Architecture X64 Auslogiscs
Best regards,
Doniel H.
letters are very thin -hard to read
After optimization the letters on facebook or on internet websites are vey thin and hard to read. How do i return back to previous settings? Its very difficult to read text/comments on web
How do i revert back changes
I have attach a typical page with current letter style. Can it be made more visible ? not bigger just more clear
Thank you
Andreas Y
BoostSpeed wipes out VS2022 install data
Whenever I run the Boostspeed scan it wipes out all indication of my VS2022 installation. After the Boostspped run Visual Stuio VS2022 installer states there is nothing installed. Must restore with backups.
Please advise.
Bonjour , existe-t-il un logiciel (facile) , pour éliminer tous les doublons automatiquement ( sans cocher toutes les cases de tous les doublons ) . Merci , cordialement
suppression des fichiers en double (copies)
Quelle est la marche à suivre ?
merci de votre aide
rendre les textes plus lisibles
Defrag and optomize problems
Fn клавиша на ноутбуке
product key
also Malwarebytes does not allow me in some inches to run the program
optimize put topaz studio into reccle bin
Disk Defrag
è possibile utilizzare Disk Defrag in modo tale che i file di una cartella specifica siano spostati all'inizio del disco? Si tratta di un disco di soli dati VIDEO, senza APP o Sistema operativo.
Vorrei che i nuovi Video scritti fossero sempre copiati nella parte finale del disco mano a mano che questo viene riempito.
Spero di essere stato chiaro e vi ringrazio per la cortesia
Cordiali saluti
Renato Cesaroni
Quick Links in Word and Excel
python .dll error
i am using windows 7 , 64 bit.
SurfShark VPN problem with DNS wire???? with BS and Surfshark .3.0
Site Usage
deleted activation informations of windows10 pc
I was obtained next messages. Maybe other sofware's Activation informations were destroyed.
(1)C:\ProgramData\Stardock\Fences3\License.sig was deleted.
The first massage is that reactivate fences 3. (Activation code is neaded)
(2)In the case of Auslogics driver updater, my activation code exceeded the limited number of activation.
And the costomer service replied me by mail that they cannot refresh my activation code.
(3)Next massge window opened that I rejister again Sound Blaster of Creative Teclonogy co.
(4)From now on, what do I do to prevent missing activation informations of my Windows10 pc.
Driver Windows...
Unable to to Receive Emails on Laptop and Desktop, etc
Since changing my password wuth my ISP and on Thunderbird, I am unable to receive emails on my Desktop, and now for some reason, I can n longer send them either. I also have problems with laptop, I can send but not receive emails.
Error message on Desktop: "An error occurred while sending mail, the mail server responded: SMTP.auth. Not alowed on Port 25"
For replies use:
Roger Hilton
popup reminders
Fed Up with Spotify Slowness and Bloatware
Failing that, I suggested many years ago that they should Release a Spotify Compact or Spotify Basic software option and that option is already on their Forum for voting on
Interfearing with VPN
Whenever my VPN connects to the internet, the Auslogics Bootspeed notifies, an attempt to change the DNS was diplayed. Well if I connect via VPN it will change the DNS. My question is does your softwere blocks the attempted change of DNS or it's only a notification. If it blocks then how do I dissable it as I want my VPN more than your software.
Thank you,
Registry Cleaner 9 ¿Es similar al antiguo Pc Tools Registry Mechanic?
Mi pregunta es ¿Qué diferencia hay con Registry Cleaner 9 a lado del antiguo Pc Tools Registry Mechanic? Comprendo que la aplicación Registry Mechanic tiene seis años que se descontinuó, pero me gustaría saber si Registry Cleaner 9 tiene algoritmos parecidos o diferentes a los que usaba el Registry Mechanic al momento de escanear y de limpiar el registro, o si Registry Cleaner 9 fue creado desde cero. Simplemente para resolver esta duda que tengo.
Agradezco de su tiempo y saludos.
Spam website on startup
New update fails to open
I have auslogics BoostSpeed 12 Version I get a message that their is a new version available to download and install.
I download the install program auslogics-boost-speed-setup.exe
When I click on the install program I get the error message that the filename, directory name or volume label syntax is incorrect and then the program dissappears. I have enclosed two screen shots. I am unable to install the upgrades. Please help.
à l'ouverture de l'application un message d'erreur : 0x0000007E
j'ai supprimé 1 fois le logiciel
j'ai enregistré une nouvelle fois et à l'ouverture,jèai le méme message d'erreur
Отображение web страниц
Подозреваю, что это связано с дополнением, показывающим боковые вертикальные вкладки vtabs
Можно ли исправить это неудобство?
Удалять дополнение не хочется - оно удобное.
Долгая загруска игр и текстур в самих играх.
Using Dedicated Graphics Card
I've got a problem with switching to my dedicated graphics card. For some reason games like CS:GO tend to run on integrated graphics. I've tried everything such as going to Nvidia Contol Panel and choosing cs:go, and setting it on my Nvidia card. When I go to Graphics settings and choose CS:GO it says Intel(R) HD Graphics 3000 for Power Saving and High Performance (which it shouldn't be like this) . I've installed the latest version of my Nvidia Card ( which is 391.35). The only way I can use my Nvidia Graphics for CS:GO is that I have to disable Intel(R) HD Graphics 3000 in Device Manager (which then I'm limited to 60HZ and can't change color settings)
I'm using an Asus Laptop( Asus K53SV)
Here is some information about the hardware that I'm using:
Geforce GT 540M
Intel(R) HD Graphics 3000
I hope you guys can help me with this and have a good day :)
Skype cannot sign in for several time
It's pretty offen when my Skype cannot login or I'm unable to make any calls or send messages. My connection is fine, Windows works pretty good. Is ther any way to understand wha't going on?