910 questions

eliminar sistema operativo de windows extra con su aplicacion

queria eliminar un sistema operativo que le agregue accidentalmente pero no me deja al final me tiro error (lo queria destruir) lo estaba buscando para desbloquearlo pero tampoco aparecia asi que mi pregunta es:
como hacer para eliminar el sistema operativo con su aplicacion? porque a decir verdad no quiero formatear mi disco

May 09, 2020 at 02:14 PM

Пропала регулировка яркости

Добрый день. Полностью пропала регулировка яркости после обслуживания через эту программу. Сочитание клавиш FN + яркость не работают. Ползунков нигде нет.

May 08, 2020 at 08:52 PM

МОва пк

Åñëè ó âàñ óñòàíîâèëàñü íåêòèâèðîâàííàÿ âåðñèÿ äîáâüòå shfolder.dll â èñêëþ÷åíèÿ àíòèâèðóñà.
May 07, 2020 at 09:26 AM

After Auslogics did some repairs, alot doesnt work

I really cant type out the problems im having all because there are so many... I just got a Performace Scan message from Auglogics as I am typing this message stating "its been 6 days since your last scan" but im afraid to run anything on auglogics. I need a Tech that knows computers very well to remote connect to my laptop and see if they can fix some if not all of these problems that came about. I will list some of the problems I am encountering but first I want to say that everthing did work before. I used to be a windows insider but now my diagnostic data is set to basic and i cant chage it to full.. In yellow, at the top of the windows settings page it now says that I do not have authorization or this setting is being controlled by your organizer. I dont have an Organizer. Ive never seen that Yellow Font orginazation control lock or what ever it is, ever before until about a week ago when i ran the last scan with auglogics. Its not just on that Diagnostic sending part, I find that I get that controlled by my orginazation lock out on all kinds of settings and controls. I work as a heavy equipment machinery driver and work doesnt even have comptures, im not in school or connected to any school account.. I bought my own brand new laptop about 3 months ago, its connected on my home network Optimum Internet and my outlook account isnt attached to anything but my Xbox One X and like i said it was never there before... I cant type in any Windows app or the task bar without having to hit the windows key + R and enter C:\Windows\System32\ctfmon.exe and then it works, but needs to be done everytime i turn my laptop on... I used to always have my Samsung Fit 64 gig tiny flat USB and my SDXC 64 gig 170Mbps read/write card set to enable read and write and catch. Not Readyboost.. but now i cant do that. both USB and SDXC are all over the place.. I have gigabyte speed from optimum and yet my whole computer runs slow... I cant type in the search bar and get my apps show up, or update, or power plan. nothing... AND for some reason, Ive NEVER had 4 accounts. when i turn my laptop on i can only log into my account like normal. but then when you look at the account users, theres administrator, then there is like 3 accounts of my name.. i dont know what to do

May 06, 2020 at 04:31 PM

Запуск Виндовс

Доброго времени суток. После пользования вашим продуктом у меня стало чтото не то с загрузкой виндовс. Сначала все идет нормально. Загрузка биоса. Потом заставка загрузки виндовс. Потом у меня экран отключается и в таком состоянии минут 15. Экран от ПК не получает никаких сигналов. Как мне это отключить? Что бы была нормальная загрузка рабочего стола после заставки загрузки виндовс? Это началось сразу же после использование Ауслоджик Буст Спида. Откат системы я сделать не могу.

May 06, 2020 at 05:50 AM

Отвалился BlueTooth

Добрый день
на обоих моих ноутбука пропал блутус. Возможно что то позволил исправить программе не проконтролировав. Как включить блютус снова? В скрытых девайсай его вижу. Система предлагаетпереустановить драйвер, но дело явно не в этом.

Apr 29, 2020 at 06:00 AM

POST interruption

What could be the problem when most of the time during Boot on Message "Warning System Boot fail or post interruption".

Press continue or press del to load bios setup.

Apr 27, 2020 at 08:51 AM

Why auslogics boostspeed can't solve this ?

Hello. I'm a regular gamer, but when I play a game, no matter which one, my computer always crashes. Everyday, for months. I have used boostspeed 11 many times to fix this, but despite what Auslogics promised, my computer is no more stable than before. Nothing has changed. So I’m wondering what it pays to pay for software that promises to take care of our computer’s system, if it’s just basic operations that don’t solve anything. If nothing changes, I will not renew my subscription. If you need information about my hardware, don't hesitate to ask me. Thank you. Sincerely, Arnaud

Apr 27, 2020 at 08:32 AM


I am using Windows 8.1. Is there a provision in BoostSpeed 11, for setting the Disk/Processor Temperature at which the PC will switch off?

Apr 22, 2020 at 04:00 PM

ms-resource: ProductName を取り除きたい

Windows10 バージョン 2004 (OSビルド 19041.207)

"ms-resource: ProductName"  を取り除きたい


Apr 22, 2020 at 01:56 PM

sudden shutdown

why is my pc suddenly shuts down without warning every 10 to 20 minutes

Apr 20, 2020 at 08:19 AM


Пожалуйста посоветуйте файл OpenAL32.dll. последствия

Apr 19, 2020 at 06:26 AM

Повышенное потребление ресурсов

Периодически всплывает уведомление о повышенном потреблении ресурсов. По клику открывается Task Manager, из информации в котором я понимаю только, что процессор загружен на 100%, оперативная память тоже. Я и сам замечаю, что компьютер часто тормозит и процессор нагревается до 50 градусов.
Компьютер новый (моноблок Lenovo, W10), программ в автозагрузке не более десяти. Прежний моноблок, которому более пяти лет с W 8.1, на котором установлено гораздо больше программ, ведёт себя гораздо резвее.
И что со всем этим делать? В Task Manager не вижу каких-либо инструментов. Уж не сама ли ваша программа Auslogics Boost Speed 11 тормозит систему?

Apr 18, 2020 at 05:17 PM

System Restore

Desktop just started on off when sitting in sleep mode, A tried to update Microsoft Windows 10, took update, Still on off multi. times daily B, tried System restore tells me could not preform System Restore Still on ,off mode , C What setting in resuce center would fix this System Restore problem.s all from same date around System 3 or 4 from same date close to restore point date. Is Boostspeed 11 causing this problem

Apr 16, 2020 at 06:59 PM

help needed

Hi, I don't think it's about you, but if you can help me I'll be very grateful.
i have two devices
1.micro sd 16GB apacer
2.flash memory 16GB apacer
these two device now is WRITE PROTECTED and i have download every tools and tricks exist in world for flash these but no one responding.
now pls pls pls pls pls pls help me in my country there is no official represent from apacer or others pls help me tnx a lot and i very respect u and ur works and apps


Apr 16, 2020 at 08:42 AM

My wireless driver is not working

This is the second time this has happened and it has something to do with this softwarre Auslogics 11 after a deep scan took place. But now I cant restore the driver because it seems to be blocked,
The diagnostic's say "Windows can not bind the IP protocol stack to the network."
This is with my wireless adapter and not with my LAN, But I need my wireless adapter asap. Yes I have tried reinstalling the driver and it says the same thing,

Apr 15, 2020 at 03:02 PM



Apr 15, 2020 at 10:44 AM

ноутбук Dell перестал распознавать оригинальное зарядное устройство Dell и АКБ не заряжается как раньше.


Ноутбук Dell перестал распознавать оригинальное зарядное устройство Dell и АКБ не заряжается так как раньше.
Ноутбук был приобретен новым и я единственный владец. Раньше всё было в порядке. Установка вашего ПО и запуск всех инструментов пока ничего не дал. Я не могу понять в чём причина?
Ваш софт и фирменный софт Dell сообщает что АКБ находится в отличном состоянии. Сама Windows 7 pro показывает что АКБ подключена к З/У, но сообщает что АКБ не заряжается. АКБ не заряжается даже при полном выключении или перезагрузке ноутбука.
Как решение я вижу возможность также перепрошить BIOS. Пожалуйста, помогите решить вопрос.

С уважением,
Apr 15, 2020 at 07:08 AM

Microsoft Store の各ソフト 文字化け と Microsoft Store の各ソフト 起動出来ない

Windows10 のMicrosoft store では、文字化けが多いのため、ソフト起動出来ない。 

例、ペイント3D、フィートバック、ニュース、天気、マネー 他。


Apr 14, 2020 at 03:15 AM

bluetooth is not working

hi my bluetooth is not working.i cant see the device on my laptop

Apr 13, 2020 at 07:21 PM

error message

2020-02 Cumulative Update for .NET Framework 3.5 and 4.8 for Windows 10 Version 1909 for x64 (KB4534132) - Error 0x80073712

I keep getting this error it wont down load
Feb 13, 2020 at 02:16 PM

Laptop freezing

Recently my laptop has been freezing. Then I have to turned off the laptop manually and restart. Why is that happening?

Sep 09, 2020 at 02:34 AM

Windows Update Failed

There were problems installing some updates, but we'll try again later.
2020-03 Cumulative Update for Windows 10 Version 1909 for x64-based Systems (KB4541335) - Error 0x800f081f
How to solve this problem?
Apr 02, 2020 at 02:09 PM


Con el App de AUSLOGICS BOOSTSPEED 11, hice una optimización, sobre la bateria para que cargue unicamente hasta el 90% quisiera poder modificar esto pero no se en que parte lo puedo hacer, gracias
Sep 11, 2020 at 04:06 PM


не могу активировать виндовс

Jan 09, 2020 at 12:45 PM

Luminosity disappeared

Hello, i have problem, after install bootsped 11, i can't control luminosity because disappeared in central windows 10.
Best regards

Sep 14, 2019 at 01:16 PM


I am using Windows 8.1. Is there a provision in BoostSpeed 11, for setting the Disk/Processor Temperature at which the PC will switch off?

Apr 22, 2020 at 04:00 PM

Переключение предложение

Добрый день, пользуюсь программой раз в месяц уже в течение года. Но при крайней "чистке" комьютера решил воспользоваться утилитой "удаление пустых папок" в первый раз. Процесс занял много времени, после чего перезагружал компьютер и все работало стабильно как и всегда. Но на следующий день при использовании ПК началась проблема с автоматическим переключением программ. Постараюсь объяснить. То есть при использовании например хрома, пишешь сообщение и винда сама "AltTab'ается", только не на сторонее приложение, а куда-то в пустоту на 1-2 сек и обратно переключается на используемое приложение. Даже сейчас, я пишу это, и раз в 10 сек программа выключается на пару секунд. Думал что проблема в клавиатуре или еще чём, но так ничего и не нашел.
Jul 19, 2020 at 01:03 PM


How can I get rid of the edge browser starting up every time I click on Auslogics programs. I use google chrome and I will prefer that one in the future..?

Aug 03, 2020 at 07:29 PM

Defender not working

My Windows Defender is disabled, greyed out in the windows features window; I can't start it back up and when I try to open it, I get an error message saying I need a new app to open windows defender. Why isn't my Windows Defender opening up or working at all?

Mar 01, 2020 at 12:32 PM

Im having troubles with DPC watchdog violation

Hello, its been like a month now since i started getting this BSOD and i cant find a solution how to fix it, it happens sometimes when my games crashes and sometimes happens even when im just scrolling through google.
Apr 02, 2020 at 12:57 PM

bluetooth is not working

hi my bluetooth is not working.i cant see the device on my laptop

Apr 13, 2020 at 07:21 PM

Intel bluetooth drivers

Hi there, im having issues with my bluetooth headset. Sounds choppy. Tried unintalling my bluetooth drivers but they cant be found?

Aug 06, 2020 at 11:12 PM

How to fix (delete) dead shortcuts?

After fixing of whole system {using default settings) I still see dead links to apps or files which have been moved or deleted while ago.

Ho to fix/delete dead shortcuts/links?


Mar 22, 2021 at 03:45 PM

BoostSpeed 12 clobbers Voice Recognition.

I am running Windows 10 Build 19042-2009 BoostSpeed 12 Pro. I use Microsofts Voice Recognition with Language Microsoft Speech Recognizer 8.0 for Windows (English - US). When I installed BoostSpeed and run the scan and resolve. It clobbers Voice Recognition. I get this error message after. "Speech recognition could not start because the language configuration is not supported.The recognizer language must match the language of the user interface." Checking the configuration shows that the language configuration is still what it was before it stopped working.

I run the rescue undo, and it still does not allow voice recgnition to run. I have to reinstall windows to get it to work. I have excluded Microsofts Speech folder from appdata and protected several keys in the registry to try to prevent this. Nothing I do seems to resolve the situation.
Please help.

Thank you
Dec 26, 2020 at 01:58 AM

Regular luz de la pantalla

Quiero saber porque con windows 10 no puedo regular la intensidad de luz de la pantalla. Quiero aumentar o disminuir su intensidad de brillo y no puedo.

Nov 27, 2019 at 11:03 PM

PC Crashing/Freezing

To Whom It May Concern,

In recent weeks, I have been experiencing intermittent crashing/freezing of my PC. This sometimes happens 1/3 times a day or I can go a few days without it occurring at all. It is not, actually, a BSOD - just a "straightforward' freeze or crash.

When accessing the Windows Event Log, the common denominator would appear to be identifed as follows:

Unable to open the Server service performance object. The first four bytes (DWORD) of the Data section contains the status code.

I would consider myself reasonably computer savvy, describing myself as a software 'Geek', in addition to having set-up remote computing facilities. However, this is difficult to readily identify and despite, browsing the Internet extensively, I find I cannot resolve or prevent this from crash from occurring.

The only 'fix' I have reviewed is accessing 'Windows Services' that requires the 'Server to be restarted' but as this is already running (having reset itself?) I cannot, actually, do anything:


Any advice, recommendations or support you an afford me would be very much appreciated.

I am grateful for your attention, time, effort and anticipated co-operation in assisting me to resolve this perplexing and frustrating issue.

Kind regards to you and your colleagues at Auslogics


Ian Willsher
Nov 03, 2020 at 11:11 PM

Cannot get my computer to read SD cards

I've used your device driver updater and still cannot get my computer to recognize an SD disk.

Jun 25, 2020 at 09:54 PM

I just upgraded from 10 home to 10 pro

I recently upgraded my ASUS ROG G551JW from Windows 10 Home to Windows 10 Professional. After upgrading and re installing my apps, running some Auslogics tools, and updating my drivers. I seem to have like every Add On installed and a bunch of virtual this or virtual that, Vwifi and Vethernet. My External SSD (disk letter G) is gone, Ive always had the external SSD running Read and Write to basically have it help the computers performance. I cant Install some apps or change some setting because i will either get some kind of error or it saying that it cant be done on sysWOW32 or 64 im not sure, but something like that... I would greatly GREATLY APPRECIATE if a Tech at Auslogics can remote connect to my pc and take a look at what ever problems he may notice. I received 3 questions when I joined pro and this is my last available question and would really love to have someone who knows about computers, to take a look at it. THANK YOU. Stay safe everyone...

p.s I added one screenshot i had of one of the many problems im encountering.
Jul 06, 2020 at 06:56 PM

старая программа на дисе (с) 64 битная называется 7 максисальная

как я могу убрать лишние файлы и програмы остатки 64 битной системы,очистить диск (с)

Feb 10, 2020 at 02:40 AM