1880 questions


WindowsUpdate Not working due to corrupted files & MSOffice 10 Prof does not install
Oct 20, 2024 at 05:24 PM

problemi della barra degli strumenti

la barra degli strumenti ha i segurnti malfunzionamenti
Non è possibile digitare nel campo CERCA
Cliccando sull' icona WIFI e su quello altoparlante non compaioni i relativi menu a tendina
Non è attiva neanche l' icona Notifiche

Come posso rimediare ?

Oct 17, 2024 at 09:44 PM

Windows update error (0x800f0831)

During update of
2024-10 Aggiornamento cumulativo per Windows 10 Version 22H2 per sistemi basati su x64 (KB5044273)
a t the end i have error (0x800f0831)
Oct 17, 2024 at 02:35 PM

Исправление неполадки

Установил на ноутбуке Lenovo программу Auslogics BoostSpeed, провел сканирование и по рекомендации программы дал команду на исправление обнаруженных ошибок. Программа очень долго загружала обновления, затем ноут выдал сообщение о невозможности их инсталяции и начал "откатывать" начальную версию (тоже очень долго). После переустановки ноутбук не видит Интернета. Таким образом, я не могу восстановить его нормальную работу. Что посоветуете?
Oct 17, 2024 at 12:38 PM

WindowsUpdate Not working due to corrupted files & MSOffice 10 Prof does not install

WindowsUpdate Not working due to corrupted files & MSOffice 10 Prof does not install

Oct 17, 2024 at 11:52 AM


I was using Thunderbird Portable e-mail client from my external drive [1TB capacity] for years before the crash. I am not sure if your IT specialist can assit me to solve this [ see attached ] I have 300K+ e-mails in it but since 4/10/24 when i tried to open it , the crash pop-up appeared. Due to this, I have to keep aside my external drive [ if plugged into my PC will shows as Driive D: ] and reinstal a fresh Thunderbird mail client to my laptop under Drive C: Only new e-mails from 4/10/24 are visible and I still hoping the old e-mails from Drive D: can still be recovered . Thank you for listening to my issue and really hope oyu can help .
Oct 17, 2024 at 11:18 AM


Can this tool set "Windows taskbar weather/news/interests"? Visible or invisible
Oct 12, 2024 at 08:39 AM

new windows download

How can I use my Auslogics subscription with my new windows download. The hard drive had to be wiped and I lost the Auslogics program.
Oct 09, 2024 at 09:09 PM

Auslogics BoostSpeed pop up window

I use my PC for public presentions and so the pop up window encouraging me to upgrade to Pro version is not acceptable. Is there a way I can prevent that pop up short of uninstalling BoostSpeed ?

BY the way, the Subcategory of Tips, or anything else has no relevance to the question, but had to select somwthing to submit the question.

thank you
Oct 08, 2024 at 01:42 PM

Windows Update

Content hidden to protect privacy

ASUS N73SV init W7 updated W10 NoVirus NoBug Regularly optimized

Depuis plusieurs mois, toutes les mises à jour du type "Mise à jour de fonctionnalitré vers Windows 10 - 22H2" se terminent avec un code erreur 0x8007001f. Cela se reproduit tous les jours maintenant.
Mes tentatives de correction du problème n'ont pas abouti. Merci de m'aider.
Je ne suis pas un expert Microsoft.
You are my only first hand help
Friendly yours
Jean Farny

Oct 05, 2024 at 06:54 AM

Available product

Is DiskDoctor available as stand alone application?
Oct 02, 2024 at 02:58 PM


Buon pomeriggio
Premesso che il software AUSLOGICS è straordinario e da solo è sufficiente per la gestione di un normale PCDESK (nel mio caso un ottimo ASUS + WINDOWS 10 PRO 64 BIT + GOOGLE CHROME), incontro un problema quando intendo eliminare on line decine e decine di file audio che corrispondono ad altrettanti file di brani musicali (circa 10.000!!!) scaricati e archiviati sul portale on line MEDIA CENTER del software multimediale JRIVER (USA).
Questo maledetto software, in abbonamento annuale, con gli anni è diventato sempre più cervellotico e difficile da utilizzare, avendo un sacco di funzioni e di opzioni.
L'unico aspetto che non è stato curato dai programmatori è appunto la cancellazione dei file duplicati 1 volta o +volte. Per assurdo JRiver permette questa eleminazione SOLO PROCEDENDO CON UN BRANO MUSICALE PER VOLTA!!!!
Purtroppo, anche il programma di ricerca dei file audio duplicati del Vostro software AUSLOGICS, fornisce il risultato di pochi file individuati, mentre io sono sicuro che ne esistono centinaia da eliminare.
Il sito web in oggetto è il seguente: https://jriver.com/download.html e l'ultima versione è la 33.
Ringrazio in anticipo per l'attenzione e mi auguro che possiate aiutarmi con la procedura corretta.
Giancarlo Perani - Bergamo - Italia
Oct 02, 2024 at 12:49 PM

Mapa de desfragmentação

Bom dia. Como posso configurar para que o Auslogics Disk Defrag 11, mova os "quadradinhos" que são moviveis para espaços vagos no inicio do disco? Em versões anteriores do Disk Defrag, ele movia os arquivos "verdes" para espaços vahos no inico do disco. Obviamente não estou me referindo aos arquivos de sistema que não podem ser movidos. Obrigado.
Oct 02, 2024 at 03:01 AM

Windows 10 CD Drive not working but showing as "working properly"

My CD drive has stopped working. It has power, opens and starts spinning but then nothing. When I click on CD drive in system information I get Can`t Collect Information cannot access the Windows management instrumentation software. Windows management files may be moved or missing. I am working through all resolutions on youtube but getting nowhere. You can see from the attached screen shot their are no IDE/ATA ATAPI files listed. Help
Sep 29, 2024 at 04:00 PM

Windows Update

Windows update is not working properly
Sep 28, 2024 at 06:47 PM

No activation key

I paid for AuslogicsBoostSpeed 13 subscribtion. However, I never got the activation key.
Sep 27, 2024 at 10:01 AM


افزایش سرعت اینترنت
Sep 26, 2024 at 11:22 AM

Хочу вручную найти файлы этого приложения

Дорбый день БустСпид!Хотел вручную найти файлы по названию которые хочу удалить и не могу найти в вашей программе как это сделать!Или я не вижу или у вас нет такой возможности!?
К примеру - хочу удалить полностью из системы Windows10 программу skype или cortana и как мне это сделать?Даже если я удалю стандартными методами системы все равно останутся следы,я бы хотел вручную найти все файлы относящиеся к этим программам удалить их,а потом еще и в реестре почистить записи,так чтобы уже с концами наверняка,чтобы они не висели в системе и не жрали ресурсы и не замедляли систему!
Sep 26, 2024 at 08:59 AM

Updater 2 saved PST files to my documents folder

I recently lost an email account in Outlook and all the folders and subfolders files with it after a Windows 10 reset. I noticed that my Updater 2 saved some PST email files to my download folders in Explorer, but I need to see if these are the files I'm missing and how do I restore them to Outlook if they are the ones I'm looking for? Thanks.
Sep 24, 2024 at 08:15 PM

download problems

Hello, I have a curious problem on my Windows 11 PC.

I am connected directly to the LAN via ethernet to a 900Mbps fiber connection.

However, when I try to download largish files (several hundred MB or several GB) from sites like zoom, wetransfer, facebook, I often get a generic "download error" message.

I've tried download the same files on Edge and Chrome, logging out and in, opening a private/incognito window, resetting the internet settings and running diagnostics. I've also checked the internet speed and latency.

The downloads often start okay, but stop after sometimes 30-40MB or maybe even getting to 60%. Sometimes I can click on resume, but the download begins from scratch. Sometimes, I will try again a few hours or a day later, and the file(s) *might* download to completion.

Other downloads (of small image files, say) or streaming of YouTube, Netflix, etc. never seems to have a problem.

I know for sure that it's a PC configuration problem because I tried the same downloads on a Windows 10 laptop, connected to the same router via WiFi, and all the files downloaded (albeit slightly more slowly) without a hitch.

Any ideas or suggestions on what I can do next?


PS *I* am the IT person at our group. I have admin access to the router and the PC, of course.
Sep 24, 2024 at 08:09 AM


can auslogics check for malware?
C:\Program Files\Supremo Tribunal Federal\Sistema Operacional Microsoft® Windows®\ subfolder

this just showed up in my startup today - never saw it before and from what I read can be OK or can be an infection

I need to know if it is OK to keep it or try to remove it

Aug 26, 2020 at 02:08 PM

speaker icon

after todays update the sound icon when clicked upon appears ok but as soon as the mouse is moved to adjust the sound the icon disappears
What can I do to bring it back to normal?
By the way: the subcategory is too limited to direct the problem to the right technician in the correct dept.

Jun 16, 2020 at 06:42 AM

Ошибка драйвера

Пожалуйста, подскажите к чему может привести следующая ошибка и можно ли её исправить. ОС Windows 10.

Ошибка драйвера устройства "Intel(R) Management Engine Interface" (вложение файл 1). Запуск этого устройства невозможен (код 10). Аналогичный статус этого устройства показывает Auslogics BoostSpeed 12.

Переустановка драйвера средствами Windows ситуацию не изменила.

Программа Auslogics Driver Updater определила, что все драйверы актуальны (вложение файл 2).
Aug 01, 2021 at 05:00 AM

Print spooler issues

My computer keeps dropping its print spooler. I reload windows and it works until I install Auslogics Speed Booster. Any fixes?

Jun 26, 2020 at 08:49 PM

Formula not working correctly

when formulating a two page expression, the first page is not reading the second expression. I have given you the two formulas - I would hopefully like to have this sorted; if possible.

the first one should denote the year: In this case 2020


The second shouldgive me the first day of the year:


Question, is this even possible?

Oct 01, 2020 at 01:28 AM

Режим сна

Ноутбук периодически внезапно сам уходит в режим сна, хотя данную возможность я выключил. Происходит в любое время и в любой момент. Хоть в браузере сижу, хоть в игры играю. Резко гаснет экран и ноутбук оказывается в режиме сна из которого потом приходится выходить
Jul 30, 2020 at 10:34 AM

Failed Windows Updates

Why can't I update to the latest Windows 10 Pro update? I have Windows 10 Pro with 16 G Ram and 2 1/2 TB of hard drive.

(2019-10 Cumulative Update for Windows 10 Version 1903 for x64-based Systems (KB4517389) - Error 0x80070002)

My system is a Lenovo Think Centre w/I5 Processor.(M91)
Oct 30, 2019 at 05:57 PM

Malware install failure error

see attached. This happens every time. Chrome, Brave will not allow. Edge gives error.

Feb 21, 2021 at 10:49 PM

Printer not connecting

I recently used Auslogics to clean my computer. I believe I went to "optimize" to perform a deeper clean up. The question came up at the end to clean which I clicked on. My printer is now showing default, I cannot get it to connect to my internet either by the "wizard" or manually. HELP!!!
Oct 01, 2020 at 03:56 PM

Unable to Send / Receive emails

Since installing your software I am now unable to receive email via MS Outlook -

Apr 08, 2020 at 06:38 PM

Windows 11 beta

Next week I'll be updating to Windows 11 will I still be able to use Boostspeed on that OS without doing any damage?
Jun 16, 2021 at 06:58 PM

logiciels office

Les logiciels office ne se lancent plus
Aug 25, 2020 at 03:08 PM

Regarding default setting problem

I am unable to set WORD 2016 as my default app, i tried all the solutions i came accross but could not do it, clarify and resolve it kindly

Jun 16, 2020 at 03:55 AM

free space

im trying to get this game called genshin impact, however it says i need more space despite the fact that i deleted everything that came to mind whether it would be pictures or games, i even tried to uninstall things from settings
i need help, apparently theres nothing else i can delete but i know for sure there is another way

Jan 15, 2021 at 07:33 AM


При долгой работе Виндовс 10 начинается полная загрузка Оперативной памяти!! Что сказывается на производительности компьютера!
Jan 24, 2020 at 09:15 PM

POST interruption

What could be the problem when most of the time during Boot on Message "Warning System Boot fail or post interruption".

Press continue or press del to load bios setup.

Apr 27, 2020 at 08:51 AM

Uninstall manager

Можно вернуть в Uninstall manager
количество установленных программ? куда то пропали...

Mar 09, 2020 at 08:59 PM

BootSpeed 12 installation software

I just bought an additional laptop can I use my paid subscription and install it in my computer

Mar 02, 2021 at 09:47 AM


I signed up and paid my money, got my License Key. Downloaded version 10 and now it acts like I can't use it for SSD's and wants me to buy the "exact same thing again". WTH is going on???

Order #

Content hidden to protect privacy

May 06, 2021 at 04:39 PM

issue while booting

When I turn on my pc,
after windows logo a blank screen comes for about 3-4 min.
then a "please wait" loop comes which lasts for about 1 min.

My PC: It's a prebuilt "ACER Veriton series."

Sep 09, 2020 at 04:33 AM