910 questions

PC Crashing/Freezing

To Whom It May Concern,

In recent weeks, I have been experiencing intermittent crashing/freezing of my PC. This sometimes happens 1/3 times a day or I can go a few days without it occurring at all. It is not, actually, a BSOD - just a "straightforward' freeze or crash.

When accessing the Windows Event Log, the common denominator would appear to be identifed as follows:

Unable to open the Server service performance object. The first four bytes (DWORD) of the Data section contains the status code.

I would consider myself reasonably computer savvy, describing myself as a software 'Geek', in addition to having set-up remote computing facilities. However, this is difficult to readily identify and despite, browsing the Internet extensively, I find I cannot resolve or prevent this from crash from occurring.

The only 'fix' I have reviewed is accessing 'Windows Services' that requires the 'Server to be restarted' but as this is already running (having reset itself?) I cannot, actually, do anything:


Any advice, recommendations or support you an afford me would be very much appreciated.

I am grateful for your attention, time, effort and anticipated co-operation in assisting me to resolve this perplexing and frustrating issue.

Kind regards to you and your colleagues at Auslogics


Ian Willsher
Nov 03, 2020 at 11:11 PM

Video issues

Hi There,
I can be happily working along, and if I need to see a video file, I can... but then, sometimes it stops, and I cannot make the video work again.
I have Driver Updater, but if I reboot the computer, the video function will work again.
Sometimes, if I run a BoostSpeed scan, the video might work again. It can still stop again, but if I Boost Speed again, it may not make the video run again.
So I have to reboot again instead, which is pretty time consuming.
My initial thought is I'm missing video drivers, but i have Driver Updater.
Can you advise and help me?
Nov 03, 2020 at 06:14 AM

Wana know how to change additional calendar

hello there , how to change additional calendar for windows 10 ? i need to change this chinese additional to persian (iran) ,, thxxxx

Oct 30, 2020 at 11:55 AM

Windows Blue Screens

Im getting a lot of windows blue screens, Kernel issues and Server exceptions and memory as well, i did a lot of testings like memory testings, when i do windows file check, when i run CHKDSK check in cmd i get files are NTFS error, Any help?

Oct 29, 2020 at 01:37 PM

Duplicated Folder


My name is Eric Borges and I am having an issue that when I update my windows 10 it's duplicating the windows folder in my C:, (follow attached). I've try to delete in many ways and even tho with the Auslogics app is not working, it's saying that the folder is deleted, but it's not. Is there any way to remove it permanently?

Oct 27, 2020 at 07:40 PM

exploler.exe ошибка приложения сервиса

ПОДСКАЖИТЕ ЧТО ДЕЛАТЬ я очистил ненужные папки в как вдео иображения музыка перезагрузил ноутбук октрываю проводник жду секунд 10 пишет exploler.exe ошибка сервиса преложения и так каждый файл по типу панели инструментов скажите что делать пожалуйста а то меня мама убьет елси узнает она просто инода заходит в мой ноут и бдет спрашиват что уже бл такое и все пипец мене скажите прошу вас переустановка я оюсь делать это или мне надо вызывать мастера , еще я смотрле в инете что там водишь команду srw /scannow пошло до 84 процента сморю пишут показало есть неисправеные файлы исправил некоторые неисправились перезгрузили комп или ноутбук и появился синий экран оно дошло у меня до 84% и я остановил и я сейчас НЕЗНАЮ ЧТО ДЕЛАТЬ СКАЖТЕ ПОЖАЛУЙСТА ЧТО ДЕЛАТЬ ПРОШУУУ ВАС ОТ ВСЕГО СЕРДЦА

Oct 27, 2020 at 11:59 AM

Компьютер тормозит и зависает

В некоторые моменты зависает компьютер, иногда зависает отдельные поля(рабочий стол, панель задач, меню Пуск).
Курсором мыши возможно передвигать, но с различными программами невозможно взаимодействовать, а некоторые попросту не отвечают. Открытие вкладок и поисковые запросы в браузере выполняются очень медленно, а при просмотре видео(на том же Youtube) долго загружается.
Сначало подумал на выход из строя процессора, т.к он не слишком уж новый, да и проблема мне показалась такого рода. Почистил и заменил термопасту процессор, на вид он в хорошем состоянии(без сколов и царапин). После этого пол дня все было нормально но потом все продолжилось.
Дальше я начал искать решение проблемы в интернете, чего я только не перепробывал, и выключение службы Центра обновления Windows, проверки на вирусы и мусорные файлы, чистил реестр, дефрагментировал диски( для этого скачал данную программу). Только после дефрагментации дисков компьютер работал без перебоев и зависаний день, но на следующий все по новой.
Уже незнаю в чем может быть проблема, единственное на что подаю подозрения так это жетский диск, но и то не факт что это верно

Oct 27, 2020 at 09:03 AM

A little advice before running this feature

I am not having any windows 10 problems but am a little concerned about your optimization feature to remove outdated windows files. In my case there are 43.16 GB or 28,000 items indicated that could be cleared. The warning is that after this some files may have to be downloaded from Microsoft. Is this amount of files typical. My system has had Windows 7 on up so maybe this would help but there are so many of these files I dont want to crash my system. Any tips or advice on this would be appreciated

Oct 27, 2020 at 03:49 AM

Turn indexing back on

Hello! Bootspeed disabled indexing. How do I enable it back?
Oct 26, 2020 at 03:26 PM

RDP keeps disabling on every machine that has boostspeed installed

I have my own domain with a virtual environment as well as several physical endpoints (mostly laptops). None of the virtual machines have boostpseed installed, only the majority of the physical machines. I have RDP enabled by group policy.

I notice that intermittently (seems to do it when it wants to), if I reboot a laptop or other physical endpoint, the machine will boot up with the "termservice" disabled, even though groupm policy enforces this to be on.

After troubleshooting group policy, uninstalling all other security software, and weeks of various other troubleshooting methods, the only commonality I can find is that all the machines that do this have boostspeed installed.

I found this post

And followed the instructions there. I also turned off the performance monitor in boostspeed via the settings, but the issue is still persisting. My next step I guess is to uninstall boostspeed from all of my machines but I figured I would reach out before I give up on the product.
Oct 26, 2020 at 01:20 PM

key product W10PRO missed

Hi, I have AuslogicsBoostSpeed ​​11 licensed on 3 computers. 2 computers, the oldest, have windows 8.1 PRO. Newer computers have Windows 10 PRO. In the SOFTWARE-SYSTEM INFORMATION-OPERATING SYSTEM section the product key normally appears while on the PC with W10PRO the alphanumeric character string of the product key is covered with the capital B letters. I wanted to know why the code is hidden before it appeared. Thanks for the reply. Alex

Oct 25, 2020 at 05:01 PM


Я перенёс папку "Загрузки" из положения по умолчанию на диск D, но не создал отдельной папки, и теперь "Загрузки" - это весь диск D. Получается бардак.
При попытке вернуть всё по умолчанию или перенести в другое место, пишет: "Не удалось сформировать список обычных подкаталогов в "D:\System Volume Information".
Отказано в доступе.

Как вернуть положение по умолчанию???
Oct 25, 2020 at 11:38 AM


i have licence for home version
and i install pro version
how can i back to home v
Oct 23, 2020 at 04:28 PM

WIndows Security closes when opened

Hi I'm Raffy and a New member of the Auslogics

When I open Windows Security Application it closes immediately

how do I fix it

Oct 22, 2020 at 01:19 PM


How to prove my performance specifically that mu processor is from type U
my device is : core i 7 8th gen
ram 8 GB
hard HDD 1TB
hard SSD 500 GB
Oct 22, 2020 at 01:46 AM


Oct 20, 2020 at 06:43 AM


¿Qué hacer si mi windows se traba?
¿Qué hacer si mi windows tarda mucho en apagar y reiniciar?

Oct 19, 2020 at 05:28 PM

Ноутбук не включается без подключения к сети переменного тока и выключается при её отключении

Ноутбук не включается без подключения к сети переменного тока и выключается при её отключении.
Обновил всевозможные драйвера, обновил биос(правда теперь появилась надпись при запуске "Checking media...").
Проверил состояние батареи через консоль(часть отчета прикрепил файлом) и там осташееся емкость 12 октября остановилось на одном значении, т.е. батарея не заряжается и не разряжается.
Что делать в данной ситуации, чтобы ноутбуком вновь можно было пользоваться автономно?

Oct 14, 2020 at 03:43 PM

unidentified files following upgrade to Win 10 version 2004 prevent defragmentation

I have recently upgraded my Win10 x64 PC to version 2004 from Windows update. Prior to the upgrade the PC was clean and fast and the system drive was defragmented using Auslogics Defrag Ultimate. Fopllowing the upfgrade and subsequent cleanup, I ran defrag again and the drive now has approximately 20% of its used capacity filled with files that Auslogics Defrag will not identify (light green block icons, mouse click for file info invokes the prompt "This block contains file system service data. Detailed view is not available".

This is obviously some several GB of data judging by the number of blocks occupied in this manner - but I am unablæe to find out what these files are, what they are called, what purpose they serve or where they are on the drive. They are spread out across the system drive and thus prevent defrag running a free space defragmentation, and thus casue even more fragmentation when new files are added to the drive.

I have tried tio google this problem but have not found any reference to it. Auslogics defrag is the only untility that tells me these file exist - but no more than that.

Can you advice - what are these files, and how do I get rif them and run the usually perfect free space defrag?

thanks / Adrian
Oct 09, 2020 at 06:24 PM


I have lost my icons on the desktop!
Oct 08, 2020 at 02:28 AM

Відсутнє налаштування

Зникло налаштування "Яскравість" в Центрі підтримки портативних ПК...
Jan 11, 2022 at 11:43 AM

Navigateur par défaut

J'utilise le Navigateur Brave. Comment en faire mon navigateur par défaut au lieu de Edge dans votre logiciel
May 12, 2022 at 10:01 PM

Это чтото не позволяет мне разделить диск

Я хотел разделить свой ссд на часть для виндоус и для игр, но я не могу потому что мне мешает только один файл. У него нет расположения и удалить я его тоже не могу
Jan 08, 2023 at 07:42 PM

Desaparecen los textos

Buenas tardes,

¿como puedo resolver el problema de qué en ocasiones desaparecen los textos en algunos programas, emails, cuadros de diálogo, menús de ventanas y nombres en los íconos de archivos? y no reaparecen hasta que reinicio sesión en windows.
Oct 24, 2022 at 09:15 PM

Windows system font distortion

After running Auslogics Registry Cleaner 9, I rebooted my Windows 10 PC and now the system font is distorted in Windows and Chrome.
Jul 05, 2022 at 08:35 PM

Cannot Start Microsoft Outlook. Cannot open the Outlook window.

Hi there,
I was in the middle of deleting one of the 5 email addresses in my Microsoft Outlook and the laptop stopped (or this Outlook application) stopped responding for over 5 minutes so I "ENDED" the process.

Since then I keep getting this Outlook error.

I have tried the Office repair utility.
I have tried restarts.
I have your software (paid version) on my laptop but am unsure whether there is a restore point I can get to that will enable me to get Outlook going again.

Help please :)
Apr 16, 2023 at 07:42 AM

Moving the $HOME$ Folder to amother drive

1. I regularily reinstall my system and need to move the system directories to another location.
2. I have an application that is looking to install a directory on the $HOME$ directory - currently this is on my C Drive and I need to move it to the D Drive.

I am looking for a script that will change the $HOME$ folder to the D Drive.

Please an you help I currently use windows 10 but will eventually be upgrading to windows 11
Jan 30, 2023 at 10:38 AM

Browsers run slooooow with WIN 11

Ever since I installed WIN11 the broswers (I've tried both Edge and Chrome) run at glacial speed, taking a second or two to respond to a mouse click. Sometimes a scan with Boost Speed seems to fix the problem sometimes now. Sometimes it disappears after a period of time, only to reappear after the computer has been asleep. I've tried all the fixes I've found online (remove extensions, etc.) and like the Boost Speed scan, the fix is only temporary if it works at all. Any advice?
Mar 18, 2022 at 05:56 PM

Windows 11, PC Sleeps when it shouldn't

My W11 (Home edition) desktop PC has the following settings

'Power mode' set to 'Best performance' and

'When plugged in, put my device to sleep after' set to 'Never'.

Despite this, the PC goes to sleep after a few minutes of being idle, which in turn kills RDP sessions which I do not want to happen.

There must be other settings somewhere which are overriding the 'Never' setting. Please help me understand what they are and how to change them.

Thank you and best regards
Phil Parkin
Dec 17, 2022 at 12:02 PM

Background processes

I have the idea that background processes lower the framerates of my flight simulator, leading to stutters. When I examine the resource monitor, I see that about 200 background processes are running, even when totally none program is active. I cannot image why all those processes are neccessary. All those processes have names that doesn't give my any insight in what all those processes are doing. How can I find out which processes I can stop and which are mandatory?
Nov 15, 2022 at 10:25 AM

Errors 0x80070091 and 0x8007016a

Can the pro version of Auslagics find and repair the cause of errors 0x80070091 and 0x8007016a?
Oct 22, 2022 at 09:18 PM

Dasboard SCAN cannot terminate CHROME.EXE

After running a SCAN, and choosing to resolve the issues that were found, BoostSpeed 13 is unable to terminate Chrome.exe.
In the list of termination failures there are several instance of Chrome.exe

Choosing IGNORE allows me to bypass the panel.

Boostspeed 13 is current with all maintenance
Feb 23, 2023 at 04:52 PM

Unable to update Windows 11 to 22H2....

My computer has stopped being able to use Windows Update to install normal updates, including Windows 11 22H2. All software and drivers are up to date. I have late generation motherboard (Asus Rampage VI Extreme), intel CPU 10980XE, and nVidia 3090. I have followed multiple scripts from the internet to clean out the software update folder. Any ideas?
Dec 25, 2022 at 08:29 PM


wifi not connect
Oct 30, 2022 at 06:24 AM

советы из Youtube не помогают

Имею постоянную проблему с обновлением Windows 11. Посоветуйте действенній алгоритм решения. Или лучше переустановить?
Mar 01, 2023 at 07:46 AM

bluetooth dissapeared from device manager after cleanup

I did a rigorous cleanup and driver update on a old(er) laptop, after years of limited maintenance. Using Auslogic software (driver update,bootspeed,duplicate finder) and some manual cleaning/updating, Something went wrong, not sure exactly where. Now I can not use/connect bluetooth devices anymore. I tried to solve it by doing some reasearch on the internet but can not find the solution. Otherwise the Laptop is working fine and is a lot faster.
Enclosed you will find some information of the laptop and screenshots of what I think is relevant information.
I also noticed that Bluetooth is not longer available at the 'action center' and 'device manager'. The latter one still shows some bluetooth devices but is hidden and do not seem to be the relevant items.
In 'Settings> bluetooth and other devices', the previously connected bluetooth devices are still there but it clearly states that bluetooth is turned off.
Could you please advise me on how to solve this.

Enclosed a couple of prinscreens of the systems and the above mentioned screens.
FYI I am an experienced user, however certanly not a Windows specialist.

Kind regards.

Perry Parengkuan
Nov 14, 2023 at 08:58 AM

wifi conection

What window is useful for all?
Sep 27, 2022 at 02:42 PM

Richiesta di pulizia del browser web

quando per "risolvere tutti gli elementi" la schermata mi chiede di chiudere tutte le applicazioni aperte, mi elenca n. 5 msedege.exe che non riesco a chiudere né manualmente né col pulsante "chiudi tutto". Utilizzando "Ignora", mi rimangono 214 tracce nel browser web ed il semaforo mi rimane rdi colore rosso.
Cosa posso fare?
Ringrazio anticipatamente per il disturbo.

Oct 05, 2021 at 06:47 PM


Wie lösche ich fehlerhafte Updates, Bsp. KB5022730
Mar 22, 2023 at 04:44 PM

slow ram

I have tried several times to speed up my computer, but to no avail... I am not very technical, so that doesnt help... the main problem is there are apps that make the screen just stop, and lag for a while... please help
Nov 12, 2021 at 03:52 PM