910 questions

Question about conflict with avanced programs

Hi, i have installed in my notebook windows 10 home some avanced programs, my question is... if i install Auslogics Boostspeed 11, what configuration i need to make? I dont like to have problems with this avanced aplications

Oracle database 11g server (Have service running)
Oracle Virtual Box (Have service running)
VMWare workstation player (Have service running)
Informatica power center 9.6.1(Have service running)
SQL managment studio 18 (Have service running)
SQL Server 2019 (Have service running)
Microsoft azure (Have service running)
Visual Studio 19 (Have some service running)
Power BI (Have service running)
Microsoft machine learning Server (Have service running)

My notebook is HP AMD Raizer 7 3700U with 12 Gb Memoy and 2 TB hard disk with windows 10 64 bits
Jan 07, 2021 at 02:47 AM

Location Service


I want to turn on Location services so that my display automatically dims and cuts out blue light when the sun sets. However when I go to 'Night Light Settings' and then under 'Schedule' access 'Location Settings' I am informed that "Some of these settings are hidden or managed by your organisation" and the 'Change' button is disabled.

What Organisation? This is my personal desktop not managed by anyone but me.

Pleas could you help with this issue.

Jan 05, 2021 at 05:13 PM

Windows Update Error

How do I fix error - 0x800700c1
Jan 05, 2021 at 12:14 AM

Missing Bluetooth

I After optimizing my system, I could no longer locate my bluetooth. How can I restore it? Thanks
Jan 04, 2021 at 11:40 PM

Unable to download anything from Microsoft Store


I get the following error code whenever I try to download anything from the Microsoft store.

Code: 0x800706D9

How can I fix this so I can download apps from the store?

Thank you
Jan 04, 2021 at 06:40 PM

очистка ПК

Как очистьть операционную помять на Windows 10

Jan 03, 2021 at 08:09 AM

window 32

window32 ne répond et ne travaille plus, que dois-je effectuer pour y remédier ?
Jan 02, 2021 at 02:52 PM

How to remove 0 data files

Is it possible to find all files with 0 kb and deleted them?
I have many mp4 and mp3 files that have ZERO data all over in different folders and drives.

Thank you

Jan 02, 2021 at 02:05 AM


Is it possible to reboot the HP Elite 8300 computer withot shutting down first?
Jan 01, 2021 at 01:43 PM

Обновление Windows (системы безопасности) появляется синий экран

При загрузке и установки обновлений виндовз (Windows Update) появляется синий экран смерти. Я вынужден отключить Windows Update и уже больше двух месяцев не выключаю ноутбук (не перезагружаю).
Как установить обновления что б не было экрана смерти?

Jan 01, 2021 at 09:23 AM


Estimados amigos:

He escuchado y leído buena reseñas de ustedes, por eso instalé el programa, sin embargo, en un foro de tecnología, leí que Microsoft, no recomendaba instalar optimizadores, pues podrían dañar el sistema Windows.

¿Qué tan cierto es esto?

Feliz año 2021.
Dec 30, 2020 at 11:45 PM

not fixed

Hi I found your website on the promise that it would sort out the 8000ffff eroor? It hasn't, can it be sorted?
Dec 30, 2020 at 11:02 PM

Windows 10 Reliability Monitor issue.

I am using Windows 10 20H2 version and BoostSpeed 12 new version.
Control Panel>Security and Maintenance>Reliability Monitor activated history is not available but for 1 day, no computer
reliability and problem history is shown in the graphic display. I have a lap top computer with the same setup as my desktop
and deleted BoostSpeed 12 from the laptop. The reliability and problem history started to show up on the chart. I conclude that there is something in the BoostSpeed software that is affecting this control panel issue. Got any fixes?
Dec 30, 2020 at 04:42 AM


Hello Auslogics

It seems that every day I get a warning message about a new 'Daily' task being created. That task is UsoClient (see attachment). There always seems to be three occurences of this program, despite this – so I guess that it is being deleted and recreated by Windows.

No doubt this is a Windows thing, but it would be good to understand what is going on here.

Also, if I try to disable it, despite being a local admin, I get an 'insufficient privs' error (see second attachment).

If this is deemed normal behaviour and the program is trustworthy, is there a way of disabling the warning message, but just for this one program?

Thanks and regards
Phil Parkin

Dec 28, 2020 at 08:41 AM


how to enable switching mode?

Dec 28, 2020 at 07:58 AM

Location in Privacy setting

I cannot switch Location on in privacy settings i have scoured the web and tried numerous "fixes" under Services and Registry to no avail i think it maybe something to do with the Administration profile login, I have tried creating another admin login "Test" but the problem persists, I have even upgraded to windows 10 Pro but still the issue is thier would appreciate a fix. I have attached a screen shot to assist with identification
Thank You
Dec 27, 2020 at 06:48 AM

BoostSpeed 12 clobbers Voice Recognition.

I am running Windows 10 Build 19042-2009 BoostSpeed 12 Pro. I use Microsofts Voice Recognition with Language Microsoft Speech Recognizer 8.0 for Windows (English - US). When I installed BoostSpeed and run the scan and resolve. It clobbers Voice Recognition. I get this error message after. "Speech recognition could not start because the language configuration is not supported.The recognizer language must match the language of the user interface." Checking the configuration shows that the language configuration is still what it was before it stopped working.

I run the rescue undo, and it still does not allow voice recgnition to run. I have to reinstall windows to get it to work. I have excluded Microsofts Speech folder from appdata and protected several keys in the registry to try to prevent this. Nothing I do seems to resolve the situation.
Please help.

Thank you
Dec 26, 2020 at 01:58 AM

Camera and Microphone

How do I unlock my camera and microphone?
Dec 23, 2020 at 08:38 PM

Unmount drives

Please tell me why on earth your programme needs to unmounts two drives after the defragmentation process, the one (J:\) that has been defragmented and the other one (O:\) that was not touched by any process of the defragmentation. Only restarting the Win10 operating system made the drives be mounted again, even a partitioning programme (MiniTool) did not find the drives before restart! Next question: how do I prevent this from happening again?
Thanks for your well appreciated help.
Dec 22, 2020 at 11:19 AM

HDD Spindown Automatically

Hello, When i restart my computer. hard drive automatically spindown and spinup when system load windows...any suggestion??
Dec 22, 2020 at 10:51 AM

I would like to cleanup my windows pc

How can I do Empty File delete without destroying my Document files???
Jan 15, 2021 at 04:14 AM

Stop code issues

Dear Sir or Madame,

My unit keeps crashing and indicating stop code: IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL. I have tried every thing I know with no success.

Please help.

Thanking you in advance,

Coach Rod
Nov 16, 2019 at 07:27 PM

how do I get it back on again?

after running Boostpeed the first time I realized it turned off cortana perminently. when I went to turnit back on. it won't let me. is there a way to reverse Boostspeed Windows tweaks?
Dec 11, 2020 at 02:25 PM

Update windows

I can't update windows on my windows vista machine. Every answer will be estimated.Thank you!
May 26, 2020 at 06:24 PM

Lock-screeen blury

When starting my computer (or when locked) I'm allways directly prompted for password or pin, whith a blury picture in background.
However I like those beautyful pictures and would like to see them clearly prior to logging in. What to do?
Oct 05, 2020 at 09:43 AM

Camera and Microphone

How do I unlock my camera and microphone?
Dec 23, 2020 at 08:38 PM

error code 0xc00000e5

Can I fix this error in your program, or do I seek help elsewhere?

Dec 21, 2020 at 08:12 PM

Пропала регулировка яркости

Добрый день. Полностью пропала регулировка яркости после обслуживания через эту программу. Сочитание клавиш FN + яркость не работают. Ползунков нигде нет.

May 08, 2020 at 08:52 PM

Security Center in Vista

I am having issues with the nonfunctioning security center in Windows Vista 32 bit / desktop I KNOW , I am unsupported !!! Maybe you can help ?

Jun 06, 2020 at 09:43 PM

Auslogics 12 Downloading

I hate being such a software web idiot. Its a shame with this being a 21st century of Knowledges and we still have such a night mare internet system.After emailing you all and Mcafee and numerous deletions of safety's and various uploads and downloads and turn this off and reboots , finally I got Auslogics 12 Boostspeed fully downloaded with no errors or failiers to download. I guess , I see how grand , I am sure it works.
Jan 21, 2021 at 12:04 AM

Internet explorer

I don't use IE can I uninstall it as there are many items that will attach to it example is Roboform (password manager) and I wonder if IE contributes to ecess bagage.

Jul 15, 2020 at 07:27 PM

lock screen password

how can i return my window lock screen password
Aug 03, 2020 at 10:12 PM

Проблеммы при использовании виндовс 10

Добрый вечер!
У меня появилось несколько проблем после установки Auslogics BootSpeed, до этого таких проблем никогда небыло.
Перестал обновляться виндовс 10 через центр обновления виндовс, туда захожу, и постоянно только ожидание и ничего не происходит, скрин прикреплю.
Использовал помощник по обновлению виндовс 10 и тоже ошибка и ничего не обновилось, скрин прикреплю.

Еще такой проблемный важный момент.
Мне необходимо активировать оффис от майкрософт, в форму по активации пытаюсь ввести емаил и пароль, и ничего не выходит, ни email, ни пароль, абсолютно никакие буквы и символлы не вводятся с клавиатуры.

Еще есть проблемные моменты следующие.
Раскладка клавиатуры - не всегда срабатывает при нажатии shift+alt приходится делать нажимая мышкой.
Когда хочу посмотреть сети wi-fi которые доступны, (чтобы выбрать свою и ввести логин и пароль), нажимаю на значек сетей, а список сетей не показываются, это происходит не только с открыванием просмотра сетей. Скрин №3. Пустое вылазит и быстро сворачивается.

Еще будьте добры, подскажите как максимально эффективно настроить и использовать Auslogics BootSpeed, или ничего делать не требуется, ПО само качественно обслуживает ПК? на данный момент улучшения не особо видны, а проблемы появились.
Помогите грамотно все настроить, чтобы ПК работал быстро, качественно и без проблем.

Apr 12, 2021 at 02:40 PM

My Computer is Running Very Slow and I cannot get this one Windows Update to Install- HELP

I work from home of course and my Lenovo is running extremely slow and making noise like it is trying to complete an update. I do have one update 2021-05 Cumulative Update for Windows 10 Version 20H2 for x86-based Systems (KB5003173) that everytime I try to install it is errors out. I have received two different error codes (0x8007007e), I ran the windows trouble shooter, and now I am receiving error code (0x8000ffff). I downloaded your Auslogics and did a full scan for all the free options you offer and still am receiving this error message and my PC is super slow
May 12, 2021 at 08:22 PM

Location in Privacy setting

I cannot switch Location on in privacy settings i have scoured the web and tried numerous "fixes" under Services and Registry to no avail i think it maybe something to do with the Administration profile login, I have tried creating another admin login "Test" but the problem persists, I have even upgraded to windows 10 Pro but still the issue is thier would appreciate a fix. I have attached a screen shot to assist with identification
Thank You
Dec 27, 2020 at 06:48 AM


What is normal DPI

Oct 25, 2019 at 04:25 PM

Windows Search Repeatedly Becoming Disabled

I am running Windows 10. The Windows Search service repeatedly becomes disabled, and I suspect that the cause is something within the Auslogics BoostSpeed 12 program. I am able to restart it by entering services in the search bar, choosing Automatic (or Manual) and then restarting the service. However, is there a toggle within your program that would previent this recurring issue?

Clifford Sweet
San Diego, California
Oct 18, 2021 at 11:04 AM

Location Service


I want to turn on Location services so that my display automatically dims and cuts out blue light when the sun sets. However when I go to 'Night Light Settings' and then under 'Schedule' access 'Location Settings' I am informed that "Some of these settings are hidden or managed by your organisation" and the 'Change' button is disabled.

What Organisation? This is my personal desktop not managed by anyone but me.

Pleas could you help with this issue.

Jan 05, 2021 at 05:13 PM

keep losing saved tabs

Hi. For both Microsoft Edge and Google browsers whenever I run Boostspeed after that the tabs i spent hours setting up all disappera and its like the first time running the browser. That used to happen with Firefox browser but not anymore and I have no idea why that one works ok. Is there a way to set up Boostspeed so it NEVER deletes exsiting tabs. I run multiple businesses and have tabs for all suppliers opened and easy to access. I like Auslogics products but why are they set by default to wipe our existing saved tabs and how do I prevent that? Version of browser does not seem to matter. Is there a way I can save tab structure on a browser in case this happens and recover it? Thanks - Brad Fry
Apr 02, 2021 at 06:15 PM

Windows Search Engine

How do i enable the Windows Search Engine?
Jan 09, 2021 at 06:46 PM