Disk Defrag 11 - Wipe disk blank area function reports 100%, but doesn't actually finish
Defragmentierung einer virtuellen Festplatte
Cannot reinstall MS365 after gone missing
Microsoft activation request when there is already validated OEM version on laptop
habe doch freischaltcode von computerbild
Nach Scannen und alles reparieren kein W-Lan
Durch rückgängig machen aller von Ihrem Programm gemachte änderungen über Datei/Rescu Center
W-Lan wieder da.
Windows 11 Task Bar Not on Top
Keith Johnson
Unstable screen images
corrupt window 10
affichage parasite par gigabyte
Cette fenêtre s'affiche chez tout utlisateur NON ADMINISTRATEUR et ne peut pas être supprimée.
Seul l'utlisateur ADMINISTRATEUR peut la suprimmer via le gestionaire de tâches en faisant FIN DE TÂCHE sur 2 applications Gigabyte.
Merci d'avance
Disc Clean Clobbers VS Installer files
How can I protect that particular installation?
how to fix stop code kernel data inpage error
советы из Youtube не помогают
Laptop ASUS 2021 ROG Strix G17 G1713QR
Auslogics BoostSpeed12で、メモリー管理の設定がありますか。
it's not any app selected in subcategory, it's this app.
BoostSpeed 13 BUG Issue
There is an aggravating "BUG" in BoostSpeed 13. A message frequently appears that states I have many TERABYTES of files in my Recycle Bin. See the attached screenshot.
I got this message today, while having less than 25 MB of files in my Recycle Bin.
Please look into this and fix this BUG.
Thank you.
Myron Achtman
Unwanted Auslogics Intrusion
I have the pro version of Boostspeed installed on my PC.
I have turned off everything I can in respect of notifications, maintenance, start with Windows etc ... however the programme will - intermitently start up with windows (unwanted) or will frequently start when another programme is in use, placing the 'dashboard' screen over the active programme.
Both scenarios are intensley annoying to the point where I am giving serious consideration to removing the programme altogether.
Your advice would be appreciated.
Incidentally, please ignore the Subcategory as Auslogics does not appear in the crop down menu and I cannot send the message without something being in this field?????
Pourquoi malgré les mises à jours et tout et tout, je trouve mon pc d'une lenteur et ceux malgré qu'il est loin d'être plein.
Merci pour votre temps, Mr Rome
How to 100% Improve This Software
These are the feutures i would like you guys to add to your'e program to make it 100x usefull and better
add settings for auto ram cleaner (Can adjust when to clean ram automatically)
add HyperBoost which 'Avira System Speedup' Uses To Extend System startup
Add Best antivirus Engine
Add Anti Fragmentation And Cpu Cores Unlocker And More like (system mechanic)
Add 1 Click Maximum Pc Boosting Like (Pgware Game Boost)
Add turbo booster and game booster for pc's with High cpu usage or high ram usage.
add Performance Monitor,
please add Password generator for the software that generates random password for people who is tryna create password
There Are Optimizations That can Happen Using Commands or Registry for Computer Which optimizes windows registry by changing it's settings and optimizes hard drive responsiveness could you guys add those in your software? make a category called (Optimize Settings) for Full system scan and add those optimizations to them
Thank you.
Right Click opens very slowly
Tried to purchase Boostspeed Pro but website would not advance to chaeckout?
System Scan
When I am doing a system scan the scanner takes almost 30 minutes or more when it gets to temporary files. Is there something I can do to speed this up?
Is your softwares a virus?
Why my Kaspersky anti virus program treats your softwares as a virus and shows me constantly warnings that I am in risk?
I do not have files to show you th problem because I unisntalled all your programs until I am sure that I am not in risk indeed.
Best regards,
Juarez Almeida.
О USB портах
Уважаемые форумчане!
Постоянно становятся неактивными два USBпорта. Помогает только переустановка Windows.
Неужели нет другого решеия?
All my products are not working
I have been getting eroor message of a catastrific failure on all of my products, this not good.
Morris Brown
Работа ключа ЭЦП (Электронная цифровая подпись)
Один и тот же ключ ЭЦП (Электронная цифровая подпись) на флеш-памяти с одного компьютера считывается и подписывает документы без ошибок, а со второго - нет, Выдает ошибку о невозможности использования или сертификат поврежден. Главное - до чистки компьютера программой Auslogics BoostSpeed 12 ключ без ошибок подписывал документы и со второго компьютера. Вопрос, что мог изменить или удалить Auslogics BoostSpeed 12 в компьютера, то перестал корректно работать ЭЦП (Электронная цифровая подпись).
Какую службу или какие настройки в Windows 10 надо изменить, чтобы Электронная цифровая подпись работала со второго компьютера и подписывала документы? Спасибо!!!
BoostSpeed Messages
I am not using the computer a lot, but BoostSpeed is regularly giving me messages to do scans or to defrag my SSD. How can I reduce the frequency of these messages?