910 questions

Microsoft activation request when there is already validated OEM version on laptop

How to resolve Microsoft activation request when there is already validated OEM version on laptop, and entering the product key that the Auslogics system ionformation report shows as being the valid key for my Win10 install.
Mar 12, 2023 at 07:56 PM

Nach Scannen und alles reparieren kein W-Lan

Nach Scannen und alles reparieren kein W-Lan mehr.
Durch rückgängig machen aller von Ihrem Programm gemachte änderungen über Datei/Rescu Center
W-Lan wieder da.
Mar 11, 2023 at 02:43 PM

Windows 11 Task Bar Not on Top

In Windows 11, when I move the cursor to the bottom of the screen, the task bar does not pop up unless I touch a corner of it. And when it does pop up, it doesnot pop up on top of other windows on the screen. Is this a known issue with windows 11 or is thjere a setting I'm missing?
Keith Johnson
Mar 10, 2023 at 02:30 PM

Unstable screen images

My screen images can shake slightly and a purple haze appears on and off. Sometimes computer won't restart. Please advise.
Mar 10, 2023 at 01:41 PM

corrupt window 10

can you fix it - micosoft support cant, need to instal new version., windows softare install fails rest option fails
Mar 04, 2023 at 10:52 AM

Disc Clean Clobbers VS Installer files

After I clean my disk, it seems that some VS Installer files are removed, such that it loses track of my installed versions of VS 2019 and VS 2022.

How can I protect that particular installation?
Mar 03, 2023 at 06:45 PM

how to fix stop code kernel data inpage error

My computer have this problem very often can you help me, please. Thank you so much
Mar 02, 2023 at 03:38 AM

советы из Youtube не помогают

Имею постоянную проблему с обновлением Windows 11. Посоветуйте действенній алгоритм решения. Или лучше переустановить?
Mar 01, 2023 at 07:46 AM


Что делать если пк выключается сам спустя время при полной зарядкеи начинает тормазить
Feb 23, 2023 at 05:52 PM

Dasboard SCAN cannot terminate CHROME.EXE

After running a SCAN, and choosing to resolve the issues that were found, BoostSpeed 13 is unable to terminate Chrome.exe.
In the list of termination failures there are several instance of Chrome.exe

Choosing IGNORE allows me to bypass the panel.

Boostspeed 13 is current with all maintenance
Feb 23, 2023 at 04:52 PM


How to fix high ram,memory and cpu usage
Feb 23, 2023 at 09:28 AM

RE: Need browser attachment advice

I Can't upload files to websites using any browser on my windows 10 home edition.

Can you help me?

Feb 19, 2023 at 11:01 PM

despues de suspender, arranca con TEMP

Puse mi desktop en modo SUSPENDER. y ahora arranca con un perfil TEM, como soluciono??
Feb 19, 2023 at 07:14 PM

Boostspeed 13 startup externalized to Windows desktop every boot

Everytime I boot up my Windows 10 laptop, Boostspeed 13 i set to startup in the settings, however on each boot, the Boostspeed dashboard is extranalized to the Windows desktop and always at the Registry Analysis tab.

How can I stop the Boostspeed dashboard from being extranalized on every boot-up?
Feb 16, 2023 at 08:23 PM

Spinner GIF Keeps Spinning on Some Websites

Whenever I go to a site that requires some time to load, e.g., http://www.fpcanada.ca/findaplanner
I keep seeing the spinnning GIF wheel as I wait for the web page to load, which it does not and then times out..
So far, it happens with Edge, Google, and Firefox. I have restarted several times and have cleared the cache, flushed DNS, reset the browsers, completed a deep clean, registry clean, and optimized internet settings with SpeedBoost, run two anti-virus malware programs (Windows Secuity and Malware Bytes), and have run memory diagnostics. All with the same result - no change.

Windows and the browsers are all up-to-date.

When I inspect the Javascript (>by right-clicking on the Spinner), I see that the Spinner is there and seems to be waiting.

Any suggestions?
Feb 16, 2023 at 02:57 PM


Windows crashes... I don't see any particular connection between the crashes except that I get this message...

windows.com/stopcode MEMORY_MANAGEMENT

any ideas? Thanks David

Feb 13, 2023 at 08:34 PM

Annoying Windows Pop Up Notification

A few months ago, it started to show up an annoying Windows pop up message stating that my laptop (Lenovo, Windows 10) needs DirectPlay feature. I don't even know what is DirectPlay neither what is used for. The message displays two options: install or skip installation of DirectPlay. No matter what I choose it keeps showing up every time I turn on my laptop.
my question is: how can I get rid of this annoying pop up Windows notification?
Feb 04, 2023 at 08:42 PM

Memory Insufficient

I am running Auslogics Disk Defrag 11 on a Windows 2012 R2 server.
Full Version (PRO)
I have two drives I am trying to defrag. It used to work but now I am getting "Memory insufficient to perform this operation"

The drives are large:
R drive 83 TB - 19 TB free
S drive 40 TB - 18 TB free
It has 128 GB of memory
Page file is set set to automatic
I have a similar server and it does not have any issues.
Any settings or suggestions I could try.
I have been running Auslogic for about a year with no problem but since the last update I started having this problem on this one server.
Feb 03, 2023 at 08:39 PM

Drive local do Windows C:

I have on disk C: With 166 GB, the Windows 11 operating system and I just want the drive C: for Windows. In recent days it has been full and does not allow me to manage the available space, as it has free only 1.6 GB and honestly I do not know how to reduce files in C: which I find too risky because I can collapse the system. What was at risk of happening today. I ask: can you help me? Thanks
Manuel Araújo
Feb 02, 2023 at 04:44 PM

Boostspeed 13 startup externalized to Windows desktop every boot

Everytime I boot up my Windows 10 laptop, Boostspeed 13 i set to startup in the settings, however on each boot, the Boostspeed dashboard is extranalized to the Windows desktop and always at the Registry Analysis tab.

How can I stop the Boostspeed dashboard from being extranalized on every boot-up?
Feb 16, 2023 at 08:23 PM

the best way to free-up dwindling space on my diskdrive

My computer is slowing down more and more as I use up more diskdrive space. It is an older computer but has been super reliable until very recently. What is the most effective way to free-up hard drive space to allow Windows to be more efficient?
Oct 14, 2022 at 04:33 PM


Im having trouble with not enough COM Ports for external, USB devices.

With only 1 Si Labs Enhanced and Standard port, and 1 port for the system, as seen in Device Manage, how can I run, for example, more than one sftwr program - intended for a Ham radio transceiver - plus an external, USB microphone plus other external HDD, with or without an external USB Hub?

Why does my HP All-in-one, WIN11 system, work with the internal camera but NOT the internal microphone?

Do I need "virtual ports"? Do I need special drivers and/or hardware?


Aug 23, 2023 at 02:51 AM

license keys

If I were to buy the 3-pack of license keys, would I be able to use them over the course of three years? It says "1 year, 3 keys", but I don't know if they each expire a year after purchase or if they expire a year after they are used. For example, if I bought the keys, would I be able to use one key every year, using the three keys over the course of three years, or would I have to buy another 3-pack every year?
Dec 25, 2023 at 06:33 PM


If infected, how to get rid of it, probably trojan
Feb 05, 2024 at 06:36 AM

Screen Saver Retreval

After a through clening I seem to have lost the screen saver prompt. The program is there and working - but it does not turn on when directed. How do I rescue the code that seems to be lost?
Feb 18, 2024 at 11:47 PM

RunDLL Error Messge keeps popping up

I get this message everytime Boostspeed runs:

There was a problem starting TaskSchedulerHelper.dll The specified module could not be found.
Mar 31, 2024 at 06:20 PM

Не понимаю куда девается память

Как мне посмотреть последнии скачанные данные и понять что у меня занимает память? Я буквально скачал расширение на гугл и у меня пропало два гигабайта, как это работает (винодоус 10)
Nov 18, 2023 at 05:06 PM

Computer shuts down instead on going to sleep

My Computer shuts down instead on going to sleep. So I have to reboot to start up. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Thank You
Mar 23, 2024 at 04:19 AM


Facing constant BSOD issue
Mar 23, 2024 at 08:19 PM

очистка компьютера с w7 от мусора

как очистить комп от мусора
Mar 23, 2023 at 08:18 AM

No se oye el sonido

Hola. Llevo un par de meses en los que de golpe se corta la audicion de sonidos en mi ordenador (el testigo luminoso de mis altavoces desaparece como si éstos no tuviesen corriente eléctrica). También en la reproduccion musical. Normalmente el sonido desaparece (aunque visualmente - las lineas de volumen suben y bajan - y según información de configuración todo funciona correctamente) y vuelve a aparecer transcurridas unas horas. Estouy harto de desinstalar y volver a re-instalar el controlador. Hoy he ido un paso más allà reinstaurando sistema a un punto anterior en el tiempo. No se arregla. Aparentemente no es culpa del controlador. Todo apunta a que hay alguna aplicacion en mi ordenador que produce este efecto. O quizás esté demasiado saturado. En más de una ocasión se pierde el sonido justo después de un análisis efectuado por Auslogics BoostSpeed aunque este caso tampoco ocurre en el 100% de las veces que me quedo sin sonido. Cuando se va el sonido dura horas y cuando vuelve el sonido por sí mismo también recupera el sonido durante horas. ¿Pueden ayudarme a solucionar este molesto problema de una vez por todas?

Oct 29, 2023 at 04:06 PM

Your software seems to have stopped my search from working

Hi, I ran you softwarre to clean up my computer using the default settings. Shortly after I noticed my search was not working. I checked Search in the WIndows setting and found it was indexing my computer. It is partially indexed but appears to be stopping and starting. I cannot search with Windows Explorer or inside Outlook. Both give a result of nothing found. I found one of your actions was related to indexing and I restored this. However it is still the same. How do I fix this?

Mar 06, 2024 at 01:45 AM

Win 10. Жесткий диск С

Привет! У меня резко , за одну ночь, с дика С пропало 25 Г. Не знаю что делать? Где искать проблему? Как это можно устранить? Не подвергая свой старый ноут переустановки ОС . Windows 10 HOME 22H2 19045.3693 .
Nov 25, 2023 at 11:27 AM


Since installing BoostSpeed and using the various tools, my computer Location function is no longer operable. In Settings, all options to switch location settings on are greyed out. I have follewed various YouTube suggestions to no avail. One Registry key the videos refer to I don't seem to have anymore, although I can't find it deleted in BoostSpeed bin. The key is:- HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\lfsvc\TriggerInfo

Any ideas? Not sure how much info you need from me or how much you already know. I need to resolve this issue. I do not want to do a clean install of Windows 10 as I will lose all my Apps etc. I am not a computer expert by any means, so please keep any suggestions simple for me to understand. Thanks.
Nov 22, 2022 at 11:11 PM

Recovery points

I have windows 11, and Auslogics, but cannot locate the reovery points in either.

How does one locate, to use if necessary?
Dec 24, 2023 at 08:30 PM


Что делать если пк выключается сам спустя время при полной зарядкеи начинает тормазить
Feb 23, 2023 at 05:52 PM

Microsoft Edge and...

Win 10 problem: one update won't go through at all, Microsoft Edge opens a white page (personally) that I can't close normally, repair fails because the new install stops in the middle and never finishes. When Edge doesn't work, Outlook doesn't work, neither explorer, right-click on files doesn't work. Sometimes Edge works, but soon stops. I've tried everything, I don't know what to do. I don't use Edge, but apparently it blocks everything else for me.
Jan 16, 2024 at 08:17 PM

my battery is working fine but it says its health is bad is that a problem?

So when i test my battery health it says that its health is terrible and reccomends me to change it while its working just fine should i change it or not?
Mar 14, 2024 at 02:42 AM


when i boot up it takes about 7 minutes---it has never been this slow and i dis-abled alot of progams..will your program help with this?
Nov 04, 2022 at 12:50 PM