Windows 11 Task Bar Not on Top
Keith Johnson
Unstable screen images
corrupt window 10
affichage parasite par gigabyte
Cette fenêtre s'affiche chez tout utlisateur NON ADMINISTRATEUR et ne peut pas être supprimée.
Seul l'utlisateur ADMINISTRATEUR peut la suprimmer via le gestionaire de tâches en faisant FIN DE TÂCHE sur 2 applications Gigabyte.
Merci d'avance
Disc Clean Clobbers VS Installer files
How can I protect that particular installation?
how to fix stop code kernel data inpage error
советы из Youtube не помогают
Laptop ASUS 2021 ROG Strix G17 G1713QR
Auslogics BoostSpeed12で、メモリー管理の設定がありますか。
it's not any app selected in subcategory, it's this app.
BoostSpeed 13 BUG Issue
There is an aggravating "BUG" in BoostSpeed 13. A message frequently appears that states I have many TERABYTES of files in my Recycle Bin. See the attached screenshot.
I got this message today, while having less than 25 MB of files in my Recycle Bin.
Please look into this and fix this BUG.
Thank you.
Myron Achtman
Auslogics Game Power Plan, Economy, Work power plans
I would like to disable these power plans as i use Win10's Ultimate Power Plan. I noticed that it automatically replaces my preferred plan after using Boostspeed scanner.
I am making this request bec i don't know what these power plans do and how they perform.
I am a Boostspeed 13 subscriber, details of my subscription are added below for your reference.
Thank you
Auslogics Boostspeed 13 TRIMMING SSD Hang at 3% unable to complete SSD Optimization
D:\~DDSSDTRIMTEMP^0_1073741824{6BD97305-57AB-484E-A651-BC496157FFB7} (creates an associating Windows Media Player file) and is unable to complete the Optimization. At one time it moved 1% after 2 hours. This did not happen when running Boostspeed 12 Pro. When running Boostpeed 12 Pro the external SSD would complete Optimization.
Should Auslogics Boostspeed 13 Pro TRIMM command be Disabled when Optimizing SSDs?
Removing single items at a time.
Dasboard SCAN cannot terminate CHROME.EXE
In the list of termination failures there are several instance of Chrome.exe
Choosing IGNORE allows me to bypass the panel.
Boostspeed 13 is current with all maintenance
REFUS de PAIEMENT par carte PASS ( carrefour )
Cela fait plusieurs fois que je tente de passer à la version PRO de TOTAL AV.
Au debut JE ne pouvais pas INSCRIRE le N° de la carte ( et cela 5 ou 6 fois )
Aujourd'hui J ' ai pu entrer le N° Mais le paiement à été refusé.
J' irai voir pourquoi le paiement a été refusé
DIFFICILE de trouver un moyen de vous contacter
JE suis un peu Déçu
Outlook 2013
I cannot no longer open a browser in Outlook 2013 after using your registry cleaner. Let's not play games like we have been doing since July 2020. Support is a JOKE!!!
Missing subcategory
What is the correct subcategory for a software question for Auslogic products such as Boostspeed, Disk Defgrag, etc.? The "Ask a Question- New Question" screen will not allow a Subcategoty that is not on the drop down list.
Internet Optimization
Hello. i get free version of boostspeed and i see there is internet optimization that needs pro version and before i try to upgrade i want to ask what it is about, how dose this optimazies my internet? i have problems playing online games and i hear that windows 10 needs optimization for better gaming experience, dose this will help?
WIFI droping
Трещит в простое
HDD WD Purple 6 TB, во время работы видет себя тихо, даже если на него что-то скидываю или с него воспроивожу (ну или вообще, хоть что-то делается на компе, абсолютно все что угодно = треска нет)
Если комп стоит несколько минут без дела, то HDD начинает трещать
Стоит мне хотя бы мышку сдвинуть, треск исчезает
Как это устронить?
Уважаемые господа!
Я получил извещение об доступном обновлении программы. Япопытался кликнуть обновление, но ссылка не кликается.... эта же проблема с отчетами, когда я пытаюсь кликнуть подробный отчет, он не кликается.
Что мне предпринять для устранения этой ошибки?
ive tried all your fixes pertaining to my issues but it doesnt seem to have helped all that much
please help
Hi! Is there a plan to support the Opera GX browser? I have been using this broswer for my web serching needs. It's pretty good. However, Auslogis BoostSpeed is not recognizing the browser as a supported browser. Thank you for taking the time to read this question.
Software Problems with Printer
Hi! Everytime that I run Auslogics, that scans my computer for errors, cleans websites, etc.), my printer stops connecting properly with my computer. It appears that it affects the drivers. I have to clean out the printer, reinstall, etc., that takes a great deal of time. Your program speeds up my computer, which is great. But this repeated problem with my printer is a serious issue. Is there anything that I can do to stop this problem. You might need more information to solve the issue. I am happy to provide it.
Автозагрузка Auslogics File Recovery
Здравствуйте, у меня вопрос по программе "Auslogics File Recovery". Она постоянно загружается при запуске Windows 7 Pro. (в трее). Хотя я и убирал запуск этой программы из автозагрузки, всеми способами. Помогите пожалуйста решить вопрос с отключением автозапуска "Auslogics File Recovery".
Indexing keep turning off
I noticed that my Auslogics BoostSpeed 11 keeps turning of my windows search indexing. How can i prevent that from happening.
Problem Solution
printer problem
so my windows 7 ultimate needs upadate to windows 10 so tryed to update it but it randomly shut off. i tryed again but it huppened again. so i though it was the update thats not working. i was playing a game but it huppend again. it made a lot of noise and shuts off without warning so i did i everthing i cold to fix bt cant seem to fix it at all. what should i do. i need to update it but to update it i need it to stop randomly shuting off
Добрый вечер, подскажите пожалуйста как оптимизировать и повысить скорость интернет-соединения через Wi-Fi?