910 questions

windows run slow

hi , my windows be slowly than when i buy it and i don t know what should i do for it , i think its for that my computer ruuning some applications atumotacely and i should close them in the task bar , what shoud i do?
Sep 12, 2019 at 01:23 PM


Please edit a BAT file to clean up the C disk for me.
My Email"

Content hidden to protect privacy
"Thank You Very Much.
I wanna delete"pagefile.sys"

Aug 30, 2019 at 01:57 PM

Having to re-enter my Microsoft account info many times.....

Like your program. However it knocks off all Microsoft "connections" making me have to re-enter my PW frequently to stay signed in to my account. Getting annoying.
Aug 29, 2019 at 02:39 PM

Blue Screen Stop Code

I get : Kernel Mode Heap Corruption

Aug 24, 2019 at 12:26 PM

windows search do not work

after using your softver , I lost windows search ;( . On my PC , on windows search table , word are not displayed . I try everithing from the google and you tube , but stil not work . Please help me to resolve this problem , I use this functiont every day
Aug 15, 2019 at 06:46 PM

error 400

Have been getting error 400 messages lately, like a lot! Mostly I can just highlight the text in the sedarch box, press enter again and I get where I am going but this isn't right. Help!
Rob Green
Jul 24, 2019 at 12:56 PM


Hi My photos arent displaying properly and the preview pane is gone since using the other day
Any help?
Jul 22, 2019 at 09:25 AM

pc unplugged ac adapter pc shuts down with battery charged at high percentage

my laptop has new battery, but when i unplug the AC adapter my laptop shuts down when it has a high charged percentage battery. how in settings to fix please.. oh, and my battery cannot be taken out in my asus pc
Jul 19, 2019 at 03:46 AM

windows product

windows product ID for win 10 Pro is erroneous number as reported in system information

Jul 18, 2019 at 01:47 AM

Windows Security - Account Protection

"Dynamic Lock is not working because Bluetooth is off."

I do not know what device to try to turn on to Bluetooth.

Thanks in anticipation.

Mike Kemp


Content hidden to protect privacy

Jul 17, 2019 at 08:37 AM

не могу открыть диск

На разных дисках установлена Windows 8.1 и Windows 10. Один раз я искал нужный файл, который был Windows 8.1. Для этого изменил занрузку в BIOS и запустил Windows 8.1. Искал файл. Вернулся на Windows10 у меня начались проблемы Windows 10. Потом много чистил и обновлял Windows 10 с помощью Auslogics. Удалось исправить, но вот с диском никак. Да и времени просто не хватает. Помогите с чего начать чтобы работать с диском
Jun 13, 2021 at 01:31 AM

сообщение от Auslogics

Появляется табличка "Обнаружено высокое потребление ресурсов". Что делать?
Nov 07, 2021 at 11:34 AM

ошибки в дисках C, D

Здравствуйте! Почему программа находит ошибки в дисках, но не указывает и не исправляет? Спасибо
Nov 27, 2021 at 09:34 AM

Empty Folders Function

Can I safely run an Empty Folder SCAN without deleteing important files like the Document File????????

May 08, 2021 at 10:53 PM

Display problem with Outlook and Excel

Any suggestions on how to resolve this display problem?

Outlook & Excel screen displays are half missing. Happened about a week ago after installing Auslogics programs. ( could just be a coincidence ) .
Other Microsoft 365 programs and everything else displays correctly .
WINDOWS 10 & 365 have been reinstalled a few times but the problem persists.
WINDOWS repair facilities have been tried without success.
Microsoft Support unable to resolve it.

Oct 06, 2021 at 08:43 AM

Windows 7 64 Максимальная

Как полностью обезопасить свой пк и сделать его чище на программном уровне?

Nov 24, 2019 at 02:44 PM



Apr 15, 2020 at 10:44 AM

My mouse freezes, lags which was not doing in the past

I am a long time professional and I am actually quite tech savvy. I use the computer very very clean (obsessive level) But my mouse started to lag recently. I have downloaded Auslogics Pro (thats how we met) Even though I liked the software, it didnt solve the problem.

My laptop is Dell Vostro with i7 and 8GB Ram. Fairly new one (less than 1 year) But even with a simple operation (like opening Skype) it starts to level up fan noise and mouse starts to flicker, lag from time to time.

I formated everything on my computer (because this was not the case until very recently) but even that didnt help.

What can be the reason?
Dec 09, 2020 at 07:46 PM

Windows Live Affected by first scan

Hi, I ran my first scan yesterday which was fine but now the content in my Windows Live 2012 set-up has been removed - specifically I have lost the folders, and their contents, I set up in my inbox, and I now have only emails in my inbox from the 18.06.2021. Everything else has gone. How can I get it back to where I was yesterday?
Jun 27, 2021 at 09:22 AM

Windows 10 Action Center is not working

As you see in the attached screenshot, I cannot make use of the action center. What would be the solution to this? Thank you.
Oct 11, 2021 at 07:40 AM

системные файлы windows 10

могу ли, Я, обнаружить вашей программой приложение в системе ,или файл запускающий вредоносное приложение, изменяющий СИСТЕМНЫЕ файлы ! Или напишите как его (подлеца) обнаружить!!! Сканирование антивирусом не предлогать! У меня изначально стоял надёжный антивирус .
благодарю за ответ...
Oct 15, 2021 at 05:32 AM

BNP detected fatal error

I am having blue screen issues. BNP detected fatal error occurs every time I restart but not on shutdown.
The problem started after I installed MS flight simulator
I have:
~Checked the HD for errors
~Uninstalled Flight simulator
~Updated Windows to latest version
~updated Graphics Card to latest version
~run sfc/scannow

Mar 15, 2022 at 05:14 PM


Im getting Kmode_Eception not handled, System Service Eception and Unexpcted Kernel Mode Trap when i play game. i couldn't find the problem even i bought your Driver Pro to update all driver it still the same. what is the problem?
Aug 14, 2021 at 06:48 PM

Про производительность компьютера

Дорогие разработчики программы Auslogics BootSpeed, у меня проблема.
Я хотел повысить fps помоему я снял что-то с диспетчера задач,и вводил команды в консоль в игре CS:GO в мастерской карте BENCHMARK. И, до этих изменении у меня было около 70-100 fps, а сейчас fps 40-60. Что мне делать? Подскажите, пожалуйста!
Oct 02, 2020 at 05:44 AM

no default app

hello,my laptop has had an issue where the settings app does not open because it does not have an app associated with it. How can i fix this issue? It does not open at all.

May 08, 2021 at 03:09 PM

Windows 11

Will BoostSpeed 12 Pro work using Windows 11?
Any known problems using wndows 11?
Dec 30, 2021 at 03:20 PM

Device stops and freezes reqularly

My device is a very old one but still works properly, But these Days it starts To freeze reqularly and sometimes crashes, This only happened when i upgraded my laptop to windows 10, What should i do to prevent it

Aug 07, 2020 at 05:20 AM

Right Click Menu

Hello, My question is this: From time to time when I right mouse button click on a file on the desktop or in a folder the computer just freezes with the little blue circle turning for like 20-30 seconds before the right click menu will pop up, it does not do it all the time and seems random and there does not seem to be a reason for this, I have followed all the tutorials online that I could find and that is even why I purchased your software but nothing seems to solve this annoying issue, hopefully you can help. I am also attaching a screen shot to my computer spec details
Feb 24, 2021 at 07:21 PM

display settings/function

My 'brightness control' slider dissapeared in Windows 10 and I can't figure out a way to get it back. Now the screen just stays fairly bright all the time. There also isn't one in the notifications tab that I could us instead of the missing one on the desktop.
Nov 23, 2020 at 02:01 PM

Cpu Usage

Something is not working correctly. There is a high cpu usage and I am unable to figure out why. There seems to be an invisible ammount of cpu I cannot see? There is only 1 user on the machine and the cpu usage is more than the users cpu usage how does that make sense and how can I fix and optimize the cpu usage?
Nov 21, 2019 at 08:36 AM