Is it ok to use your program to do this, is says 9.9 % fragmented?
El teclado de mi laptop no funciona
Compre la lic de BOOTSPEED y tambien la licencia de DRIVER UPDATER
Cuando actualizo los drivers ya no funciona ningun teclado
Esto ya me sucedio dos veces y esta es la tercera ocasion
Necesito me ayuden a resolverlo
Para redactar este correo estoy utilizando el teclado en pantalla
Computer is Slow
How to avoid file delete problems in Lightroom Classic
update not completing
I get updates to Windows 22H2 which ofcourse don't succeed.
Why do i get updates for a version I don't have? and is it possible to update to 22H2 ?
If not , what are the options dealing with an out of date windows version. My PC is not Windows 11 compatible.
Fading icon
when I open Microsoft store and the apps i download from it, they open and work fine but their icon in taskbar is fading away.
I repair and reset the Microsoft store but it didnt work.
Accessing NAS from the web
stringa di ricerca
Cosa devo fare per ottenere questi risultati con la vostra app e per cancellarli senza cercarli e selezionarli uno ad uno con regedit?
O sistema foi atualizado compulsoriamente pela Microsoft para o win 11.
laptop processor activity in 100%
i have core Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-7700HQ CPU @ 2.80GHz 2.80 GHz, 24 gb ram, 512 nvme pci 3,0, hdd, 2 gb graphics, win 11 legal windows homw, when the computer starts, the cpu % is always in 100%, in between while woring normally, the processor % goes always 100%. can youguide regarding this.
Driver Updater on Win 11 platform
James Denneny
Delete/clean norton
John Smith
you tube videos and notifications
Lost partition
My disk had a C: drive, for OS and D: drive for my files, photo's etc. While the c: drive was recovered, the d: drive has disappeared. How can I recover the D: drive, please?
Driver is Unavailable
Compare configuration changes in boostspeed
I have your software in three computers as the license allows, but I can't find how to compare configuration between them, specially in the custom scan and clean for boostspeed. For example in one computer my login screen still shows the photo microsoft chooses, but on the other it doesn't. Maybe you have that in a config or xml file. It may be good to be able to compare.
Error al actualizar windows
ноутбук Dell перестал распознавать оригинальное зарядное устройство Dell и АКБ не заряжается как раньше.
Ноутбук Dell перестал распознавать оригинальное зарядное устройство Dell и АКБ не заряжается так как раньше.
Ноутбук был приобретен новым и я единственный владец. Раньше всё было в порядке. Установка вашего ПО и запуск всех инструментов пока ничего не дал. Я не могу понять в чём причина?
Ваш софт и фирменный софт Dell сообщает что АКБ находится в отличном состоянии. Сама Windows 7 pro показывает что АКБ подключена к З/У, но сообщает что АКБ не заряжается. АКБ не заряжается даже при полном выключении или перезагрузке ноутбука.
Как решение я вижу возможность также перепрошить BIOS. Пожалуйста, помогите решить вопрос.
С уважением,
Pro Version
Hello Auslogics
It seems that every day I get a warning message about a new 'Daily' task being created. That task is UsoClient (see attachment). There always seems to be three occurences of this program, despite this – so I guess that it is being deleted and recreated by Windows.
No doubt this is a Windows thing, but it would be good to understand what is going on here.
Also, if I try to disable it, despite being a local admin, I get an 'insufficient privs' error (see second attachment).
If this is deemed normal behaviour and the program is trustworthy, is there a way of disabling the warning message, but just for this one program?
Thanks and regards
Phil Parkin
Hello - I have your Auslogics Anti-Maleware program and recently added Norton Security. Norton security runs scans in the backgound and for some reason goes after the anti-malware prgram, esentially erasing it. However it leaves my Auslogics BoosSpeed & Auslogics Driver Update prgrams alone, so they continue to run fine. Now every day I have to re-load the anti-malwar program.
I went into Norton checking the Virus & Firewall settings which are set to "allow" your anti-malway program , but it still continues to erase the entire anti-malware application. Do you have any ideas on how to fix this in Norton..?
NVIDIA 제어판이 안 켜져요
NVIDIA 제어판을 열려고 하면 계속 '현재 NVIDIA GPU에 연결된 디스플레이를 사용하고 있지 않습니다.' 라고 뜹니다. 어떻게 하면 돼나요?
Auslogics BoostSpeed 12 после проверки сисстемы блокирует и выпиливает AdGuard из сисстемы
Здравствуйте! прошу помочь. после гибернации комп сам через несколько минут включается. зарание спасибо.
RDP keeps disabling on every machine that has boostspeed installed
I notice that intermittently (seems to do it when it wants to), if I reboot a laptop or other physical endpoint, the machine will boot up with the "termservice" disabled, even though groupm policy enforces this to be on.
After troubleshooting group policy, uninstalling all other security software, and weeks of various other troubleshooting methods, the only commonality I can find is that all the machines that do this have boostspeed installed.
I found this post
And followed the instructions there. I also turned off the performance monitor in boostspeed via the settings, but the issue is still persisting. My next step I guess is to uninstall boostspeed from all of my machines but I figured I would reach out before I give up on the product.
数分後 画面に「修復している」と出る
WordPad problem
Think, it's the only problem I have with my PC and now ALL problems in the future are taken good care of with your comprehensive
system, thank you.
Henning Reckey
Error 1605 and 1628
I am facing problem about error 1628 and 1605,can you help me to solve this problem?
How do I stop starting up when I start the computer
When I start up my computer, PCTuneUp starts up. How do I prevent this from happening.
Internet Explorer re install
Bonjour !
J'ai besoin d'utiliser internet Explorer pour activer un service (système d'authentification qui ne fonctionne qu'avec IE)
Or je ne trouve plus IE sur mon poste. Il n'apparait pas dans Panneau de configuration\Tous les Panneaux de configuration\Programmes et fonctionnalités\Activer ou désactiver des fonctionnalités windows
Je ne me souviens plus comment je n'ai dé"sisntallé, et je me demandais :
- si c'est un tweak de Bootspeed qui l'a désinstallé?
- comme faire pour le ré installer?
J'ai essayé de le re téléchargé en online et en offline mais impossible de termienr l'installation. Soit un message me dit qu'une version plus récente est installée, (Edge), soit l'installation s'arrête sans message d'erreur.
Merci !
PS : la sous-catégorie est obligatoire, mais Internet Explorer n'était pas listé, j'ai donc choisi une valeur approximative
Windows Security - Account Protection
"Dynamic Lock is not working because Bluetooth is off."
I do not know what device to try to turn on to Bluetooth.
Thanks in anticipation.
Mike Kemp
Crackling sound after few hours
After a few hours of my computer being on, all sounds from the PC will have crackling sounds. There is nothing in particular that triggers it. No specific amount of time before I start to hear it. It has been happening for quite some time now
Thank you
Disk Defrag
what are the differences between Disk Defrag Pro and Disk Defrag Ultimate ?
If I installed Disk Defrag Ultimate, can I uninstall Disk Defrag