890 questions

Обновление системы до Windows 11

Добрый вечер!
У меня на компьютере (Lenovo) установлен Windows 10. Хочу узнать о возможности обнолвения системы до 11-й версии.
Данные по установленной системе прикрепляю ниже.

Процессор Intel(R) Pentium(R) CPU 3550M @ 2.30GHz 2.29 GHz
Оперативная память 4,00 ГБ
Код устройства B163B430-1A77-467D-95BC-BD09D727957A
Код продукта 00327-60000-00000-AA544
Тип системы 64-разрядная операционная система, процессор x64
Выпуск Windows 10 Домашняя для одного языка
Версия 22H2
Дата установки ‎26.‎11.‎2021
Сборка ОС 19045.4046
Взаимодействие Windows Feature Experience Pack 1000.19053.1000.0

Если такая возможность присутствует, прошу описать подробный алгоритм действий по обновлению системы.

Mar 07, 2024 at 04:47 PM

creazione cartelle su desktop

dopo aver installato questo programma ed eseguito alcune operazioni, non c'è più "Nuova cartella" col tasto destro del mouse. Ho provato anche col ripristino, ma non riesco più a creare nuove cartelle sul mio PC. come posso fare?
Mar 07, 2024 at 10:16 AM

Continuous self opening replication of 'my files' or 'This PC' files

Hello. I am finding that everytime I start my pc laptop, without prompting, it begins to endlessly open new files from the 'This PC' or the 'My files' folders.
I have run every manner of BoostSpeed 13 tools, and checked updates which may have 'upset the apple cart', but I fairly ignorant of this stuff and it has got me 'stuffed' !
Any suggestions please. ? TIA
Mar 07, 2024 at 04:28 AM

Your software seems to have stopped my search from working

Hi, I ran you softwarre to clean up my computer using the default settings. Shortly after I noticed my search was not working. I checked Search in the WIndows setting and found it was indexing my computer. It is partially indexed but appears to be stopping and starting. I cannot search with Windows Explorer or inside Outlook. Both give a result of nothing found. I found one of your actions was related to indexing and I restored this. However it is still the same. How do I fix this?

Mar 06, 2024 at 01:45 AM

Frames per second

How much can this laptop run fps wise?
Feb 27, 2024 at 07:45 AM

Open Desktop icons

When I click on my Desktop Icons "Documents-Shortcut"or "Pictures-Shortcut" they will not open. How can I fix that? I was unable to load "Documents-Shortcut" or "Pictures-Shortcut" to the "Add files:" below. Thank you.
Joe McCormick
Feb 22, 2024 at 04:04 PM

Screen Saver Retreval

After a through clening I seem to have lost the screen saver prompt. The program is there and working - but it does not turn on when directed. How do I rescue the code that seems to be lost?
Feb 18, 2024 at 11:47 PM


When I startup my laptop it takes more than seconds before my mouse-cursor appears. It must have happened after tweaking with Auslogics Boostspeed .
Feb 15, 2024 at 12:03 PM

Sprache deutsch

Gibt es das Handbuch auch in Deutsch?
Wie kann ich die bezahlte version von Auslogics BoostSpeed 13 auf meinen Computer downloaden?
Feb 14, 2024 at 05:16 PM

sobre boost speed 13

Descargué la versión gratuita de boost speed 13, el problema es que cuando hize que analizará mi pc había una parte que ponía "desfragmentación de disco" lo cual es malo porque mi pc lleva ssd y desfragmentar es malo para los ssd, desinstalé el programa porque después que analizará mi pc y solucionará los problemas encontrados no vi diferencia de rendimiento.
Feb 11, 2024 at 08:23 PM

исчез диск

при помощи вашей программы я запустил сканирование компьютера. После окончания сканирования ваша программа предложила исправить "недостатки" системы. После этого у меня исчез внутренний диск D со всей инфомацией. Как такое может быть? И что мне сделать чтобы всё восстановить обратно. Спасибо.
Feb 11, 2024 at 06:28 PM

Safe scanning

Is there a global 'safe scan' setting in RC10?
Feb 11, 2024 at 06:26 PM

user-defined mode

I apologize if my translation program, even if it is one of the best, makes mistakes.
I would like to speed up my PC. There is no real profile in Auslogistics BoostSpeed 13. I have to exclude the use for games from the outset. None are installed. At least not consciously. In addition to normal office programs from Office 365, I often use the Internet for research purposes and have the complete Adobe package from CreativeCloud. I have now noticed very often that my PC freezes or that memory capacities are probably fully utilized. But I can't see any evidence or the cause anywhere. I copy the PC data here at the end. I would very much like to be able to work according to my configuration again. The Windows energy-saving mode is set to off.

Gerätename DidisTurbo
Prozessor 12th Gen Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-12700KF 3.60 GHz
Installierter RAM 32,0 GB (31,8 GB verwendbar)
Geräte-ID C2B4ADDA-869D-40DF-B2CE-40F87E67FB5E
Produkt-ID 00330-80000-00000-AA179
Systemtyp 64-Bit-Betriebssystem, x64-basierter Prozessor
Stift- und Toucheingabe Unterstützung für Stifteingabe

Edition Windows 11 Pro
Version 23H2
Installiert am ‎02.‎01.‎2024
Betriebssystembuild 22635.3140
Leistung Windows Feature Experience Pack 1000.22686.1000.0
Feb 10, 2024 at 03:00 PM


Hack keep coming after all 4 pc.s an will not stopan wriying code to stop all types of functions. Just look back over last few weeks an you will see what your product is deleting from my hard drives. Then you can address your way of dealing with this person.

hacker keeps repeatly
Feb 07, 2024 at 09:17 PM


If infected, how to get rid of it, probably trojan
Feb 05, 2024 at 06:36 AM

Pc Speed is slow compared to other devices


Recently I have noticed that my PC internet speed has drastically gone down. Every other device in the house has speeds of around 65mb upload speed. Yet my PC is around 6mb

I have tried disconecting ethernet cable and just connecting to the wifi but thats just as slow. I have also tried doing a network reset and that did not work. Every interent page used to be instant and now it really lags. I cannot do any online work until this is fixed.
Can you give me a list of things to try I am using windows 10
Feb 02, 2024 at 09:33 PM

Win 11 start-up

My computer HP 25L speed is good.
However start-up takes forever. wheel turns over 50 times
Jan 27, 2024 at 03:36 PM

How to uninstall and reinstall Edge

Edge is not working. Tried to repair it through Settings but still won't work. How do I uninstall it and then re-install?
Jan 26, 2024 at 09:28 AM

System slow

System very slow and a lot of "program/application not responding"
Jan 25, 2024 at 05:22 AM


c:\users\ольга\appdata\local\microsoft\windowc\setingback up\20240120.215638\lo MidHost.exe постоянно выскакивает, как от этой программы избавиться
Jan 21, 2024 at 11:58 AM

Boot Speed, or Restart Speed

The main reason I bought this program was to help increase my boot speed. it's 4 minutes and 15 seconds. After running the Pro version of the program the boot speed is still the same. I deselected a bunch of items in the startup screen and it's still the same. I don't understand why it takes so long. Please help.I'm not sure if this is a windows question or a software question. thanks. Paul
Feb 11, 2021 at 04:14 PM

Обновление Windows (системы безопасности) появляется синий экран

При загрузке и установки обновлений виндовз (Windows Update) появляется синий экран смерти. Я вынужден отключить Windows Update и уже больше двух месяцев не выключаю ноутбук (не перезагружаю).
Как установить обновления что б не было экрана смерти?

Jan 01, 2021 at 09:23 AM

Ma webcam ne fonctionne plus

Suite à des modifications de BootSpeed, la webcam de mon ASUS VivoBook Pro 17 N705FD ne fonctionne plus.
Elle a commencé à se mettre en 4/6, puis elle est maintenant déconnectée !
J'ai désinstallé le programme et coché l'option "restaurer les changements éffectués", mais cela n'a pas résolu le problème.
Best regards,
Jul 16, 2021 at 08:38 AM

Eliminar una partición creada por Windows

Mi laptop HP tiene una memoria de 120GB. De los cuales hay una partición llamada HP_RECOVERY (G) que ocupa 21GB.
Cuando adquirí la laptop traía el Windows 7, ahora tiene el Windows 10.
Todo el disco duro lo uso para instalar software, no hay archivos de ningún tipo almacenados excepto los del sistema y de las aplicaciones que tengo instaladas.
Todos los datos de otro tipo (básicamente imagenes),los manejo a través de discos duros externos.
Deseo eliminar la partición (G) con el fin de abrir más espacio en el disco duro de la laptop, ¿Es posible?
Feb 24, 2021 at 10:40 PM

The networks are not displayed

The networks are not displayed after the last winoes 10 update 21H1
Oct 15, 2021 at 07:19 PM

удалённый рабочий стол

работает локальная сеть ,но невозможно подклключить удалённый рабочий стол.
Oct 20, 2019 at 11:06 AM

Very long time to load the computer! HElp!

can you help me please, I have a laptop that takes a long time to load please help me

May 17, 2020 at 07:40 AM

will this make my pc as fast as it was when i powered it up for the 1st time?

will this make my pc as fast as it was when i powered it up for the 1st time? - will boost speed 12 pro resolve this issue?

when i turn my pc on it takes like 30 sec to get to the windows screen where it use to take less than 3 seconds - will boost speed 12 pro resolve this issue?

my pc seems to lag and slow down while having multiple programs open and running at the same time where when it use to not do this. - will boost speed 12 pro resolve this issue?

internet speed seems extreamly lower than ususal - will boost speed 12 pro resolve this issue?

auslogics driver updater shows the same driver needing updating over and over like its not doing its job - why is this?? - does the program not work??? - will boost speed 12 pro resolve this issue?
Jul 31, 2021 at 02:51 PM


Добрый вечер! Сегодня завис компютер и никак не отвисал, пока не выключил с кнопки, совсем недавно была установлена система и диск ссд

Dec 12, 2020 at 04:01 PM


How to prove my performance specifically that mu processor is from type U
my device is : core i 7 8th gen
ram 8 GB
hard HDD 1TB
hard SSD 500 GB
Oct 22, 2020 at 01:46 AM

Activate My Windows for Free

How do I activate my Windows for free or update it?
Nov 06, 2021 at 01:17 PM

Error 15

How to fix "Access Denied Error 15 This request was blocked by the security rules" in Windows 10 Pro with Edge browser?

The date and time information for this PC is correct.
I am not using any Proxy or VPN for my internet connections.
I am NOT able to access this website with Windows 10 Pro PC using the Google Chrome browser
I am able to access this website with another Windows 10 Pro PC using the Google Chrome or the Edge browser
Jun 08, 2021 at 05:50 PM

Perfomance for...

How can I optimize Windows for GTA V for maximum performance?

May 27, 2020 at 04:35 PM

please solve driver problem

my computer show unknown device please solve driver problem

Dec 10, 2019 at 02:05 PM

Boostspeed Background Optimization


I have been using boostspeed for almost an year now and I am a free user. It is all good but my only question is that should i let boostpeed run in backgroung and windows startup? Does Boostspeed optimize my pc in the backgroung when I enable this option? These processes take up a lot of memory. And also does boostspeed perfomance monitor optimize the pc in backgroung ?

Jun 15, 2021 at 04:15 PM


I have lost my icons on the desktop!
Oct 08, 2020 at 02:28 AM


how to enable switching mode?

Dec 28, 2020 at 07:58 AM

printer problem

Can you tell me why on my desktop, it show my default printer is Pixma series 5600. On my wife's laptop id shows Pixma series 5600WS?
Jul 18, 2021 at 12:10 PM

mise a jour de fonctionalité vers windows 10 version 20H2 bloque a 61%

Je veux desinstalle Conexant Smart Audio HD qui est supposé creer ce probleme.
Le désinstalleur de Boostspeed ne le troive pas.
POurriez vous me donner une suggestion?
Aug 05, 2021 at 11:19 AM

Problem Solution

In the "check for updates" section, i have a message in red "Your device is missing important security and quality fixes" and when i click on "check for updates", the installing remains 0% and so i want to kmow how to solve this problem.
Jun 13, 2021 at 06:33 AM