910 questions

c:\windows\servicing\LCU\* - no cleanup


I would like to ask why BootSpeed not have option to perform cleanup of the c:\windows\servicing\LCU\* files?
Nov 10, 2023 at 08:14 AM


Как удалить элементы реестра ,если они не удаляются ,а очень надо,мммможет есть спец.программы?
Nov 09, 2023 at 05:50 PM

Windows Update

This error code might help: (0x80004002).
Can you guys help? Tried everything. I can't seem to fix this.
Nov 09, 2023 at 01:23 PM


Nov 07, 2023 at 10:25 AM


BoostSpeed 13 バージョンから13.0.0.6への案内は来るので
Nov 05, 2023 at 01:03 PM

Getting different kinds of BSOD's

Hello and good morning, I'm not very good at softwares and know-how's on PC but I've tried using this program to probably fix the cause of what could be causing the BSOD's on my PC. After I tried to use the Auslogics Driver Updater, I updated some of the drivers and it asked me to restart so I did. After I restarted, the pc kept giving me a BSOD where it was written something like: Boot device inaccessible. So I couldn't even put the password and login properly. I had to restore the data to a certain point so I could get my pc back. I'm not sure what the problem is yet so I decided to write this message to you and ask for a helping hand.

Thank you in advance for your time,

Nov 05, 2023 at 11:32 AM

Diagnostic Policy Service Cannot Start.

Diagnostic Policy Service Cannot Start. Access is Denied – Error 5 Fix

Nov 02, 2023 at 09:42 PM

What does this DOS/DSS commandline Window temporarily at bootup mean?

SInce installing Auslogics BoostSpeed, it hasn't been happening, but what does this mean?
Nov 01, 2023 at 07:52 PM

Auslogics BoostSpeed 13のアップデート

Auslogics BoostSpeed 13のアップデート案内は来るのですが
Auslogics BoostSpeed及び
Auslogics BoostSpeedまアップデートは
Nov 01, 2023 at 04:34 AM

qual é a geração do meu pc

qual é a geração do meu computador?
Nov 01, 2023 at 03:33 AM

Windows Search getting turned off

I am setting up my Windows 10 Search to index my files and folders.
Buster turns it off constantly, so I need to reset the setting again and again and again. 

How do I stop Buster from turning off my Windows search setting?
Please advise.
Thank you. 
Oct 31, 2023 at 08:04 PM

Development of tools to repair this common issue

I as well as many users face the grey screen of death, would it be possible to develop a fix for this problem please, I use the following system as per the attached, but it is a bit slow, would it be possible to develop this into a one click fix from the BoostSpeed menu.

Any thoughts would be appreciated.

PS love the product.
Oct 29, 2023 at 09:22 PM

No se oye el sonido

Hola. Llevo un par de meses en los que de golpe se corta la audicion de sonidos en mi ordenador (el testigo luminoso de mis altavoces desaparece como si éstos no tuviesen corriente eléctrica). También en la reproduccion musical. Normalmente el sonido desaparece (aunque visualmente - las lineas de volumen suben y bajan - y según información de configuración todo funciona correctamente) y vuelve a aparecer transcurridas unas horas. Estouy harto de desinstalar y volver a re-instalar el controlador. Hoy he ido un paso más allà reinstaurando sistema a un punto anterior en el tiempo. No se arregla. Aparentemente no es culpa del controlador. Todo apunta a que hay alguna aplicacion en mi ordenador que produce este efecto. O quizás esté demasiado saturado. En más de una ocasión se pierde el sonido justo después de un análisis efectuado por Auslogics BoostSpeed aunque este caso tampoco ocurre en el 100% de las veces que me quedo sin sonido. Cuando se va el sonido dura horas y cuando vuelve el sonido por sí mismo también recupera el sonido durante horas. ¿Pueden ayudarme a solucionar este molesto problema de una vez por todas?

Oct 29, 2023 at 04:06 PM

No se oye ningun sonido

Hola. Llevo un par de meses en los que de golpe se corta la audición de sonidos en mi ordenador. También en la reproducción musical. Normalmente, el sonido desaparece ( aunque visualmente y segun información de configuración todo funciona correctamente) y vuelve a aparecer trancurridas unas horas. Estoy harto de desistalar controlador i re-instalar controlador. Realmente , aparentemente no es culpa del controlador. Todo apunta a que hay alguna aplicación que produce este efecto en mi ordenador. En más de una ocasión, se pierde el sonido después de ejecutar un análisis de Auslogics Boostpeed, aunque este dato tampoco ocurre en el 100% de las veces que me quedo sin sonido. ¿Pueden ayudarme a solucionar este molesto problema de una vez por todas? Ya que el sonido se va y vuelve en cualquier momento. Cuando hay sonido, este dura horas y quando se va también dura horas.
Oct 29, 2023 at 12:49 PM

wakeup problems

I dont turn off laptop at night. I run it with lid closed when in use.
I used to just move the mouse in the morning to wake it up, but not now.
I now have to open lid to wake it up and monitor shows large icons, clicking on Firefox gives a screen too big to use.
I then close lid to get the smaller icons that are usable.
Hitting the WIN key + P and choosing second screen only also fixes the icon size problem.
I went through all the 'wakeup' fixes I could find but to no avail.
There is a small chance this is a cat problem, I have several.
Any suggestions?
subcategory choices makes me think "windows" was wrong category to choose.
Oct 24, 2023 at 08:38 PM

Server use

Is Auslogics Registry Cleaner suitable for servers?
It seems to run perfectly according our testings on our spare server, but can it be considered as a suitable program?
We have searched internet and we did not find any registry cleaner, especially designed for servers.

Best Regards
Angelos Diakoumakos
Oct 23, 2023 at 09:01 PM

hard drive chattering all the time win 10 pro ?????

my hard drive keeps chattering windows 10 can you help??????
Oct 20, 2023 at 04:29 PM

Power options gone

I have problems Closing the lid does not work. I set it to sleep or shut down neither of them worked.When I tried to find a solutions
I entered a code to CMD and all my power plans resetted.The ones which auslogics set also gone the preset power plans.And when I set balanced again I have also have no slider on the battery icon to change it to left to battery save or right to better performance.

Now I have left with no power plans of auslogics and ultimate is gone too.Can I get them back or how ?
Can I get back my old battery icon slider when in balanced mode ?
Can I fix the closing the lid action and make laptop sleep when i close it ?
Oct 19, 2023 at 09:51 PM

HDD 100% in Task Manager

У меня проблема с работоспособностью компьютера.
Загруженность диска 100% в диспетчере задач.
Обновлял драйвера черед Ваш Driver Updater, после чего компьютер стал дольше выполнять задачи.
Выполнил восстановление.
Запустил BoostSpeed13.
Вроде бы получилось настроить, и когда компьютер простаивает, то значения не поднимаются до 100%.
Но тем не менее, значения принимают, при выполнении задач.
Ищу решение по этому вопросу.

С уважением,
Oct 19, 2023 at 10:57 AM

Escaneo selectivo de carpetas


No deseo escanear todo el disco sino solamente seleccionar algunas carpetas.

¿Permite Auslog escanear carpetas selectivas, por ejemplo, de Mis Documentos?

Favor indicar los pasos detalladamente ya que no soy tecnológico.

Neilton FD
May 02, 2022 at 01:01 AM

Retrieving purged files

How do I retrieve discared files for a particular date. I have hundreds of discarded files but only need those for a single date.
Aug 10, 2022 at 06:19 PM


какую сборку виндовс лучше поставить для частного лица?
Mar 09, 2022 at 05:58 PM

Win 10 Issue

Right click on desktop icons very slow or screen freezes up. Suggestions how to resolve... Boost Speed 13 has not fixed problem.
May 15, 2023 at 06:08 PM


HDD постоянно загружен на 100%
При загрузке и при рабте ПК
Dec 03, 2022 at 08:44 PM

Annoying Windows Pop Up Notification

A few months ago, it started to show up an annoying Windows pop up message stating that my laptop (Lenovo, Windows 10) needs DirectPlay feature. I don't even know what is DirectPlay neither what is used for. The message displays two options: install or skip installation of DirectPlay. No matter what I choose it keeps showing up every time I turn on my laptop.
my question is: how can I get rid of this annoying pop up Windows notification?
Feb 04, 2023 at 08:42 PM

Hard drive not showing up on optimize screen

When using windows explorer, a specific hard drive is not showing up when I check the optimize box. I can scan and repair it but not optimize it. I used the free degrament tool by auslogics but even after auslogics deframented it, it is not showing up.
Should I be concerned about this? What does this mean?
thank you for your response(s).
Jul 04, 2022 at 12:34 AM


Since I updated the USB driver my G-HUB with logitech dosn't recognice my keyboard or mouse. What shall I do?
Sep 16, 2023 at 12:24 PM

Fix Broken Shortcuts

How does one fix/repair broken shortcuts. Auslogics gets hung up when using the Stability function.
Nov 24, 2021 at 04:36 AM

Run Command History


Everytime Boost Speed runs automatic scanner on Sunday's the run commands history gets deleted. I have unchecked this option in the privacy settings in the software but this still keeps happening.
May 16, 2023 at 03:09 PM

full C drive

A problem with a small space on the C disk. How else to free up space on the C disk? Which program files can I transfer to an external disk and make win 10 work without problems?
Jun 26, 2022 at 11:23 PM

Выделенная память

Подскажите, почему у меня выделенной памяти всегда больше, чем используемой?
Как можно ее очищать? Вручную или атвоматически.
May 30, 2023 at 07:46 PM

duplicate files

Which duplicate files are safe to remove?
Dec 26, 2022 at 01:39 PM


BoostSpeed12 bietet eine Defragmentierung auch für SSD-Festplatten an. Ist dies ratsam? Andere Computer-Experten raten davon ab!
Jun 24, 2022 at 02:31 PM

проблема с панелью задач

перестала работать панель задач
произошло это так - включаю я пк, немного поиграл, буквально минут 15-20, и меня встретил синий экран, который не смерти, а обычный синий экран ошибки, где пишут перезагрузка, проблема с чем-то (ну вы поняли, да ведь?), после перезагрузки начались проблемы с жёсткими дисками, но я их решил, и после решения проблем с дисками перестала работать панель задач, только открываются ярлыки разных приложений, а вот системные не работают, например пуск, поиск, звук, календарь, да даже настройки не открываются! всё перепробывал! и powershell, ну команды в нём и т.д., всякие приложения.
помогите пожалуйста!
Mar 20, 2023 at 06:41 PM

Random ping spikes

Recently, while I play games my computer has random lag spikes for a few seconds. My computer isnt even a year old yet and just started doing it, how do i fix it?
Dec 28, 2022 at 11:54 PM

Windows Security and Explorer freeze.

I updated Windows 10 yesterday. Windows Security and Explorer freeze. When I run BoostSpeed13 ver., it freezes, but Windows Security and Explorer work normally without BoostSpeed13. Please tell me how to resolve.
Nov 16, 2023 at 01:53 AM

can not download .exe file

Everytime I try to download the newsest version of BootSpeed, my laptop saves it as an Adobe PDF file and will not open/install. Will completely removing the BootSpeed app and then downloading the newest version work around my problem?
Jul 24, 2022 at 05:46 PM

App error

This pops up on the system info, "application errors": Any fix for it?
Name, Value, Advanced
Application Error: Faulting application name: svchost.exe_FrameServer, version: 10.0.19041.1566, time stamp: 0x1f37eb46Faulting module name: RsProvider.dll, version:, time stamp: 0x57ee1a06Exception code: 0xc0000005Fault offset: 0x000000000007bd6dFaulting process id: 0x2300Faulting application start time: 0x01d883048cd13be0Faulting application path: C:\WINDOWS\System32\svchost.exeFaulting module path: C:\Program Files\Realtek\RsProviders\RsProvider.dllReport Id: ff0c9809-f014-46e1-8f75-b7775e36760aFaulting package full name: Faulting package-relative application ID: 6/18/2022 6:14:18 AM
Jun 18, 2022 at 11:41 AM

Program not registered

As you can see in the attached show is registred, but the program says need to rgister for pro version. Please advise as I have renewed the license in december.

Thank you
Jan 25, 2022 at 08:58 PM