With only 1 Si Labs Enhanced and Standard port, and 1 port for the system, as seen in Device Manage, how can I run, for example, more than one sftwr program - intended for a Ham radio transceiver - plus an external, USB microphone plus other external HDD, with or without an external USB Hub?
Why does my HP All-in-one, WIN11 system, work with the internal camera but NOT the internal microphone?
Do I need "virtual ports"? Do I need special drivers and/or hardware?
fenetre d'erreur dans messagerie
Ma messagerie Thunderbird (plusieurs comptes actifs) semble fonctionner correctement, mais depuis quelques semaines s'ouvre une fenêtre d'erreur (en pièce jointe) dont je n'arrive pas à supprimer la cause.
Pourriez-vous m'aider ?
Merci d'avance, cordialement.
After using Auslogics Boot Speed 13 (Pro) and restaring the Windows, the screen becomes black.
After using Auslogics Boot Speed 13 (Pro) (scan, regedit, clean, regdefrag, disk defrag, window slimmer, internet optimisation) and restaring the Windows, the screen becomes black in a few minutes. It is possble to change open windows by Alt + Tab. Ctr + Alt + Del can recall Task Manager. But the screen is black, it is not possible to see a wallpaper, call Start menu, task bar is invisible as well. Only restart the system helps, can I fix it in another way, please?
Thank you.
Slow Computer Speed
How can we speed up internet connections? If we disable numerous threads, do we make it harder to connect with various sites?
Looking For a Software Replacement
Auslogics Bitreplica vs
Please, tell me: can I use Auslogics Bitreplica to create the full system and disk images?
Thank you.
With regards.
Friggin Microsoft Bing!!
I tried all the internet recommdndations to get rid of this damn thing; it's like a cacer that just keeps coming back.
Any suggestions?
Ronald Stanfill
Intergrate software/APPS
Unfortunately I overlokked the advice that apps would be lost.
I now have a list of about 60 apps listed as "Apps removed while resetting your PC", including Auslogics programs.
Is ther any way that I can recover those apps?
I'm using Windows 10.
Bill Wacher
No Sound
Gerenciador de dispositivos
Boost speed upgrade to 13
I can not finde where to put in the my license key for the new upgrade to 13. I do hve the new license key it downloaded okay
Registry Defrag
ERROR Save Task (the system cannot find te file specified)
Keyboard built-in has been made mostly garbage
(These words are from a USB keyboard.)
Rückmeldung / Frage
Ihr Driver-Updater von Auslogics hat mir bei der probeweisen Nutzung leider meinen Maustreiber irreparabel ausgetauscht, sodass ich letztlich mühevoll das komplette Windows neuaufspielen musste. - Das war nicht gut.
2) Seitdem fehlt mir auch für eine COM-Schnittstelle der passende Treiber. Ein Support beim Computerhersteller bzw. Intel konnte nicht weiterhelfen Vielleicht haben Sie eine Idee?
usb mouse
can you help please
Malgré après avoir réaliser une optimisation de mon disque dur l'icone dans la barre de tâches reste en rouge. Que cela veux dire et comment résoudre pour le mettre en vert
Denis Schmitt
When i wanted to pay for Auslogic Boostspeed 11 i couldn't complete the payment. That was because i use paypal and dont use a card for paypal.
The fact is that i dont use any type of creadit card or such, i only have a bankcard that i dont leave out for web buys. That is why i have used Paypal for such transactions.
Auslogic is so far the only company that tells me i need to have a card connected to my Paypal account.
The thing is as you demand that customers must use a card you are actually promoting some people to find a cracked version for Boostspeed 11 and use that. you are loosing out on sells by refusing to let people use paypal straight as it is.
Anyway, i hope you all have a nice day and take vare of yourselfe.
Auslogics BoostSpeedを最近アップデートして以来、integrator.exeのCPU負荷が30%になっていてファンが止まりません。このプロセスを止めたいのですがどうすればよいでしょうか?
Missing subcategory
What is the correct subcategory for a software question for Auslogic products such as Boostspeed, Disk Defgrag, etc.? The "Ask a Question- New Question" screen will not allow a Subcategoty that is not on the drop down list.
mise a jour de fonctionalité vers windows 10 version 20H2 bloque a 61%
Je veux desinstalle Conexant Smart Audio HD qui est supposé creer ce probleme.
Le désinstalleur de Boostspeed ne le troive pas.
POurriez vous me donner une suggestion?
Computer slowness one in internet
32bit Winsdows 7 Ultimate operating system
Processor AMD-A4-5300 APU with Radeon (tm) HD Graphics 3.40GHz
Memory 2.00GB (1.46GB usable)
I constantly suffer from great slowness when I connect to the Internet via WiFi
Yesterday, once BoostSpeed 12 was installed, I carried out its cleaning procedures, and after connecting to the internet it sent me a message on two occasions indicating slowness on my computer and that this would be resolved with the PRO version. I want to know if this is real, or if the problem lies in insufficient memory, old processor, or disk characteristics, or all of them, and should I buy a new computer; but, for the time being, I want to avoid this last option.
Boot Speed, or Restart Speed
eliminazione di windows obsolete
Повышенное потребление ресурсов
Периодически всплывает уведомление о повышенном потреблении ресурсов. По клику открывается Task Manager, из информации в котором я понимаю только, что процессор загружен на 100%, оперативная память тоже. Я и сам замечаю, что компьютер часто тормозит и процессор нагревается до 50 градусов.
Компьютер новый (моноблок Lenovo, W10), программ в автозагрузке не более десяти. Прежний моноблок, которому более пяти лет с W 8.1, на котором установлено гораздо больше программ, ведёт себя гораздо резвее.
И что со всем этим делать? В Task Manager не вижу каких-либо инструментов. Уж не сама ли ваша программа Auslogics Boost Speed 11 тормозит систему?
Нужен ли антивирус если есть Bootspeed ??
Нужен ли антивирус если есть Bootspeed ?? Ваша программа спровляеться с вирусами и майнингами??
I want to remove the arrows on the deskyop icons
Tony Bell
Hirosuke Kajiyama
Auslogics BoostSpeed 12 The software is blocked by the administrator. ソフトが管理者によってブロックされています。
Please unblock ブロック解除をお願いします
License key ライセンスキー:
Auslogics BoostSpeed 12
playing videos
The error message says:
(Playback ID: vnJN0H3RgwlSS4V0)