1444 questions
проблема с загрузкой
Здравствуйте У меня такая проблема очень медленно грузится ноутбук уже давно Приглашал мастера 1.5 года назад но попался компьюрный мошенник Он сказал сначала что у меня сильно поврежден жеский диск и нужно попробовать его восстановить Когда я спросил о цене он ушел от ответа и если это выйдет то потом продолжить дальше Он загружал какую то программу для восстановления и спустя где то часа сказал что диск восстановлен и нужно переустановить Windows Я даже не знал что новая установка снесет все нужные мне программы а у меня даже не было их копий Я согласился раз надо так надо Когда он сделал переустановку и установил 3-4 программы сказал что все сделал Япроверил да дествительно загрука стала быстрая и спросил сколько я должен Он начал заполнять какой-то договор и насчитал 27190 руб Я был в шоке и сказал что уменя столько нет и почему вы сразу мне не сказали во сколько мне выйдет ремонт Ябы никогда бы не согласился на такой ремонт Мастер сразу преобразилсяи из доброго услужливого превратился в холодного жесткого дельца Стал просто давить и вымогать деньги Я долго с ним спорил отдал сколько у меня было всю пенсию 12000 руб и еще я ему буду должен 8000 руб То есть он мне сделал скидку в 7000 руб Потом уже в Интернете я нашел что так разводят стариков на деньги компьютерные мошенники Через месяца 2-3 все вернулось обратно и ноутбук стал по прежнему медленно грузиться Теперь я боюсь вызывать каких то мастеров боюсь что опять меня обманут Скажите каким образом мне можно помочь чтобы была быстрая загрузка
I am having issues with windows 11 pro not going to sleep (even with settings for it set), it takes me 2 times selecting the sleep button for it to enter sleep mode. I have it set to sleep after 20 minutes of inactivity but with no avail.
снижение пинга
Доброго времени суток!
Нужна помощь в снижении пинга в сети.
После прогона internet optimizer пинг по прежнему остается высоким на разных серверах (в районе 200-300ms)
Есть ли возможность сделать что либо еще?
Нужна помощь в снижении пинга в сети.
После прогона internet optimizer пинг по прежнему остается высоким на разных серверах (в районе 200-300ms)
Есть ли возможность сделать что либо еще?
Display and touchpad
i cannot go to night light and lower the blue light and my touchpad stopped fiunctioning ,
Duplicate fiel search on networked drive
I have a Netgear ReadyNAS 104 running v 6.10.9 with SMB, NFS and FTP services running. I seek a duplicate file app to reduce the number of duplicate files on the networked backup device folders. These folders are primarily PC backups of user files, like docs, pics and music. I can also access these files using Windows File Explorer with a mapped network drive.
Does Auslogic have a product that will do this? PC is WIndows 11 Pro. Nwtwork is wired and with a L2 managed gigabit switch using DHCP and static addresses. Looking to aviod downloading backup folders to a Windows PC and using a duplciate file app then uploading back to the NAS.
Does Auslogic have a product that will do this? PC is WIndows 11 Pro. Nwtwork is wired and with a L2 managed gigabit switch using DHCP and static addresses. Looking to aviod downloading backup folders to a Windows PC and using a duplciate file app then uploading back to the NAS.
Recordig Audio
I would like to record audio from my turntable (Line level) to my Dell 5567 Laptop. The only Recording device that windows detects (listed in the "Recording" tab of the "Sound" dialogue box) is "Microphone" Obviously I don't want to use Microphone as the Recording device.
I would like to use the 3.5mm Jack Speaker/Headphone socket as the Recording input device, but although it is listed as a Playback device, it is not listed as a Recording device.
I would like to use the 3.5mm Jack Speaker/Headphone socket as the Recording input device, but although it is listed as a Playback device, it is not listed as a Recording device.
i have updated the first driver in the list of drivers to be updated many times, why does it continue to on the list.
i update drivers 2 or 3 times a day but the list doesn't get any shorter,why.
?????.tmp.exe files needing to be blocked daily
Every day after Windows startup I see a privacy warning from my antivirus software (Trend Micro Maximum Security) that one or more new files in C:\Users\<user>\AppData\Local\Temp is trying to access my C: drive, as it is protected against ransom attack by the antivirus software, and offering to block it.
The files being blocked are all of a certain type, ending .tmp.exe. File properties reveal them to be "7-Zip Standalone Console" files, and are executable.
For instance:
Are you able to tell me what this executable is doing in the background? I am suspicious of it.
(I cannot add an exe file to this submission)
The files being blocked are all of a certain type, ending .tmp.exe. File properties reveal them to be "7-Zip Standalone Console" files, and are executable.
For instance:
Are you able to tell me what this executable is doing in the background? I am suspicious of it.
(I cannot add an exe file to this submission)
license keys
If I were to buy the 3-pack of license keys, would I be able to use them over the course of three years? It says "1 year, 3 keys", but I don't know if they each expire a year after purchase or if they expire a year after they are used. For example, if I bought the keys, would I be able to use one key every year, using the three keys over the course of three years, or would I have to buy another 3-pack every year?
everytime i Click ON ONE FOLDER tO OPEN All OTHER FoldERS are activatED. thE uSUAl ANSWER oN GOOGLE iNVOLVING EXPLORER FILE OPTIONS DOES NOT WORK. also as you can see the shift key doesn't work
Recovery points
I have windows 11, and Auslogics, but cannot locate the reovery points in either.
How does one locate, to use if necessary?
How does one locate, to use if necessary?
laptop is shutting down 30 sec
Let me tell you that I am satisfied with the performance of the BostSpeed 13. Great Job.
I run the program, and everything is fine. The speed of the PC is unbelievable.
Except that, why does the laptop shut down 30 sec later under the electricity power and does not shut down when it is on battery power supply? Following the startup with battery I insert the plug of the electricity power and everting is running correctly. The matter is under electricity power plug in start up.
What can be the problem?
Looking forward for your answers,
PC Details:
C: SSD 250GB
Let me tell you that I am satisfied with the performance of the BostSpeed 13. Great Job.
I run the program, and everything is fine. The speed of the PC is unbelievable.
Except that, why does the laptop shut down 30 sec later under the electricity power and does not shut down when it is on battery power supply? Following the startup with battery I insert the plug of the electricity power and everting is running correctly. The matter is under electricity power plug in start up.
What can be the problem?
Looking forward for your answers,
PC Details:
C: SSD 250GB
Smart Card Device Enumeration Serviceが「停止中…」と表示され、ICカードリーダー使用できない。ICカードリーダー自体はデバイスマネージャーで「CIR215 PICC」と表示され、「正常に動作しています」の状態です。コマンドラインからtaskkillで強制終了して再実行をしても、すぐに停止中でフリーズしてしまいます。
no moving
I would like to move files (pictures) from an internal SSD to an external HDD. It is not possible: I receve error code 0x80070079.
I have Win 10 on my laptop and everything seems working properly so far.
thank you,
I would like to move files (pictures) from an internal SSD to an external HDD. It is not possible: I receve error code 0x80070079.
I have Win 10 on my laptop and everything seems working properly so far.
thank you,
Jabra Speak 710
I have a Jabra Speak 710, connected through a Jabra Link 380 bluetooth device.
My computer (Thinkpad, with Windows 10 Pro Version 22H2) does not recognize the speaker as a sound device.
When connected to the computer through the USB cable, the speaker is visible in the catagory Other Devices iso Audio Devices.
The speaker and the link are working fine on another computer of mine, and also on my smartphone.
I reached out to Jabra support, they have helped me resetting the firmware, removing and reconnecting the device etc. but nothing works. I even got a new speaker from them, but still no change.
The problem started after installing an update of a driver. Undoing the update did not help.
I have even done a full re-installation of Windows, which has removed all customized settings, but problem still persists.
When starting up the computer, there is a very brief connect with the speaker (the speaker says : "PC connected"), but immediately followed by a disconnect (the speaker says : "PC disconnected")
I think there is an entry in the registry that prevents connecting with the speaker, but I am not able to identify it.
My computer (Thinkpad, with Windows 10 Pro Version 22H2) does not recognize the speaker as a sound device.
When connected to the computer through the USB cable, the speaker is visible in the catagory Other Devices iso Audio Devices.
The speaker and the link are working fine on another computer of mine, and also on my smartphone.
I reached out to Jabra support, they have helped me resetting the firmware, removing and reconnecting the device etc. but nothing works. I even got a new speaker from them, but still no change.
The problem started after installing an update of a driver. Undoing the update did not help.
I have even done a full re-installation of Windows, which has removed all customized settings, but problem still persists.
When starting up the computer, there is a very brief connect with the speaker (the speaker says : "PC connected"), but immediately followed by a disconnect (the speaker says : "PC disconnected")
I think there is an entry in the registry that prevents connecting with the speaker, but I am not able to identify it.
Recovering Deleted Files
How do I recover my delted One Drive files that were deleted when I upograded to Pro Vestion 13
Ok Its not Store but Log in Activity..
Ok ..so Ill just tell my problem: I started getting unsuccessful access tries constantly for mm a year ,it wassnt like that before, and i dont know from where or why.. my Mobile? But some are from Firefox and i dont have it anywhere anymore Have you seen something like this before? I have a picture ..screenshot
You said: Im NOT doing it.. ..i think Automatic? From where ..my mobile But why?! How.. Wifi is off there "all the time"
You said:
Im NOT doing it.. ..i think Automatic? From where ..my mobile But why?! How.. Wifi is off there "all the time"
Thank you far any insight.. Regards, Mitja
You said: Im NOT doing it.. ..i think Automatic? From where ..my mobile But why?! How.. Wifi is off there "all the time"
You said:
Im NOT doing it.. ..i think Automatic? From where ..my mobile But why?! How.. Wifi is off there "all the time"
Thank you far any insight.. Regards, Mitja