1902 questions

Win 11 start-up

My computer HP 25L speed is good.
However start-up takes forever. wheel turns over 50 times
Jan 27, 2024 at 03:36 PM

Google Chrome

je n'arrive plus a faire des recherches sur Chrome c'est très embetant
Jan 26, 2024 at 11:25 AM

How to uninstall and reinstall Edge

Edge is not working. Tried to repair it through Settings but still won't work. How do I uninstall it and then re-install?
Jan 26, 2024 at 09:28 AM

System slow

System very slow and a lot of "program/application not responding"
Jan 25, 2024 at 05:22 AM


I got an errormessage from startupmanager.exe with a bug-report, see attachment. What to do about it?

I left my laptop idle for a few hours. When I returned this errormessage was in front.
The following applications were open: Excel, Wordpad, Windows Explorer, Chrome, Firefox, WhatsApp, FileZilla.
Jan 24, 2024 at 10:30 AM

mon portable considerablement ralenti

Bonjour a vous ,
j espere que vous passez une bonne journée ?
voici mon soucis ;
j ai télécharger AVG tune up en version free car boostspeed que j ai accheté est difficile d utilisation au 1 er abord ,de plus celui ci ne s ouvrait plus et n avait pas résolu mes divers problemes de fichiers registres manquants ou corompus .
Du coup après multiples recherches sur edge ia ,ce dernier m as aimablement proposé AVG , je l ai installé et tous mes soucis ce sont résolus ;rapidité,fluidité, enfin le top .
Ce jour j ai désinstallé boostSpeed 13 et retéléchargé ,je constate un très fort ralentissement et la gestion des taches m indique une très importante influence sur les ressources du processeur ,donc j ai tenté de vérifier mes pilotes avec votre appli que j ai également achetée ,elle m indique que mon pilote processeur est obsolète mais impossible de l installé ainsi qu un autre ,je ne sais pas ci cela résoudra mon problème mais ,mon pc rame alors que sans boostspeed il est très rapide ,pourquoi s il vous plait ?
Merci a vous ,
j apprécie vos logiciels et aimerait rester avec vous avant de demander un remboursement ,ce serait domage ,
Thierry Baulon
Jan 22, 2024 at 04:22 PM


c:\users\ольга\appdata\local\microsoft\windowc\setingback up\20240120.215638\lo MidHost.exe постоянно выскакивает, как от этой программы избавиться
Jan 21, 2024 at 11:58 AM


Glad I got Boost 13
I have heard you should never defrag an ssd. I sthat true?
Jan 20, 2024 at 04:27 PM

Tiny Font

I love your application. I use it often. I have to squint to see the font. The font is up high on my computer in windows 11. The resolution is as high as my laptop will tolerate. How do I increase the font size of your product so I can at least read it without a struggle. I am guessing it is about a size 6 font size.
Jan 18, 2024 at 03:59 PM

Adding Subtitle to Movie

I have a mp4 video (movie) file and the corresponding srt (Chinese) subtitle. I want to add the substitle to the movie and save it with the subtitle either selectable (on/off) or permanently embedded. I have tried to follow procedure numerous times but I am missing or misunderstanding something. How do I do it?
Jan 17, 2024 at 11:30 PM

Gostaria de ter

Bom dia!

É possível que a AUSLOGICS adicione ao BoostSpeed algo como o Partition Master, algo que ajude a solucionar problemas mais profundos nos HDDs?
Jan 17, 2024 at 02:57 PM

Windows News Widget in the Taskbar

I have recently removed MS Edge from my PC because I have found it so intrusive, changing settings and software useage etc. But now my Taskbar MS news widget displays headlines and pix but will not show the news in detail when clicked on. Previouslt it complained it couldn't find Edge, now it just does nothing. How do I set the widget to use my current browser. I am proficient in tweaking the registry but have resisted that so far. Thanks.
Jan 17, 2024 at 02:51 PM

Microsoft Edge and...

Win 10 problem: one update won't go through at all, Microsoft Edge opens a white page (personally) that I can't close normally, repair fails because the new install stops in the middle and never finishes. When Edge doesn't work, Outlook doesn't work, neither explorer, right-click on files doesn't work. Sometimes Edge works, but soon stops. I've tried everything, I don't know what to do. I don't use Edge, but apparently it blocks everything else for me.
Jan 16, 2024 at 08:17 PM


Votre logiciels a apparemment affecté certains liens, car on ne voit plus les vignettes des photos dans les Fichiers.
Pour les voir il faut les ouvrir les photos dans leur lecteur.
Peut-on les récupérer?
J'ai déjà suivi les indications usuelles de Windows sans résultat.
Est-ce une coincidence?
Jan 15, 2024 at 10:23 PM

Versionsunterschiede von DiskDefrag zu DiskDefrag Ultimate

Was ist der Unterschied der DiskDefrag zu DiskDefrag Ultimate die Im Auslogics Store angeboten wird?
Der Preis von 21,56 € ist ja beiden identisch.
Jan 14, 2024 at 10:55 AM

WindowsUpdate Not working due to corrupted files & MSOffice 10 Prof does not install

WindowsUpdate Not working due to corrupted files & MSOffice 10 Prof does not install
Jan 12, 2024 at 04:17 AM

USB device not recognised

My Garmin Forerunner watch is not recognised as a USB device
Jan 11, 2024 at 08:19 AM


Hacker keeps messing around my pc an I try to load zonealrm but keep getting error 1619 an have done everything i know ,maybe you can help?
Jan 10, 2024 at 05:50 PM

проблема с загрузкой

Здравствуйте У меня такая проблема очень медленно грузится ноутбук уже давно Приглашал мастера 1.5 года назад но попался компьюрный мошенник Он сказал сначала что у меня сильно поврежден жеский диск и нужно попробовать его восстановить Когда я спросил о цене он ушел от ответа и если это выйдет то потом продолжить дальше Он загружал какую то программу для восстановления и спустя где то часа сказал что диск восстановлен и нужно переустановить Windows Я даже не знал что новая установка снесет все нужные мне программы а у меня даже не было их копий Я согласился раз надо так надо Когда он сделал переустановку и установил 3-4 программы сказал что все сделал Япроверил да дествительно загрука стала быстрая и спросил сколько я должен Он начал заполнять какой-то договор и насчитал 27190 руб Я был в шоке и сказал что уменя столько нет и почему вы сразу мне не сказали во сколько мне выйдет ремонт Ябы никогда бы не согласился на такой ремонт Мастер сразу преобразилсяи из доброго услужливого превратился в холодного жесткого дельца Стал просто давить и вымогать деньги Я долго с ним спорил отдал сколько у меня было всю пенсию 12000 руб и еще я ему буду должен 8000 руб То есть он мне сделал скидку в 7000 руб Потом уже в Интернете я нашел что так разводят стариков на деньги компьютерные мошенники Через месяца 2-3 все вернулось обратно и ноутбук стал по прежнему медленно грузиться Теперь я боюсь вызывать каких то мастеров боюсь что опять меня обманут Скажите каким образом мне можно помочь чтобы была быстрая загрузка
Jan 09, 2024 at 10:57 AM


Hi, sorry for my poor Englsh... I started reg clean in auslogic but it made some changes in my pc that I did not like. How can I make a recovery?
Jan 08, 2024 at 10:40 PM

Demande Information


Comment faire pour Rechercher des fichiers doublons sur un Réseau NAS

Avec mes remerciements


Jacques LOGEAY

Jul 18, 2020 at 06:14 PM

Video issues

Hi There,
I can be happily working along, and if I need to see a video file, I can... but then, sometimes it stops, and I cannot make the video work again.
I have Driver Updater, but if I reboot the computer, the video function will work again.
Sometimes, if I run a BoostSpeed scan, the video might work again. It can still stop again, but if I Boost Speed again, it may not make the video run again.
So I have to reboot again instead, which is pretty time consuming.
My initial thought is I'm missing video drivers, but i have Driver Updater.
Can you advise and help me?
Nov 03, 2020 at 06:14 AM

sudden shutdown

why is my pc suddenly shuts down without warning every 10 to 20 minutes

Apr 20, 2020 at 08:19 AM

Cannot install new version of Pro v11.xxx

Whenever I get the message "a new version 11.~ is available, the download completes but will not install.
Check snip pic attached.

Feb 01, 2020 at 05:27 PM

Windows Key

My windows key on my keyboard does not work and I have tried to run different tasks in the task manager and several other things but nothing seems to work. I saw on your website that this program can help.

Feb 22, 2020 at 04:07 AM


warum geht bei obigem Prozess ständig meine CPU derartig in die Höhe, dass oft 40-50% davon verbrucht wird.
Sobald ich mehr als zwei Aktionen durchführen will, Internet und ein normales Programm, w.z.B. BoostSpeed,
dauert es ewig bis sich was tut.
Ich habe shon etliche Dinge mit dem Boost Speed eingestellt und verbessert, aber große Änderungen hab ich
bisher nicht feststellen können.
Jun 15, 2020 at 04:17 PM

Blue Screen Stop Code

I get : Kernel Mode Heap Corruption

Aug 24, 2019 at 12:26 PM

Error al actualizar windows

Hola soy Jose, tengo un problema al actualizar mi windows me sale siempre el error: Error de descarga: 0xca00a000 tengo una tarjeta grafica AMD
May 19, 2020 at 04:21 AM


Здравствуйте! прошу помочь. после гибернации комп сам через несколько минут включается. зарание спасибо.

Jun 27, 2020 at 03:23 PM

Use of BoostSpeed Pro 11 on my wife's computer

8 November 2020

Dear Sir or Madam:

Good morning.

Could you please tell me if I can use my BoostSpeed Pro 11 on m wife's computer, and if so, how do I do it?

I look forward to hearing from you.

Yours sincerely,
Murray Christianson

Nov 08, 2020 at 02:47 PM

Windows upgrade

I am using the BoostSpeed11 product prior to an effort to upgrade from Windows 7 to Windows 10.
I have tried before using the product but get the error message 0x8007042B-0x3000D Failure to migrate data on first boot.
I have just cleaned up the zero bytes folders, traces and duplicate files.
There is some thought that antivirus should be stopped while attempting the upgrade. I am presently using Eset internet security.
When performing the migrate data upgrade are all the files carried over? How much should be backed up?
Any hints you can provide will be gold.
In the event that I finally get the upgrade done which of your products should I install, and is it OK to leave the product I have
installed while performing the upgrade?
Eset has logged the driver checker of yours as a pup.What's the go there?


Dec 19, 2019 at 08:58 AM


Hello - I have your Auslogics Anti-Maleware program and recently added Norton Security. Norton security runs scans in the backgound and for some reason goes after the anti-malware prgram, esentially erasing it. However it leaves my Auslogics BoosSpeed & Auslogics Driver Update prgrams alone, so they continue to run fine. Now every day I have to re-load the anti-malwar program.
I went into Norton checking the Virus & Firewall settings which are set to "allow" your anti-malway program , but it still continues to erase the entire anti-malware application. Do you have any ideas on how to fix this in Norton..?

Mar 21, 2020 at 11:42 PM

Pro Version

Considering the trial version does the job of speeding up my computer, what is the cost of the Pro Version?
Dec 22, 2020 at 02:05 AM


Windows 10 64
数分後 画面に「修復している」と出る
Oct 04, 2020 at 12:51 PM

Compare configuration changes in boostspeed

I have your software in three computers as the license allows, but I can't find how to compare configuration between them, specially in the custom scan and clean for boostspeed. For example in one computer my login screen still shows the photo microsoft chooses, but on the other it doesn't. Maybe you have that in a config or xml file. It may be good to be able to compare.


Apr 16, 2021 at 07:48 PM

Windows 11

I have a Lenova Yoga 510 14ISK i7-6500

Apparently my machine is not compatible for the Windows 11 upgrade.

What do I need to do to make it compatible?
Dec 01, 2021 at 09:15 PM

RDP keeps disabling on every machine that has boostspeed installed

I have my own domain with a virtual environment as well as several physical endpoints (mostly laptops). None of the virtual machines have boostpseed installed, only the majority of the physical machines. I have RDP enabled by group policy.

I notice that intermittently (seems to do it when it wants to), if I reboot a laptop or other physical endpoint, the machine will boot up with the "termservice" disabled, even though groupm policy enforces this to be on.

After troubleshooting group policy, uninstalling all other security software, and weeks of various other troubleshooting methods, the only commonality I can find is that all the machines that do this have boostspeed installed.

I found this post

And followed the instructions there. I also turned off the performance monitor in boostspeed via the settings, but the issue is still persisting. My next step I guess is to uninstall boostspeed from all of my machines but I figured I would reach out before I give up on the product.
Oct 26, 2020 at 01:20 PM

Windows Security - Account Protection

"Dynamic Lock is not working because Bluetooth is off."

I do not know what device to try to turn on to Bluetooth.

Thanks in anticipation.

Mike Kemp


Content hidden to protect privacy

Jul 17, 2019 at 08:37 AM

Error 1605 and 1628

I am facing problem about error 1628 and 1605,can you help me to solve this problem?

Dec 08, 2019 at 07:39 PM

Internet Explorer re install

Bonjour !

J'ai besoin d'utiliser internet Explorer pour activer un service (système d'authentification qui ne fonctionne qu'avec IE)
Or je ne trouve plus IE sur mon poste. Il n'apparait pas dans Panneau de configuration\Tous les Panneaux de configuration\Programmes et fonctionnalités\Activer ou désactiver des fonctionnalités windows

Je ne me souviens plus comment je n'ai dé"sisntallé, et je me demandais :
- si c'est un tweak de Bootspeed qui l'a désinstallé?
- comme faire pour le ré installer?

J'ai essayé de le re téléchargé en online et en offline mais impossible de termienr l'installation. Soit un message me dit qu'une version plus récente est installée, (Edge), soit l'installation s'arrête sans message d'erreur.

Merci !

PS : la sous-catégorie est obligatoire, mais Internet Explorer n'était pas listé, j'ai donc choisi une valeur approximative

Jun 30, 2020 at 09:31 AM