890 questions

Repair startup string

What is the startup string ?
Nov 22, 2022 at 12:08 AM

Заблокирован доступ к системному файлу

Не возможно изменить или удалить системный файл (C:\Boot\BCD), т. к. он занят и ократ в SESTEM
Nov 21, 2022 at 10:49 AM

Perdi minha chave do Windows Original OEM apos executar o BootSpeed13

O que eu devo fazer para recuperar minha chave do Windoss Original? Pois apos instalar e exceutar este programa, tive este prejuizo inacreditavel.
Nov 20, 2022 at 12:04 AM

Windows Explorer Is SLOW To Search For Folders

Windows Explorer Is SLOW To Search For Folders when I try to SAVE any type of file. The Scroll Bar at left side keeps jumping up & down, then the cursor begins to spin & spin as if in a freeze mode. Finally, all of these ODD Actions STOP & CALM DOWN. Then it
FINALLY allows me to click & select the Folder I need to get into. This is STRANGE. Can you explain WHY this is happening ?? YES
-- I do use AUGLOGICS Boost Speed 13 (UPDATED) to do Maintenance & CleanUp on my Laptop (Windows 7), but still this problem does NOT want to go away. YES -- I did INDEXING Function several times on my Laptop, but still no improvement. Do You Have ANY
Suggestions for me ?? Other than to do a Complete Factory RESET of My Laptop ??
Nov 18, 2022 at 09:37 AM

System Scan

Every time I run a system scan Boostspeed highlights the TCP/IP internet setting as needing attention. It then says it's resolved it. This occurs on every system scan run.
Any thoughts?
Nov 17, 2022 at 09:38 AM

Background processes

I have the idea that background processes lower the framerates of my flight simulator, leading to stutters. When I examine the resource monitor, I see that about 200 background processes are running, even when totally none program is active. I cannot image why all those processes are neccessary. All those processes have names that doesn't give my any insight in what all those processes are doing. How can I find out which processes I can stop and which are mandatory?
Nov 15, 2022 at 10:25 AM

Re-enable the Windows key on the keyboard

How do I Re-enable the Windows key on the keyboard. Something in Boostspeed disabled it.
Nov 14, 2022 at 05:14 PM

Addressing a specific drive

Firstly, what a wonderful piece of software. Always very cautious about programmes which can permanently delete items and never apologise when deleting an incorrect one. So far this is behaving perfectly.

My question is, is it possible to adress just a specific disk, for instance, can I ask the software to only process a requirement on my I drive or any other drive.

By chance is this an Australian designed programme?


John Terry
Nov 14, 2022 at 11:50 AM

File Explorer

Since running Deep Disk Cleaner the File Explorer view options are now greyed out!
Nov 13, 2022 at 07:14 AM


What catogory do I run to resolve RUNDll32 not working?
Nov 12, 2022 at 04:34 PM

Window 11

Impossible d'ouvrir fichier ods sous Window 11.Que faut il faire ?
Nov 08, 2022 at 07:48 PM

Windows 7

Auslogics scanned pc restarted now lost D drive How do i recover it
Nov 05, 2022 at 07:51 PM


when i boot up it takes about 7 minutes---it has never been this slow and i dis-abled alot of progams..will your program help with this?
Nov 04, 2022 at 12:50 PM

перенос Windows

как произвести разделения диска что бы перенести виндус на другую часть диска ?
Nov 03, 2022 at 09:59 PM

Screen Size

Hi just wanted to ask when are you going to give us TV users a 300% option cos its hard to read at 4K
Nov 03, 2022 at 08:19 PM


wifi not connect
Oct 30, 2022 at 06:24 AM



J'ai un problème de connexion tant sur ma messagerie mails (Orange) que sur certains sites qui nécessitent notamment une connexion via FRANCE CONNECT ou les banques

Je pense avoir fait un bon nettoyage par votre biais mais en même temps je ne sais pas exactement ce qu'il faudrait supprimer...
Est-ce que le fait d,avoir Google Chrome est mieux ?
Est-ce que j'ai Kaspersky et CCleaner et maintenant Auslogics, ça ne fait pas interférance
car c'est vraiment des interférances : pas toujours les mêmes blocages mais toujours en début de connexion (par ex, quand je veux changer de comptes de messagerie alors que les 3 sont sur Orange...)

merci et à bientôt !
Oct 27, 2022 at 02:05 PM

Bootspeed 13 Pro | x64 version


This is not a issue, it is a technical question about Bootspeed version availability.

I have recently installed a free version of Bootspeed 12 in my home computer. It is a nice-to-have product but noticed that it is a 32-bit version. Is a x64 PRO version also available?

Even if this is not the case, will the upcoming product version (Bootspeed 13 PRO) have a 64-bit version?

Thank you.
Best regards

Jorge Ambrosio

PS: My installation OS is MS Windows 10 Home, x64 version, with Intel i7 CPU, and 32GB of RAM.
Oct 26, 2022 at 10:28 AM

Desaparecen los textos

Buenas tardes,

¿como puedo resolver el problema de qué en ocasiones desaparecen los textos en algunos programas, emails, cuadros de diálogo, menús de ventanas y nombres en los íconos de archivos? y no reaparecen hasta que reinicio sesión en windows.
Oct 24, 2022 at 09:15 PM

Errors 0x80070091 and 0x8007016a

Can the pro version of Auslagics find and repair the cause of errors 0x80070091 and 0x8007016a?
Oct 22, 2022 at 09:18 PM

windows update slows startups

does this software boostspeed 12 fix the latest update from Microsoft? the 20h k -something that makes startups a lot slower. thanks
Apr 22, 2021 at 02:20 AM

Unwanted sound

A day ago my windows 8.1 laptop started to say a word that sounds like Paul. I was listening to news and it appeared as if scheduled every10 seconds. Now even with no user task running I still hear the word. Any ideas?
Dec 19, 2020 at 09:22 PM


Why do I have to go to the Microsoft Store for Updating to the new version..and have to buy the app before updating to work? I do not use Edge for anything and have Firefox and Chrome as my Browsers. Thank you
Jul 12, 2020 at 10:47 AM

Want the operating system files checked and to be fully operational.

Check to see that all critical and necessary files are completely intact and functional like SFC /Scannow, and any other method you know of, so that when I go to re-install Windows 10 it will go smoothly and without a hitch! An example is that I can no longer use the pin I assigned to windows it just stopped working one day. And I've always had problems with the startup files from all versions of windows. Like my 1st install of windows 10 went bad because of the User.dat files getting corrupted, I couldn't repair windows, and I doubt that I could run restore and it would work. And I don't want to install windows 10 until I know it's going to run correctly.
I do nothing to corrupt files but they always seem to get screwed up by the operating system.

Thanks, L8R

Content hidden to protect privacy

Oct 17, 2019 at 08:07 AM

pc unplugged ac adapter pc shuts down with battery charged at high percentage

my laptop has new battery, but when i unplug the AC adapter my laptop shuts down when it has a high charged percentage battery. how in settings to fix please.. oh, and my battery cannot be taken out in my asus pc
Jul 19, 2019 at 03:46 AM

My system repair data

Dear Auslogics,

I bought your Boostspeed 11 and let it have its way. But now all my system repair data are gone.



J.P. (Jan) Clifford
Aug 26, 2020 at 09:00 PM

cannot open links in OUTLOOK

I cannot open hyperlinks in Outlook. My system is always saying that opening isn't allowed.
Looking to solve that problem with all kind proposals I found on internet doesn't give satisfaction.
(also copying registerkeys from a anotrher computer succeeding to open that kind of links doesn't give the solution)
( all options of the Outlook-program are set as they are on the good-working PC. Also that wasn't giving a solution)

Both PC have Bitdefender Total Protectionb als Virusprotection, so this cannot be the origin of the problem.

Please can you help me : I'm searching to find a solution for more than a full year...

File in attachment : extension .reg was changer in .txt to permit the file to be sended.

Thanks on beforehand !
Jaak Valembois
Jan 12, 2021 at 05:52 PM

werid big files on my D drive

Today I use the disk explorer and found this:
see file.
Idk what is it?
Should I deleat it or keep it?
Apr 13, 2021 at 09:26 PM

Windows Update Error

How do I fix error - 0x800700c1
Jan 05, 2021 at 12:14 AM

password / login recovery to all auto filled sites

sites my broswer automatically logs me in; its not now since I used Auslogics BoostSpeed 11. I need my logins to work when I vists the sites.
Sep 27, 2020 at 05:58 AM

windows product

windows product ID for win 10 Pro is erroneous number as reported in system information

Jul 18, 2019 at 01:47 AM

Windows 10 Update Error Code 0x80070bc9

I haven't been able to update my Laptop running Windows 10 to the most recent update (sent in April 2021). I get an error Windows 10 Update Error Code 0x80070bc9 ... But I used the Windows Troubleshooter in Windows to try and fix it but was unsuccessful.

Do you have a tool to address this and repair Windows Update software or whatever is wrong?

Apr 18, 2021 at 03:31 PM


Please edit a BAT file to clean up the C disk for me.
My Email"

Content hidden to protect privacy
"Thank You Very Much.
I wanna delete"pagefile.sys"

Aug 30, 2019 at 01:57 PM

Updates Inoperative

Windows shows installing but nothing happens.

May 19, 2020 at 10:33 PM

Stop code issues

Dear Sir or Madame,

My unit keeps crashing and indicating stop code: IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL. I have tried every thing I know with no success.

Please help.

Thanking you in advance,

Coach Rod
Nov 16, 2019 at 07:27 PM

Window.old folder

The PC had Update to 2004 Versione, now has the PC ond big 30GB Windows.old folder. why can i the folder delete
Oct 05, 2020 at 07:31 AM

Thumbnail files disappear

After run the Scan and optimize the windows, I found the thumbnail cache files were disappear. How can I recover?
Because I waste much time to open and preview the photos and video thumbnail in Windows Explorer.
And how can I prevent the BoostSpeed delete my thumbnail cache files in my Windows 10 in the future?
Thank you very much!
Apr 18, 2021 at 08:15 AM

key product W10PRO missed

Hi, I have AuslogicsBoostSpeed ​​11 licensed on 3 computers. 2 computers, the oldest, have windows 8.1 PRO. Newer computers have Windows 10 PRO. In the SOFTWARE-SYSTEM INFORMATION-OPERATING SYSTEM section the product key normally appears while on the PC with W10PRO the alphanumeric character string of the product key is covered with the capital B letters. I wanted to know why the code is hidden before it appeared. Thanks for the reply. Alex

Oct 25, 2020 at 05:01 PM

Update windows

I can't update windows on my windows vista machine. Every answer will be estimated.Thank you!
May 26, 2020 at 06:24 PM

Ошибка драйвера

Пожалуйста, подскажите к чему может привести следующая ошибка и можно ли её исправить. ОС Windows 10.

Ошибка драйвера устройства "Intel(R) Management Engine Interface" (вложение файл 1). Запуск этого устройства невозможен (код 10). Аналогичный статус этого устройства показывает Auslogics BoostSpeed 12.

Переустановка драйвера средствами Windows ситуацию не изменила.

Программа Auslogics Driver Updater определила, что все драйверы актуальны (вложение файл 2).
Aug 01, 2021 at 05:00 AM