1854 questions

Заблокирован доступ к системному файлу

Не возможно изменить или удалить системный файл (C:\Boot\BCD), т. к. он занят и ократ в SESTEM
Nov 21, 2022 at 10:49 AM

Perdi minha chave do Windows Original OEM apos executar o BootSpeed13

O que eu devo fazer para recuperar minha chave do Windoss Original? Pois apos instalar e exceutar este programa, tive este prejuizo inacreditavel.
Nov 20, 2022 at 12:04 AM

Windows Explorer Is SLOW To Search For Folders

Windows Explorer Is SLOW To Search For Folders when I try to SAVE any type of file. The Scroll Bar at left side keeps jumping up & down, then the cursor begins to spin & spin as if in a freeze mode. Finally, all of these ODD Actions STOP & CALM DOWN. Then it
FINALLY allows me to click & select the Folder I need to get into. This is STRANGE. Can you explain WHY this is happening ?? YES
-- I do use AUGLOGICS Boost Speed 13 (UPDATED) to do Maintenance & CleanUp on my Laptop (Windows 7), but still this problem does NOT want to go away. YES -- I did INDEXING Function several times on my Laptop, but still no improvement. Do You Have ANY
Suggestions for me ?? Other than to do a Complete Factory RESET of My Laptop ??
Nov 18, 2022 at 09:37 AM

System Scan

Every time I run a system scan Boostspeed highlights the TCP/IP internet setting as needing attention. It then says it's resolved it. This occurs on every system scan run.
Any thoughts?
Nov 17, 2022 at 09:38 AM

Unable to Install the new Auslogic Boostspeed update


I have downloaded and installed the Boostspeed update (, but the installed virsion indicated by the Help>About shows

I need further instructions to properly install the new update.
Nov 16, 2022 at 04:24 AM

TouchPad does not work after go to Windows 11

I have Lenovo Yoga C940-15IRH and the touchpad does not work
It worked with windows 10.Now in Windows 11 nothing work.
I tried to uninstall the driver and to update Windows. does not work
Thanks a lot
Nov 15, 2022 at 04:39 PM

Background processes

I have the idea that background processes lower the framerates of my flight simulator, leading to stutters. When I examine the resource monitor, I see that about 200 background processes are running, even when totally none program is active. I cannot image why all those processes are neccessary. All those processes have names that doesn't give my any insight in what all those processes are doing. How can I find out which processes I can stop and which are mandatory?
Nov 15, 2022 at 10:25 AM

Re-enable the Windows key on the keyboard

How do I Re-enable the Windows key on the keyboard. Something in Boostspeed disabled it.
Nov 14, 2022 at 05:14 PM

Addressing a specific drive

Firstly, what a wonderful piece of software. Always very cautious about programmes which can permanently delete items and never apologise when deleting an incorrect one. So far this is behaving perfectly.

My question is, is it possible to adress just a specific disk, for instance, can I ask the software to only process a requirement on my I drive or any other drive.

By chance is this an Australian designed programme?


John Terry
Nov 14, 2022 at 11:50 AM


Ohh Subcatagory ..culdnt select SoF2 for you ..i deleted it out of.. mm :) anger ..agin 2-3years in a row Ok, my msg -> Yes.. Hello! Mm i wanted to ask how come its harder to play older games on a newer stuff.. W8 not play just run the "damn" thing :) Why so hard.. Oh and thta password to get to here ..i forgot it allready ..ill create a new one next time But yes the games ..old .."old" games ..i did everything.. whell.. i dieled it doen to win7 .. should i gone xp? I just deleted ..evcerything But io loved that game SoF2.. Oh since your here ..can you tell me the difference betwean BoostSpeed13 and Essentials ..Thank you , Regards Mitja
Nov 14, 2022 at 11:46 AM

won't post

Good Day!
I hope this finds you well! I am tryinbg to install the above graphics card to my system (ASRock RX 6800 Phantom Gaming Graphics Card) and I am not getting my system to post. I am runing a Ryze 7 3800X on an ASRock B550M Pro4 motherboard, with 32 GB RAM, a 1TB Corsair NvMe card in the 4.0 PCIe slot, 500 GB NVMe card in the other 3.0 M2 slot, 500 GB digital drive and a 4 TB Hard Drive internally. This is all powered with a 800W PSU.
The card has been tested and is good, what am I missing to make this card post?!!

Let me just say thank you in advance! I appreciate the offer of help!

Nov 13, 2022 at 07:35 PM

File Explorer

Since running Deep Disk Cleaner the File Explorer view options are now greyed out!
Nov 13, 2022 at 07:14 AM


What catogory do I run to resolve RUNDll32 not working?
Nov 12, 2022 at 04:34 PM


dopo l ascansione il programma si blocca
Nov 11, 2022 at 07:47 AM

Asus boost speed 13 upgrade

I am the Ceo of 4 companies in south africa you can look up mark webb ceo south africa on linkadin I have been using your amazing product for many years please refer to my account the reason i am writing to you is i find the way you go about bringing out boostspeed 13 then giving me a discount is in my opionion not the best way to keep customers comming back

i have +- 180 days left in 12 you bring out 13 and offer me a discount to me this is not right i paid for 12 i still have 180 days left what i feel you should of done rather was to allow me to upgrade free to 13 but only keep 180 days when it expires guess what i will buy a new 13 license

or how about you look at each person account to see how long they have supported your product and then give them a low low upgrade price my price in south afdrican rands is +- 360 rand i have refered numerous employees to use your product because i can stand behind it knowing how good it is

Mark Webb
Flexibreaks holidya and travel club
Nov 10, 2022 at 05:04 AM

Turning on RAM optimization

How do I turn on RAM optimization with Auslogics BootSpeed 13??
Nov 08, 2022 at 10:40 PM

Window 11

Impossible d'ouvrir fichier ods sous Window 11.Que faut il faire ?
Nov 08, 2022 at 07:48 PM


How can I uninstall McAfee TechMate
Nov 07, 2022 at 06:22 PM

Windows 7

Auslogics scanned pc restarted now lost D drive How do i recover it
Nov 05, 2022 at 07:51 PM

How to stop Opera assistant

How do I turn off Opera assistant?
Nov 04, 2022 at 03:00 PM

how can i reinstall add-ons manager

how can i reinstall add-ons manager

May 28, 2021 at 06:59 PM

Browser Protection

In Advanced Mode.... under Browser Protection.... why does the scan/repair "skip" and not delete some items?

Dec 06, 2020 at 01:21 PM

misea jour Auslogics

Bonjour à vous,

Je n'arrive pas à installer la derniere mise à jour de Auslogics 12 200 malgré la demande qui m'est propose dans le bas de l'écran.
Je suis donc tojjours sur la version 12 101 (je crois).

Merci pour votre aide.



Nov 16, 2021 at 12:47 PM

Pro Version

If I buy the Pro Version what all comes with the package? Thank you.
Aug 07, 2021 at 03:19 PM

Windows Live Affected by first scan

Hi, I ran my first scan yesterday which was fine but now the content in my Windows Live 2012 set-up has been removed - specifically I have lost the folders, and their contents, I set up in my inbox, and I now have only emails in my inbox from the 18.06.2021. Everything else has gone. How can I get it back to where I was yesterday?
Jun 27, 2021 at 09:22 AM

computer very slow

I have an ASUS laptop computer, about 8 years old and it is as slow as the second coming.
It has Windows 10 HOME, 1995Mhz CPU, 4GB RAM, 700GB HDD.
I have installed the Auslogics programs and used the scans a few times.

WHat is the most effective thing Ican do to speed up this computer ?

( not including replacing it! )

Jul 09, 2022 at 01:13 AM

defragmentation disque dur

Comment défragmenter les fichiers systeme sous windows 10 ?

Jul 19, 2021 at 03:54 PM

востоновление системы

добрый день, как ваша система моет навредить компьютеру или системе, она внесла изменения на пк отключила достуа к микрофону и камере, но я включил, я попытался сделать востоновления виндоус но очень долго востонавливаетет реестьр, я так и не дождался и перегрузил пк и теперю боюсь что ваша программа внесла изменения и придется переустоновливать виндоус, что делать, так вроде вск работает, как проверть, правильно ли работает щас система? спасибо

Oct 21, 2019 at 04:38 PM

Windows 10 Action Center is not working

As you see in the attached screenshot, I cannot make use of the action center. What would be the solution to this? Thank you.
Oct 11, 2021 at 07:40 AM

BNP detected fatal error

I am having blue screen issues. BNP detected fatal error occurs every time I restart but not on shutdown.
The problem started after I installed MS flight simulator
I have:
~Checked the HD for errors
~Uninstalled Flight simulator
~Updated Windows to latest version
~updated Graphics Card to latest version
~run sfc/scannow

Mar 15, 2022 at 05:14 PM

системные файлы windows 10

могу ли, Я, обнаружить вашей программой приложение в системе ,или файл запускающий вредоносное приложение, изменяющий СИСТЕМНЫЕ файлы ! Или напишите как его (подлеца) обнаружить!!! Сканирование антивирусом не предлогать! У меня изначально стоял надёжный антивирус .
благодарю за ответ...
Oct 15, 2021 at 05:32 AM


Im getting Kmode_Eception not handled, System Service Eception and Unexpcted Kernel Mode Trap when i play game. i couldn't find the problem even i bought your Driver Pro to update all driver it still the same. what is the problem?
Aug 14, 2021 at 06:48 PM

System Information Report

The System Information report for my external backup hard drive above shows the following;

ID: 05
Name: Reallocated sector count
Value: 134
Worst: 134
Threshold: 140
Raw Data: 522
Status: Prefail

What does this mean and how do I fix it?
Jan 26, 2022 at 08:33 PM

Про производительность компьютера

Дорогие разработчики программы Auslogics BootSpeed, у меня проблема.
Я хотел повысить fps помоему я снял что-то с диспетчера задач,и вводил команды в консоль в игре CS:GO в мастерской карте BENCHMARK. И, до этих изменении у меня было около 70-100 fps, а сейчас fps 40-60. Что мне делать? Подскажите, пожалуйста!
Oct 02, 2020 at 05:44 AM

SurfShark VPN problem with DNS wire???? with BS and Surfshark .3.0

Hi,let say I like your software very much. Please show me how to end error message form BS "interupted DNS" from Surfshark
Mar 11, 2022 at 08:36 AM

How do I fix?

FINDSTR: Cannot open c:\ProgramData\acer\updater2\updater2.xml
The system cannot find the path specified.

This pops up in a dos box along with multiple others like this. How do I get rid of them?
Jul 16, 2021 at 06:55 PM

Auslogics BoostSpeed software itself

I have BoostSpeed perform Dashboard, Disk Defrag, Protect. Internet Optimizer and other checks by schedule. All is good.
However, directory "c:\ProgramData\Auslogics\BoostSpeed\12.x\Reports" becomes cluttered with .html, .xml and other reports produced by these various check tools.
How can I set BoostSpeed to automatically clean up after itself by deleting ancient reports over some arbitrary age? There's about a Gig of files in this directory on this machine and some 3Gb on another.
Dec 06, 2021 at 07:49 PM

Location is turned off and GREYED OUT.

Everytime I install BoostSpeed 12, in Windows the Location services on Windows 11/10 are greyed out automatically in the Operating System due to the presence of this third-party software. Due to this glitch, I am not able to toggle the Location services on and off and also cannot change any settings related to it. I have tried every hack and registry fix that Microsoft tells me to do and still nothing...location is GREYED OUT
May 31, 2022 at 12:23 PM

logiciel trop lent et pas trés maniable

Re bonjour Auslogics Team,

Ne me trouvez pas trop insistant mais j'essaie par tous les moyens d'utiliser votre nouvelle version ABSP 11.
Il est trop lent,il bloque ma machine en permanence alors qu'avec le 10.24 et avant cà fonctionnait super.
Faites quelque chose dans cette direction.J'ai essaié de rajouter un ficher langue LNG français mais cà ne marche pas
avec votre nouvelle version.Pensez qu'il n'y a pas que seulement l'anglais dans le monde [L'australie est une ancienne
colonie anglaise] mais tout de même.

Jul 19, 2019 at 01:30 PM

no default app

hello,my laptop has had an issue where the settings app does not open because it does not have an app associated with it. How can i fix this issue? It does not open at all.

May 08, 2021 at 03:09 PM