1826 questions

Dasboard SCAN cannot terminate CHROME.EXE

After running a SCAN, and choosing to resolve the issues that were found, BoostSpeed 13 is unable to terminate Chrome.exe.
In the list of termination failures there are several instance of Chrome.exe

Choosing IGNORE allows me to bypass the panel.

Boostspeed 13 is current with all maintenance
Feb 23, 2023 at 04:52 PM


How to fix high ram,memory and cpu usage
Feb 23, 2023 at 09:28 AM

REFUS de PAIEMENT par carte PASS ( carrefour )

Cela fait plusieurs fois que je tente de passer à la version PRO de TOTAL AV.
Au debut JE ne pouvais pas INSCRIRE le N° de la carte ( et cela 5 ou 6 fois )
Aujourd'hui J ' ai pu entrer le N° Mais le paiement à été refusé.
J' irai voir pourquoi le paiement a été refusé

DIFFICILE de trouver un moyen de vous contacter
JE suis un peu Déçu

Feb 22, 2023 at 03:26 PM


Feb 21, 2023 at 07:13 AM

RE: Need browser attachment advice

I Can't upload files to websites using any browser on my windows 10 home edition.

Can you help me?

Feb 19, 2023 at 11:01 PM

Multiple Installations

Do I have the authority to install the full version on a laptop I have or must I buy another subscription? Thank you!
Feb 19, 2023 at 10:50 PM

Smart Card Service

I have encountered the problem with Smart Card Service turning off. And I am actually using a smart card. I keep opening Services menu in windows and turning it on again. (Auto/manual no matter) It works then, but the next day it will be the same issue over and over again.
I suspect that BoostSpeed is turning it off as a matter of "optimisation". Who can I check and make it stop? I need this service running.
Best Regards, Dmitry
Feb 19, 2023 at 08:21 PM

despues de suspender, arranca con TEMP

Puse mi desktop en modo SUSPENDER. y ahora arranca con un perfil TEM, como soluciono??
Feb 19, 2023 at 07:14 PM

Boostspeed 13 startup externalized to Windows desktop every boot

Everytime I boot up my Windows 10 laptop, Boostspeed 13 i set to startup in the settings, however on each boot, the Boostspeed dashboard is extranalized to the Windows desktop and always at the Registry Analysis tab.

How can I stop the Boostspeed dashboard from being extranalized on every boot-up?
Feb 16, 2023 at 08:23 PM

Spinner GIF Keeps Spinning on Some Websites

Whenever I go to a site that requires some time to load, e.g., http://www.fpcanada.ca/findaplanner
I keep seeing the spinnning GIF wheel as I wait for the web page to load, which it does not and then times out..
So far, it happens with Edge, Google, and Firefox. I have restarted several times and have cleared the cache, flushed DNS, reset the browsers, completed a deep clean, registry clean, and optimized internet settings with SpeedBoost, run two anti-virus malware programs (Windows Secuity and Malware Bytes), and have run memory diagnostics. All with the same result - no change.

Windows and the browsers are all up-to-date.

When I inspect the Javascript (>by right-clicking on the Spinner), I see that the Spinner is there and seems to be waiting.

Any suggestions?
Feb 16, 2023 at 02:57 PM


Почему не запускается и как обновить
Feb 14, 2023 at 10:24 AM


Windows crashes... I don't see any particular connection between the crashes except that I get this message...

windows.com/stopcode MEMORY_MANAGEMENT

any ideas? Thanks David

Feb 13, 2023 at 08:34 PM

printer malfuntion after running Boostspeed 13

After running Boostspeed 13, my printer either stops working with a "user intervention needed" , or it stops printing in color. What settings can I use to avoid this problem? I may have to quit using Boostspeed
Feb 10, 2023 at 06:08 PM

Driver Issues

Hello Dear Sir, Madam,

We have a AMD Radeon HD 6950 Graphics Card,
I looked all over the Internet for the right driver.. But I cannot find the one that works on our pc..
We use Windows 11 Pro X64

I have tried the most of drivers I could find, but none of them work as they should...
We have a HDR Display now, And with some drivers it is disabled.. Others it works with no problem.

As soon as we want to start a game for example Hitman 3..
It Does not start.. And with other games it prompts me to look for the new drivers for our graphics card...
That it is outdated... So please please help us fix this problem?

It would mean the world to us!!

I have added a pic, of the properties of the card with it, using the program speccy

Thanks for the help!

Best Regards!

Feb 10, 2023 at 05:11 PM

auto run

Hello and good pm. Can you please guide me on how to set boostspeed 13 to run auto.
Feb 10, 2023 at 07:25 AM

Файлы родителей

Здравствуйте,у меня на компьютере есть нужные родителям файлы но я хочу запустить очистку дисков как я могу уберечь или восстанавить эти файлы(это изображения, флешки нет)?
Feb 09, 2023 at 11:44 AM

wrong core amount


Your program ver 13 reports that my I7 13700k have 12 cores but its supposed to be 16 with 24 treads. Why is that ?
Feb 08, 2023 at 05:59 PM

BoostSpeed always errors off

I installed 3 times and did 3 scans but each time it said:

Error EDrive not found Exception. Drive could not be found.

What can I do?
Feb 05, 2023 at 04:00 AM

external hard drive recovery

so i have ran check disk a few times on a external hard drive to see if i can possibly repair the thing and if not recover some things that are still on it. windows does not recognize the drive but 3rd party software does, so as i'm running check disk it sees one bad sector like at somewhat of the begging of the scan then it continues and runs almost to the end of the scan but does'nt qiute finish the scan, instead it suddenly stops, the screen goes black for a second and then it reboots windows and thats it. no log of what happened at the time of crash or the condition of the drive or the end result...nothing. so i'm wondering if you can shed some light on the situation and maybe some remedies if any? thanks, cweklund

P.S. under device at the top of this inquery what I choose does'nt apply to my question i just had to put something there so it would send. this is in regards to an external drive i have.
Feb 05, 2023 at 12:28 AM

Annoying Windows Pop Up Notification

A few months ago, it started to show up an annoying Windows pop up message stating that my laptop (Lenovo, Windows 10) needs DirectPlay feature. I don't even know what is DirectPlay neither what is used for. The message displays two options: install or skip installation of DirectPlay. No matter what I choose it keeps showing up every time I turn on my laptop.
my question is: how can I get rid of this annoying pop up Windows notification?
Feb 04, 2023 at 08:42 PM


i have licence for home version
and i install pro version
how can i back to home v
Oct 23, 2020 at 04:28 PM

Outlook 2013

I cannot no longer open a browser in Outlook 2013 after using your registry cleaner. Let's not play games like we have been doing since July 2020. Support is a JOKE!!!

Nov 02, 2020 at 11:28 PM

Boot Speed, or Restart Speed

The main reason I bought this program was to help increase my boot speed. it's 4 minutes and 15 seconds. After running the Pro version of the program the boot speed is still the same. I deselected a bunch of items in the startup screen and it's still the same. I don't understand why it takes so long. Please help.I'm not sure if this is a windows question or a software question. thanks. Paul
Feb 11, 2021 at 04:14 PM

Audio Bluetooh Problem

Hello, can you help me fix my problem!
What do i do if when my wireless hadphones connect to the laptop the sound is still comming from the laptops speaker
Dec 18, 2020 at 11:09 PM

Обновление Windows (системы безопасности) появляется синий экран

При загрузке и установки обновлений виндовз (Windows Update) появляется синий экран смерти. Я вынужден отключить Windows Update и уже больше двух месяцев не выключаю ноутбук (не перезагружаю).
Как установить обновления что б не было экрана смерти?

Jan 01, 2021 at 09:23 AM

Bootspeed 12 hung at 13% complete

Started a scan and it is in Stability with a message that says 12047, scanning please wait. Detail screen says 13% complete. Its been like this for 24 hours. What do I do now?

Nov 15, 2021 at 10:43 PM

Ma webcam ne fonctionne plus

Suite à des modifications de BootSpeed, la webcam de mon ASUS VivoBook Pro 17 N705FD ne fonctionne plus.
Elle a commencé à se mettre en 4/6, puis elle est maintenant déconnectée !
J'ai désinstallé le programme et coché l'option "restaurer les changements éffectués", mais cela n'a pas résolu le problème.
Best regards,
Jul 16, 2021 at 08:38 AM


I used Windows to uninstall this software. Is there anyway to find out if there was any junk left behind?
Or on any software that has been uninstalled with the Windows Programs.
Jun 23, 2021 at 12:51 PM

Updating to the newer software

Everytime I try to update the software, it goes through all the steps, but does not do the update. It continues to show the original version and reminds me to update again. I have tried this about 10 times with no success.

Dec 01, 2020 at 05:20 PM

Eliminar una partición creada por Windows

Mi laptop HP tiene una memoria de 120GB. De los cuales hay una partición llamada HP_RECOVERY (G) que ocupa 21GB.
Cuando adquirí la laptop traía el Windows 7, ahora tiene el Windows 10.
Todo el disco duro lo uso para instalar software, no hay archivos de ningún tipo almacenados excepto los del sistema y de las aplicaciones que tengo instaladas.
Todos los datos de otro tipo (básicamente imagenes),los manejo a través de discos duros externos.
Deseo eliminar la partición (G) con el fin de abrir más espacio en el disco duro de la laptop, ¿Es posible?
Feb 24, 2021 at 10:40 PM

The networks are not displayed

The networks are not displayed after the last winoes 10 update 21H1
Oct 15, 2021 at 07:19 PM

Cross mark on wifi symbol

This happens sometimes . When i on the laptop there is a red cross mark on wifi button and when i on the wifi it doesnot detect any network . But after I off and on the aeroplane mode and the system a lot of times it goes off . It is not related to the function key which disables it as i tried it .
Mar 20, 2021 at 06:00 AM

удалённый рабочий стол

работает локальная сеть ,но невозможно подклключить удалённый рабочий стол.
Oct 20, 2019 at 11:06 AM

Sound Fades In and Out

With hte update of Windows t0 the sound on my computer fades in and out. I have used the troubleshooter; however, it is of no help at all.

I have a HP Pavilion 15t-n200 CTO Notebook PC and HP is of no use any longer as my warranty has run out and as my computer is almost seven years old it probably cannot be renewed. My laptop has a Conexant Audio driver HD,

I am considering buying a new computer but before spending $1000, I want to be sure there isns't something I can do with the one I have.
Dec 03, 2021 at 03:06 AM

Трещит в простое

Добрый день, такая проблема:
HDD WD Purple 6 TB, во время работы видет себя тихо, даже если на него что-то скидываю или с него воспроивожу (ну или вообще, хоть что-то делается на компе, абсолютно все что угодно = треска нет)

Если комп стоит несколько минут без дела, то HDD начинает трещать
Стоит мне хотя бы мышку сдвинуть, треск исчезает

Как это устронить?
Jun 14, 2021 at 02:22 PM

Very long time to load the computer! HElp!

can you help me please, I have a laptop that takes a long time to load please help me

May 17, 2020 at 07:40 AM

will this make my pc as fast as it was when i powered it up for the 1st time?

will this make my pc as fast as it was when i powered it up for the 1st time? - will boost speed 12 pro resolve this issue?

when i turn my pc on it takes like 30 sec to get to the windows screen where it use to take less than 3 seconds - will boost speed 12 pro resolve this issue?

my pc seems to lag and slow down while having multiple programs open and running at the same time where when it use to not do this. - will boost speed 12 pro resolve this issue?

internet speed seems extreamly lower than ususal - will boost speed 12 pro resolve this issue?

auslogics driver updater shows the same driver needing updating over and over like its not doing its job - why is this?? - does the program not work??? - will boost speed 12 pro resolve this issue?
Jul 31, 2021 at 02:51 PM


Hi! Is there a plan to support the Opera GX browser? I have been using this broswer for my web serching needs. It's pretty good. However, Auslogis BoostSpeed is not recognizing the browser as a supported browser. Thank you for taking the time to read this question.

Nov 27, 2020 at 11:39 AM


Добрый вечер! Сегодня завис компютер и никак не отвисал, пока не выключил с кнопки, совсем недавно была установлена система и диск ссд

Dec 12, 2020 at 04:01 PM


How to prove my performance specifically that mu processor is from type U
my device is : core i 7 8th gen
ram 8 GB
hard HDD 1TB
hard SSD 500 GB
Oct 22, 2020 at 01:46 AM