PC shuts off
There is no Chinese in the language options
Internet speed settings
how do i disable background apps windows 11
Connects but stil doesn't work
indicacion del tiempo de inicio de windows
Me dirijo a usted para preguntarle cómo logro que aparezca la notificacion en pantalla, del tiempo que ha tardado windows 11 en iniciarse.
Gracias, Atentamente:
Francisco José Díaz Álamo
Festplattenbereinigung rückgängig machen
am 10.05 wurde eine Festplattenbereinigung durchgeführt. Dabei wurden Datein gelöscht, die nicht gelöscht werden sollteb. Es fehlen ganze Ordner von Dateinen, die dadurch gelöscht wurden.
Wie kann dieser vorgang wieder rückgängig gemacht werden?
es handelt sich speziell umd den "Download" ordner auf der SSD Festplatte C
"Festplattenbereinigung: Heruntergeladene Dateien"
Alle Daten sind gelöscht undich benötige diese jedoch.
Произвольное обновление страниц после обновления Windows
требуется помощь
Помогите разобраться .
Windows Performance
What should be done?
Task Manager & Auslogics Registry Cleaner
HASP Question...
Q!uestion: Is there any Third Party solution softwares that can allow Xp era USB Dongle security keys to work on Window 11?
Opinion: I think the answer is NO... I look every once in a while to see on the Internet... But since you said I had a question open, I elected to ask you folks...
Comment: If I were to upgrade some of my Dongle licenses, (And,,, keep in mind that some companies went out of business long ago...) the cost would approach over a Half Million Dollars... They want me to purchase their newer version while my older versions work just fine on my Xp computer,,, when I need to run one of those programs... This is what I plan to do going forward, but if there was a way to run on Windows 11, I like to know how and where...
Comment: It is also been a good thing that many current computer software companies that maintain older versions of window fully understand why this is a good idea to contineue to do... I hope Auslogics does this too... I also put in a comment about your latest Driver software that when I tried it last fail to run on Windows 7 Pro... Not good! I am just pointing this out, because it needs to be pointed out...
RunDLL Error Messge keeps popping up
There was a problem starting TaskSchedulerHelper.dll The specified module could not be found.
How can I keep my pc secure
When updates for win 7 stop, how can I keep my computer safe please. I don't want to upgrade. Thanks.
A Game Application
A little advice before running this feature
system windows 8?
How do I change what system it shows? I have always had windows 10 on this computer.
Firewall problem
I just switched my business to a new CRM system ( https://inperium.com/ ) and my firewall conflicts with it, how do I fix it and what is the problem?
Start Up Error
Every time I start up my laptop I get an Error Message:
There was a problem starting xrWCbgnd.dll
The specified module could not be found.
Aktivation not Possibel
I did try to activate the pro version.
Reslult: The product has been activated
But in realatiy is the green botten still here and its not working as should when activated.
Software and websites adding start-up items
acsses denied in changing windows services
i want to install an app update from windows store but i recieve an 0*80070422 and as i searched it heads to a disibled windows update service in windows services panel and i wanted to turn it on and change its status from desibled to automatic but it keeps accsess deniding what should i do plese step by step and im sure about my administrator acssess
exploler.exe ошибка приложения сервиса
ПОДСКАЖИТЕ ЧТО ДЕЛАТЬ я очистил ненужные папки в как вдео иображения музыка перезагрузил ноутбук октрываю проводник жду секунд 10 пишет exploler.exe ошибка сервиса преложения и так каждый файл по типу панели инструментов скажите что делать пожалуйста а то меня мама убьет елси узнает она просто инода заходит в мой ноут и бдет спрашиват что уже бл такое и все пипец мене скажите прошу вас переустановка я оюсь делать это или мне надо вызывать мастера , еще я смотрле в инете что там водишь команду srw /scannow пошло до 84 процента сморю пишут показало есть неисправеные файлы исправил некоторые неисправились перезгрузили комп или ноутбук и появился синий экран оно дошло у меня до 84% и я остановил и я сейчас НЕЗНАЮ ЧТО ДЕЛАТЬ СКАЖТЕ ПОЖАЛУЙСТА ЧТО ДЕЛАТЬ ПРОШУУУ ВАС ОТ ВСЕГО СЕРДЦА
High System Resource Messages with my laptop causes Chrome Browser freezing.
Update error message
Wana know how to change additional calendar
hello there , how to change additional calendar for windows 10 ? i need to change this chinese additional to persian (iran) ,, thxxxx