BoostSpeed always errors off
Error EDrive not found Exception. Drive could not be found.
What can I do?
external hard drive recovery
P.S. under device at the top of this inquery what I choose does'nt apply to my question i just had to put something there so it would send. this is in regards to an external drive i have.
Annoying Windows Pop Up Notification
my question is: how can I get rid of this annoying pop up Windows notification?
Memory Insufficient
Full Version (PRO)
I have two drives I am trying to defrag. It used to work but now I am getting "Memory insufficient to perform this operation"
The drives are large:
R drive 83 TB - 19 TB free
S drive 40 TB - 18 TB free
It has 128 GB of memory
Page file is set set to automatic
I have a similar server and it does not have any issues.
Any settings or suggestions I could try.
I have been running Auslogic for about a year with no problem but since the last update I started having this problem on this one server.
Drive local do Windows C:
Manuel Araújo
RAM is getting full most of the time
I have an 8GB RAM and getting full most of the time.
Is there a way or app that can auto optimize my RAM?
Looking forward to your reply.
Many thanks!
auslogics boostspeed
fichiers très très longs (240-250 caractères)
Memory problems & Upgrade question
I also have a problem with the fact that I have to use 2 memory hog apps. Do you have an app (similar to Iobit's) that will allow me o release unnessecary memory?
Moving the $HOME$ Folder to amother drive
2. I have an application that is looking to install a directory on the $HOME$ directory - currently this is on my C Drive and I need to move it to the D Drive.
I am looking for a script that will change the $HOME$ folder to the D Drive.
Please an you help I currently use windows 10 but will eventually be upgrading to windows 11
Fences Requires Reentry of Product Code Everytime BoostSpeed Runs
I have had Fences for many years. When BoostSpeed runs its weekly maintenance, I must re-enter the Fences Product Key to re-register the product. I do this and Fences works fine again.
This problem occurred several years ago and you provided a fix where BoostSpeed does not delete/address a file required for Fences related to the product key.
Would you please re-send those instructions if that would resolve the issue or advise other solutions to resolve?
Thank you,
Rich Sullivan
Auslogics Boost speed
However as the program is up dated it no longert has that function and I find I have to buy a new licence for each up date. . With out the scan repair and sleep ,it seems not now wortyh paying for more up dates.
What can i do and shall i lookj for another program that will do that for me
Thank you
Bob Parr
file explorer
I tried to reset using a previous reset point but that did not work
interceptação da snmptrap.exe
nunca havia visto. Lembrei logo de espionagem. Daí fui pesquisar e li que pode ser perigoso esse app. e ao mesmo tempo
que tbm pode ser útil. O que eu faço? deleto ou deixo no otebook??? Agradeço
tens alguma informação de como alterar a VELOCIDADE RELOGIO da minha parte.
no entanto MODO JOGO ou BOOST
3 questoes.
pedro andre mendes
Screens Blacks Out (Stops Displaying on Minor Electricity Surges from Fridge-Freezer)
Здравствуйте, программа Auslogics не запускается вместе с включением компьютера, как исправить?
Здравствуйте, программа Auslogics не запускается вместе с включением компьютера, как исправить?
On the subject of Devices
Yes I have tried the sugestions you mentioned in the previous answer. Problem is, do I have to remember to Unchek the devices every time I do click on the maintenance button and undue again and again?
Regarding RAM Optimization
Hi, This's Mainak. Today I Activated Your License. Can You Help Me Out How To Enable "RAM Optimization".
Would Like To Have Reply On This.
Disco duro se encuentra al 100%
Hola, ultimamente he notado que mi disco duro se encuentra al 100% y las aplicaciones se abren lento, cuando tenia windows 7 no me pasaba esto supongo que es por el sistema operativo tengo windows 10 pro, ¿habra una solucion para bajar el uso del disco ?
Microsoft store
Since getting your software i have been running into a some problems with the Microsoft store. I keep on getting errors when trying to dowload items. is there a solution for this?
Old Windows Versions
Why isn't it removing "Old Windows Versions?"
Медленно рабоатет ноутбук
Windows 10 на ноутбуке стал медленне работать. Программы долго открываются и в самих программах операции выполняются дольше. Как можно решить проблему, а потом поддерживать компьютер в рабочем состоянии?
100% disk usage shown in windows 10
i have tried all the videos in youtube but task manager continuously shows 100% disk
which slows down computer startup increasing boot time
what should i do?
Problema con Auslogics Driver Updater
Buenos dias, tengo un problema con la aplicacion Auslogics Driver Update, ya solicite anteriormente me solucionen este problema, inclusive me solicitaron que reinstale el aplicativo, pero no se soluiciona este proble, por favor tengo que actualizar algunos drivers, pero se queda la PC congelada cuando va hacr la actualizacion de dichos driver, para constancia les envio fotos del problema.
windows random shutdown
kindly help thank you.
Дефрагментация SSD и дефрагментация реестра при загрузке в компъютере с SSD.
2. Хорошо ли делать дефрагментацию реестра при перезагрузке компъютера с SSD ? (Меня фсегда очень интересовал этот вопрос).
Заранее спасибо.
I would like to have some feedbag and your thoughts about(( Aspire V3-771-32328G75Makk))
Well this 8 years old laptop runs really smooth especially after i cleaned the fan. have learned alot about the hardware.
But.. i would like to play some games on it but there seems a problem with my videocard because intel dont support it anymore since windows 10. the questions are:
Can i upgrade this videocard?
Should i replace the Intel core i3-2328m cpu @ 2.20ghz to the I7 ?
And ifso yes is it worth it since the cost of hardware i need to buy then..
Sorry for the bad english.. (From Holland)
Kind regards!
activate windows 10
I was on Insider program which loaded enterprise edition a few years ago.
When computer crashed it reloaded a windows 10 home and now wants me to activate the 10 program. I paid for a win 10 home edition but it will not accept the activation code because of the enterpirse edition I just use without the activation. I tried talking to microsoft and not any answer.
Registry Cleaner ==> Auslogic versus CCleaner
Hello from Italy,
before I founf Auslogic I used Ccleaner a lot to keep my PC in shape. Right now I still observe a diffrence between Ccleaner and Auslogic Registry Cleaner when it come to the type and number of issues the two programs do find in the Windows Registry.
Did you ever check this out and do you understand the reason why this is the case. To a lay person the Registry can or be wrong or right configured ... or is this the part where programming has it's gray zone ?
Cheers, Michael