910 questions

Repair startup string

What is the startup string ?
Nov 22, 2022 at 12:08 AM

Заблокирован доступ к системному файлу

Не возможно изменить или удалить системный файл (C:\Boot\BCD), т. к. он занят и ократ в SESTEM
Nov 21, 2022 at 10:49 AM

Perdi minha chave do Windows Original OEM apos executar o BootSpeed13

O que eu devo fazer para recuperar minha chave do Windoss Original? Pois apos instalar e exceutar este programa, tive este prejuizo inacreditavel.
Nov 20, 2022 at 12:04 AM

Windows Explorer Is SLOW To Search For Folders

Windows Explorer Is SLOW To Search For Folders when I try to SAVE any type of file. The Scroll Bar at left side keeps jumping up & down, then the cursor begins to spin & spin as if in a freeze mode. Finally, all of these ODD Actions STOP & CALM DOWN. Then it
FINALLY allows me to click & select the Folder I need to get into. This is STRANGE. Can you explain WHY this is happening ?? YES
-- I do use AUGLOGICS Boost Speed 13 (UPDATED) to do Maintenance & CleanUp on my Laptop (Windows 7), but still this problem does NOT want to go away. YES -- I did INDEXING Function several times on my Laptop, but still no improvement. Do You Have ANY
Suggestions for me ?? Other than to do a Complete Factory RESET of My Laptop ??
Nov 18, 2022 at 09:37 AM

System Scan

Every time I run a system scan Boostspeed highlights the TCP/IP internet setting as needing attention. It then says it's resolved it. This occurs on every system scan run.
Any thoughts?
Nov 17, 2022 at 09:38 AM

Background processes

I have the idea that background processes lower the framerates of my flight simulator, leading to stutters. When I examine the resource monitor, I see that about 200 background processes are running, even when totally none program is active. I cannot image why all those processes are neccessary. All those processes have names that doesn't give my any insight in what all those processes are doing. How can I find out which processes I can stop and which are mandatory?
Nov 15, 2022 at 10:25 AM

Re-enable the Windows key on the keyboard

How do I Re-enable the Windows key on the keyboard. Something in Boostspeed disabled it.
Nov 14, 2022 at 05:14 PM

Addressing a specific drive

Firstly, what a wonderful piece of software. Always very cautious about programmes which can permanently delete items and never apologise when deleting an incorrect one. So far this is behaving perfectly.

My question is, is it possible to adress just a specific disk, for instance, can I ask the software to only process a requirement on my I drive or any other drive.

By chance is this an Australian designed programme?


John Terry
Nov 14, 2022 at 11:50 AM

File Explorer

Since running Deep Disk Cleaner the File Explorer view options are now greyed out!
Nov 13, 2022 at 07:14 AM


What catogory do I run to resolve RUNDll32 not working?
Nov 12, 2022 at 04:34 PM

Window 11

Impossible d'ouvrir fichier ods sous Window 11.Que faut il faire ?
Nov 08, 2022 at 07:48 PM

Windows 7

Auslogics scanned pc restarted now lost D drive How do i recover it
Nov 05, 2022 at 07:51 PM


when i boot up it takes about 7 minutes---it has never been this slow and i dis-abled alot of progams..will your program help with this?
Nov 04, 2022 at 12:50 PM

перенос Windows

как произвести разделения диска что бы перенести виндус на другую часть диска ?
Nov 03, 2022 at 09:59 PM

Screen Size

Hi just wanted to ask when are you going to give us TV users a 300% option cos its hard to read at 4K
Nov 03, 2022 at 08:19 PM


wifi not connect
Oct 30, 2022 at 06:24 AM



J'ai un problème de connexion tant sur ma messagerie mails (Orange) que sur certains sites qui nécessitent notamment une connexion via FRANCE CONNECT ou les banques

Je pense avoir fait un bon nettoyage par votre biais mais en même temps je ne sais pas exactement ce qu'il faudrait supprimer...
Est-ce que le fait d,avoir Google Chrome est mieux ?
Est-ce que j'ai Kaspersky et CCleaner et maintenant Auslogics, ça ne fait pas interférance
car c'est vraiment des interférances : pas toujours les mêmes blocages mais toujours en début de connexion (par ex, quand je veux changer de comptes de messagerie alors que les 3 sont sur Orange...)

merci et à bientôt !
Oct 27, 2022 at 02:05 PM

Bootspeed 13 Pro | x64 version


This is not a issue, it is a technical question about Bootspeed version availability.

I have recently installed a free version of Bootspeed 12 in my home computer. It is a nice-to-have product but noticed that it is a 32-bit version. Is a x64 PRO version also available?

Even if this is not the case, will the upcoming product version (Bootspeed 13 PRO) have a 64-bit version?

Thank you.
Best regards

Jorge Ambrosio

PS: My installation OS is MS Windows 10 Home, x64 version, with Intel i7 CPU, and 32GB of RAM.
Oct 26, 2022 at 10:28 AM

Desaparecen los textos

Buenas tardes,

¿como puedo resolver el problema de qué en ocasiones desaparecen los textos en algunos programas, emails, cuadros de diálogo, menús de ventanas y nombres en los íconos de archivos? y no reaparecen hasta que reinicio sesión en windows.
Oct 24, 2022 at 09:15 PM

Errors 0x80070091 and 0x8007016a

Can the pro version of Auslagics find and repair the cause of errors 0x80070091 and 0x8007016a?
Oct 22, 2022 at 09:18 PM


Me gustaria saber si la version pro de este programa arregla los errores y archivos dañados del registro de windows 7 version 64 bits.
Espero su respuedta. aun estoy usando la version gratis de este programa.
Jun 04, 2022 at 05:05 PM

Is it safe to delete this keys


I tried to uninstall a software, but that doesn't seem to have gone well.
It is 4k video downloader.

Reinstalling doesn't work because I get the message that it is still there on my PC.

Now I have downloaded your software and when I search for keys of this 4k software, I get a list of almost 500 keys, see photo.

When I check, when I stand on it with the cursor, it all shows 4k.

Now my question is, is this safe to remove?

Thanks in advance for your cooperation.

Yours sincerely

John de Vries

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Nov 17, 2023 at 11:15 AM

Windows Update

This error code might help: (0x80004002).
Can you guys help? Tried everything. I can't seem to fix this.
Nov 09, 2023 at 01:23 PM

Set up your Computer

Each time I log in to Win 11 I am asked if I want to set up my computer.

Is there any way to removed this annoyance? The app doesn't appear in my list of installed apps.
Sep 09, 2022 at 07:03 AM

DirectPlay issue

Every since I installed Auslogics driver updater I keep getting a message that I need to install directplay. Directplay won't install on my computer and if I choose to skip the installation the attached notification constantly comes up. Is Auslogics driver updater or Bootspeed calling for this outdated windows feature. If I uninstall driver updater I don't get that notification.
Oct 21, 2022 at 05:25 PM

Audio problem in Windows 11 Pro

How do I repair Windows 11 Pro sound issues with Auslogics BoostSpeed 13? Thanks!
Nov 27, 2023 at 02:18 PM

System Scan

Every time I run a system scan Boostspeed highlights the TCP/IP internet setting as needing attention. It then says it's resolved it. This occurs on every system scan run.
Any thoughts?
Nov 17, 2022 at 09:38 AM

Boost speed does not recognise pro

I have been using pro version for several years now it asks me to activate pro which it rquires me to pay for which is totally wrong as I renewed my subscription in 2021. It also tell me that an admistrator has blocked me opening the program, this is aloso wrong as I am the system operator and have not blocke Boostspeed. I have re- installed the program and re entered the key 3 times so far it will not work correctly as it tell me tah I don not have pro which is WRONG.
Jan 22, 2022 at 08:07 AM


0х80042302 и 0х81000203 как испраить?
Nov 19, 2023 at 04:49 PM

Не активируется программа при наличии лицензионного ключа

Добрый день! Образовались проблемы с Вашей программой: не активируется про версия (у меня есть подписка и лицензионный ключ), не запускается программа отдель после закрытия ( пишет: "Администратор заблокировал доступ к этому приложению". Очень странно, ведь я этого не делал)) и подтормаживания и общие сбои в работе приложения, хотя система весьма мощная и не хватку мощности можно смело исключить. Как быть? Что делать?
Jan 25, 2022 at 04:25 AM

mcafee popouts stupid

how can disable or uninstall mcafee that seems to have been install by ms in windows10?
Oct 08, 2023 at 11:57 AM

What does this DOS/DSS commandline Window temporarily at bootup mean?

SInce installing Auslogics BoostSpeed, it hasn't been happening, but what does this mean?
Nov 01, 2023 at 07:52 PM


Nov 07, 2023 at 10:25 AM

imagen de sistema

¿Se puede crear una imagen del sistema operativo en aulosgics boostspeed 13?
Jan 25, 2023 at 06:06 AM

Stop disbaling it

How do i get your software to not to disable Windows Search and search indexer
Jan 27, 2023 at 07:24 PM

File Explorer

Since running Deep Disk Cleaner the File Explorer view options are now greyed out!
Nov 13, 2022 at 07:14 AM

Slow computer

Before I started to use Auslogics my computer was very slow. Then I used your Auslogics and the computer was much faster. However, few days aftrer it become slow again from day to day. Every few days i do full Scan and Clean and it help a little bit (it become a bit faster , but not as it was the first time i did the first scan and then again after few hours it become slow again,
Jun 27, 2022 at 05:17 AM

wakeup problems

I dont turn off laptop at night. I run it with lid closed when in use.
I used to just move the mouse in the morning to wake it up, but not now.
I now have to open lid to wake it up and monitor shows large icons, clicking on Firefox gives a screen too big to use.
I then close lid to get the smaller icons that are usable.
Hitting the WIN key + P and choosing second screen only also fixes the icon size problem.
I went through all the 'wakeup' fixes I could find but to no avail.
There is a small chance this is a cat problem, I have several.
Any suggestions?
subcategory choices makes me think "windows" was wrong category to choose.
Oct 24, 2023 at 08:38 PM

Luz noturna

A luz noturna deixou de funcionar, não posso mudar para a cor mais suave
Sep 04, 2023 at 05:13 PM

laptop processor activity in 100%

i have core Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-7700HQ CPU @ 2.80GHz 2.80 GHz, 24 gb ram, 512 nvme pci 3,0, hdd, 2 gb graphics, win 11 legal windows homw, when the computer starts, the cpu % is always in 100%, in between while woring normally, the processor % goes always 100%. can youguide regarding this.



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Sep 20, 2023 at 11:07 AM