1859 questions

Remote Desktop Service

Where can I disable inside BoostSpeed 12 to not disable the Remote Desktop Service? Each time I reboot my PC I loose the ability to remote to my PC at the office because the service is disabled.

Mar 09, 2021 at 07:04 PM

Error 0xc1900101

Dear Sir/Madame,

I keep getting error 0xc1900101 on Windows Update.
It all started when I switched to new SSD 970 EVO 500GB.
Windows have had updated few times than came version 20H2 which doesn't seem to work.
Updater downloads it, instal it and then during instalation after reboot it colapses around 24%. Then it reboots and I get this error record.
The computer is DELL XPS 13 9360 with i7, 8GB ram.
It runs Windows 10 PRO 1909

Hope You can help
Kamil Adamski
Mar 05, 2021 at 02:29 PM

mise à jour logiciel

Hier j'ai payé le renouvellement de mon abonnement à auslogic Bootspeed 11, et je ne vois pas de mise à jour sur la validité de mon programme qui expire demain.
Pouvez vous me dire si mon paiement à bien été enregistré ? et si mon logiciel va être mis à jour ?
Dans l'attente de vos réponses.
Mar 10, 2021 at 07:06 AM

bluetooth headphones

My bluetooth headphones show they are connected buy there is no sound

Mar 05, 2021 at 05:03 AM

Error Message

After running Bootspeed for the first time in a long time, I get the error message, "The operating system is not presently configured to run this application." It affects my Bluetooth, plus it is annoying to have the error message popup on my screen every five minutes. Do you recommend that I go to "Restore Points"? I have an early February date available.
Mar 04, 2021 at 04:35 PM

BootSpeed 12 installation software

I just bought an additional laptop can I use my paid subscription and install it in my computer

Mar 02, 2021 at 09:47 AM

backup settings

how can i set a system backup?

Mar 01, 2021 at 11:53 AM

Where is my software

I have used your software for years now.
I purchased new copies of Boostpeed and DriverUpdater
I don't have driverupdater on my computer just the web version
The webversion caused my windows not to reboot
I've had to re install everything
I would like to run driver updater but do not trust it without some sort of supervision
Can't go through this again
Registering all my purchases over again
Some still aren't working
Thank you
Thomas Horricks

Feb 28, 2021 at 11:16 PM

que software utilizar para convertir word a Pdf y viceversa

como se abren archivos word de una carpeta sin que se conviertan a Pdf y viceversa

Feb 26, 2021 at 02:24 PM

Can't scan disk space

I've been using BoostSpeed successfully on Windows 7 for many years. It hasn't been working for the last 2 months. When it scans the disk space, it gets stuck on a temporary Skype file, and stops scanning. To fix this, I have to re-start my computer, and re-install BoostSpeed 12. My computer has been running painfully slow for the last 2 months. PLEASE HELP!
Feb 26, 2021 at 07:40 AM

BootSpeed 12

How can I move "BootSpeed 12" to clean up my wifes computer?

Feb 25, 2021 at 08:15 PM


svchost (3804, R, 98) SRUJet: New log file cannot be created because the database cannot write to the log drive. The drive may be read-only, out of free disk space, misconfigured, or corrupt. Error -1032.
svchost (3804, R, 98) SRUJet: An attempt to create the file "C: \ WINDOWS \ system32 \ SRU \ SRUtmp.log" failed with the following system error: 5 (0x00000005): "Access is denied.". File creation will fail with error -1032 (0xfffffbf8).
Feb 25, 2021 at 10:36 AM

Eliminar una partición creada por Windows

Mi laptop HP tiene una memoria de 120GB. De los cuales hay una partición llamada HP_RECOVERY (G) que ocupa 21GB.
Cuando adquirí la laptop traía el Windows 7, ahora tiene el Windows 10.
Todo el disco duro lo uso para instalar software, no hay archivos de ningún tipo almacenados excepto los del sistema y de las aplicaciones que tengo instaladas.
Todos los datos de otro tipo (básicamente imagenes),los manejo a través de discos duros externos.
Deseo eliminar la partición (G) con el fin de abrir más espacio en el disco duro de la laptop, ¿Es posible?
Feb 24, 2021 at 10:40 PM

Right Click Menu

Hello, My question is this: From time to time when I right mouse button click on a file on the desktop or in a folder the computer just freezes with the little blue circle turning for like 20-30 seconds before the right click menu will pop up, it does not do it all the time and seems random and there does not seem to be a reason for this, I have followed all the tutorials online that I could find and that is even why I purchased your software but nothing seems to solve this annoying issue, hopefully you can help. I am also attaching a screen shot to my computer spec details
Feb 24, 2021 at 07:21 PM

windows photo viewer suddenly missing

since years I'm using Windows Photo Viewer to see my pictures (jpg and others)

Suddenly this possibility disappeared, I think due to an automatic update of my system by Microsoft. With the option "open with", I
only get PAINT and 3D PAINT, but I'm not intersted in those programs.

I can find the folder Windows Photo Viewer in my Program Files, but this folder has two subfolders (one Eng and one NL) and both are empty. I don't understand why, because I didn't was deleting them.

I heard it is possible to restore the old PhotoViewer in Win 10 , by inserting a register- script.

Can you help me to find that script ?

Thanks on beforehand.

Jacques Valembois
Feb 24, 2021 at 05:30 PM

Graphics Card

The results of the "Maintain" application suggested that I upgrade my card from 8.1 to 9.0 and above. How do I do this?
Feb 23, 2021 at 02:48 PM

Windows freezes frequently

I cannot seem to resolve the freezing problem. sometimes it freezes after a very short time after start-up and occassionally it works for quite sometime before it freezes again.

Do you have any suggestios what I can do to stop this or how I can find what may be causing this.

I am not a technical person so any answer have to be spoon-fed.


Feb 22, 2021 at 04:49 PM

Host Services for Windows Processes

Does Boost speed address excessive memory use by Host Services f or Windows Processes? This app is continually hogging 1/3 of my PC memory.
Feb 22, 2021 at 03:11 PM

funzionamento windowes10

Non posso fare un punto di ripristino
Feb 22, 2021 at 05:23 AM

Malware install failure error

see attached. This happens every time. Chrome, Brave will not allow. Edge gives error.

Feb 21, 2021 at 10:49 PM

Неизвестная музыка в наушниках

Когда сижу в наушниках в одном ухе тихо играет музыка. Пробовал закрывать все приложения, смотреть в микшере громкости - проблему не нашел. Прибавление звука системы звук музыки не прибавляет. Музыка явно не из моего плейлиста. Наушники подключены по проводу. Что это может быть и как это можно исправить?
Dec 11, 2023 at 07:56 PM

laptop processor activity in 100%

i have core Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-7700HQ CPU @ 2.80GHz 2.80 GHz, 24 gb ram, 512 nvme pci 3,0, hdd, 2 gb graphics, win 11 legal windows homw, when the computer starts, the cpu % is always in 100%, in between while woring normally, the processor % goes always 100%. can youguide regarding this.



Content hidden to protect privacy

Sep 20, 2023 at 11:07 AM

wrong core amount


Your program ver 13 reports that my I7 13700k have 12 cores but its supposed to be 16 with 24 treads. Why is that ?
Feb 08, 2023 at 05:59 PM


How do I configure IIS to work on ASUS Vivobook
Mar 24, 2024 at 10:06 PM


Windows search is gone. How to reload
Mar 28, 2024 at 03:37 PM


Windows does not see this file since I had BoostSpeed clean my coimputer.

What should be done?
Apr 30, 2024 at 05:43 PM

Не работает веб-камера

После последней настройки, с помощью вашей программы у меня перестала работать веб-камера и микрофон в программе Zoom. Микрофон удалось включить путем рекомендации от Zoom разрешения доступа приложениям к микрофону. Но решения с включением веб-камеры нету. Как решить проблему?
Oct 15, 2023 at 07:22 AM

Privacy Leaks

Boost Speed 13* has been sending me the message that I have "Potential privacy leaks detected - . . . . some Windows settings are enabled to share your private information"
How do I find the Windows settings and disable them?????
Nov 07, 2023 at 12:24 AM


Bonjour !!

J'ai installé CCLEANER mais crains qu'il détruise des fichiers considérés comme étant des virus mais qui n'en sont pas comme par exemple "setup.exe". Windows Defender a complètement détruits des fichiers qui n'étaient en aucun cas des virus. Je n'ai pas réussi à les récupérer.

Dois-je craindre la même chose avec CCLEANER ?

Je vous remercie d'avance pour la réponse que vous voudrez bien me donner ...


Sep 02, 2023 at 07:49 AM

Drivers update

The drivers updater is included in Auslogics Boostspeed or is a sparately software?
Nov 22, 2023 at 07:56 PM

The graphics adapter performance

As a result of system optimization, I receive the message "The graphics adapter performance index is 8.1, which is lower than the average system performance index of 9.1. It is recommended that you replace the graphics adapter with a more powerful one."
My question: Does this affect overall system performance? What will change if I replace the video card with a more powerful one, given that I do not play video games?
Mar 19, 2024 at 02:21 AM

Auslogics Driver Updater should I cancel or wait for installation to finish?

I am trying to update my Nvidia GeForce GTX 960 driver via Auslogics Driver Updater and it's taking a very long time to install. I began the process yesterday (29/03/24) at around 7pm and expected it to take a long time to back-up the old driver setting and then download the new driver. I've come back to my computer at 30/03/24 at 1pm and it is still installing.

Should I continue to wait (and if so, for how long) or should I cancel the installation and rollback to the older driver?

I have changed my power setting to High without any permission to go to sleep so the PC has not gone into sleep mode mid-process. I have also shut down most non-critical background processes (Steam, OneDrive, etc) to let Auslogics Driver Updater have as much CPU / RAM as needed.

Thank you
Mar 30, 2024 at 12:04 PM

windows search

não consigo usar a janela de activar ou desativar funções do windows
Sep 06, 2023 at 11:26 PM

C'est cher ....

Pour quoi est-il si chère ?
50.95€, 54 €...
Les prix varies ...
Gérard Ridel
May 03, 2023 at 12:03 AM

Power options gone

I have problems Closing the lid does not work. I set it to sleep or shut down neither of them worked.When I tried to find a solutions
I entered a code to CMD and all my power plans resetted.The ones which auslogics set also gone the preset power plans.And when I set balanced again I have also have no slider on the battery icon to change it to left to battery save or right to better performance.

Now I have left with no power plans of auslogics and ultimate is gone too.Can I get them back or how ?
Can I get back my old battery icon slider when in balanced mode ?
Can I fix the closing the lid action and make laptop sleep when i close it ?
Oct 19, 2023 at 09:51 PM

hard drive chattering all the time win 10 pro ?????

my hard drive keeps chattering windows 10 can you help??????
Oct 20, 2023 at 04:29 PM

High System Usage

I keep getting a High System Usage mesage from Auslogics, although run windows pro 10 with 8gig of memory on this old desktop but I never get it on my laptop with much the same programs.
Apr 10, 2022 at 12:39 PM

Drive is 81% fragmented and disk defragmenter does not defrag, just states completed.

Drive is 81% fragmented and disk defragmenter does not defrag, just states completed. How to get the drive to defrag/optimize?
Apr 02, 2024 at 12:33 PM


I have pretty good fps in fortnite but constant fps drops and stutters, I tried everything i found on the internet but seems like nothing works
Oct 12, 2023 at 05:12 PM