J'ai installé CCLEANER mais crains qu'il détruise des fichiers considérés comme étant des virus mais qui n'en sont pas comme par exemple "setup.exe". Windows Defender a complètement détruits des fichiers qui n'étaient en aucun cas des virus. Je n'ai pas réussi à les récupérer.
Dois-je craindre la même chose avec CCLEANER ?
Je vous remercie d'avance pour la réponse que vous voudrez bien me donner ...
Velocidad de la computadora
Thanks in Advance
Leider kann ich keine Software mit dem Programm mehr aktuallisieren es kommt immer dieselbe Fehlermeldung:
failed download failure
was verhindert die Aktuallisierung bei dem Programm.
Als Virus Programm nutze ich Kaspersky
Als Betriebssystem nutze ich Windows 10 Pro
mfg Klaus Schwabe
Problème fonctionnement Bluetooth
Que dois-je faire pour réutiliser mon clacier normalement ?
Merci par avance
Intel Graphics Installer Not Prompt Back After Loading For Install
I'm facing Intel Graphics Installer not prompt back after loading for continue install start on version Driver WHQL. Need some advice what when wrong and how to resolve.
Quicken Lock
With only 1 Si Labs Enhanced and Standard port, and 1 port for the system, as seen in Device Manage, how can I run, for example, more than one sftwr program - intended for a Ham radio transceiver - plus an external, USB microphone plus other external HDD, with or without an external USB Hub?
Why does my HP All-in-one, WIN11 system, work with the internal camera but NOT the internal microphone?
Do I need "virtual ports"? Do I need special drivers and/or hardware?
fenetre d'erreur dans messagerie
Ma messagerie Thunderbird (plusieurs comptes actifs) semble fonctionner correctement, mais depuis quelques semaines s'ouvre une fenêtre d'erreur (en pièce jointe) dont je n'arrive pas à supprimer la cause.
Pourriez-vous m'aider ?
Merci d'avance, cordialement.
After using Auslogics Boot Speed 13 (Pro) and restaring the Windows, the screen becomes black.
After using Auslogics Boot Speed 13 (Pro) (scan, regedit, clean, regdefrag, disk defrag, window slimmer, internet optimisation) and restaring the Windows, the screen becomes black in a few minutes. It is possble to change open windows by Alt + Tab. Ctr + Alt + Del can recall Task Manager. But the screen is black, it is not possible to see a wallpaper, call Start menu, task bar is invisible as well. Only restart the system helps, can I fix it in another way, please?
Thank you.
Slow Computer Speed
How can we speed up internet connections? If we disable numerous threads, do we make it harder to connect with various sites?
Looking For a Software Replacement
Auslogics Bitreplica vs
Please, tell me: can I use Auslogics Bitreplica to create the full system and disk images?
Thank you.
With regards.
Friggin Microsoft Bing!!
I tried all the internet recommdndations to get rid of this damn thing; it's like a cacer that just keeps coming back.
Any suggestions?
Ronald Stanfill
Intergrate software/APPS
Обновление Windows (системы безопасности) появляется синий экран
При загрузке и установки обновлений виндовз (Windows Update) появляется синий экран смерти. Я вынужден отключить Windows Update и уже больше двух месяцев не выключаю ноутбук (не перезагружаю).
Как установить обновления что б не было экрана смерти?
Windows Blue Screens
Im getting a lot of windows blue screens, Kernel issues and Server exceptions and memory as well, i did a lot of testings like memory testings, when i do windows file check, when i run CHKDSK check in cmd i get files are NTFS error, Any help?
Pro Version
completed (order number: 3088xxxxx).
i cannot start boostspeed. they say its for my safety. i do not understand this
C:\Program Files (x86)\Auslogics\BoostSpeed blocked by integrator
Lorsque j'effectues une défragmentation de mon ssd avec l'option pour sdd, ils reste des carrées en rouge.
J'ai sélectionné dans les options 'tous les fichiers'.
Egalement l'indicateur ne se met pas a 0%
Denis Schmitt
updating software
i get a message on my laptop for a new verion of boostspeed 11 pro. when i click lon the link and try to update, i get a purchase screen.
so, how do i update without repurchasing the software
Upgrading Windows Vista to 10
Using Dedicated Graphics Card
I've got a problem with switching to my dedicated graphics card. For some reason games like CS:GO tend to run on integrated graphics. I've tried everything such as going to Nvidia Contol Panel and choosing cs:go, and setting it on my Nvidia card. When I go to Graphics settings and choose CS:GO it says Intel(R) HD Graphics 3000 for Power Saving and High Performance (which it shouldn't be like this) . I've installed the latest version of my Nvidia Card ( which is 391.35). The only way I can use my Nvidia Graphics for CS:GO is that I have to disable Intel(R) HD Graphics 3000 in Device Manager (which then I'm limited to 60HZ and can't change color settings)
I'm using an Asus Laptop( Asus K53SV)
Here is some information about the hardware that I'm using:
Geforce GT 540M
Intel(R) HD Graphics 3000
I hope you guys can help me with this and have a good day :)
Speech Recognition in Word
I am not able to set up Speech Regocntion or dictate.
What do I need to do? Keep getting language recognition dialogue although everything says it is set to English (UK).
Windows Defender Disable Remove
On HP's laptop, the wi-fi module disappeared. The drivers are in place, the device works fine, but there is no way to turn on. Shows one mode "on the plane" and all. how do I get it back?
windows 10 up grade
how can I upgrade my windows 10 desktop from 32 bits to windows 10 64 bits without loosing any datas.
Auslogics Shell Extensions and Startup
I recently looked into the Auslogics Startup Manager and Shell Extensions and I was alarmed to discover that 2 programs are listed as Dangerous. I have checked the web which lists these 2 program as 58% malicious. The programs relate to the Motherboard hardware installation. They are and atkexComSvc.exe. According to the various web sites the way to remove them is to go to Control Panel Programs and Features and to uninstall. But on my configuration they are not listed in the program list. Auslogics reports them as Dangerous. How do I use Auslogics to disable/remove/unistall?
Remote Desktop Service
Where can I disable inside BoostSpeed 12 to not disable the Remote Desktop Service? Each time I reboot my PC I loose the ability to remote to my PC at the office because the service is disabled.
empty folder cleaned doesn't work
When I click on the box to do away with empty folders, nothing happens. It used to work but I stopped it in the middle of its job.