107 questions

Friggin Microsoft Bing!!

Microsoft Bing keeps coming back in certain locations after I kill all traces using your registry tool to finaf all its references. I have a new Samgsung laptop with a EVO, Intel, 12 generation. Core i7 processor.

I tried all the internet recommdndations to get rid of this damn thing; it's like a cacer that just keeps coming back.

Any suggestions?

Ronald Stanfill
Aug 06, 2023 at 12:52 PM

Disable textinputhost.exe on Windows 10

Hi there
This file is obviously spyware, and logs every key stroke one makes. I use to be able to disable it and did delete it using BoostSpeed13, but now it has locked itself, so i can no longer disable or delete it.
When i disable it, it shows in the task manager and the Services tab that it is still running even with it being disabled. If i close it using task manager, as soon as i hit a key on the keyboard, it reopens. There is one other program that is very similar to this and also opens and runs, clipmanager i think it is called. I can disable this, but it also comes back, not immediately but normally within the day.
How can i deleted these files or disable them perminently - they were never part of Windows 10 until very recently, so hence i beleiev e they are key logers and spyware.

Thanks in advance
Jun 13, 2023 at 10:45 PM

Выделенная память

Подскажите, почему у меня выделенной памяти всегда больше, чем используемой?
Как можно ее очищать? Вручную или атвоматически.
May 30, 2023 at 07:46 PM

Cannot reinstall MS365 after gone missing

my current & active MS365 suite just vanished from the system, and when I try to download/install the apps on my laptop, it get all the way through the process untl final 10% when get error mressage 30015-11(3221225506). I have dismounterd all system defence software (firewalls, defender, anti-virus) while downloading to remove these as potential constraints, and I have enabled the Windows Update features on the services list (cmd - services.msc)- which were showing as disabled. These however always revert back to 'disabled' once leave the page/screen. I also ran sfc /scannow to check for corrupted files - but all good. Can you assist please
Mar 12, 2023 at 08:09 PM

Unstable screen images

My screen images can shake slightly and a purple haze appears on and off. Sometimes computer won't restart. Please advise.
Mar 10, 2023 at 01:41 PM

widgets no longer working after installing your program

widgets not working
Mar 07, 2023 at 03:10 PM

Dasboard SCAN cannot terminate CHROME.EXE

After running a SCAN, and choosing to resolve the issues that were found, BoostSpeed 13 is unable to terminate Chrome.exe.
In the list of termination failures there are several instance of Chrome.exe

Choosing IGNORE allows me to bypass the panel.

Boostspeed 13 is current with all maintenance
Feb 23, 2023 at 04:52 PM

despues de suspender, arranca con TEMP

Puse mi desktop en modo SUSPENDER. y ahora arranca con un perfil TEM, como soluciono??
Feb 19, 2023 at 07:14 PM

Boostspeed 13 startup externalized to Windows desktop every boot

Everytime I boot up my Windows 10 laptop, Boostspeed 13 i set to startup in the settings, however on each boot, the Boostspeed dashboard is extranalized to the Windows desktop and always at the Registry Analysis tab.

How can I stop the Boostspeed dashboard from being extranalized on every boot-up?
Feb 16, 2023 at 08:23 PM

My PC crawls after i installed


I have using AusLogic Bootspeed for over 6 mths (was on v 12.1.2 and now downlaoded v13
ever since i stalled and used your software My PC runs very very slow. In fact i think your software has drastically
affected my pc. what can be done to make it super fast like it was before installing
Jan 12, 2023 at 12:03 AM


Whenever I want to set "Start automatically at Windows logon
this error appears. I am asking for effective advice.
Well thank you

Jan 09, 2023 at 12:23 PM

Это чтото не позволяет мне разделить диск

Я хотел разделить свой ссд на часть для виндоус и для игр, но я не могу потому что мне мешает только один файл. У него нет расположения и удалить я его тоже не могу
Jan 08, 2023 at 07:42 PM

Ethernet works only after deleting Network Adapter followed by Restarting PC

Everytime I start my PC Ethenet is not detected. I have to uninstal Network Adapter and Restart my PC.Then only Ethernet comes to life.
Why do I have to do these manoeuvres. I also have Auslogics Driver Updater but it's not of any help. Let me know how I can get Ethernet immediately after starting my PC.
Jan 04, 2023 at 07:23 AM

short cut icons

All of my short cut icons on the Desktop are black. How do I fix that?
Dec 15, 2022 at 06:41 PM

No me funciona bien el Brillo, y tampoco me detecta los auriculares

No me anda elbrillo, no lo puedo manejar a mi antojo, y los auruculares no los detecta.
Dec 05, 2022 at 06:01 PM

mise a jour

pourquoi je n arrive pas a installer completement la mise a jour windows 10 22h2 ? merci d avance M GIORSETTi
Dec 05, 2022 at 04:40 PM

Can not delete most recent Restore Point or any other point

I've tried many methods to delete most recent Restore Point or any other point even via the cmd prompt *deleting shadow copies) and it doesn't work. I installed some software my IOBIT Uninstaller cannot find to uninstall and it is not in the list of Add/Remove programs but they are 368MB in size and installed in my pc and cannot llocate them. Only going back to my previous restore point would work and I try to do it but it does not work. PC boots up saying system restore failed most likely dur to active anti-virus software but I have my Bitdefender dissabled permanently when I did the restore point procedure.

Any ideas? Could Bootspeed interfere with restoring the pc at an earlier restore point?

Dec 03, 2022 at 12:41 AM



Windows11 22h2 osビルド 22621.819
Nov 22, 2022 at 01:42 AM

System Scan

Every time I run a system scan Boostspeed highlights the TCP/IP internet setting as needing attention. It then says it's resolved it. This occurs on every system scan run.
Any thoughts?
Nov 17, 2022 at 09:38 AM


What catogory do I run to resolve RUNDll32 not working?
Nov 12, 2022 at 04:34 PM

Microsoft Edge and...

Win 10 problem: one update won't go through at all, Microsoft Edge opens a white page (personally) that I can't close normally, repair fails because the new install stops in the middle and never finishes. When Edge doesn't work, Outlook doesn't work, neither explorer, right-click on files doesn't work. Sometimes Edge works, but soon stops. I've tried everything, I don't know what to do. I don't use Edge, but apparently it blocks everything else for me.
Jan 16, 2024 at 08:17 PM

Tiny Font

I love your application. I use it often. I have to squint to see the font. The font is up high on my computer in windows 11. The resolution is as high as my laptop will tolerate. How do I increase the font size of your product so I can at least read it without a struggle. I am guessing it is about a size 6 font size.
Jan 18, 2024 at 03:59 PM

indicacion del tiempo de inicio de windows

Estimado Señor:
Me dirijo a usted para preguntarle cómo logro que aparezca la notificacion en pantalla, del tiempo que ha tardado windows 11 en iniciarse.
Gracias, Atentamente:
Francisco José Díaz Álamo
May 16, 2024 at 12:25 PM

There is no Chinese in the language options

Chinese is not currently available in the language options. I kindly request your team to consider adding Chinese to the language library.
Jun 22, 2024 at 04:18 AM

Default browser issues

I set Chrome as Windows 11 default browser and Google as search engine Microsoft keeps changing broweser to Edge & Bing.

Can Auslogic Registry Cleaner detect and fix such unauthorised changes?
Jul 10, 2024 at 04:47 PM

MS Constantly changes default brower and search engin

I am econstantly having to replace the default browser and search back to Chrome & Google becaseu Microsoft changes them to Edge & Bing.
Is it possible to control this in the Registry?
Jul 21, 2024 at 08:21 PM

firefox issue

each time i open Firefox it appears accordinig to TASK MANAGER
that anywhere from 12-20 instances of Firefox are running which consume
CPU & MEMORY resources s;lowing down my entire operation

How can i correct this & eliminate more than 1 instance of FF opening & running ?

thank you

Jul 23, 2024 at 10:29 PM