Is it safe to delete this keys
I tried to uninstall a software, but that doesn't seem to have gone well.
It is 4k video downloader.
Reinstalling doesn't work because I get the message that it is still there on my PC.
Now I have downloaded your software and when I search for keys of this 4k software, I get a list of almost 500 keys, see photo.
When I check, when I stand on it with the cursor, it all shows 4k.
Now my question is, is this safe to remove?
Thanks in advance for your cooperation.
Yours sincerely
John de Vries
Driver Windows...
Windows Security and Explorer freeze.
1. The Window keyboard key does not work when pressed or clicke on.
2. Entering the command setting on the window search bar gets me to window settings, but clicking on System will notopen it and hangs the whole Setting menu.
3. The usb microphone is recognized when plugged in the usb but it's not working.
Scanners ignore folders configured to skip in Preferences
bluetooth dissapeared from device manager after cleanup
I did a rigorous cleanup and driver update on a old(er) laptop, after years of limited maintenance. Using Auslogic software (driver update,bootspeed,duplicate finder) and some manual cleaning/updating, Something went wrong, not sure exactly where. Now I can not use/connect bluetooth devices anymore. I tried to solve it by doing some reasearch on the internet but can not find the solution. Otherwise the Laptop is working fine and is a lot faster.
Enclosed you will find some information of the laptop and screenshots of what I think is relevant information.
I also noticed that Bluetooth is not longer available at the 'action center' and 'device manager'. The latter one still shows some bluetooth devices but is hidden and do not seem to be the relevant items.
In 'Settings> bluetooth and other devices', the previously connected bluetooth devices are still there but it clearly states that bluetooth is turned off.
Could you please advise me on how to solve this.
Enclosed a couple of prinscreens of the systems and the above mentioned screens.
FYI I am an experienced user, however certanly not a Windows specialist.
Kind regards.
Perry Parengkuan
error en el dispositivo usb
si no es posible, me recomiendan alguna aplicacion para poder recuperar mi memoria USB?
update driver
Special Algorythym for SSD
c:\windows\servicing\LCU\* - no cleanup
I would like to ask why BootSpeed not have option to perform cleanup of the c:\windows\servicing\LCU\* files?
стабильная и быстрая работа ПК
Windows Update
Can you guys help? Tried everything. I can't seem to fix this.
My 'Subscriptions...?
Question about All my 'Subscriptions?
Vos logiciels
Je ne sais que choisir vraiment..
Privacy Leaks
How do I find the Windows settings and disable them?????
How to remove
Why when i run registry cleaner it leaves this file.HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Mime\Database\Content Type\image/
Invalid file type reference.
Failed to fix
graphics card
after tweaking system using Auslogics, sound doesnt work. help pls
kindly help
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windows key turns off my first monitor
Pop-Up Product Sales Window
I just recently purchased your Bootspeed system--which is great and full of great features that I typically have to buy many programs to do. I keep getting an ad pop-up to buy your other products and when I check off DON'T SHOW AGAIN, it just does that. It's annoying and a turn off..
exploler.exe ошибка приложения сервиса
ПОДСКАЖИТЕ ЧТО ДЕЛАТЬ я очистил ненужные папки в как вдео иображения музыка перезагрузил ноутбук октрываю проводник жду секунд 10 пишет exploler.exe ошибка сервиса преложения и так каждый файл по типу панели инструментов скажите что делать пожалуйста а то меня мама убьет елси узнает она просто инода заходит в мой ноут и бдет спрашиват что уже бл такое и все пипец мене скажите прошу вас переустановка я оюсь делать это или мне надо вызывать мастера , еще я смотрле в инете что там водишь команду srw /scannow пошло до 84 процента сморю пишут показало есть неисправеные файлы исправил некоторые неисправились перезгрузили комп или ноутбук и появился синий экран оно дошло у меня до 84% и я остановил и я сейчас НЕЗНАЮ ЧТО ДЕЛАТЬ СКАЖТЕ ПОЖАЛУЙСТА ЧТО ДЕЛАТЬ ПРОШУУУ ВАС ОТ ВСЕГО СЕРДЦА
updating software
i get a message on my laptop for a new verion of boostspeed 11 pro. when i click lon the link and try to update, i get a purchase screen.
so, how do i update without repurchasing the software
Error Message
Please open "Screen Shot" of error.
Thank you for your help in this matter.
Long Time Auslogice Customer
J. Aguero
Dear Support, I have Auslogics Boostspeed 12 on my machine. There was a flash on the screen of a recommended update.
So my question is there was nothing in that flash update telling me if its a to pay for update or for free. This need to be shown in my book. Do you see where I am coming from with this? It shows what the big fixes are with the new update but yet nothing about if you hit the link if there is a small payment involved. This needs to be incorporated as part of any firmware update in my book. Regards Paul
Bit Replica
Found area to at least attach info from last two sent to Tech Support.
Screenshot is only partial list of ewrrors. I like BS 11-12, but this product should go in the trash.
What the hell is the subcategory for when you cant put anything in related to the BitEReplica software issue.
You should hire someone that understands people, not zeros and ones.
popup reminders
Siempre se sobrecalienta el cpu al 100%
MFT failure
BoostSpeed 12 deleting my Spotify playlist files
EWhy does every time i run the BoostSpeed 12 scan it deletes all of my Spotify downloaded playlist files?
Fed Up with Spotify Slowness and Bloatware
Failing that, I suggested many years ago that they should Release a Spotify Compact or Spotify Basic software option and that option is already on their Forum for voting on
Windows Slimmer question
After scanning for old windows libraries and initializing the cleaning process. It says process completed but no files are cleaned. Still 2.7 Gig installed on rescan and same problem on re-cleaning. What to do? Thanks
Sorry, I couldn't find a catagory for Windows Slimmer questions