1826 questions


Mar 23, 2023 at 01:06 PM

очистка компьютера с w7 от мусора

как очистить комп от мусора
Mar 23, 2023 at 08:18 AM


I'm evaluation BoostSpeed and one of the ways that it will save me 3Gb of disk space is to do a Disk Defrag. My hard drive is an SSD and I thought that defragging an SSD was not advised by several well known industry experts. Please explain - Thank you!
Mar 23, 2023 at 12:11 AM

lost files

how do I get files back that were mysteriously lost
Mar 22, 2023 at 07:47 PM


Wie lösche ich fehlerhafte Updates, Bsp. KB5022730
Mar 22, 2023 at 04:44 PM

Emoji Panel in Windows 10 Home is not working.

I used to be able to insert emojis in my emails from the Windows 10 Emoji Panel (Windows Key + Period), but it stopped working and I haven't been able to find out how to fix it. Do you have a solution to my problem?

OS Name Microsoft Windows 10 Home
Version 10.0.19045 Build 19045
Other OS Description Not Available
OS Manufacturer Microsoft Corporation
System Manufacturer HP
System Model HP Pavilion 590-p0055qe Desktop Rfrbd PC
System Type x64-based PC
Processor Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-8700 CPU @ 3.20GHz, 3192 Mhz, 6 Core(s), 12 Logical Processor(s)
BIOS Version/Date AMI F.48, 7/27/2022
SMBIOS Version 3.2
Embedded Controller Version 17.29
BaseBoard Manufacturer HP
BaseBoard Product 843B
BaseBoard Version 00
Platform Role Desktop
Secure Boot State On
PCR7 Configuration Elevation Required to View
Windows Directory C:\WINDOWS
System Directory C:\WINDOWS\system32
Boot Device \Device\HarddiskVolume3
Locale United States
Hardware Abstraction Layer Version = "10.0.19041.2728"
User Name DESKTOP-DPSS6F5\lenlo
Time Zone Central Daylight Time
Installed Physical Memory (RAM) 12.0 GB
Total Physical Memory 11.8 GB
Available Physical Memory 5.57 GB
Total Virtual Memory 23.8 GB
Available Virtual Memory 12.9 GB
Page File Space 12.0 GB
Page File C:\pagefile.sys
Kernel DMA Protection Off
Virtualization-based security Not enabled
Device Encryption Support Elevation Required to View
Hyper-V - VM Monitor Mode Extensions Yes
Hyper-V - Second Level Address Translation Extensions Yes
Hyper-V - Virtualization Enabled in Firmware No
Hyper-V - Data Execution Protection Yes
Mar 22, 2023 at 05:49 AM

проблема с панелью задач

перестала работать панель задач
произошло это так - включаю я пк, немного поиграл, буквально минут 15-20, и меня встретил синий экран, который не смерти, а обычный синий экран ошибки, где пишут перезагрузка, проблема с чем-то (ну вы поняли, да ведь?), после перезагрузки начались проблемы с жёсткими дисками, но я их решил, и после решения проблем с дисками перестала работать панель задач, только открываются ярлыки разных приложений, а вот системные не работают, например пуск, поиск, звук, календарь, да даже настройки не открываются! всё перепробывал! и powershell, ну команды в нём и т.д., всякие приложения.
помогите пожалуйста!
Mar 20, 2023 at 06:41 PM

File Explorer

How to activate the Mark-coloum?
Mar 17, 2023 at 04:12 PM

will Boot 13 work on windows XP?

will Boot 13 work on windows XP?
Mar 17, 2023 at 10:06 AM

Defrag external usb drive?


How to I use defrag 11 on an external USB drive?
My little dirve appears in Windows 10 but doensn't show up in your defrag software for me.

Mar 17, 2023 at 07:31 AM


Les aperçus des miniatures ne s'affichent plus dans Windows 10, pour les vidéos uniquement, les vignettes des photos s'affichent ! !
Mar 16, 2023 at 11:34 AM

Windows 10 install software as admin

Request a report on what happened to my computer last year during the 12 months when it was attacked by powerful viruses and completely disabled - restore all settings, folders and data, solve device problems on (C, B)
Mar 15, 2023 at 08:51 PM

fonctionnement quotidien

Le temps de demarrage et le temps d'arret sont devenus très longs. Que dois-je faire ?
Merci de votre aide.
Mar 15, 2023 at 09:53 AM

Auslogics - Disk Doctor (Repair)

Hello Sir/Madam.

As per an initial scan with the Disk Doctor, it diagnosed having disk errors on my SSD.

For any further analysis, it states that my SSD will be dismounted and locked while it performs its majic.

My questions:
- What are the consequences if the SSD is not remounted onto my Surface computer,
- Is the Disk Doctor a reliable software, or could I be left in a lurch if the SSD is not reconnected to my computer and
- How long could the repair take. I have a 500 GW SSD.


Pietro Di Zanno
Mar 15, 2023 at 04:35 AM

Auslogics scans

I have been using Auslogics for seceral years now. My question is how long do the results of a scan last. I have noticed for instance that the internet settings hold goo,. the scan in clean-up are good and then the next day they must be deleted again. Does a reboot erase some of youy clean-up for tha same day? Just curious. Any info would be helpfil. Thanks.
Mar 14, 2023 at 08:36 PM

Registry Cleaner

Hallo Auslogics Team ! Ich hatte mir vor Boostspeed 13 Pro den Auslogics Registry Cleaner Professinal gekauft !
Meine Frage...Sind diese beiden Produktversionen identisch bzw.funktionsgleich ?
Würde mich über schnelle Rückmeldung freuen!
Mit freundlichen Grüßen Klaus Ratje
Mar 14, 2023 at 01:36 PM

Disk Defrag 11 - Wipe disk blank area function reports 100%, but doesn't actually finish

I know that wiping a large HD can take time, but it reached 100%, the program never repotred it finished. I let it continue to run nearly 12 hours after it reached the 99-100% point. I couldnt close the program either, so I restarted the PC in order to close the program. Dell Percision T3500, 24GB RAM, 8 core Xeon W3540, Win10 x64 on SSD. Everything else runs well. I'm using the paid version of Disk Defrag 11.
Mar 13, 2023 at 11:13 PM

Defragmentierung einer virtuellen Festplatte

Kann man virtuelle Festplatten mit Eurem System Defragmentieren. Zum Beispiel über eine erweiterte Auswahl.
Mar 13, 2023 at 09:58 AM

Cannot reinstall MS365 after gone missing

my current & active MS365 suite just vanished from the system, and when I try to download/install the apps on my laptop, it get all the way through the process untl final 10% when get error mressage 30015-11(3221225506). I have dismounterd all system defence software (firewalls, defender, anti-virus) while downloading to remove these as potential constraints, and I have enabled the Windows Update features on the services list (cmd - services.msc)- which were showing as disabled. These however always revert back to 'disabled' once leave the page/screen. I also ran sfc /scannow to check for corrupted files - but all good. Can you assist please
Mar 12, 2023 at 08:09 PM

Microsoft activation request when there is already validated OEM version on laptop

How to resolve Microsoft activation request when there is already validated OEM version on laptop, and entering the product key that the Auslogics system ionformation report shows as being the valid key for my Win10 install.
Mar 12, 2023 at 07:56 PM

Activate My Windows for Free

How do I activate my Windows for free or update it?
Nov 06, 2021 at 01:17 PM

проблемы с Auslogics BootSpeed 11

Уважаемые господа!
Я получил извещение об доступном обновлении программы. Япопытался кликнуть обновление, но ссылка не кликается.... эта же проблема с отчетами, когда я пытаюсь кликнуть подробный отчет, он не кликается.
Что мне предпринять для устранения этой ошибки?

Jun 15, 2020 at 04:08 PM

Error 15

How to fix "Access Denied Error 15 This request was blocked by the security rules" in Windows 10 Pro with Edge browser?

The date and time information for this PC is correct.
I am not using any Proxy or VPN for my internet connections.
I am NOT able to access this website with Windows 10 Pro PC using the Google Chrome browser
I am able to access this website with another Windows 10 Pro PC using the Google Chrome or the Edge browser
Jun 08, 2021 at 05:50 PM

Start Up

AOL Software Problem:
I have AOL Desktop Gold & it worked good for a few years, then when I signed in, the orange ball appeared, and after that, nothing; AOL trtied to fix it, via reinstall but couldn't. Any suggestions?

I have aused Hewlette Packard Desktop PC, was Windows XP Now Windows 7. Petium 4 processor, 2GB Memory
Aug 27, 2021 at 04:56 PM

Долгая загруска игр и текстур в самих играх.

Здравствуйте. Дело в том, что у меня стали долго грузиться игры и графика в самих играх. Хотя компьютер у меня не самый слабый. Но после включения пк все стало долго и грустно.
Jul 22, 2021 at 01:29 PM

Perfomance for...

How can I optimize Windows for GTA V for maximum performance?

May 27, 2020 at 04:35 PM

One Click Scanner

The former version of BootSpeed -one click Scanner was running much faster that the new one (version 11).
Is that logical ?
(forget the hereabove Subcategory)

Sep 27, 2019 at 05:06 PM

please solve driver problem

my computer show unknown device please solve driver problem

Dec 10, 2019 at 02:05 PM

Boostspeed Background Optimization


I have been using boostspeed for almost an year now and I am a free user. It is all good but my only question is that should i let boostpeed run in backgroung and windows startup? Does Boostspeed optimize my pc in the backgroung when I enable this option? These processes take up a lot of memory. And also does boostspeed perfomance monitor optimize the pc in backgroung ?

Jun 15, 2021 at 04:15 PM


I have lost my icons on the desktop!
Oct 08, 2020 at 02:28 AM


how to enable switching mode?

Dec 28, 2020 at 07:58 AM

Bluetooth devices can't connect

After running a scan and following several actions/suggestions, my bluetooth audio devices cannot connect to my bluetooth. I'm unsure what to do. I've tried removing the devices, and reconnecting them, but there's still a disconnect. My PC is able to discover the device, but it fails to connect. I've tried this with multiple devices. My bluetooth mouse still connects, but no audio bluetooth connection will work. I even tried to uninstall one device from my device manager, and of course now I can't even find it at all. Thanks for the help!
Mar 21, 2022 at 04:25 PM

une question ..

bonjour, ce n'est pas une question relative a un probleme .. je voudrais savoir comment programmer et installer le lpgiciel pour quil gere seul la meilleur mise en bonne condition de fonctionnement de mon pc sous windows 10 ? Cdlt à vous lire
fred TESSiER

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May 12, 2020 at 11:34 AM

printer problem

Can you tell me why on my desktop, it show my default printer is Pixma series 5600. On my wife's laptop id shows Pixma series 5600WS?
Jul 18, 2021 at 12:10 PM

older auslogic boostspeed

dsregard " category please , nothing made sense to fit so i just picked whatever to make the forrm work

dear auslogic ... allthough this might seems milydy entertaining .. its serious ... i find my purchased boostspeed 11 very handy for some things and situations , but i still go back for boostspeed 10 for some other situations ... however * dont get ticked off now( ... for bs10 i was never licenemed ... allthough my interest for your products started thhrtr actually ... enough boutt that... sofirst i thought i just let my free tries@ of bs 10 run out and the by then mandatory buy it or get lost whould steer my to the right page.... now as mentioned first it was just mildy annoying ... now ... wanting to have apaid 10 for LOOONG its beging to feel stupid mildy put .. always being directed to get 11 .. that i allready have... so here i I am ... at the very source of the cracjer factory asking u PLEEEAAAASE .. FFS .. can i very very please tosss some coin in your direction for a LEGIT ten ... sure enough half my youth p2p ...
howver even if i got a lax mindset on piracy i actually feel strong on the issue + if you find yourself using one thing over and over its superjustified coughing up , and for bs 10 ... in all honesty i felt that wanted to for LOOONG . just been some gaps between my tring to find TEN ... alll about 11 ... so very please ausligic folks and yes might u even take 10s FULL rate even if it might be percievied @obsolete@ ... i dont care i just very much want a legit 10 copy. a totally other idea , i do batch layman stuff , minor programing so to speak... yet to master for and loops else i might gone deepr with this idea. that be .. i lie to propose this for windows slimmer.. when i go about this manually i do say lang coeds string seaches within winsxs ,soppose im french for instance .. wanna ditch ALL locales cuz... i i fucking just want the frenchones for my os , UNLESS i got a BIIIIG family >p .. so there hes like explorer search withing top of winsxs *_en-US_* and i get ALL files from that language , alll get folder with files might not tagged but safe to assume same language since found in folder. like just getting system32 root folder , gather up all lang folder there to a list , then run searches like that. unless most people surley be contentnt with 3/4 languages, and belive me when i say , its VERY noticiable gain in space getting rid of 20-25 sane shit just in jjibberish not meant for you... so why MS bundles i can understand , but why they dont trim ones mentioned to not be using down is boyond me.... well anyhow auslogic ... please write me back regard me gladly tossing coin your way for boostspeed 10 ... cuz it be veryy happy for it .. &cheers &bj;rn Sahle ,

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or | santa9785 |

Nov 05, 2019 at 03:55 AM

WIFI droping

Network WiFI keeps disconnecting after system hinernates. Does not recognize router or ISP
Nov 06, 2020 at 03:53 AM

auslogics boostspeed 12

купил версию про, получил ключ почему не активируется про версия
Jan 21, 2022 at 10:50 AM

mise a jour de fonctionalité vers windows 10 version 20H2 bloque a 61%

Je veux desinstalle Conexant Smart Audio HD qui est supposé creer ce probleme.
Le désinstalleur de Boostspeed ne le troive pas.
POurriez vous me donner une suggestion?
Aug 05, 2021 at 11:19 AM

Fix Windows update error code 0x80073712

How do I fix Windows Update error code 0x80073712 using your BoostSpeed 11 software on my Windows 10 Pro computer. Your article on fixing this error code said you could repair is problem with your BoostSpeed 11 program.

Thank You.

Sep 12, 2020 at 09:31 PM

High system usage

My computer always says high system resource usage detected.

Jan 15, 2021 at 07:30 AM