1859 questions

Turning on RAM optimization

How do I turn on RAM optimization with Auslogics BootSpeed 13??
Nov 08, 2022 at 10:40 PM

Window 11

Impossible d'ouvrir fichier ods sous Window 11.Que faut il faire ?
Nov 08, 2022 at 07:48 PM


How can I uninstall McAfee TechMate
Nov 07, 2022 at 06:22 PM

Windows 7

Auslogics scanned pc restarted now lost D drive How do i recover it
Nov 05, 2022 at 07:51 PM

How to stop Opera assistant

How do I turn off Opera assistant?
Nov 04, 2022 at 03:00 PM


when i boot up it takes about 7 minutes---it has never been this slow and i dis-abled alot of progams..will your program help with this?
Nov 04, 2022 at 12:50 PM

BoostSpeed13 更新インストール

現在 BoostSpeed_12 使用中です。 _13 アップデートの購入続きを完了しました。 手順書に従う中で "ヘルプ" のプルダウン内に "レジスト"記述が無く、バージョンアップできない。正確な手順書をお送りください。
Nov 04, 2022 at 02:42 AM

перенос Windows

как произвести разделения диска что бы перенести виндус на другую часть диска ?
Nov 03, 2022 at 09:59 PM

Screen Size

Hi just wanted to ask when are you going to give us TV users a 300% option cos its hard to read at 4K
Nov 03, 2022 at 08:19 PM


wifi not connect
Oct 30, 2022 at 06:24 AM

Fragmentação de SSD

Meu Auslogics BoostSpeed 12, não está identificando meu SSD Patriot 480G.
Oct 29, 2022 at 06:03 AM

System Tray Icon Never Loads

I recently purchased Auslogics BoostSpeed 12 and I’m running it on Windows 10 VM, the user is a Standard user without any Administrative Privileges. This brings me to the question! Can this Standard user turn on the computer and BoostSpeed 12 loads and runs automatically including scheduled maintenance?
It looks as though all is fine until I restart the computer however, it’s not, the system tray icon never loads until I start the application manually, and before it loads an administrative Password is required. Is this normal and If so is there a workaround?
Oct 28, 2022 at 09:51 PM

Unable to open any image file via photos

I am getting an error when i am double clicking an image file, which normally used to open with "photos" app.

The error is "No such interface supported"

Oct 27, 2022 at 02:32 PM



J'ai un problème de connexion tant sur ma messagerie mails (Orange) que sur certains sites qui nécessitent notamment une connexion via FRANCE CONNECT ou les banques

Je pense avoir fait un bon nettoyage par votre biais mais en même temps je ne sais pas exactement ce qu'il faudrait supprimer...
Est-ce que le fait d,avoir Google Chrome est mieux ?
Est-ce que j'ai Kaspersky et CCleaner et maintenant Auslogics, ça ne fait pas interférance
car c'est vraiment des interférances : pas toujours les mêmes blocages mais toujours en début de connexion (par ex, quand je veux changer de comptes de messagerie alors que les 3 sont sur Orange...)

merci et à bientôt !
Oct 27, 2022 at 02:05 PM

Bootspeed 13 Pro | x64 version


This is not a issue, it is a technical question about Bootspeed version availability.

I have recently installed a free version of Bootspeed 12 in my home computer. It is a nice-to-have product but noticed that it is a 32-bit version. Is a x64 PRO version also available?

Even if this is not the case, will the upcoming product version (Bootspeed 13 PRO) have a 64-bit version?

Thank you.
Best regards

Jorge Ambrosio

PS: My installation OS is MS Windows 10 Home, x64 version, with Intel i7 CPU, and 32GB of RAM.
Oct 26, 2022 at 10:28 AM

Desaparecen los textos

Buenas tardes,

¿como puedo resolver el problema de qué en ocasiones desaparecen los textos en algunos programas, emails, cuadros de diálogo, menús de ventanas y nombres en los íconos de archivos? y no reaparecen hasta que reinicio sesión en windows.
Oct 24, 2022 at 09:15 PM

of course windows 10 update assistant won't work for anybody with windows 10 version 10240

not kissing auslogics ass but your products work for me - i've purchased quite a few licenses from you in past 6 months

WHEN is auslogics going to create a new product designed specifically to -- F I X -- windows updates ?

Windows 10 update assistant desn't work, you can have a brand new laptop with windows 10 version 10240 and

you will NEVER be able to update to version 20H2

go online and google this famous problem yourself: '..... https://www.google.com/search?q=windows+won%27t+update+to+20H2&source=hp&ei=StRUY7SEMqaq5NoP3eG48AE&iflsig=AJiK0e8AAAAAY1TiWtOlcytSaQ4bxpid44eCLbIptM0H&ved=0ahUKEwi00cqi0vX6AhUmFVkFHd0wDh4Q4dUDCAk&uact=5&oq=windows+won%27t+update+to+20H2&gs_lcp=Cgdnd3Mtd2l6EAMyBQgAEIAEMgYIABAWEB4yBggAEBYQHjIGCAAQFhAeMgYIABAWEB4yBggAEBYQHjIFCAAQhgMyBQgAEIYDOhEILhCPARCPARDqAhCMAxDlAjoRCAAQjwEQjwEQ6gIQjAMQ5QI6CwgAEIAEELEDEIMBOgsILhCABBCxAxCDAToRCC4QgAQQsQMQgwEQxwEQ0QM6DgguEIAEELEDEMcBENEDOggILhCxAxCDAToICAAQsQMQgwE6CAgAEIAEELEDOgUILhCABDoICC4QgAQQsQM6CwguELEDEMcBENEDOg4IABCABBCxAxCDARDJAzoLCC4QgAQQxwEQrwE6DgguELEDEIMBEMcBENEDOg4ILhCABBCxAxDHARCvAToLCC4QgAQQxwEQ0QM6CAgAEBYQHhAKUKbjAViXtwJgyIEDaAJwAHgAgAGBA4gBuxuSAQkxMC4xNi4xLjGYAQCgAQGwAQo&sclient=gws-wiz ......'

Anyways, i'm sure if you auslogics geniuses could create a product that would diagnose te installed Windows 10 -- even

a FRESHLY INSTALLED COPY - and then figure out how to FIX WINDOWS 10 UPDATE it would be great

everytime, i've used windows assistant or used their diseased updare system, my brand new lapop automatically

UN-INSTALLSthe 'update' upon reboot.

good luck, you have a winner on your hands should you FIX the hateful microsoft update problem

really, windows and microsoft SUCK as bad as mscintosh/apple and Their endless built-in-obsolete operating systems

for now ? i've DISABLED all windows updates except for DEFENDER updates every 48 hours


lynnpokemonojeff (i will NEVER AGAIN attemptto 'update' my windows 10 version 10240

Oct 23, 2022 at 05:51 AM

Errors 0x80070091 and 0x8007016a

Can the pro version of Auslagics find and repair the cause of errors 0x80070091 and 0x8007016a?
Oct 22, 2022 at 09:18 PM

tray icon

when you see the red x in the tray icon, how are you suppose to know what is it that needs to be fixed by boostspeed?
Oct 21, 2022 at 05:55 PM

DirectPlay issue

Every since I installed Auslogics driver updater I keep getting a message that I need to install directplay. Directplay won't install on my computer and if I choose to skip the installation the attached notification constantly comes up. Is Auslogics driver updater or Bootspeed calling for this outdated windows feature. If I uninstall driver updater I don't get that notification.
Oct 21, 2022 at 05:25 PM

Windows Update

how to force update windows, i have issue with windows update
Dec 20, 2023 at 01:42 PM

Connects but stil doesn't work

Using Windows 11 Pro for Workstations. This is the first and only time I have used this OS so I don't have any experience troubleshooting it or point of reference. I have multiple devices, headphones and other devices that I know work for Bluetooth conectively purposes but otherwise but when I attempt to use them on this laptop, Windows tells me that the devices are connecting to the Bluetooth device I have selected but I get no sound. The only thing I can tell you that stands out and is related is that it tells me under System/Bluetooth that the device is connected but when I go to System/Sound, the connected device will not show under Sound/Outbut Device even though it shows connected under Bluetooth. I have considered reloading the OS from scrath (factory reset etc.) but really don't want to go through all that. So I am asking if you have any ideas otherwise.
Jun 10, 2024 at 06:58 PM

Windows News Widget in the Taskbar

I have recently removed MS Edge from my PC because I have found it so intrusive, changing settings and software useage etc. But now my Taskbar MS news widget displays headlines and pix but will not show the news in detail when clicked on. Previouslt it complained it couldn't find Edge, now it just does nothing. How do I set the widget to use my current browser. I am proficient in tweaking the registry but have resisted that so far. Thanks.
Jan 17, 2024 at 02:51 PM


Hack keep coming after all 4 pc.s an will not stopan wriying code to stop all types of functions. Just look back over last few weeks an you will see what your product is deleting from my hard drives. Then you can address your way of dealing with this person.

hacker keeps repeatly
Feb 07, 2024 at 09:17 PM

Safe scanning

Is there a global 'safe scan' setting in RC10?
Feb 11, 2024 at 06:26 PM


東芝のflashair toolというアプリをインストールすると途中で「プロセスはファイルにアクセスできません。別のプロセスがファイルの一部をブロックしています。」と出てインストールできません。auslogicsを使って解決する方法を教えてください。
Dec 02, 2023 at 04:39 AM

Adding Subtitle to Movie

I have a mp4 video (movie) file and the corresponding srt (Chinese) subtitle. I want to add the substitle to the movie and save it with the subtitle either selectable (on/off) or permanently embedded. I have tried to follow procedure numerous times but I am missing or misunderstanding something. How do I do it?
Jan 17, 2024 at 11:30 PM

HASP Question...

When windows released their XP version on windows there were a lot of Software Companies selling expensive softwares for Engineering tasks... To secure these advance softwares from thievies,,, they use USB HASP keys,,, that kept operational startups to a specific PC that had a USB ports to allow placement of one of these keys plug in dongles... Then Windows 7 came along and it was the start of half of my HASP starting to fail to work, while some donglescontinue to work... I believe it was the Pro version on Win 7 that had a Xp version attached to it that did help bridge my work a little... Then windows 8 was total failure... Windows 9 never say the day of light... Windows 10 showed up and was so buggy at first, mostly in their third party drivers areas, it was not worth the bother for years... Then Window 11 appeared and once again a solid Windows plateform became realized... But Win 11 has its limits! Now... All versions after Windows 7 failed to support totally all my expensive security keys on all these later versions... I also fully really this long ago and prepare what I would do, and this also included window 7 too... Because of this trouble, I maintain my primary computer running Windows 7 Pro and I also maintain a FAST Dual Xeon Xp computer too... Doing this all my expensive engineering software are still operational, even today... I also know the Hp also does this little trick too... I also complained long ago to Micrsoft many times on this subject, but they ignored me... And,,, I know a insider at Hp who confirmed this for me what I said Hp was doing secretly is true...

Q!uestion: Is there any Third Party solution softwares that can allow Xp era USB Dongle security keys to work on Window 11?

Opinion: I think the answer is NO... I look every once in a while to see on the Internet... But since you said I had a question open, I elected to ask you folks...

Comment: If I were to upgrade some of my Dongle licenses, (And,,, keep in mind that some companies went out of business long ago...) the cost would approach over a Half Million Dollars... They want me to purchase their newer version while my older versions work just fine on my Xp computer,,, when I need to run one of those programs... This is what I plan to do going forward, but if there was a way to run on Windows 11, I like to know how and where...

Comment: It is also been a good thing that many current computer software companies that maintain older versions of window fully understand why this is a good idea to contineue to do... I hope Auslogics does this too... I also put in a comment about your latest Driver software that when I tried it last fail to run on Windows 7 Pro... Not good! I am just pointing this out, because it needs to be pointed out...

Apr 26, 2024 at 07:17 PM

creazione cartelle su desktop

dopo aver installato questo programma ed eseguito alcune operazioni, non c'è più "Nuova cartella" col tasto destro del mouse. Ho provato anche col ripristino, ma non riesco più a creare nuove cartelle sul mio PC. come posso fare?
Mar 07, 2024 at 10:16 AM

Touchpad Stopped Working

Can you give me possible solution methods to get my Lenovo Yoga laptop (Win 10) touchpad to start working again? I am currently using a bluetooth connected mouse with my laptop, but "out of the blue" my touchpad stopped operating. I've had this issue happen before and a re-boot corrected the issue, but not this time. Thanks.
Dec 25, 2023 at 02:41 PM


Ist BSSID dasselbe wie MAC-Adresse?
May 19, 2024 at 03:15 PM

mon portable considerablement ralenti

Bonjour a vous ,
j espere que vous passez une bonne journée ?
voici mon soucis ;
j ai télécharger AVG tune up en version free car boostspeed que j ai accheté est difficile d utilisation au 1 er abord ,de plus celui ci ne s ouvrait plus et n avait pas résolu mes divers problemes de fichiers registres manquants ou corompus .
Du coup après multiples recherches sur edge ia ,ce dernier m as aimablement proposé AVG , je l ai installé et tous mes soucis ce sont résolus ;rapidité,fluidité, enfin le top .
Ce jour j ai désinstallé boostSpeed 13 et retéléchargé ,je constate un très fort ralentissement et la gestion des taches m indique une très importante influence sur les ressources du processeur ,donc j ai tenté de vérifier mes pilotes avec votre appli que j ai également achetée ,elle m indique que mon pilote processeur est obsolète mais impossible de l installé ainsi qu un autre ,je ne sais pas ci cela résoudra mon problème mais ,mon pc rame alors que sans boostspeed il est très rapide ,pourquoi s il vous plait ?
Merci a vous ,
j apprécie vos logiciels et aimerait rester avec vous avant de demander un remboursement ,ce serait domage ,
Thierry Baulon
Jan 22, 2024 at 04:22 PM


Screen flickering occurs while downloading ".acsm" files.
May 04, 2024 at 02:34 AM

Rückmeldung / Frage

1) Rückmeldung
Ihr Driver-Updater von Auslogics hat mir bei der probeweisen Nutzung leider meinen Maustreiber irreparabel ausgetauscht, sodass ich letztlich mühevoll das komplette Windows neuaufspielen musste. - Das war nicht gut.

2) Seitdem fehlt mir auch für eine COM-Schnittstelle der passende Treiber. Ein Support beim Computerhersteller bzw. Intel konnte nicht weiterhelfen Vielleicht haben Sie eine Idee?
Jul 23, 2023 at 05:00 PM

indexação é apagada

Qual a chave que devo desmarcar na hora que faço a limpeza fina do windows com o Bootspeed 13 ? Pois sempre que faço uma limpeza fina profunda eu perco a indexação de arquivos e sou obrigado a dar o comando pra re- indexar, não só os arquivos com0o tambem a indexaçaõ do Outlook. O que acaba me obrigando a comandar uma nova indezação e isso demora muito.
Feb 08, 2024 at 03:39 PM

SSD Optimize

How do I optimize SSD
Jun 18, 2024 at 06:58 AM

требуется помощь

Добрый час. При запуске Windows запускается обработчик команд, и число всё увеличивается. Что следует с этим делать?
Помогите разобраться .
May 03, 2024 at 09:41 AM

how do i disable background apps windows 11

is there a way to disable background process with auslogics boostspeed 13
Jun 11, 2024 at 04:40 AM


why does it take up to 10 maybe 12 minutes before it shos what file it is scanning in defrag and even after scanning then recanning again it takes soo long
Jun 12, 2024 at 05:53 PM


как восстановить файл ( несохранёный файл в Microsoft office) удалённый вашей программой ?
Jun 04, 2024 at 02:10 PM