 PM

старая программа на дисе (с) 64 битная называется 7 максисальная

как я могу убрать лишние файлы и програмы остатки 64 битной системы,очистить диск (с)

Feb 10, 2020 at 02:40 AM

Regular luz de la pantalla

Quiero saber porque con windows 10 no puedo regular la intensidad de luz de la pantalla. Quiero aumentar o disminuir su intensidad de brillo y no puedo.

Nov 27, 2019 at 11:03 PM

I just upgraded from 10 home to 10 pro

I recently upgraded my ASUS ROG G551JW from Windows 10 Home to Windows 10 Professional. After upgrading and re installing my apps, running some Auslogics tools, and updating my drivers. I seem to have like every Add On installed and a bunch of virtual this or virtual that, Vwifi and Vethernet. My External SSD (disk letter G) is gone, Ive always had the external SSD running Read and Write to basically have it help the computers performance. I cant Install some apps or change some setting because i will either get some kind of error or it saying that it cant be done on sysWOW32 or 64 im not sure, but something like that... I would greatly GREATLY APPRECIATE if a Tech at Auslogics can remote connect to my pc and take a look at what ever problems he may notice. I received 3 questions when I joined pro and this is my last available question and would really love to have someone who knows about computers, to take a look at it. THANK YOU. Stay safe everyone...

p.s I added one screenshot i had of one of the many problems im encountering.
Jul 06, 2020 at 06:56 PM

PC Crashing/Freezing

To Whom It May Concern,

In recent weeks, I have been experiencing intermittent crashing/freezing of my PC. This sometimes happens 1/3 times a day or I can go a few days without it occurring at all. It is not, actually, a BSOD - just a "straightforward' freeze or crash.

When accessing the Windows Event Log, the common denominator would appear to be identifed as follows:

Unable to open the Server service performance object. The first four bytes (DWORD) of the Data section contains the status code.

I would consider myself reasonably computer savvy, describing myself as a software 'Geek', in addition to having set-up remote computing facilities. However, this is difficult to readily identify and despite, browsing the Internet extensively, I find I cannot resolve or prevent this from crash from occurring.

The only 'fix' I have reviewed is accessing 'Windows Services' that requires the 'Server to be restarted' but as this is already running (having reset itself?) I cannot, actually, do anything:


Any advice, recommendations or support you an afford me would be very much appreciated.

I am grateful for your attention, time, effort and anticipated co-operation in assisting me to resolve this perplexing and frustrating issue.

Kind regards to you and your colleagues at Auslogics


Ian Willsher
Nov 03, 2020 at 11:11 PM

Cannot get my computer to read SD cards

I've used your device driver updater and still cannot get my computer to recognize an SD disk.

Jun 25, 2020 at 09:54 PM

неисправность воспроизведения через блютус

музыка через блютус стала подклинивать

Jun 20, 2020 at 05:15 PM

Disable Edge Swipe in Win10 B2004 update

Hi Folks,
Thx much for your help on prior question!

Please tell me how to permanently, (as in no 'edge swipe restart' on system restart), disable Edge Swipe.

F&*!#ing MSFT does it again; Win10 uppdate 2004 kills cortana local/system search ability, which disappears even finding any settings re Edge Swipe.

Please tell me how to kill kill kill kill forever Win10 Edge Swipe.

Thx very much, Folks!
Scotty :-)
Jul 23, 2020 at 11:45 AM

administrator blocked auslogics

I have been using auslogics for multiple years now... I recently bought another key today. Today the software wont open because it pops up with a message indicating this software has been blocked by the administrator. However, I am the administrator.... So I am confused because now I can not run the auslogics software. Can you help.

Kind Regards,

Michael Figueroa
Jan 19, 2022 at 10:17 PM

Edge Chromium

I have the new Microsoft Edge Chromium browser. Boostspeed does not recognize this browser. It will only clean Internet Explorer and the original Microsoft Edge browser. Is there an update coming with Boostspeed that will include this new browser? If so, when?

May 17, 2020 at 02:42 PM

Ноутбук не включается без подключения к сети переменного тока и выключается при её отключении

Ноутбук не включается без подключения к сети переменного тока и выключается при её отключении.
Обновил всевозможные драйвера, обновил биос(правда теперь появилась надпись при запуске "Checking media...").
Проверил состояние батареи через консоль(часть отчета прикрепил файлом) и там осташееся емкость 12 октября остановилось на одном значении, т.е. батарея не заряжается и не разряжается.
Что делать в данной ситуации, чтобы ноутбуком вновь можно было пользоваться автономно?

Oct 14, 2020 at 03:43 PM

not fixed

Hi I found your website on the promise that it would sort out the 8000ffff eroor? It hasn't, can it be sorted?
Dec 30, 2020 at 11:02 PM

ssd external defrag

I have an external drive, SSD, attached to my computer thorugh usb3.
When I try to optimize it, it takes forever, and seems not to move along....is this an issue? or how can I defeag the external?

Thank you
Sep 21, 2020 at 01:37 AM

Не работает Скайп и Outlook после установки новой версии

Если раньше после установки новой версии переставал работать скайп, то сейчас и Outlook перестал работать....
Скайп не делает звонки
А Outlook не грузится вообще....
А вроде бы раньше неплохая программа была....

Jan 05, 2020 at 01:38 PM

Auslogics registry cleaner

Can certain categories be excluded when using registry cleaner?
REASON: after using registry cleaner I get an error message when I open MSMoney. I can correct this using Money setup, but registry cleaner does something to reverse my setup correction.

System: Windows 7 Home Premium

Apr 29, 2020 at 10:41 PM