when i watch a clip on youtube or facebok ...it often restarts the clip and in most cases it starts from the beginning ...,help pls
wakeup problems
I used to just move the mouse in the morning to wake it up, but not now.
I now have to open lid to wake it up and monitor shows large icons, clicking on Firefox gives a screen too big to use.
I then close lid to get the smaller icons that are usable.
Hitting the WIN key + P and choosing second screen only also fixes the icon size problem.
I went through all the 'wakeup' fixes I could find but to no avail.
There is a small chance this is a cat problem, I have several.
Any suggestions?
subcategory choices makes me think "windows" was wrong category to choose.
Server use
It seems to run perfectly according our testings on our spare server, but can it be considered as a suitable program?
We have searched internet and we did not find any registry cleaner, especially designed for servers.
Best Regards
Angelos Diakoumakos
hard drive chattering all the time win 10 pro ?????
Power options gone
I entered a code to CMD and all my power plans resetted.The ones which auslogics set also gone the preset power plans.And when I set balanced again I have also have no slider on the battery icon to change it to left to battery save or right to better performance.
Now I have left with no power plans of auslogics and ultimate is gone too.Can I get them back or how ?
Can I get back my old battery icon slider when in balanced mode ?
Can I fix the closing the lid action and make laptop sleep when i close it ?
HDD 100% in Task Manager
У меня проблема с работоспособностью компьютера.
Загруженность диска 100% в диспетчере задач.
Обновлял драйвера черед Ваш Driver Updater, после чего компьютер стал дольше выполнять задачи.
Выполнил восстановление.
Запустил BoostSpeed13.
Вроде бы получилось настроить, и когда компьютер простаивает, то значения не поднимаются до 100%.
Но тем не менее, значения принимают, при выполнении задач.
Ищу решение по этому вопросу.
С уважением,
frequent log offs
transfert photos depuis icloud
depuis ce matin quand je telecharge mes photos depuis icloud elles sont dans un format different
extension heic
et je n'arrive plus a les lire
please i want to have a french answer ty
Fonction "rechercher dans" en haut à droite des fenêtres windows 10
Boostspeed Benachrichtigungsanzeigen
ich möchte gerne nach jedem Starten oder Neustarten meines PCs (Win10 Enterprise LTSC) angezeigt bekommen, wie lange das Starten dauerte. Diese Benachrichtigung wird mir bisher nur manchmal angezeigt oder wenn ich Boostspeed nach dem Hochfahren selbst starte; aber auch dann dauert es eine Weile, bis die Benachrifhtigung erscheint und auch hier erscheint sie nur manchmal.
Zudem möchte ich bitte gerne wissen, welche Taskscheduler und Hintergrundaufgaben von Microsoft Corporation ich im Auslogics Boostspeed Startup Manager deaktivieren kann, sodass das Windows dennoch fehlerfrei läuft; habt ihr hierfür eine "Pauschale"?
Vielen Dank vorab für eure Mithilfe.
Freundlichst, Wayseer
Driver Updater
mcafee popouts stupid
re windows 10 not updating from 1909 to 22H2.
I have gone through all the suggestions. Update assistant ,Media creation tool,Update troubleshooter , resetting windows update components and still get the error: initiation failed during First-Boot phase at Migrate-Data.
USB bootable disk also did not succeed. I have disabled all periferals , ran fksdsk, restore health, checked that all drivers are up to date etc.. and still get the same error.
Error messages from windows logs : Error Essent 455 Loggin/Recovery. Error Security center 17 None. Error Application error 1000 Application crashing Events. Error Security-SPP 16385 None. These occur multiple times in the log file.
I also disabled Firewall and anti virus software, all to no avail.
Any idea what else I might try ?
update not completing
I get updates to Windows 22H2 which ofcourse don't succeed.
Why do i get updates for a version I don't have? and is it possible to update to 22H2 ?
If not , what are the options dealing with an out of date windows version. My PC is not Windows 11 compatible.
O sistema foi atualizado compulsoriamente pela Microsoft para o win 11.
How can I keep my pc secure
When updates for win 7 stop, how can I keep my computer safe please. I don't want to upgrade. Thanks.
Software and websites adding start-up items
exploler.exe ошибка приложения сервиса
ПОДСКАЖИТЕ ЧТО ДЕЛАТЬ я очистил ненужные папки в как вдео иображения музыка перезагрузил ноутбук октрываю проводник жду секунд 10 пишет exploler.exe ошибка сервиса преложения и так каждый файл по типу панели инструментов скажите что делать пожалуйста а то меня мама убьет елси узнает она просто инода заходит в мой ноут и бдет спрашиват что уже бл такое и все пипец мене скажите прошу вас переустановка я оюсь делать это или мне надо вызывать мастера , еще я смотрле в инете что там водишь команду srw /scannow пошло до 84 процента сморю пишут показало есть неисправеные файлы исправил некоторые неисправились перезгрузили комп или ноутбук и появился синий экран оно дошло у меня до 84% и я остановил и я сейчас НЕЗНАЮ ЧТО ДЕЛАТЬ СКАЖТЕ ПОЖАЛУЙСТА ЧТО ДЕЛАТЬ ПРОШУУУ ВАС ОТ ВСЕГО СЕРДЦА
A Game Application
Aktivation not Possibel
I did try to activate the pro version.
Reslult: The product has been activated
But in realatiy is the green botten still here and its not working as should when activated.
A little advice before running this feature
acsses denied in changing windows services
i want to install an app update from windows store but i recieve an 0*80070422 and as i searched it heads to a disibled windows update service in windows services panel and i wanted to turn it on and change its status from desibled to automatic but it keeps accsess deniding what should i do plese step by step and im sure about my administrator acssess
Start Up Error
Every time I start up my laptop I get an Error Message:
There was a problem starting xrWCbgnd.dll
The specified module could not be found.
Update error message
system windows 8?
How do I change what system it shows? I have always had windows 10 on this computer.
Firewall problem
I just switched my business to a new CRM system ( https://inperium.com/ ) and my firewall conflicts with it, how do I fix it and what is the problem?
Wana know how to change additional calendar
hello there , how to change additional calendar for windows 10 ? i need to change this chinese additional to persian (iran) ,, thxxxx