1826 questions

Start up

When I use Auslogiics to fire up It seems to take a long time befor I can use it
Mar 12, 2023 at 01:52 PM

habe doch freischaltcode von computerbild

warum kann ich nicht freischalten, wenns nicht geht dann behaltet es eben da bin ich weg
Mar 12, 2023 at 07:10 AM

Nach Scannen und alles reparieren kein W-Lan

Nach Scannen und alles reparieren kein W-Lan mehr.
Durch rückgängig machen aller von Ihrem Programm gemachte änderungen über Datei/Rescu Center
W-Lan wieder da.
Mar 11, 2023 at 02:43 PM

Windows 11 Task Bar Not on Top

In Windows 11, when I move the cursor to the bottom of the screen, the task bar does not pop up unless I touch a corner of it. And when it does pop up, it doesnot pop up on top of other windows on the screen. Is this a known issue with windows 11 or is thjere a setting I'm missing?
Keith Johnson
Mar 10, 2023 at 02:30 PM

Unstable screen images

My screen images can shake slightly and a purple haze appears on and off. Sometimes computer won't restart. Please advise.
Mar 10, 2023 at 01:41 PM

corrupt window 10

can you fix it - micosoft support cant, need to instal new version., windows softare install fails rest option fails
Mar 04, 2023 at 10:52 AM

affichage parasite par gigabyte

Comment éviter l'apparition d'une fenêtre parasite "APP center" de Gigabyte ?

Cette fenêtre s'affiche chez tout utlisateur NON ADMINISTRATEUR et ne peut pas être supprimée.

Seul l'utlisateur ADMINISTRATEUR peut la suprimmer via le gestionaire de tâches en faisant FIN DE TÂCHE sur 2 applications Gigabyte.

Merci d'avance
Mar 03, 2023 at 08:18 PM

Disc Clean Clobbers VS Installer files

After I clean my disk, it seems that some VS Installer files are removed, such that it loses track of my installed versions of VS 2019 and VS 2022.

How can I protect that particular installation?
Mar 03, 2023 at 06:45 PM


нужна ли эта программа на ноутбуке, в чём её суть?
Mar 03, 2023 at 08:36 AM

how to fix stop code kernel data inpage error

My computer have this problem very often can you help me, please. Thank you so much
Mar 02, 2023 at 03:38 AM

советы из Youtube не помогают

Имею постоянную проблему с обновлением Windows 11. Посоветуйте действенній алгоритм решения. Или лучше переустановить?
Mar 01, 2023 at 07:46 AM


I haven't use my laptop in awhile and windows 11 had installed itself. This messed a lot of things up and the laptop wasn't functionng properly anymore when I tried to fix it. I gave up and did a fresh install on it back to windows 10. I downloaded and installed all the updated drivers from the ASUS website and used auslogics driver updater to make sure the rest were up to date. Now I am unable to adjust screen brightness. The option doesn't work with the FN key option nor does it appear it windows setting anywhere. I've googled many options and all it says is to update the driver which I have done repeatledly. The only thing that doesn't work on the laptop now is brightness control. It seems to swtich just fine from using the onboard cpu graphics to the dedicated gpu.

Laptop ASUS 2021 ROG Strix G17 G1713QR
Feb 27, 2023 at 04:16 AM


Auslogics BoostSpeed12で、メモリー管理の設定がありますか。

it's not any app selected in subcategory, it's this app.

I got a chance to spin this wheel that said i would get a certain percentage off and it landed on the 100%, so i'm wondering if that means if i get it for free. And if it does mean i get it for free, i didn't recieve anything.
Feb 25, 2023 at 07:32 PM

BoostSpeed 13 BUG Issue

There is an aggravating "BUG" in BoostSpeed 13. A message frequently appears that states I have many TERABYTES of files in my Recycle Bin. See the attached screenshot.

I got this message today, while having less than 25 MB of files in my Recycle Bin.

Please look into this and fix this BUG.

Thank you.

Myron Achtman

Content hidden to protect privacy

Feb 25, 2023 at 07:12 PM

Auslogics Game Power Plan, Economy, Work power plans

I would like to disable these power plans as i use Win10's Ultimate Power Plan. I noticed that it automatically replaces my preferred plan after using Boostspeed scanner.
I am making this request bec i don't know what these power plans do and how they perform.
I am a Boostspeed 13 subscriber, details of my subscription are added below for your reference.
Thank you

Feb 25, 2023 at 04:02 PM

Auslogics Boostspeed 13 TRIMMING SSD Hang at 3% unable to complete SSD Optimization

When running Disk Defrag Optimization Auslogics Boostspeed 13 Pro hangs at 3% "Preparing" when running TRIMM on external SSD and creates a file on external SSD with the following each time Optimization is run:
D:\~DDSSDTRIMTEMP^0_1073741824{6BD97305-57AB-484E-A651-BC496157FFB7} (creates an associating Windows Media Player file) and is unable to complete the Optimization. At one time it moved 1% after 2 hours. This did not happen when running Boostspeed 12 Pro. When running Boostpeed 12 Pro the external SSD would complete Optimization.

Should Auslogics Boostspeed 13 Pro TRIMM command be Disabled when Optimizing SSDs?
Feb 25, 2023 at 12:25 AM

Removing single items at a time.

After using the Registry Cleaner I have problems with my VPN. If I reinstall the backup everything returns to normal so I need to be able to clean the problematic files found in the scan one at a time so it does not destroy my VPN. How do I clean problems one at a time?
Feb 24, 2023 at 11:06 AM


Что делать если пк выключается сам спустя время при полной зарядкеи начинает тормазить
Feb 23, 2023 at 05:52 PM

Автозагрузка Auslogics File Recovery

Здравствуйте, у меня вопрос по программе "Auslogics File Recovery". Она постоянно загружается при запуске Windows 7 Pro. (в трее). Хотя я и убирал запуск этой программы из автозагрузки, всеми способами. Помогите пожалуйста решить вопрос с отключением автозапуска "Auslogics File Recovery".

Aug 30, 2021 at 12:34 AM

0ne drive

Is there a way i can add my one drive files in to be scanned by the duplicate file finder tool? as 90% of my files/ photos are saved on one drive amd when it scans it doesnt scan it.
Feb 03, 2022 at 08:47 PM

Google Drive File Stream Stops Working

How do I prevent BoostSpeed from interfering with Google Drive File Stream? Each time I scan, I lose connection to the Google Drive File Stream and have to uninstall and re-install it.

Dec 12, 2019 at 02:08 PM


ファイル C:\Users\BAMOTO\Desktop\●●画像●●\新しいフォルダー (6) のバックアップ中に問題が発生しました。
エラー:(STATUS_WAIT_2 (0x80070002))


Apr 16, 2022 at 01:54 AM

Language bar disappeared after using your software


after I installed and used BootSpeed, the language bar is gone.

In windows the option "use the desktop language bar when it's available" is on but even so the language bar is missing from the taskbar in Win 10.

I really need it back.
Jul 25, 2021 at 08:46 AM

Microsoft Office 2013

I used your system yestrday for the first time attempting to release space on my PC.
however,what appears to have happened is that my programme has disappeared and access to all my Office files with it.
Can you undo what has happened as it is very inconvenient?

Kind regards,

Pete Davies

Aug 05, 2021 at 07:20 AM

Right Click opens very slowly

Right click on file explorer options (such as copy) takes forever to load. Right click on any file takes forwver to load options.

Tried to purchase Boostspeed Pro but website would not advance to chaeckout?
Dec 19, 2021 at 10:14 PM

Where is my software

I have used your software for years now.
I purchased new copies of Boostpeed and DriverUpdater
I don't have driverupdater on my computer just the web version
The webversion caused my windows not to reboot
I've had to re install everything
I would like to run driver updater but do not trust it without some sort of supervision
Can't go through this again
Registering all my purchases over again
Some still aren't working
Thank you
Thomas Horricks

Feb 28, 2021 at 11:16 PM


Dear All,

in 2015 I've purchased the Auslogics BoostSpeed 7 Premium and shortly was released a update and the software after update asked to be paid again which I've consider to be a unfair practice.

I am asking to provide me the posibility to install the software that I've purchased since at this moment in not possible to download the software from internet.

Kind regards,

Sep 18, 2019 at 06:48 AM

All my products are not working

I have been getting eroor message of a catastrific failure on all of my products, this not good.
Morris Brown

Content hidden to protect privacy

Jun 21, 2021 at 04:17 PM

Is your softwares a virus?

Why my Kaspersky anti virus program treats your softwares as a virus and shows me constantly warnings that I am in risk?
I do not have files to show you th problem because I unisntalled all your programs until I am sure that I am not in risk indeed.

Best regards,

Juarez Almeida.

Aug 17, 2020 at 04:19 PM

Mumble access to mic desabled

Somehow it happen, now I look how to get back access
Aug 10, 2020 at 11:35 PM


that good

May 20, 2020 at 11:24 AM

teredo blocked

how can i fix my teredo?its blocked

Oct 02, 2020 at 08:33 AM


I just downloaded the Auslogics and opened it, then i hit scan after the scan i applied all tweaks and reboot my computer after the reboot my computer works fine but the screen does not come its just pitch black how do i fix ? [İ am using hdmi to connect my gpu to monitor]
Jan 11, 2022 at 08:05 PM

my computer does not connect to my bluetooth headphone

whenever i try to connect my blutooth over ear headphones with my windows it doesn't get connected and it's very difficult for me to use as i have to attend frequent meetings and lectures and moreover with my smartphone its very difficult as i have to zoom minute details in order to see, therefore i need a quick solution for this problem as fast as it could be.
Sep 09, 2021 at 09:19 AM

Portable Boostspeed

Is it possible to install Boostspeed on a USB drive?

Feb 23, 2022 at 07:37 PM

Unwanted Auslogics Intrusion

I have the pro version of Boostspeed installed on my PC.
I have turned off everything I can in respect of notifications, maintenance, start with Windows etc ... however the programme will - intermitently start up with windows (unwanted) or will frequently start when another programme is in use, placing the 'dashboard' screen over the active programme.
Both scenarios are intensley annoying to the point where I am giving serious consideration to removing the programme altogether.
Your advice would be appreciated.
Incidentally, please ignore the Subcategory as Auslogics does not appear in the crop down menu and I cannot send the message without something being in this field?????

Dec 01, 2019 at 01:13 PM


Bonjour à vous et merci d'avance pour votre réponse, cordialement.

Pourquoi malgré les mises à jours et tout et tout, je trouve mon pc d'une lenteur et ceux malgré qu'il est loin d'être plein.

Merci pour votre temps, Mr Rome
Jul 12, 2021 at 02:26 AM