910 questions

Slow browser and switching applications

I believe I have run all of the BoostSpeed tools. However, my system is now just slow...

There are long delays when switching apps (i.e., I had to close BoostSpeed with Task Manager and reopen it to avoid a interminal hour glass when opening this form)

Opening new broswer tabs can take 10s of seconds to forever. i primarily use firefox and have tried clearing the cache and cookies. The loading indicator on the tab just keeps cycling, sometimes even after the screen refreshes it keeps cycling.

I use Norton, but I do not think it is blocking anything. One thought, I may have unintentially disabled a needed start-up application I checked the interet speed here and its 1MB down and 5MB up... At home I have the same problems with >100MB. I'm using a new Lenovo Yoga , windows 10 PC.

Let me know if I can run/export anything to help you..

Thank you, Jim Winer
Nov 24, 2020 at 03:41 PM

display settings/function

My 'brightness control' slider dissapeared in Windows 10 and I can't figure out a way to get it back. Now the screen just stays fairly bright all the time. There also isn't one in the notifications tab that I could us instead of the missing one on the desktop.
Nov 23, 2020 at 02:01 PM


Добрий.Подскажите што мне делать в такой ситуации?

Nov 18, 2020 at 05:12 PM

Upgrading Windows Vista to 10

I have an old Vista laptop and it's pretty slow. Can I upgrade it to Windows 10? Can I use BoostSpeed on Vista?
Nov 18, 2020 at 03:42 PM

ONEdrive freezing PC

How to improve onedrive velocity?
Nov 15, 2020 at 04:59 PM


Проблеми с пуском из за того что ставлю найвисший приоритет в елекропитание видеокарти.Незнаю как решить ету проблему,также после обновления видеокарты .HD5000 виндовс делает перезагрузку системи и появляеца синий екран смерти.До обновлений драйверов видеокарти и обновлений виндовс таких проблем ненаблудалось.

Nov 14, 2020 at 04:29 PM

Problema con servidor de internet y administrador de dispositivos

Whenever I restart my pc, it does not want to connect to the internet, it appears connected but does not open internet pages, and the error solver says, it fails in the router dns, but it is not that, because in other devices it works fine, I must restart the internet modem or take out the ethernet cable until the line comes back, my service provider came and checked with his laptop, it works fine, they told me there is a problem on my pc. To connect the ethernet cable I use a HUB (photos) because my laptop does not have a direct connection to ethernet, and for some time, when I installed AUSLOGICS BOOTSPEED, I did some programming and it gave me an error in the device driver desktop, I don't know if that is doing something on my pc, I don't like to be connecting and disconnecting the ethernet cable, because it is supposed to work, no need to reboot or remove the cable. Since I installed AUSLOGICS BOOTSPEED, I HAVE GOT SEVERAL BUGS IN MY PC, I DON'T KNOW IF THEY CAN HELP ME TO SOLVE IT. I already tried everything.
Nov 13, 2020 at 07:22 PM


Computor will not up date because it keeps saying something missing (0x8024a105) thats what is missing what is it?
Nov 13, 2020 at 06:15 AM

A Game Application

I keep getting an error code that says 0xC0000005 (0x0) N whenever i try and boot up the application and I'm not sure what it means or how to fix it. It tells me to scan and repair the application but that won't work either. I tried placing the file but it wouldn't let me.
Nov 13, 2020 at 05:23 AM

Protect Doesn't Recognise MS Edge

It was working for a while on Bostspeed 10, but then it stopped working. I upgraded to Boostspeed 11 because there was no support for BS10 after BS11 came out.

BoostSpeed 11 still doesn't appear to recognise Microsoft Edge

Nov 12, 2020 at 08:55 PM

Запретить windows кэшировать в mapping file

Добрый день. Иногда падают игры, с ошибкой на нехватку оперативной памяти. Проблема в том что WIN10 уводит в кэш слишком много памяти. На скриншоте 1.6гб+, но это после чистки. было 10гб.
Используя RAMMap.exe выявил что те 10гб были схаваны Mapped File: standby. Почистил. но сейчас опять память утекает..
как можно отключить это недоразумение?
Служба SuperFetch отключена. Что еще может жрать память и не отдавать её?
Nov 12, 2020 at 02:19 PM

Siempre se sobrecalienta el cpu al 100%

Veo en el admin de tareas y dice integrator.exe usando 56% de cpu y optimizer.exe dice 23%
Nov 12, 2020 at 01:32 PM

Intermittent PC Crashes/Freezes

To Whom It May Concern,

I intiated my original correspondence on the 5th November as indicated below:

I, now, upload the Event View Log, in the hope this will assist you in resolving this issue. Many thanks. As an aside, I think there should, also, be an option to 'Add File' from my account page. Instead, I am obligated to intiate another question to include this file and this should not be the case, when it is part of the same, initial, question.

This is a bit ridiculous. I am asked to create a log from the Event Viewer which is 'saved as' a .evtx file and now I cannot add it! Neither can I add it in a format that is recognised by Auslogics! Wow! Really, really helpful - Not!

I await an update at your earliest available opportunity.

Kind regards,


Ian R. W

Dear Ian,

Thank you for posting your question on our forum.

The easiest way to solve the issue is to uninstall the program that creates this error or contact their support.

Often, such errors are created by hacked software or bugs in software that can only be solved by their developers.

Running the command "sfc / scannow" in CMD under the admin might help with the issue.

You can also send to our support logs with system information and event viewer so that we can better understand the issue.

To get the system information report press Start -> Run, type in MSINFO32 and press the Enter button. Save the report using the File -> Save menu option.

To get logs from event viewer, please do the following:

1. Press the key combination "Windows" + "X"

2. Select "Event Viewer"

3. Expand the "Custom Viewer" subsection

4. Select "Administrative Events"

5. Expand the "Action" menu

6. Click on "Save all events in custom view as ..."

7. Save log to PC

If you need any further assistance or have any other questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Upvote (0)

Ian W
Edited 7 days ago
Waiting for moderation
Dear Suzanna,

Your prompt response to my request for technical support is very much appreciated.

Further to your recommendations I have now run the commend "sfc /SCANNOW in CMD under the Administrator privileges.In the event, corrupted files were found and successfully repaired.

At this stage, I think I will see if this provides system stability, before sending the associated report with the Windows Event Viewer.

I remain grateful for your attention, time, effort and co-operation in this assisting me to resolve this issue.

Kind regards


Ian R. W

Dear Suzanna,

Further to my correspondence sent to you on the 5th November, I have continued to receive intermittent crashes/freezing on my PC, so as recommended, I attach the associated Event View Log, in the hope this data will be able to assist you in resolving my issue.

Kind regards,


Ian R. W

Nov 12, 2020 at 01:09 PM

battery not charging

my battery is not charging. i lost the invoice from the assus dealer in goa, india namely INTECH COMPUTERS, Porvorim, Goa. He is not giving the duplicate. checked online and saw that the warranty of this laptom expires on May 27, 2020, whereas I bought this laptop in April 2020. I smell something fishing with this dealer. took it to service centre, they say that warranty expired as above, and if at all they can help they want the invoice.

Nov 12, 2020 at 12:01 PM

archivos duplicados

como eliminar archivos duplicados
Nov 10, 2020 at 11:53 AM

Не очищается корзина

Не могу очистить корзину,требуется разрешение администратора компьютера,кроме меня больше нет пользователей на этом компьютере !
Восстановить файлы не получается,очистить нельзя,вырезать тоже,проверял компьютер на вирусы и делал проверку дисков,всё хорошо
Что делать,как очистить корзину ? Меня это очень раздражает !
Windwos 10 x64

Nov 09, 2020 at 07:12 AM

блютуз гарнитура

не могу подключить блютуз гарнитуру, система ее видит но не подключает

Nov 08, 2020 at 03:29 AM

computer shutsoff randomly

Nov 07, 2020 at 01:06 AM

display scaling

there is no nvidia in the settings display scaling, there is only gpu
I play cs go, and I would like to know how to optimize the pc for this game, + I want to minimize impuct lag
the mouse often floats and the screen is blurry
Nov 05, 2020 at 09:49 AM


Trying to fix 'Enter your user name and password for th efollowing server' message - when I go into mail accounts and re-enter the password a rundll32 problem comes up. Should I run your software Auslogics Trouble shooter?

Thank you,
Nov 04, 2020 at 10:48 PM



Jun 28, 2020 at 10:18 AM

After Auslogics did some repairs, alot doesnt work

I really cant type out the problems im having all because there are so many... I just got a Performace Scan message from Auglogics as I am typing this message stating "its been 6 days since your last scan" but im afraid to run anything on auglogics. I need a Tech that knows computers very well to remote connect to my laptop and see if they can fix some if not all of these problems that came about. I will list some of the problems I am encountering but first I want to say that everthing did work before. I used to be a windows insider but now my diagnostic data is set to basic and i cant chage it to full.. In yellow, at the top of the windows settings page it now says that I do not have authorization or this setting is being controlled by your organizer. I dont have an Organizer. Ive never seen that Yellow Font orginazation control lock or what ever it is, ever before until about a week ago when i ran the last scan with auglogics. Its not just on that Diagnostic sending part, I find that I get that controlled by my orginazation lock out on all kinds of settings and controls. I work as a heavy equipment machinery driver and work doesnt even have comptures, im not in school or connected to any school account.. I bought my own brand new laptop about 3 months ago, its connected on my home network Optimum Internet and my outlook account isnt attached to anything but my Xbox One X and like i said it was never there before... I cant type in any Windows app or the task bar without having to hit the windows key + R and enter C:\Windows\System32\ctfmon.exe and then it works, but needs to be done everytime i turn my laptop on... I used to always have my Samsung Fit 64 gig tiny flat USB and my SDXC 64 gig 170Mbps read/write card set to enable read and write and catch. Not Readyboost.. but now i cant do that. both USB and SDXC are all over the place.. I have gigabyte speed from optimum and yet my whole computer runs slow... I cant type in the search bar and get my apps show up, or update, or power plan. nothing... AND for some reason, Ive NEVER had 4 accounts. when i turn my laptop on i can only log into my account like normal. but then when you look at the account users, theres administrator, then there is like 3 accounts of my name.. i dont know what to do

May 06, 2020 at 04:31 PM





佐藤光則  hsny7743@uranus.dti.ne.jp
Jun 24, 2021 at 07:08 AM

My wireless driver is not working

This is the second time this has happened and it has something to do with this softwarre Auslogics 11 after a deep scan took place. But now I cant restore the driver because it seems to be blocked,
The diagnostic's say "Windows can not bind the IP protocol stack to the network."
This is with my wireless adapter and not with my LAN, But I need my wireless adapter asap. Yes I have tried reinstalling the driver and it says the same thing,

Apr 15, 2020 at 03:02 PM

Auslogics Driver Updater

Уже не первый раз встроенный антивирус Windows 10 "ругается" на программу, после чего удаляет DriverUpdaterHelper.dll, выдаёт код ошибки 0х0000007Е, и просит переустановить программу. А сейчас при попытке загрузки сетапа с вашего сайте пишет, что она содержит вредоносную программу. Пожалуйста, подскажите, как мне решить данную проблему, чтобы на будущее я с ней не сталкивался? Форма техподдержки непосредственно по вашим программам не работает ни через Мозиллу, ни через Хром, сообщения не отправляются, поэтому пишу здесь. Пожалуйста, сбросьте мой счётчик бесплатных вопросов.
Apr 02, 2020 at 01:36 PM

Компьютер тормозит и зависает

В некоторые моменты зависает компьютер, иногда зависает отдельные поля(рабочий стол, панель задач, меню Пуск).
Курсором мыши возможно передвигать, но с различными программами невозможно взаимодействовать, а некоторые попросту не отвечают. Открытие вкладок и поисковые запросы в браузере выполняются очень медленно, а при просмотре видео(на том же Youtube) долго загружается.
Сначало подумал на выход из строя процессора, т.к он не слишком уж новый, да и проблема мне показалась такого рода. Почистил и заменил термопасту процессор, на вид он в хорошем состоянии(без сколов и царапин). После этого пол дня все было нормально но потом все продолжилось.
Дальше я начал искать решение проблемы в интернете, чего я только не перепробывал, и выключение службы Центра обновления Windows, проверки на вирусы и мусорные файлы, чистил реестр, дефрагментировал диски( для этого скачал данную программу). Только после дефрагментации дисков компьютер работал без перебоев и зависаний день, но на следующий все по новой.
Уже незнаю в чем может быть проблема, единственное на что подаю подозрения так это жетский диск, но и то не факт что это верно

Oct 27, 2020 at 09:03 AM


I have new core i3 4130 with 500gb hard disk and 8 gb ram with all drivers updated but my windows crashes frequently I have scanned the whole pc no virus found then why is this happening?

Dec 19, 2019 at 07:52 AM

Driver Update Stuck

When scanning with the Driver Updater application it stops when scanning the Alienware Command Center Win32 Component Device. It has been sitting there for over 20 minutes.

May 21, 2021 at 04:02 PM

Installation audio realtek


A chaque recherche de mise a jour sous windows, les mêmes fichiers se réinstalle systématiquement.
Conserne pilotes audio (realtek)

Denis Schmitt
Jul 01, 2020 at 07:23 PM

ONEdrive freezing PC

How to improve onedrive velocity?
Nov 15, 2020 at 04:59 PM

boostspeed being blocked

Hi. I have recently downloaded malwarebytes and it wont allow anything through from auslogics and deletes the program then wont let me download boostspeed12 again. I have tried the ignore list, but still no good. any help please? ozzyos

Aug 09, 2021 at 12:01 PM

взлом компьютера

Моим компьютером кто то упрвлял, я точно не могу сказать как, он запустил игру в стиме, а у меня там общий аккаунт с другим человеком и я не знаю это вирус я подхватил или какой то баг, и вот как мне узнать что теперь мой компьютер точно в безопасности ?

Sep 22, 2020 at 10:07 AM

Systemwide freeze

Hello Support. On 02/13/20 I purchased an iBUYPOWER gaming desktop from BestBuy:

•model BB971 which includes the TUF B365M-PLUS Gaming ASUS motherboard, Intel 15-9400F, 6-Core 2.9GHz (4.1 GHz Turbo) NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1660 6GB. It has a 240GB solid state drive & 1TB SATA III hard drive. And includes Windows 10 home edition. (see CPUID report attached for further description)

However it continues to freeze up at various times throughout the day for typically about 4 seconds. So I tried a number of repairs after researching this problem on the internet; where I saw that many other people have had this same issue. None of those repairs have worked so far. Notably, I have NOT revised the BIOS as it appears to have the latest version: 1201 dated 07/15/19.

Do you have a solution for this? I love this desktop and have already loaded all my applications, so really don’t want to return it for a new one.

Mar 27, 2020 at 01:57 AM

system is slow

the system is too damn slow, everythin keeps crashing and all tha stuff... yesterday i encountered a disk read error
plz help.. i had also bought/registered em auslogics driver installer but it kept on crashing and last hour an error came up saying some f***in file was missing and shit.I DIDNT EVEN TOUCH ANYTHIN. i hav avg anti antivirus (thot) and kaspersky tdss killerso yeaa i ran a deep scan and a root kit scan but alas no virus was found either. SO PLZZ HELPP my ames keeeeeep on crashing and stuff
whenever i open somethin well, it only stays 'opened' for like a min or half and then my whole system freezes. i had earlier enabled that whenever there gonna be critical error, bootspeed's gonna restart my system and stuff
plz helpp i hv had enough of this shit plzzzz !
i cant even add a file cos my system keeps hangin so i cant even snap a screenshot
plzzz devs help plzz
Sep 05, 2020 at 08:29 AM

ripristino impostazione privacy per inviare dati

Buongiorno, non trovo piu le impostazioni per ripristinare la privacy di windows in quanto inseder volevo inviare i dati a microsoft.

Mar 23, 2020 at 10:04 AM

Does not open on click, File Open required.

MS Excel does not open on click, need to go to File Open. When received as an email attachment, MS Excel only opens a blank grey screen. Can only open after saving attachment then doing a File Open.
Tried the DDE thinh and your software said it had made the necessary changes to allow MSExcel files to be opened by clicking on them rather than using File Open

Apr 07, 2020 at 04:37 PM

PC Randomly Resarts

My PC keeps restarting radomly. Some days its fine normaly while gaming. I went online and saw that your website said it could fix it. After following the steps i still have the issue.

Please can you help

Apr 12, 2020 at 01:07 PM

System Restore

Desktop just started on off when sitting in sleep mode, A tried to update Microsoft Windows 10, took update, Still on off multi. times daily B, tried System restore tells me could not preform System Restore Still on ,off mode , C What setting in resuce center would fix this System Restore problem.s all from same date around System 3 or 4 from same date close to restore point date. Is Boostspeed 11 causing this problem

Apr 16, 2020 at 06:59 PM

no sound, drivers not there

Hi! I've used boostspeed for maybe a year or so, and recently driver updater. Somewhere since driver updater my computer has been off. Also, it should be mentioned that my computer will no longer even work with driver updater. Driver updater turned my computer into a nonfunctional brick, that couldn't even get past boot up. It took me a long time to reset it back to where it was. The driver updater program no longer works on my computer. I tried running it 10 times, each time driver updater program crashes and sends you guys a report.

Somewhere in there something uninstalled my "conexant and real hd audio drivers." Sounds simple enough for me to just go download and reinstall, but ive done that several times and they never show up. I have tried manually downloading and installing, and also let HP installer attempt to install the drivers. But they still don't even show up anywhere on my computer, not on C drive, not under "conexant" file (where there is just USB driver).

I have tried doing system restore like 4 times to put the computer back to an earlier date (when my audio still worked), still no drivers show up. Even my computer will say after the attempted restore point process, "failed to restore system."

So my computer has audio via bluetooth, but not through the headphone jack line in or the laptop speakers. I work in audio and video, so this is an issue. I am literally 3 days late in completing my video projects because i get get sound on this laptop... and getting sound via bluetooth won't cut it with the delay and wrong speaker connections.

I have somewhere in the neighborhood of 100+ apps that i've installed on my computer for video and audio, software keys, licensing programs, etc... amongst others. It took me around 2 weeks to install all of those. I do not want to have to do a complete reinstall of windows to get this my computer to work. Can you please help me figure out what I need to do to get this thing fixed? Any help is appreciated!
Mar 26, 2021 at 10:52 PM

I can no longer get Windows Updates

My desktop PC can no longer receive Windows 10 updates.

Below is the error message that has come up over and over again, for the past 2 months:

2020-06 Cumulative Update for Windows 10 Version 1909 for x64-based Systems (KB4560960)
Status: Download error - 0x800700c1

Currently, I have Windows 10 Home (64-bit) v. 1909, build. 18363.720.

I also have another computer (a laptop) with Windows 10 Home (64-bit) and all the Windows 10 updates have worked fine, including the latest "May v.2004" update.

Can you help me with my desktop computer? I'd like to be able to continue installing new Windows updates on it.

Thank you.

Myron Achtman (Canada)

Jun 15, 2020 at 07:06 PM