1859 questions

you tube videos and notifications

I have installed different search engines and cancelled all mmy cookie permissions now you tube videos wont play and iam not getting notifications anymore?
Sep 18, 2023 at 09:43 AM

Lost partition

My SSD took several days to recover, via an automated Microsoft Windows process.

My disk had a C: drive, for OS and D: drive for my files, photo's etc. While the c: drive was recovered, the d: drive has disappeared. How can I recover the D: drive, please?
Sep 17, 2023 at 07:52 PM

Driver is Unavailable

My Win 10 (64bit) PC can find my Epson printer on my local network, connected by ethernet cable to my router, and installs the "necessary files". However, afterward in my settings it shows the printer with "Driver is Unavailable" and nothing will print. Both my wife's PC and all of our iPhones/iPads have no issues printing so I know it is connected properly and functional. The only device having an issue is my PC. I have removed the printer and reinstalled it multiple times with the same result. I have also downloaded and installed the newest drivers available from Epson for this printer but somehow my computer does not seem to be able to find or recognize them. A support request has been sent to Epson but so far any suggestions from their automated response system have not be successful.
Sep 16, 2023 at 12:58 PM


Since I updated the USB driver my G-HUB with logitech dosn't recognice my keyboard or mouse. What shall I do?
Sep 16, 2023 at 12:24 PM


¿Siempre es mejor actualizar todo el software (windows, sistema operativo, apps, drivers, etc.) a la versión más reciente que se vaya publicando? o cuando todo está funcionando en forma correcta ¿es mejor detener las actualizaciones para dejar todo como está y que se mantenga todo funcionando en forma adecuada?
Sep 15, 2023 at 06:57 PM

Bricked my HP Evo Prod ID 669a1ua after driver update

So I'm old-school (DOS Win 3.11) computer-savvy...but not much more (never heard of secure boot/TPM/Bitlocker - until I used your program to update a bunch of drivers (probabally the BIOS) and I got BSOD demanding Bitlocker key and after 3 days found no darn way around it. Finally went to HP Cloud recovery (supposed to resture factory config) but this tool does not work for me (gets stuck in a boot loop...internet search did not reveal fix/work-around that I haddn't tried; i.e at the BIOS I turned off Secure boot, allowed USB Boot, made that the first boot device...even tried re-directing the boot loader to the flash drive...but I digress).
Only thing left seemed to be a clean install using flash drive media from MS website to download installer for W11 and then het drivers from HP. So...Flash installer W11 called-up a view of the diskpart showing X: as "System" with like 200MB, C: is the main partition with ~433GB and is BITLOCKED... and then there is a small Recovery partition.
So the only partition I might use was the Bitlocked one...thus I had to delete it and ReFormat to do the clean install.
...So far so good!
Now I go top HP and get my wlan drivers...install from recovery CMD using pnpuil...and I fire-up Windows.
I get the intro screen to select my language, then keyboard, then it hangs at "lets get you connected to the internet"
so - TWO questions: (1) what othe (critical) drivers might I need to get online? Here's the list of possibilities: https://support.hp.com/us-en/drivers/selfservice/closure/hp-spectre-x360-16-inch-2-in-1-laptop-pc-16-f1000/2101006126/model/2101006145 and
(2) I tried just installing "all" of the available drivers...but I ran out of room???
It seems that even when I'm at he C:\ prompt - everything I install actually goes to the X: partition [which has run out of space now...] Is there some kind of start-up initialization pointer thats redirrecting "System" traffic/commands to X: (instead of c:\Windows\System\System32 - where drivers usually reside?
- If so - how do I change it?
- If not then might it relate somehow to the fact that I never really "completed" the install process?
Also FYI - now that I have gotten around Bitlocker I tried the HP Cloud recovery again and got the same blind boot loop.
Thanks for your help
Sep 13, 2023 at 08:52 PM

low speed of windows

the speed of my windows is low
what can i do for this
Sep 11, 2023 at 02:42 PM


high system resourxce notification--change settings.What do i do to rectify thuis matter?
Sep 10, 2023 at 12:59 PM


Sep 10, 2023 at 12:11 AM


not good working
Sep 09, 2023 at 06:23 AM

Windows Update

Error message: "Your device is missing important security and quality fixes.", tried several fixes...no result.
Sep 09, 2023 at 02:19 AM


Any idea as to why this is happening? I have registered the program in the WIN firewall, but no success. All other Auslogics software is working without a hitch.
Thanks for your help!
Sep 07, 2023 at 07:29 PM

heute kein Zugang zum Abruf der Treiber-Daten

Gibt es ein technisches Problem beim Zugang zum Datenserver?
Sep 07, 2023 at 02:18 PM

windows search

não consigo usar a janela de activar ou desativar funções do windows
Sep 06, 2023 at 11:26 PM

Mots de passe


BootSpeed a chaque analyse du système, il me supprime les mot de passe et a chaque fois je suis obligé de resaisir ce dernier.
Comment effectuer de facon que BS ne supprime plus les mots de passe ?

Denis Schmitt
Sep 06, 2023 at 05:34 PM


I had my PC repaired (for a new heat sink) and
now, the USB Ports on the front of the PC don't
work anymore. The back ones work fine.
Is there an easy fix?
Sep 06, 2023 at 05:11 PM

Luz noturna

A luz noturna deixou de funcionar, não posso mudar para a cor mais suave
Sep 04, 2023 at 05:13 PM


Bonjour !!

J'ai installé CCLEANER mais crains qu'il détruise des fichiers considérés comme étant des virus mais qui n'en sont pas comme par exemple "setup.exe". Windows Defender a complètement détruits des fichiers qui n'étaient en aucun cas des virus. Je n'ai pas réussi à les récupérer.

Dois-je craindre la même chose avec CCLEANER ?

Je vous remercie d'avance pour la réponse que vous voudrez bien me donner ...


Sep 02, 2023 at 07:49 AM

Velocidad de la computadora

¿Qué puedo hacer para que mi computadora siempre funcione lo más rápido posible?
Sep 01, 2023 at 08:33 PM


Hey huge fan and long time user of the free edition and was wondering can i get a week trial please as im thinking of buying ? My PC is still running crappy

Thanks in Advance
Sep 01, 2023 at 08:04 PM


почему, после того, как ваша программа предлагает мне отчистить корзину, после сканирования и предложения исправить ошибки, корзина остается не очищенной? у меня возникает подозрение, что фактически ваша программа только создает видимость работы, а на самом деле ничего не делает!
Oct 31, 2021 at 04:03 PM

Store and related apps don't open

Al Microsoft apps including store will not open. I have attempted to restore the app ID service but get an "access denied" popup when clicking "apply". All other methods to restore the service have hailed as well. In conjunction, I am getting a notification that McAfee and Windows Defender are both turned off when McAfee is actually running.
Aug 19, 2022 at 10:53 AM

I have windows installed on my SSD and HDD so how do I transfer data from one installation to the other without cloning

So I got and installation of windows on my SSD and HDD, but now I want to shift my files from HDD to SSD installation and then delete windows from HDD, but I don't want to clone(unless it doesn't clone windows installation and other files that I already installed on the SSD) my current installation(HDD) as it was pirated while the other one is legal, and by data I mean everything from text files to programs I installed, so I just want the user data and programs I installed to be shifted to my SSD without deleting windows from SSD and cloning the HDD one. Pls Help as quickly as possible,

Feb 13, 2021 at 11:06 AM

I want boost speed to startup when win 10 starts

I cannot get this boost speed 11 version to create a staru up buttom to check or uncheck. So, currently I must start my pc. Then start boost spped 11 and diminish to the lower tray daily. I would like to set it to Start each time my pc is turned on automatically.

I do get a failur when I try to set this auto run featur from the settings within boost speed 11. I seaprch online and cannot find an answer.

Jul 27, 2019 at 06:25 PM

После обновления сетевого драйвера пропадает сетевое подключение

Добрый день. Программа рекомендует обновить сетевой драйвер, но, если я выполняю обновление, то у меня пропадает сетевое подключение. Что посоветутете делать в этой и подобных ситуациях? Речь идет про INTEL 82579V Gigabit и INTEL 82574L Gigabit
Jan 31, 2022 at 09:33 AM

Making best use of the high system resource usage detected warning

Boostspeed regularly gives me a warning message, "high system resource usage detected." What should I do to most usefully take advantage of this warning?
Jan 10, 2022 at 03:20 PM

windows 10

Hi, when cleaning up windows 10 by using boostspeed 12, it deletes all my downloaded files and videos ! how to resolve or avoid this ??? Thanks in advance
L Lantveld
Nov 18, 2021 at 01:26 PM


I now get a this app has been blocked for your protection

using my shortcut for disk defragmenter pro
Jan 21, 2022 at 05:40 AM


Почему иконка стала оранжевым

Dec 01, 2020 at 09:29 AM


it is not possible to activate this application with this key

Content hidden to protect privacy

Jan 23, 2022 at 07:49 PM

Integrator.exe failures

Hi, I was currently using Boostspeed12 daily until last week when I got the message that Integrator.exe failed, I have reverted to Boostspeed11 which still seems to work although it is limited compared to 12. When will this problem in 12 be corrected?
Jan 31, 2022 at 12:45 PM


How can I uninstall McAfee TechMate
Nov 07, 2022 at 06:22 PM

recovery of duplicate files accidentaly removed

I have removed duplicate files using the software, unfortunately i lost many RAW files of the photographs instead of JPEG versions of the RAW files, I wish to recover my raw files which was deleted first from the hard drive into the recycle bin and removed from there, the RAW files are Nikon NEF files. I am enclsong the JPEG of the RAW file which was deleted, many other RAW files were also lost accidentally ,
Sep 26, 2021 at 05:35 PM

Slow Word response

I am having problems with Windows Word and Excvel !
I keep getting a message ' not responding' - when loading both Word and Excel - then after about 30 seconds it loads ?!
I have tried all sorts of published ways to correct this problem.
Is their a simple way to stop this annoying problem.
Thank you in advance
Chris Morley
Nov 29, 2021 at 08:58 AM

SSD optimization

I am using SSDs optimization for my SSD drive but I found out on the internet and youtube that I should not defragment my SSD, just let window trim does the work. I would like to know if Auslogic do any good for SSD and is it gonna insert extra "write" to my SSD? If it is the case I would rather use Window trim since I saw SSD optimization also do defragment task when I optimize with Auslogic Bootspeed 12
Oct 22, 2021 at 03:43 PM

тормозит оченьсильно

у меня очень долго думает ноутбук и иногда исчезают с и d диски пока не перезагрузишь не появятся
Mar 20, 2021 at 12:22 PM

Integrator.exe wird blockiert

Beim Versuch, Boost Speed von der Taskleiste aus zu öffnen, erscheint folgende Mitteilung:
"Diese App wurde aus Sicherheitsgründen blockiert.
Ein Administrator hat die Ausführung dieser App blockiert
Weitere Informationen erhalten Sie vom Administrator.
Ich bin selbst der Administrator meines Systems, sehe aber keine Möglichkeit, den Fehler zu beheben.
Bitte helfen Sie mir.
Jan 24, 2022 at 10:35 PM

Scanning shows hard drive disc error

Can BoostSpeed 12 perform disc repair? If so, how?
Dec 04, 2021 at 08:19 PM

Gah. Cannot access Report

I have not been able to view any of the reports in the Auslogics software. I just get a blank window in Foxfire.
Dec 13, 2021 at 06:38 PM

windows 10 very slow


My windows 10 always very busiy in 15-20 minutes almost every morning. I have install auslogic and it has make my workstation
far faster then. But after 2-3 weeks my workstation is back very slow / freeze and sometime s takes more than 30 minutes before it
can be used again

The disk activity always 100% in the morning for about 15-20 minutes . Have installed also the free version of AVG

Jun 02, 2022 at 07:15 AM